1,401 research outputs found

    Moral Sentiments and Social Choice: Fairness Considerations in University Admissions

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    We examine the implications for social choice of individuals having an intrinsic sense of fairness. Taking the viewpoint that social justice reflects the moral attitudes of the constituent members, we analyze the effect of the intensity of the individual sense of fairness on university admission policies. Assuming that these policies are determined by bargaining over test scores to be used as cut-off points for admission of members of diverse social groups show that, in general, a more intense sense of fairness of the members of a group leads to an admission policy that is more compatible with their idea of fairness. Consequently, a society whose members have a common notion tends to implement fairer admission policies when the intensity of the sense of fairness of individual memebrs increase. This is even if the policies are ultimately determined by the bargaining power of the different groups.

    Can Nondeterminism Help Complementation?

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    Complementation and determinization are two fundamental notions in automata theory. The close relationship between the two has been well observed in the literature. In the case of nondeterministic finite automata on finite words (NFA), complementation and determinization have the same state complexity, namely Theta(2^n) where n is the state size. The same similarity between determinization and complementation was found for Buchi automata, where both operations were shown to have 2^\Theta(n lg n) state complexity. An intriguing question is whether there exists a type of omega-automata whose determinization is considerably harder than its complementation. In this paper, we show that for all common types of omega-automata, the determinization problem has the same state complexity as the corresponding complementation problem at the granularity of 2^\Theta(.).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    Diversity, Invasibility, and Resource Use in Marine Fouling Communities of San Francisco Bay

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    Invasive species threaten the biodiversity of estuaries worldwide. To examine the relationships between biodiversity, invasibility, and invasion success, I conducted field surveys and experiments in San Francisco Bay marine fouling communities, including 1) surveys to estimate alpha, gamma, and beta diversity of native, non-native and cryptogenic components of the community; 2) experiments to assess the influence of diversity and resource availability on short-term recruitment of novel non-indigenous species (NIS) into test communities and subsequent community development over time; and 3) an experiment to explore the role of facilitative interactions of NIS in the diversity-invasibility relationship. Surveys (10-24 sites) showed that non-native alpha diversity was significantly greater than native or cryptogenic alpha diversity, beta diversity was significantly greater for native and cryptogenic species than for NIS, and gamma diversity was similar for NIS and native species. These results indicate that native species had high turn over from site to site while NIS were spread throughout the Bay. Experiments showed that on short time scales (2-4 weeks), the effect of initial diversity on the density of recruitment of NIS was significant and negative, with no effect of resource level (increased open space). Changes in community composition over time (2-24 weeks) also indicated significant inverse relationships between percent cover of NIS and diversity of the initial community with no evidence of a resource effect. Abundant NIS occupied less space in communities with higher initial diversity. However, the same NIS occupied (i.e., had invaded) all experimental communities regardless of starting diversity. Additional experiments revealed that recruitment to secondary substrates did not vary significantly with invasive species diversity or resource availability. When total recruitment to primary and secondary substrates were combined, there was no longer a significant relationship between diversity and recruitment. Analysis of secondary settlement patterns revealed that some NIS, such as Bugula neritina, were facilitating recruitment and settlement of additional NIS. In contrast, other species, such as Clathria prolifera and Botryllus schlosseri, inhibited secondary settlement of NIS. The influence of diversity and primary resource availability on secondary settlement did not appear to affect settlement on facilitative species, but reduced settlement on inhibitive species


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    ABSTRAKEnterobactericeae adalah bakteri Gram negatif berbentuk batang yang mampu menghasilkan berbagai toksin. Umumnya bakteri ini sering mengkontaminasi telur, salah satunya telur penyu. Telur penyu mengandung zat-zat yang mendukung untuk pertumbuhan bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mendata genus dari bakteri Enterobacteriaceae asal cangkang telur penyu lekang (Lepidochelys olivacea) yang diperoleh di Lhok Pante Tibang, Banda Aceh. Isolasi bakteri merupakan pengambilan bakteri dari populasi campuran di lingkungan alamiah yang ditumbuhkan dalam suatu media di laboratorium, tujuan isolasi untuk memperoleh biakan murni dari suatu biakan campuran. Penelitian Parameter yang diamati adalah morfologi koloni (bentuk, warna, tepian dan elevasi isolat), morfologi sel (bentuk sel dan pewarnaan Gram) dan genus dari bakteri Enterobacteriaceae asal cangkang telur penyu lekang. Penelitian ini berhasil memperoleh lima isolat bakteri Enterobacteriaceae yang merupakan kelompok Gram negatif dan berbentuk batang. Kelima isolat ini secara umum memiliki morfologi koloni yaitu bentuk bundar, warna merah dan merah muda, tepian berombak dan licin serta elevasi cembung. Hasil uji biokimia dan identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa lima isolat yang diperoleh terdiri atas tiga genus bakteri Enterobacteriaceae yaitu genus Enterobacter, genus Shigella, dan genus Klebsiella.Kata kunci: Telur penyu, isolasi, identifikasi, Enterobacteriaceae

    It Begins With You, Pre-Diabetes Prevention Creating Life Long Healthy Habits

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    When adults are faced with choices they often choose what is familiar or their go-to favorite. This brochure is intended to educate and provide helpful alternatives to change a habit to help prevent metabolic disorders such as; pre-diabetes and diabetes.https://dune.une.edu/an_studedres/1049/thumbnail.jp

    A contribuição de Michel Henry para a prática clínica na atualidade

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    Ce document traite de la psychopathologie contemporaine, issue d'un contexte socio-culturel, dans lequel nous trouvons la vie humaine organisée selon les principes fondamentaux qui caractérisent la modernité et la postmodernité. Le malaise a lieu aujourd'hui à la suite d'un monde basé dans les hyperréalités, où les conditions originaires de l'homme sont oubliées. Dans ce contexte, on observe que le corps humain est au centre des changements les plus fondamentaux, qui méritent notre réflexion. La situation clinique doit être réinventée pour tenir compte des nouvelles formes de subjectivité, et par conséquence les contributions de Michel Henry sont hautement pertinentes. Cette contribution présente certains des concepts les plus fondamentaux que l'auteur a développé en dialogue avec la situation clinique.This study discusses the contemporary psychopathological pictures derived from a sociocultural context in which human life is organized according to the fundamental principles that characterize modernity and postmodernity. Today, distress is a result of a world characterized by hyper-realities, in which the human originary conditions are forgotten. In this context, it is observed that the human body is the focus of the most fundamental changes that deserve our reflection. The clinical situation needs to be reinvented in order to manage the new forms of subjectivity. To that end, the contributions of Michel Henry are highly relevant. The present study discusses some of the most fundamental concepts developed by this author in dialogue with the clinical situation.Este trabalho busca discutir os quadros psicopatológicos contemporâneos, decorrentes de um contexto sociocultural, no qual encontramos a vida humana organizada segundo os princípios fundamentais que caracterizaram a modernidade e a pós-modernidade. O mal-estar na atualidade acontece como resultado de um mundo assentado em hiper-realidades, nas quais as condições originárias do ser humano são esquecidas. Nesse contexto, observa-se que o corpo humano é o foco das alterações mais fundamentais, que merecem nossas reflexões. A situação clínica necessita ser reinventada para dar conta das novas formas de subjetivação, e para isso as contribuições de Michel Henry são profundamente relevantes. Apresentam-se alguns dos conceitos mais fundamentais desse autor em diálogo com a situação clínica.En este trabajo se analiza la psicopatología contemporánea derivada de un contexto socio-cultural en el que nos encontramos con la vida humana organizada de acuerdo a los principios fundamentales que caracterizan la modernidad y la posmodernidad. El malestar actual ocurre como resultado de un mundo fundamentado en la híper-realidad, en el cual se olvidan las afecciones originadas en el ser humano. En este contexto, se observa que el cuerpo humano es el centro de los cambios más fundamentales, que merecen nuestra reflexión. La situación clínica debe ser reinventada para tener en cuenta las nuevas formas de subjetividad y para eso las contribuciones de Michel Henry son profundamente relevantes. Presentase algunos de los conceptos más fundamentales de este autor en diálogo con la situación clínica

    Dietary Supplement Roadmap

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    Dietary supplements are meant to aid in providing additional vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, herbs and botanicals to ones’ diet that may be deficient. These supplements are available in various forms and advertise to promote various health claims. However, often there is little research to support these health claims. Supplement use date back as far as 1920 when cod liver oil was introduced as a food nutrient. The first known multivitamin/multimineral /Phytonutrient supplement called Nutrilite was introduced in the United States in 1934.1 With the growth of dietary supplement manufacturing the possibility of misbranding, and false product claims required standardized regulations. These regulations became necessary to protect the public from undue harm. In 1938 the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) was introduced. 2 Over time the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) became involved to regulate labeling, good manufacturing policies, and ingredients all intended to protect the public from harm and false health claims.https://dune.une.edu/an_studedres/1090/thumbnail.jp