1,054 research outputs found

    Effects of variable and constant temperatures on the embryonic development and survival of a new grape pest, xylotrechus arvicola (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

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    Xylotrechus arvicola Olivier (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) has become a new expanding pest in grape (Vitis spp.) crops. To better improve control tactics, the consequences of 11 constant (12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 32, 34, 35 and 36°) and nine variable temperatures (with equal mean temperatures at each of the nine constant rates ranging from 15 to 35°) on survival and embryonic development were studied. The eggs were able to complete development at constant temperatures between 15 and 35°, with mortality rates at the extremes of the range of two and 81.5%, respectively. Using variable temperatures a mortality rate of 38.9% at a mean temperature of 15° and 99% at 35° was observed. The range of time for embryonic development was 29.5 d at 15° to 6 d at 32° at constant temperatures, and from 29.6 d at 15° to 7.2 d at 32° at variable temperatures. The goodness-of-fit of different development models was evaluated for the relationship between the development rate and temperature. The models that gave the best fit were the Logan type III for constant temperatures and The Briare for variable temperatures. Optimum temperatures were estimated to be from 31.7 to 32.9°. The models that best described embryo development under natural field conditions were the Logan type III model for constant temperatures (98.7% adjustment) and The Lactin model for variable temperatures (99.2% adjustment). Nonlinear models predicted faster development at constant temperatures and slower development at variable ones when compared with real field development, whereas the linear model always predicted faster development than what actually took place. © 2011 Entomological Society of America.The Spanish Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (INIA) funded this research, project no. RTA04-117-C2.Peer Reviewe

    Una revisión de los sistemas generadores y modelos de probabilidad descriptivos de la distribución de la Renta

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    La importancia innegable de la modelización de la distribución de la renta es el origen del presente trabajo en el que se realiza un estudio, básicamente teórico, acerca de los sistemas generadores de renta y se lleva a cabo una recopilación de los modelos de probabilidad que se han utilizado, de forma más o menos generalizada a lo largo del último siglo, para explicar la renta. El estudio realizado es más exhaustivo en unos casos que en otros, poniendo de manifiesto el carácter pionero de la distribución de Pareto, y analizando en muchos de los casos las medidas más importantes de las distribuciones estudiadas, así como la relación de algún parámetro de las mismas con la desigualdad en el reparto.The undeniable relevance of the incomes distribution modeling is the origin of this work in which a basically theoretical study about the generating systems of incomes is realized and also has been carried out a collection of the probability models that had been used, in a more or less general approach along last century, in order to explain the income. The present work is more exhaustive in some cases than in others, revealing the pioneer character of Pareto distribution, and analyzing in many cases the most important measures of the studied distributions, any way the relationship between some parameters from the same ones and the Pareto [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    On the O/H, Mg/H, Si/H and Fe/H Gas and Dust Abundance Ratios in Galactic and Extragalactic H II Regions

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    We derive the Mg/H ratio in the Orion nebula and in 30 Doradus. We also derive the O/H and the Fe/O ratios in the extremely metal poor galaxy SBS 0335-052. We estimate the dust depletions of Mg, Si, and Fe in Galactic and extragalactic H II regions. Based on these depletions we estimate the fraction of O atoms embedded in dust as a function of the O/H ratio. We find an increasing depletion of O with increasing O/H. The O depletion increases from about 0.08 dex, for the metal poorest H II regions known, to about 0.12 dex, for metal rich H II regions. This depletion has to be considered when comparing nebular with stellar abundances.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal. Rewritten for clarity (following the recomendations by the ApJ referee

    Displasia fibrosa poliostótica. Presentación de un paciente

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    Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia is a benign fibro-osseous lesion in which the normal structure of the bone is replaced by fibrous tissue and by nonfunctional bony structures that show a trabecular aspect and have an unknown etiology. It is a very rare and infrequent disease on which there is little information in the literature. This situation has motivated us to report this case. It is hypothesized that there is a gene mutation encoding G alpha protein which is responsible for the condition. The surgical management of these cases is a challenge and it is also controversial. In this patient, it was reported an osteolytic lesion in both femoral necks that prevented proper ambulation and it was decided to conduct an inter-consultation with the Orthopedic Specialist for a better management. The patient underwent a hip computed tomography that confirmed the lesion and, subsequently, he underwent a biopsy that reported a polyostotic fibrous bone dysplasia. The dysplasia increases in size until general body growth ceases at the end of puberty.La displasia fibrosa poliostótica es una lesión osteofibrosa benigna en la que la arquitectura normal del hueso es remplazada por tejido fibroso y por estructuras óseas no funcionales de aspecto trabecular de etiología no conocida; es una enfermedad muy rara y poco frecuente sobre la que hay muy poca literatura, lo que ha motivado la presentación del paciente. Existen hipótesis de que es responsable una mutación de un gen que codifica la proteína G alfa. El manejo quirúrgico de estos casos es un reto y, además, es controversial. En este paciente se informó una lesión osteolítica de ambos cuellos femorales que impedía la correcta deambulación y se decidió hacer una interconsulta con el Especialista en Ortopedia para su mejor manejo; se le realizó una tomografía axial computadorizada de cadera que confirmó la lesión y, posteriormente, se le realizó una biopsia que informó una displasia ósea fibrosa poliostótica. La displasia aumenta de tamaño hasta que el crecimiento general del cuerpo cese al final de la pubertad

    PM processing and characterisation of Ti–7Fe low cost titanium alloys

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    This work studies a set of low cost beta alloys with the composition Ti-7Fe, processed by conventional powder metallurgy (PM). The materials were prepared by conventional blending of elemental Ti hydride-dehydride powder with three different Fe powder additions: water atomised Fe, Fe carbonyl and master alloy Fe-25Ti. The optimal sintering behaviour and the best mechanical properties were attained with the use of Fe carbonyl powder, which reached a sintered density of up to 93% of the theoretical density, with UTS values of 800 MPa in the 'as sintered' condition. Coarse water atomised powder particles promoted reactive sintering, and coarse porosity was found due to the coalescence of Kirkendall porosity and by the pores generated during the exothermic reaction between Ti and Fe. The addition of Fe-25Ti produced brittle materials, as its low purity (91·5%) was found to be unsuitable for formulating Ti alloysThe authors would like to acknowledge financial support from the Comunidad de Madrid to carry out this research through the programme ESTRUMAT-CM (reference MAT/77), and from the Ministry of Education through the R&D Project MAT2006-02458.Publicad

    Effectiveness of a hypermedia tool in the innovative teaching of pneumatic engineering design drawing

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    This article presents research undertaken to determine the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of the “pneumatic engineering design drawing” hypermedia. Among our reasons for carrying out this research are the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the inexistence on the market of a similar product, and an increasing daily need for asynchronous teaching methods. Its objectives sought to evaluate the application and its impact on the teaching–learning of pneumatics. Two sources of documentation were used as research strategies: opinion polls and experimentation. Three groups of equal size were formed at random, based on traditional teaching (T), self-study using multimedia (M), and traditional teaching reinforced by the use of the hypermedia (A). The following rank among some of the more noteworthy conclusions. The hypermedia application has been positively rated. In the group with prior knowledge of the subject, the results of the post-test are strongly related to those of the pre-test in pneumatics. There is no empirical evidence to support the affirmation that students in group A achieved better results that those in group M or group T. In group M, academic performance is not directly dependent on the intellectual abilities of the student. The minimum time saving in group M was 42% in comparison with the other two groups

    Latent Profiles of Burnout, Self-Esteem and Depressive Symptomatology among Teachers

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    Burnout is a reality in the teaching profession. Specifically, teaching staff usually have higher burnout rates. The present study aims to analyze the different burnout profiles and to verify if there were differences between burnout profiles in depressive symptomatology and in the self-esteem of the teachers at school. The total number of participants was 210 teachers from 30 to 65 years. The first scale was the Maslach burnout inventory, the second scale was the Self-Rating depression scale and the third scale was the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale . The latent class analysis identified three burnout profiles: the first group with a high level of emotional exhaustion, low personal accomplishment and depersonalization (high burnout); the second group with low emotional exhaustion, low depersonalization and high personal accomplishment (low burnout) and the third group with low depersonalization, low emotional exhaustion and low personal accomplishment (moderate burnout). The results revealed that there were differences in depressive symptomatology (group 1 obtained higher scores than group 2 and group 3) and self-esteem (group 2 obtained higher scores than group 1). The psychological balance and health of teachers depend on preventing the factors that have been associated with this syndrome

    Influence of powder characteristics on sintering behaviour and properties of PM Ti alloys produced from prealloyed powder and master alloy

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    The use and development of titanium and titanium alloys have been strongly correlated to high technology industries where costs are not the most important aspect. Titanium could see its market grow by the application of lower cost and more efficient processing methods such as powder metallurgy. This work deals with the characterisation of two types of powders: commercial prealloyed powder and powder produced from master alloy combining mechanical milling and conventional blending to adjust the particle size. The characteristics of the powders, sintering behaviour and final properties of the parts indicate that the master alloy approach leads to better compressibility than the prealloyed powders and, therefore, to lower dimensional change during sintering. The most important result is that it is possible to obtain Ti alloys with properties similar to or better than alloys from prealloyed powders and to obtain homogeneous microstructures, which allows the composition to be adjusted to requirements.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education through R&D projects nos. MAT2009-14448 and MAT2009-14547 and from Comunidad de Madrid through the ESTRUMAT (grant no. S2009/MAT-1585) project.Publicad

    Aptitud clínica en médicos familiares apegada a guías de práctica clínica

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    Actualmente se enfatiza en la necesidad de desarrollar la aptitud clínica en los profesionales de la salud; ésta se define como la capacidad para afrontar y resolver problemas clínicos, lo que implica habilidades como la reflexión, donde se pone en juego el propio criterio. Si bien es difícil escudriñar todos los componentes del quehacer clínico, el desafío es buscar indicios que aporten una visión penetrante y esclarecedora de los acontecimientos de la praxis médica, por lo que la manera de aproximarse es a través de evaluar la aptitud clínica mediante instrumentos sistematizados.Introducción: Las guías de práctica clínica son la abrogación del conocimiento medico respecto a un padecimiento, por lo cual el evaluar la aptitud clínica apegada a éstas guías es vislumbrar la realidad del ejercicio médico de la medicina familiar. Objetivo: Construir y validar un instrumento que evalúe la aptitud clínica apegada a las guías de práctica clínica en médicos familiares del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Materiales y Métodos: En el Estado de México Oriente se realizó el estudio que fue transversal. La validez teórica y de contenido del instrumento se obtuvo a través de un marco de referencia que dio salida a la elaboración de reactivos basados en casos clínicos reales apegados a primer nivel de atención en cada indicador de la aptitud clínica. Fueron validados por 5 expertos en ronda de 3; se realizó un pilotaje en 8 médicos familiares, obteniendo un índice de confiabilidad de 0.91 con la fórmula de Kuder-Richardson. Resultados: Se incluyeron 24 médicos familiares, el nivel de aptitud clínica obtenido fue bajo y muy bajo en un 91.6%, al realizar la comparación entre los años de egreso de especialidad y turno laboral (matutino y vespertino) no se encontró significancia estadística; al comparar practica medica privada y aptitud clínica se encontró significancia estadística a favor de estos (U de Mann-Whitney p=0.05). Conclusión: La aptitud clínica es un camino hacia la integración del conocimiento para la resolución de un problema clínico. Aquí se demuestra que las guías de práctica clínica no se relación directamente con el desarrollo de una aptitud clínica latente, esto puede ser por una difusión inadecuada de las guías y otra su poca aplicabilidad en el sistema de salud

    Cyberbullying in the University Setting. Relationship With Emotional Problems and Adaptation to the University

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    Little scientific attention has been paid to the problem of cyberbullying in the university environment, compared to similar studies conducted on adolescents. This study attempts to analyze the predictive capacity of certain emotional problems (anxiety, depression, and stress) and university adaptation with respect to cyberbullying in victims and aggressors. The European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 and the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire were administered to a sample of 1282 university students (46.33% male) aged between 18 and 46. The results suggest that high levels of depression and stress increase the probability of being a cyberbullying victim, while high levels of depression increase the probability of being a cyberbullying aggressor. Similarly, the personal–emotional and social adaptation of students are found to be predictor variables of being a cyberbullying victim, in that high levels of personal–emotional and social adaptation decrease the probability of being a victim, while high levels of personal–emotional, academic and institutional adaptation decrease the probability of being a cyberbullying victim. The results of this study are of special relevance, since they indicate that intervention programs should consider the influence of emotional intelligence, as well as the relevance students’ adaptation to university