1,515 research outputs found

    Review of The Most Controversial Decision: Truman, the Atomic Bombs, and the Defeat of Japan and Hiroshima: Why America Dropped the Atomic Bomb

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    About the author Alicia Espinosa is a junior at Boston University. She will be graduating in May 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in History and minors in Anthropology and Public Health

    Anger and cardiac reactivity: Adaptation to a real life stress situation

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    El objetivo de nuestro trabajo se centra en establecer la posible relación existente entre el complejo irahostilidad y la activación y reactividad cardiacas. La literatura científica sobre el tema presenta resultados heterogé- neos, gran parte de ellos debidos al tipo de tarea experimental diseñada para detectar diferencias entre grupos. En nuestro trabajo se ha utilizado una tarea de estrés real, un examen, que permite detectar mejor las diferencias entre grupos de sujetos. Para ello, hemos conformado dos grupos a partir de sus puntuaciones en la subescala Compuesta, obtenida a partir del inventario de Cook y Medley (Ho),: grupo de alta ira-hostilidad y grupo de baja ira-hostilidad. Nuestras hipótesis son las siguientes: en primer lugar planteamos que los sujetos que puntúan alto en la variable irahostilidad presentarán mayor activación cardiaca en las tres fases de la situación de estres real, a saber, adaptación, tarea y recuperación; en segundo lugar, planteamos que los sujetos que puntúan alto en ira-hostilidad tardarán más tiempo en adaptarse a las exigencias de la tarea, presentando una recuperación más lenta de sus niveles basales. Los resultados obtenidos confirman las dos hipótesis planteadasThe objective of our work is centered in establishing the possible existent relationship between the angerhostility construct and the cardiac activation and reactivity. The scientific studies on the topic obtain heterogeneous results, great part of them due to the type of experimental task designed to detect differences among groups. In our work, a task of real stress, an exam, has been used, that allows to better detect the differences among groups of subjects. For it, we have conformed two groups of subjects on account their punctuations in the Composite Scale, obtained from the Cook and Medley Hostility Inventory (Ho): group of high anger-hostility and group of low angerhostility. Our hypotheses are the following ones: in the first place, we outline that the subjects that score high in the anger-hostility variable they will present bigger heart activation in the three phases of the designed experiment, that is, adaptation, task and recovery; in second place, we outline that the subjects that score high in anger-hostility variable they will take more time in adapting to the demands of the task, presenting a slower recovery of their basal levels. The obtained results confirm the two outlined hypotheses

    The pneumococcal MgaSpn virulence transcriptional regulator generates multimeric complexes on linear double-stranded DNA

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    Este artículo pertenece a la Tesis presentada por Virtudes Solano Collado con título: "Caracterización molecular del regulador transcripcional MgaSpn de Streptococcus pneumoniae"(https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/98162)The MgaSpn transcriptional regulator contributes to the virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae. It is thought to be a member of the Mga/AtxA family of global regulators. MgaSpn was shown to activate in vivo the P1623B promoter, which is divergent from the promoter (Pmga) of its own gene. This activation required a 70-bp region (PB activation region) located between both promoters. In this work, we purified an untagged form of the MgaSpn protein, which formed dimers in solution. By gel retardation and footprinting assays, we analysed the binding of MgaSpn to linear double-stranded DNAs. MgaSpn interacted with the PB activation region when it was placed at internal position on the DNA. However, when it was positioned at one DNA end, MgaSpn recognized preferentially the Pmga promoter placed at internal position. In both cases, and on binding to the primary site, MgaSpn spread along the adjacent DNA regions generating multimeric protein-DNA complexes. When both MgaSpn-binding sites were located at internal positions on longer DNAs, electron microscopy experiments demonstrated that the PB activation region was the preferred target. DNA molecules totally or partially covered by MgaSpn were also visualized. Our results suggest that MgaSpn might recognize particular DNA conformations to achieve DNA-binding specificityBFU2009-11868 to A.B.] and [CSD2008-00013- INTERMODS to M.E.] from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and [PIE-201320E028 to A.B.] from the Spanish National Research Council. Funding for open access charge: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [BFU2009-11868].Peer Reviewe

    Estudio de la producción y comercialización de cultivos agroecológicos en el cantón Pedro Moncayo, provincia de Pichincha

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    Realizar el estudio de la producción y comercialización de cultivos agroecológicos en el cantón Pedro Moncayo- provincia de Pichincha.El presente proyecto denominado ¿Estudio de la producción y comercialización de cultivos agroecológicos en el cantón Pedro Moncayo, provincia de Pichincha¿ es un trabajo enmarcado en la línea de investigación desarrollo de los Agronegocios con el que se busca identificar los principales cultivos agroecológicos del cantón Pedro Moncayo, sus costos de producción, rendimientos y los canales de comercialización, se dió énfasis a la producción de hortalizas por ser las que mayoritariamente se encontraron en las ferias agroecológicas. La oferta de estas hortalizas está determinada por los productores agroecológicos localizados en el cantón Pedro Moncayo quienes ofertan sus productos en forma permanente todos los fines de semana. La comercialización de la producción agroecológica se da través de canales cortos de comercialización, la mayor parte (70%) se comercializa de forma directa en ferias agroecológicas y el menor porcentaje se entrega a intermediarios o en tiendas de la comunidad. Se localizaron cuatro asociaciones de productores agroecológicos ubicados en tres parroquias del cantón: en la parroquia Tabacundo se encuentran los productores de la feria del Buen Vivir, y los productores de la comunidad San Luis de Ichisí, en la parroquia La Esperanza se encuentra La Pre asociación de productores agroecológicos la Esperanza y en la Parroquia Tupigachi se encuentran los productores de la Corporación Turujta. Las principales hortalizas que se cultivan y comercializan son: acelga, brócoli, coliflor, remolacha de mesa y zanahoria amarilla. El costo de producción de una hectárea de brócoli es de 3.961,50 USD, el rendimiento es de16.000kg/ha; el costo de producción en una hectárea de remolacha es de 4.394,75 USD, el rendimiento es de 18.000kg/ha; el costo de producción del cultivo de la coliflor por hectárea es de 3.942,53 USD y el rendimiento es de 28.000 kg/ha; la acelga tiene un costo total por hectárea de 3.592,53 USD, un rendimiento de 19.200 kg/ha; el costo de producción del cultivo de zanahoria amarilla es de 2.651,97 USD por ha con un rendimiento de 22.500 kg/ha. Mediante la relación Beneficio costo se determinó que el cultivo que ofrece mayor rentabilidad es el de la coliflor, y el cultivo que ofrece menor rentabilidad es la remolacha. Esta nueva forma de agricultura, contribuye a los ecosistemas en términos de uso sustentable, beneficiando al desarrollo territorial, generación de empleo y contribuyendo a las políticas de seguridad y soberanía alimentaria

    Synthesis and characterization of silver vanadates thin films for photocatalytic applications

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    Silver vanadates thin films were deposited by a hybrid deposition system combining laser ablation and thermal evaporation. A high purity vanadium target was ablated using the third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser whereas high purity silver pellets were evaporated. The as-deposited thin films were subjected to thermal treatments at 400 °C to obtain crystalline films. For films without Ag amorphous V2O5 thin films were deposited and as the Ag is incorporated in the material different silver vanadates were obtained. The effect of the silver load on the composition, structure, optical properties, surface morphology and photocatalytic response of the deposited films was studied. The film composition, determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, reveals Ag contents from 5.5 to 18.9 at.%. The crystalline phases formed were identified by micro-Raman Spectroscopy; the results indicate the formation of three silver vanadates depending on the silver content. The morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy, the filmś surface changes from a smooth surface to belts covering the surface and finally Ag nanoparticles are observed at the higher Ag contens. Optical properties determined from UV–vis reveal the presence of the surface plasmon signal in films containing silver. The films were tested in the photocatalytic degradation of Malachite Green dye reaching maximum degradations degrees close to 53% under solar irradiation. Reactive species trapping experiments suggest that O2 − produced by the O2 reduction via the photogenerated electrons drives the photodegradation mechanismCB-168827 CB-240998 F. Gonzalez-Zavala thanks to CONACyT for the PhD and Beca Mixta grants, and also to the SIEA-UAEM for the beca movilidad para estudios avanzados 2016. E. Rodríguez-Castellón thanks to project CTQ2015-68951-C3-3-R of Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) and FEDER funds

    Gender-based violence, coping strategies and perceived social support

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    The phenomenon of gender-based violence is a very complex problem that occurs in multiple cultures. However, in recent decades, breaking the taboo that traditionally entailed violence against women has resulted in the visualization of the problem and increased social awareness. Several studies have highlighted the importance of coping strategies and the search for support to find a solution to end the abuse experienced by many women. This study aims to describe and analyze through the use of qualitative methods the discourse of five abused women from the province of Barcelona (Spain), as well as their coping strategies and their perception of support throughout their conjugal relation. In order to achieve these goals, a semi-structured interview was conducted. By far, the results indicated that the most frequently used strategy was avoidance coping and approach coping being the least utilized. The data reflect isolation from family and friends, low perceived social support, and problems to access that supportEl fenómeno de la violencia de género es un problema muy complejo que trasciende los tiempos y se da en múltiples culturas. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, la ruptura del tabú que comportaba tradicionalmente la violencia hacia la mujer ha dado lugar a una visualización de la problemática y a una mayor conciencia social. Numerosas investigaciones subrayan la importancia de las estrategias de afrontamiento y de la búsqueda de apoyo para encontrar salida a los malos tratos. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir y analizar, a partir del discurso de cinco mujeres de la provincia de Barcelona-España, sus estrategias de afrontamiento y la percepción de apoyo que han tenido a lo largo de su relación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las estrategias más utilizadas fueron las de tipo evitativo, siendo utilizadas también estrategias de aproximación de forma marginal. Los datos apuntan una pérdida significativa de relaciones, una baja percepción de apoyo social así como problemas en el acceso a est

    Follow-up study of the preparatory study for Ecodesign and Energy Label for household washing machines and household washer dryers

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    Starting in 2014, the Commission has undertaken a review study of the two household washing machines regulations and the Energy Label Directive for household washer-dryers. The conclusions of this study are updated in this report and will be presented to stakeholders at the meeting of the Consultation Forum established under Article 18 of the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC, to be held 23rd November 2017. In addition, this report includes the explanations and rationale that underpin the changes proposed in the both regulations as well as of most of the alternatives proposed during the review study.JRC.B.5-Circular Economy and Industrial Leadershi

    Catálisis en el Centro Conjunto de Investigación en Química Sustentable, uaem-unam*

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    Describimos aquí las actividades de investigación en el área de catálisis realizadas por algunas investigadoras de la Facultad de Química de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, adscritas al Centro Conjunto de Investigación en Química Sustentable, uaem-unam. Se incluyen las líneas de investigación que desarrollan, las contribuciones que han generado y los logros en este campo obtenidos en los últimos años. También se presenta información sobre la infraestructura con que se cuenta en el cciqs y en la Facultad de Química para llevar a cabo investigación sobre catálisis; la importancia que tienen los trabajos de colaboración nacional e internacional, así como, la formación de recursos humanos altamente especializados en esta área. Por último, presentamos las perspectivas de investigación y desarrollo planteadas para el campo de la catálisis

    MgaSpn and H-NS: Two unrelated global regulators with similar DNA-binding properties

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    Global regulators play an essential role in the adaptation of bacterial cells to specific niches. Bacterial pathogens thriving in the tissues and organs of their eukaryotic hosts are a well-studied example. Some of the proteins that recognize local DNA structures rather than specific nucleotide sequences act as global modulators in many bacteria, both Gram-negative and -positive. To this class of regulators belong the H-NS-like proteins, mainly identified in γ-Proteobacteria, and the MgaSpn-like proteins identified in Firmicutes. H-NS and MgaSpn from Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pneumoniae, respectively, neither have sequence similarity nor share structural domains. Nevertheless, they display common features in their interaction with DNA, namely: (i) they bind to DNA in a non-sequence-specific manner, (ii) they have a preference for intrinsically curved DNA regions, and (iii) they are able to form multimeric complexes on linear DNA. Using DNA fragments from the hemolysin operon regulatory region of the E. coli plasmid pHly152, we show in this work that MgaSpn is able to recognize particular regions on extended H-NS binding sites. Such regions are either located at or flanked by regions of potential bendability. Moreover, we show that the regulatory region of the pneumococcal P1623B promoter, which is recognized by MgaSpn, contains DNA motifs that are recognized by H-NS. These motifs are adjacent to regions of potential bendability. Our results suggest that both regulatory proteins recognize similar structural characteristics of DNA

    PipY, a Member of the Conserved COG0325 Family of PLP-Binding Proteins, Expands the Cyanobacterial Nitrogen Regulatory Network

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    Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 is a paradigmatic model organism for nitrogen regulation in cyanobacteria. Expression of genes involved in nitrogen assimilation is positively regulated by the 2-oxoglutarate receptor and global transcriptional regulator NtcA. Maximal activation requires the subsequent binding of the co-activator PipX. PII, a protein found in all three domains of life as an integrator of signals of the nitrogen and carbon balance, binds to PipX to counteract NtcA activity at low 2-oxoglutarate levels. PII-PipX complexes can also bind to the transcriptional regulator PlmA, whose regulon remains unknown. Here we expand the nitrogen regulatory network to PipY, encoded by the bicistronic operon pipXY in S. elongatus. Work with PipY, the cyanobacterial member of the widespread family of COG0325 proteins, confirms the conserved roles in vitamin B6 and amino/keto acid homeostasis and reveals new PLP-related phenotypes, including sensitivity to antibiotics targeting essential PLP-holoenzymes or synthetic lethality with cysK. In addition, the related phenotypes of pipY and pipX mutants are consistent with genetic interactions in the contexts of survival to PLP-targeting antibiotics and transcriptional regulation. We also showed that PipY overexpression increased the length of S. elongatus cells. Taken together, our results support a universal regulatory role for COG0325 proteins, paving the way to a better understanding of these proteins and of their connections with other biological processes.This work was supported by grants from the Valencian (Gerónimo Forteza contract FPA/2015/052 to JL; PrometeoII/2014/029 to VR) and Spanish Governments (BFU2012-33364 and BFU2015-66360-P to AC; BFU2014-58229-P to VR)