72 research outputs found

    Effekten av styrketrening og plyometrisk trening på hurtighet hos mannlige fotballspillere

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    Tittel: “Effekten av styrketrening og plyometrisk trening på hurtighet hos mannlige fotballspillere”. Bakgrunn: Dagens fotballspillere løper lengre og spurter mer enn de gjorde før. Bare fra sesongen 2006/2007 til 2012/2013 i engelske Premier League, ble antall spurter i løpet av en kamp fordoblet. Dette viser noe av viktigheten av hurtighet for å prestere i fotball. Vi ønsket derfor å finne ut om hurtighet kan påvirkes av trening. Problemstilling: - “Hvilken effekt har styrketrening og plyometrisk trening på hurtighet for mannlige fotballspillere?“ Metode: Vi har benyttet et litteraturstudie i vår tilnærming til denne oppgaven. I innhentingen av litteratur har vi tatt utgangspunkt i studier funnet gjennom søkemotorene Pubmed og Oria. Etter en nøyaktig, kritisk og systematisk gjennomgang, satt vi til slutt igjen med syv relevante studier. Resultat: I seks av syv studier viste det seg at styrketrening og plyometrisk trening, enten hver for seg eller sammen gav en signifikant økning i hurtighet. Det var spesielt akselerasjonshurtigheten som ble forbedret. Styrketrening med få repetisjoner og stor belastning, eller få repetisjoner med lett belastning og høy intensitet så ut til å gi best effekt. Konklusjon: Styrketrening og plyometrisk trening kan gi en signifikant forbedring i hurtighet hos mannlige fotballspillere

    Does Vitamin D Deficiency Increase Prostate Cancer Risk? A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Background: The concept that cancer incidence and mortality are related to latitude was first suggested in 1930. Since then, there have been a plethora of studies addressing that connection. Studies of vitamin D have demonstrated its anti-proliferative, anti-angiogenesis and differentiating properties which are all anti-neoplastic. The relationship between prostate cancer and latitude has long been suspected. Prostate cells have vitamin D receptors and enzymes for hydroxylation of vitamin D metabolites and enabling anti-carcinogenetic effects. As a result of these findings, many ongoing studies are evaluating whether vitamin D deficiency impacts prostate cancer risk. This review summarizes the last two years of published studies on this topic. Methods: The search used Ovid/Medline, PubMed, CINAHL and Web of Science databases limited to include clinical studies, English language, major journals and including articles from 2007 to the present. Review of the abstracts produced the relevant studies, and the bibliographies of these articles led to other sources not found in the search. Keywords: prostate cancer, risk, vitamin D and vitamin D deficiency. Results: Five studies reviewed from the end of 2007 to the present were germane to the research topic. One study was an observational study, one a prospective study and the remainder were case control studies from much larger randomized controlled trials. Only one case reviewed the relationship between solar radiation and prostate cancer risk and all the relationships were positive for low solar radiation and higher prostate cancer risk. Three studies reviewed the relationship of serum levels of vitamin D and prostate cancer risk relative to polymorphisms of the VDR and two found that low levels of serum vitamin D increase prostate cancer risk, especially aggressive prostate cancer risk. One large study examining serum concentrations of only one vitamin D metabolite found no association with PCa. Conclusions: Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread health issue. There is an increased risk of prostate cancer with low vitamin D levels.The risk is greater with more aggressive disease. Conflicting results regarding PCa risk and VDR polymorphisms in light of low vitamin D levels, and it may be a one-time serum sample which causes these discrepancies. There is an association between solar radiation and PCa risk, need to follow the serum levels or solar exposure of patients much younger. Both metabolites need to be measured to understand the impact on prostate cancer risk, especially since the data shows an increased risk with aggressive disease with the one typically not measured. One serum sample does not provide information needed for understanding the relationship between vitamin D and PCa. More prospective studies beginning at an earlier age with more serum samples and solar radiation studies are needed in order to better understand the relationship between prostate cancer and vitamin D

    Spindle checkpoint proteins and chromosome–microtubule attachment in budding yeast

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    Accurate chromosome segregation depends on precise regulation of mitosis by the spindle checkpoint. This checkpoint monitors the status of kinetochore–microtubule attachment and delays the metaphase to anaphase transition until all kinetochores have formed stable bipolar connections to the mitotic spindle. Components of the spindle checkpoint include the mitotic arrest defective (MAD) genes MAD1–3, and the budding uninhibited by benzimidazole (BUB) genes BUB1 and BUB3. In animal cells, all known spindle checkpoint proteins are recruited to kinetochores during normal mitoses. In contrast, we show that whereas Saccharomyces cerevisiae Bub1p and Bub3p are bound to kinetochores early in mitosis as part of the normal cell cycle, Mad1p and Mad2p are kinetochore bound only in the presence of spindle damage or kinetochore lesions that interfere with chromosome–microtubule attachment. Moreover, although Mad1p and Mad2p perform essential mitotic functions during every division cycle in mammalian cells, they are required in budding yeast only when mitosis goes awry. We propose that differences in the behavior of spindle checkpoint proteins in animal cells and budding yeast result primarily from evolutionary divergence in spindle assembly pathways

    The Kinetochore Is an Enhancer of Pericentric Cohesin Binding

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    The recruitment of cohesins to pericentric chromatin in some organisms appears to require heterochromatin associated with repetitive DNA. However, neocentromeres and budding yeast centromeres lack flanking repetitive DNA, indicating that cohesin recruitment occurs through an alternative pathway. Here, we demonstrate that all budding yeast chromosomes assemble cohesin domains that extend over 20–50 kb of unique pericentric sequences flanking the conserved 120-bp centromeric DNA. The assembly of these cohesin domains requires the presence of a functional kinetochore in every cell cycle. A similar enhancement of cohesin binding was also observed in regions flanking an ectopic centromere. At both endogenous and ectopic locations, the centromeric enhancer amplified the inherent levels of cohesin binding that are unique to each region. Thus, kinetochores are enhancers of cohesin association that act over tens of kilobases to assemble pericentric cohesin domains. These domains are larger than the pericentric regions stretched by microtubule attachments, and thus are likely to counter microtubule-dependent forces. Kinetochores mediate two essential segregation functions: chromosome movement through microtubule attachment and biorientation of sister chromatids through the recruitment of high levels of cohesin to pericentric regions. We suggest that the coordination of chromosome movement and biorientation makes the kinetochore an autonomous segregation unit

    Molecular platforms for targeted drug delivery

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    The targeted delivery of bioactive molecules to the appropriate site of action, one of the critical focuses of pharmaceutical research, improves therapeutic outcomes and increases safety at the same time; a concept envisaged by Ehrlich over 100 years ago when he described the "magic bullet" model. In the following decades, a considerable amount of research effort combined with enormous investment has carried selective drug targeting into clinical practice via the advent of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antibody-drug conjugates derivatives. Additionally, a deeper understanding of physiopathological conditions of disease has permitted the tailored design of targeted drug delivery platforms that carry drugs, many copies of the same drug, and different drugs in combination to the appropriate site of action least selectively or preferentially. The acquired know-how has provided the field with the design rationale to develop a successful delivery system that will provide new and improved means to treat many intractable diseases and disorders. In this review, we discuss a wide range of molecular platforms for drug delivery, and focus on those with more success in the clinic, given their potential for targeted therapies

    Substance abuse education for undergraduate nursing students: A target approach to program evaluations

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    The purpose of this study was to measure pre and post-test knowledge in response to an educational intervention. This program evaluation was completed on 68 undergraduate nursing students to determine if education related to substance use, alcohol poisoning and high risk behavior had an impact on knowledge base. The educational intervention was effective in increasing knowledge base of lower performing students on the pretest. The findings of the program evaluation suggest that alcohol related education can be used to increase knowledge of students nurses who care for others who use and abuse substances as well as taking care of self. Nineteen multiple choice pre test and post test questions were used to measure knowledge gained after the educational intervention. As a way to evaluate students behavioral responses to the educational intervention provided, an eight item survey was posed to the students. The survey used a four point Likert Scale. Pender\u27s Health Promotion Model was used as the theoretical framework.

    El amor y la diferencia de edad en la novela juvenil Un poco de abril, algo de mayo, todo septiembre de Jordi Sierra i Fabra

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    Love is omnipresent in life. Love, with age difference, is found in Jordi Sierra i Fabra’s novel Un poco de abril, algo de mayo, todo septiembre. The purpose includes investigating the theme love in youth literature in a heterosexual, young adult relationship with an age difference by studying the descriptions of love in the mentioned novel. This requires analysing the circumstances producing the love-related actions and whether they satisfy the age difference requirement in the mentioned relationship. The following question is the foundation of the study: How does the novel Un poco de abril, algo de mayo, todo septiembre describe love and its observed characteristics for the novel’s protagonists when there is an age difference between them? The method used is a comparative analysis of the protagonists. The results reveal that age difference does not limit love. However, prejudices exist. The dominating love characteristics observed in the protagonists’ relation are nervousness and rationality. Found among the results are also the myth of “love at first sight”