168 research outputs found

    Inflammation and energy metabolism in obesity: the search for biomarkers and novel therapeutic strategies.

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    L'obesitat representa un greu problema de salut. Una de les seves comorbiditats més importants és la malaltia no alcohòlica del fetge gras que s'associa amb una alta morbiditat i mortalitat. Un mètode no invasiu per al diagnòstic d'aquesta malaltia milloraria l'atenció clínica i la metabolòmica ha sorgit com una poderosa eina per a la cerca de nous biomarcadors. En aquesta línia, mitjançant un estudi metabolòmic proposem al a-cetoglutarat com un nou biomarcador; la quantificació d'aquest biomarcador pot potenciar la recerca de nous enfocaments terapèutics, disminuir la necessitat d'una biòpsia de fetge i els seus inconvenients i pot ser útil en l'avaluació de la progressió d'aquesta malaltia hepàtica. La ingesta d'energia excessiva molt comú en el nostre dia a dia, altera l'homeòstasi metabòlica i condueix a un estat inflamatori crònic, que té un paper important en el desenvolupament de malalties com l'obesitat i la malaltia no alcohòlica del fetge gras. Per aquesta raó, l'avaluació del paper de la inflamació crònica en models animals alimentats amb una dieta rica en greix podria suggerir noves estratègies terapèutiques. En aquest sentit, hem desenvolupat un ratolí transgènic que sobreexpressa CCL2 en tots els teixits. Aquest estudi va contribuir al coneixement sobre la relació entre la inflamació i el metabolisme i va suggerir una sèrie de preguntes per a futurs estudis. Finalment i per tal de determinar si els efectes nocius causats per una sobreexpressió de CCL2 combinada amb un excés d'energia es poden contrarestar per l'absència de CCR2, vam generar un altre model animal que sobreexpressa CCL2 però que a la vegada és deficient per CCR2. Els resultats van demostrar que els trastorns metabòlics observats en el model transgènic eren revertits per la inhibició de la funció biològica de l'eix CCL2/CCR2. D’aquesta manera els moduladors de CCR2 podrien convertir-se en nous agents terapèutics.La obesidad es un grave problema de salud. Una de sus comorbididades más importantes es la enfermedad hepática no alcohólica (EHNA) y se asocia con una alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Por ello, un método no invasivo para el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad mejoraría la atención clínica y la metabolómica ha surgido como una poderosa herramienta para la búsqueda de biomarcadores. Mediante un estudio metabólomico proponemos al a-cetoglutarato como un nuevo biomarcador, la quantificación de este biomarcador puede potenciar la búsqueda de nuevos enfoques terapéuticos, disminuir la necesidad de una biopsia de hígado y puede ser útil en la evaluación de la progresión de esta enfermedad. La ingesta de energía excesiva muy común en nuestro día a día, altera la homeostasis metabólica y conduce a un estado inflamatorio crónico, que tiene un papel importante en el desarrollo de enfermedades como la obesidad y la EHNA. Por esta razón, la evaluación del papel de la inflamación crónica en modelos animales alimentados con una dieta rica en grasa podría sugerir nuevas estrategias terapéuticas. Por ello, hemos desarrollado un ratón transgénico que sobreexpresa CCL2 en todos los tejidos. Éste estudio contribuyó al conocimiento sobre la relación entre la inflamación y el metabolismo y sugirió una serie de preguntas para futuros estudios. Por último y con el fin de determinar si los efectos nocivos causados por una sobreexpresión de CCL2 combinada con un exceso de energía se pueden contrarrestar por la ausencia de CCR2, creamos otro modelo animal que sobreexpresa CCL2 pero que a la vez deficiente para CCR2. Los resultados demostraron que los trastornos metabólicos observados en los ratones transgénicos eran contrarestados por la inhibición de la función biológica del eje CCL2/CCR2. De este modo los moduladores CCR2 podrían convertirse en nuevos agentes terapéuticos.Obesity severely affects human health, and the accompanying non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with high morbidity and mortality. For this reason, a non-invasive method to detect this liver impairment may substantially improve clinical care and metabolomics has emerged as a powerful tool for discovering novel biomarkers. Accordingly, using metabolomics approaches, we propose plasma a-ketoglutarate as a novel biomarker for the detection of NAFLD. The measurement of this biomarker may potentiate the search for novel therapeutic approaches, may decrease the need for liver biopsy overcoming its drawbacks and may be useful in the assessment of disease progression. Furthermore, the excessive energy intake, that nowadays is a part of current human lifestyle, alters metabolic homeostasis and leads to a state of low-grade inflammations which has an important role in the development of diseases such as obesity and NAFLD. For this reason, the assessment of the role of chronic inflammation in animal models fed an energy surplus could suggest novel therapeutic strategies for the management. In this way, we generated a targeted CCL2 transgenic mouse which overexpresses CCL2 in all tissue which contributed to the knowledge about the relationship between inflammation and metabolism and suggested a number of mechanistic questions for future study. Finally, in order to determine if the deleterious metabolic effects caused by a continuous and ubiquitous expression of CCL2 combined with energy surplus can be counteract by the absence of CCR2, we created a CCL2 overexpressor but, at the same time, CCR2 knock-out mouse. Results of this study suggested that all metabolic disturbances observed in transgenic mice which overexpress CCL2 could be reverted by the inhibition of CCL2/CCR2 axis biologic function. All this information could be really important to establish CCR2 modulators as a new class of therapeutic agents to the management of metabolic disease

    La tecnología educativa como recurso para la educación emocional

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    El trabajo que se presenta a continuación recoge un estudio de casos dentro de dos aulas de Educación Infantil de niños y niñas de 3 años de un centro concertado de Málaga. El objetivo de la intervención fue comparar y analizar la satisfacción docente respecto al uso de las nuevas tecnologías para trabajar la educación emocional dentro el aula. Para ello en una de las clases se trabajaron las emociones a través de las TIC mientras que sin embargo, en la otra, se utilizó el método tradicional. Antes de empezar con el caso, durante el mismo y tras realizar diversas actividades en ambas aulas y observar holísticamente el proceso de cada uno de los grupos se realizó una entrevista a las tutoras de cada uno de ellos las cuales por un lado mostraron no solo la importancia sino también la necesidad de trabajar la educación emocional en el aula desde la etapa de Educación infantil y por otro lado señalaron la motivación que supone para los alumnos y alumnas el incluir las TIC para ello.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Family Council From A Cultural Approach: the case of eastern european countries

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    The family council is a formal mechanism of the family governance in family businesses that aims to give a voice to all members of the family, and to unify the interests of all members. These interests are identified with the purpose of the family, necessary to achieve a long-term legacy, and the sustainability of the company. However, the establishment of the family council is a topic that is still at an incipient stage, both in the literature and for practitioners, so our contribution advances the understanding of family governance within the sphere of family businesses culture and context. For that purpose, we rely on two cultural indexes widely accepted in the literature. We have taken Hofstede’s dimensions and CAGE Distance Framework to explain the establishment of a family council in family businesses settled on the Eastern European countries. The prevailing culture in these countries defines the values and behaviors of their social organizations, namely, the family. The joint study of Hofstede’s dimensions and of the cultural, administrative, and economic differences in the Eastern European countries (CAGE framework) sheds light on how, when and why to establish a family council. This research opens a new field in the intersectional study of culture as an element of sociology and family business in the field of family governance. In advancing this line of research, multilevel analysis through case studies would confirm the coincidence of national values, with individual characteristics. Keywords: Family business, family council, organizational culture, eastern countrie

    IL-7/IL-7R gene variants impact circulating IL-7/IL-7R homeostasis and ART-associated immune recovery status

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    Immune recovery; HIV; Interleukin 7Recuperación inmunológica; VIH; Interleucina 7Recuperació immunològica; VIH; Interleucina 7A relationship between polymorphisms in genes encoding interleukin 7 (IL-7) and its cellular receptor (IL-7R) and antiretroviral therapy (ART)-associated immune recovery in HIV subjects has been previously reported. However, details of this relationship remain unclear, and the association of these polymorphisms with circulating IL-7/IL-7R levels is scarce. Here, we explored whether IL-7/IL-7R axis was associated with quantitative CD4+ T-cell recovery in HIV-infected subjects. IL-7/IL-7R polymorphisms were assessed by genotyping, and multiple inheritance models were used to estimate both, their association with low pre-ART CD4+ T-cell counts and incomplete immune recovery status after 48 weeks of suppressive ART. Integrated data from genetic variants association and soluble plasma IL-7/IL-7R quantification suggest that IL-7/IL-7R genotype expression could alter the homeostatic balance between soluble and membrane-bound receptors. The haplotype analyses indicates that allele combinations impacts pre-ART circulating CD4+ T-cell counts, immune recovery status and the absolute increment of CD4+ T-cell counts. The knowledge about how IL-7/IL-7R axis is related to quantitative CD4+ T-cell recovery and immune recovery status after initiating ART could be useful regarding T-cell reservoirs investigations in HIV subjects.This work was supported by the Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria [PI10/02635, PI13/0796, PI14/1693, PI16/00503, PI16/00684, PI19/01337]-ISCIII-FEDER; Programa de Suport als Grups de Recerca AGAUR (2014SGR250, 2017SGR948); Gilead Fellowship Program GLD14/293 and GLD17/00299; The SPANISH AIDS Research Network [RD12/0017/0005, RD16/0025/0002, RD16/0025/0006, RD16/0025/0019, RD16/0025/0020]-ISCIII-FEDER (Spain) and Consejeria de Economia, Innovacion, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucia (Proyecto de Investigacion de Excelencia; CTS2593). FV is supported by grants from the Programa de Intensificacion de Investigadores (INT15/226)-ISCIII. YMP and ERM are supported by the Servicio Andaluz de Salud through Programa Nicolas Monardes (C-0013/17 and C-0032/17, respectively). E.R-M was also supported by Programa Miguel Servet ISCIII, FEDER, CPII014/00025. AR is supported by a grant from the Accio Instrumental d'incorporacio de cientifics i tecnolegs (PERIS SLT002/16/00101), Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (Acciones de caracter internacional "Europa Investigacion"; EUIN2017-89297), Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. We are also grateful to GESIDA for "Premio para Jovenes Investigadores 2019" to AR

    Beneficial Effects of Proanthocyanidins on Intestinal Permeability and Its Relationship with Inflammation

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    The intestinal barrier is constantly exposed to potentially harmful environmental factors including food components and bacterial endotoxins. When the intestinal barrier function and immune homeostasis are compromised, inflammatory conditions may be developed and impact overall health. Evidence from experimental animal and cell-culture studies suggests that exposure of intestinal mucosa to proanthocyanidin-rich plant products may contribute to maintain the barrier function and to ameliorate the inflammation present in prevalent pathologies such as diet-induced obesity and inflammatory bowel disease. In this review, we aim to update the current knowledge on the bioactivity of PACs in experimental models of altered intestinal permeability and in humans, emphasizing the beneficial effects of grape-seed proanthocyanidin extracts in intestinal health and giving insights into the subjacent biochemical and molecular mechanism

    Presentaciones orales a un coste razonable

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    La ponencia describe cómo se ha incorporado en nuestras asignaturas de programación el desarrollo de la competencia de comunicación oral. Sobre la base de una organización docente basada en proyectos que usa la técnica del puzle para el aprendizaje de varios temas, cada alumno debe preparar un vídeo con una presentación oral del tema que le ha sido adjudicado en el puzle. Ese vídeo es entregado a sus compañeros, que deben aprender los contenidos de la presentación y realizar una evaluación formal de su calidad de acuerdo con unos criterios. Cada alumno debe realizar una versión mejorada del vídeo teniendo en cuenta las evaluaciones recibidas. La versión mejorada es calificada por parte de los profesores. La ponencia describe los procedimientos utilizados y algunos resultados de la experiencia.Peer Reviewe

    PPARs in Regulation of Paraoxonases: Control of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Pathways

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    The paraoxonase (PON) group of enzymes, composed of PON1, PON2, and PON3, play an important role in decreasing oxidative stress by degrading lipid peroxides. PON1 synthesis is upregulated by PPAR. Several pharmacological compounds (acting as antioxidants and, hence, atheroprotective) stimulate both PPAR activity and PON1 expression. Recent evidence suggests that PON1 and the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) are involved in coordinating the inflammatory response in damaged tissues; PPAR may be central in the regulation of these biochemical pathways. This article reviews the state of knowledge on PON1 biochemistry and function, the influence of genetic variation, and the regulation of PON1 expression by pharmaceutical compounds that increase PPAR activity. We also describe recent lines of evidence suggesting links between PON1 and MCP-1 and how their production may be regulated by PPAR

    Immunometabolism is a key factor for the persistent spontaneous elite control of HIV-1 infection

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    Approximately 25% of elite controllers (ECs) lose their virological control by mechanisms that are only partially known. Recently, immunovirological and proteomic factors have been associated to the loss of spontaneous control. Our aim was to perform a metabolomic approach to identify the underlying mechanistic pathways and potential biomarkers associated with this loss of control. Methods: Plasma samples from EC who spontaneously lost virological control (Transient Controllers, TC, n=8), at two and one year before the loss of control, were comparedwith a control group of ECwho persistently maintained virological control during the same follow-up period (Persistent Controllers, PC, n=8). The determination of metabolites and plasma lipids was performed by GC-qTOF and LC-qTOF using targeted and untargeted approaches. Metabolite levels were associated with the polyfunctionality of HIV-specific CD8+T-cell response. Findings: Our data suggest that, before the loss of control, TCs showed a specific circulating metabolomic profile characterized by aerobic glycolytic metabolism, deregulated mitochondrial function, oxidative stress and increased immunological activation. In addition, CD8+ T-cell polyfunctionality was strongly associated with metabolite levels. Finally, valine was the main differentiating factor between TCs and PCs. Interpretation: All these metabolomic differences should be considered not only as potential biomarkers but also as therapeutic targets in HIV infection.Instituto Carlos III PI10/02635 PI13/00796 PI16/00503 PI12/02283 PI16/00684 CPII014/00025 FI14/00431 FI17/00186 INT11/240 INT12/282 INT15/226Fondos Europeos para el Desarrollo Regional PI10/02635 PI13/00796 PI16/00503 PI12/02283 PI16/00684 CPII014/00025 FI14/00431 FI17/00186FEDER PI10/02635 PI13/00796 PI16/00503 PI12/02283 PI16/00684 CPII014/00025 FI14/00431 FI17/00186FEDER PI10/02635 PI13/00796 PI16/00503 PI12/02283 PI16/00684 CPII014/00025 FI14/00431 FI17/00186Programa de Suport als Grups de Recerca 2017SGR948 2014SGR250Gilead Fellowship Program GLD14/293 GLD17/00299Red de Investigación en Sida RD12/0017/0005 RD16/0025/0006 RD12/0017/0029 RD16/0025/0020Junta de Andalucía C-0032/17Generalitat de Catalunya PERIS SLT002/16/0010

    Differential effects of a cafeteria diet and GSPE preventive treatments on the enterohormone secretions of aged vs. young female rats

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    Grape seed derived procyanidins (GSPE) have been shown to effectively prevent intestinal disarrangements induced by a cafeteria diet in young rats. However, little is known about the effects of procyanidins and cafeteria diet on enterohormone secretion in aged rats, as the ageing processes modify these effects. To study these effects in aged rats, we subjected 21-month-old and young 2-month-old female rats to two sub-chronic preventive GSPE treatments. After three months of cafeteria diet administration, we analysed the basal and stimulated secretion and mRNA expression of CCK, PYY and GLP-1, caecal SCFA and intestinal sizes. We found that the effects of a cafeteria diet on the basal duodenal CCK secretion are age dependent. GLP-1 in the ileum was not modified regardless of the rat's age, and GSPE preventive effects differed in the two age groups. GSPE pre-treatment reduced GLP-1, PYY and ChgA in mRNA in aged ileum tissue, while the cafeteria diet increased these in aged colon. The GSPE treatments only modified low-abundance SCFAs. The cafeteria diet in aged rats increases the caecum size differently from that in young rats and GSPE pre-treatment prevents this increase. Therefore, ageing modifies nutrient sensing, and the cafeteria diet acts mainly on the duodenum and colon, while procyanidins have a larger effect on the ileum.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Presentaciones orales a un coste razonable

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    La ponencia describe cómo se ha incorporado en nuestras asignaturas de programación el desarrollo de la competencia de comunicación oral. Sobre la base de una organización docente basada en proyectos que usa la técnica del puzle para el aprendizaje de varios temas, cada alumno debe preparar un vídeo con una presentación oral del tema que le ha sido adjudicado en el puzle. Ese vídeo es entregado a sus compañeros, que deben aprender los contenidos de la presentación y realizar una evaluación formal de su calidad de acuerdo con unos criterios. Cada alumno debe realizar una versión mejorada del vídeo teniendo en cuenta las evaluaciones recibidas. La versión mejorada es calificada por parte de los profesores. La ponencia describe los procedimientos utilizados y algunos resultados de la experiencia