224 research outputs found

    Hubungan Hiperurisemia, Obesitas Dan Riwayat Merokok Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi

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    Hypertension is a common clinical problem. Hyperuricemia, obesity, and smoking history are assumed to have a relationship with hypertension in adult. This study was conducted to figure out the association between hyperuricemia, obesity and smoking history with hypertension. Observational method with cross-sectional approach was used in this study. The study was conducted in Laboratorium Klinik Prodia Kendari. Sixty-two samples consist of men and women aged 18-65 years were taken by quota sampling. Blood pressure, body mass index, and blood chemistry result were collected during medical check-up. Smoking history data was collected with direct interview. Chi-square and binary logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the data (α=0,05). There were 50% hypertensive subjects and 50% non-hypertensive subjects. Hyperuricemia had a moderate association with hypertension (p=0,000; r=0,455). Obesity had a weak association with hypertension (p=0,020 ; r=0,248). Smoking history also had a weak association with hypertension (p=0,022 ; r=0,279). In multivariate analysis with confounding factors, only hyperuricemia that had an independent influence to hypertension (p= 0,00 ; OR 25,4 ; 95% CI 4,1-156,1), followed by HDL abnormality (p=0,04 ; OR=14,15 ; 95% CI=2,3-84,2) and total cholesterol (p=0,02 ; OR=22,4 ; 95% CI=3,2-153,8). Hyperuricemia, obesity, and smoking history, were associated with hypertension. Only hyperuricemia had the independent influence to hypertension

    Interventions for behaviour change and self-management in stroke secondary prevention: protocol for an overview of reviews

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    Abstract Background Stroke secondary prevention guidelines recommend medication prescription and adherence, active education and behavioural counselling regarding lifestyle risk factors. To impact on recurrent vascular events, positive behaviour/s must be adopted and sustained as a lifestyle choice, requiring theoretically informed behaviour change and self-management interventions. A growing number of systematic reviews have addressed complex interventions in stroke secondary prevention. Differing terminology, inclusion criteria and overlap of studies between reviews makes the mechanism/s that affect positive change difficult to identify or replicate clinically. Adopting a two-phase approach, this overview will firstly comprehensively summarise systematic reviews in this area and secondly identify and synthesise primary studies in these reviews which provide person-centred, theoretically informed interventions for stroke secondary prevention. Methods An overview of reviews will be conducted using a systematic search strategy across the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, PubMed and Epistomonikas. Inclusion criteria: systematic reviews where the population comprises individuals post-stroke or TIA and where data relating to person-centred risk reduction are synthesised for evidence of efficacy when compared to standard care or no intervention. Primary outcomes of interest include mortality, recurrent stroke and other cardiovascular events. In phase 1, two reviewers will independently (1) assess the eligibility of identified reviews for inclusion; (2) rate the quality of included reviews using the ROBIS tool; (3) identify unique primary studies and overlap between reviews; (4) summarise the published evidence supporting person-centred behavioural change and self-management interventions in stroke secondary prevention and (5) identify evidence gaps in this field. In phase 2, two independent reviewers will (1) examine person-centred, primary studies in each review using the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR checklist), itemising, where present, theoretical frameworks underpinning interventions; (2) group studies employing theoretically informed interventions by the intervention delivered and by the outcomes reported (3) apply GRADE quality of evidence for each intervention by outcome/s identified from theoretically informed primary studies. Disagreement between reviewers at each process stage will be discussed and a third reviewer consulted. Discussion This overview will comprehensively bring together the best available evidence supporting person-centred, stroke secondary prevention strategies in an accessible format, identifying current knowledge gaps

    Variation of Chemical Elements and their Associations in Laterite Soil Profile

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the variations of twelve chemical elements (Ni, Fe, Co, Mg, Mn, Al, Si, Zn, Ti, P, Ca and Cr) in laterite soil profiles from Wantulasi area in South East Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Eighty four (84) samples of three profiles (i.e. each profile consists of eight samples) had been used to study their variations in soil using  the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Results analysis of the chemical elements content in three profile using XRF indicated that there were good correlationsbetween the chemical elements in the soil profile with the significant correlations were found in Ni and Fe, Ni and Si, Ti and P, Fe and Al, and Co and Mn, respectively. On the other hand,the results of study showed that the variations of the chemical elements could be related to the enrichment and translocation of the elements  in soil profile and also their possibilities to be related with a given chemical elements in soil profile. Therefore, we suggest that the observed patterns in chemical elements with a good correlation in laterite profile can be used as proxies to integrate the evaluation of the chemical and physical weathering process based on the elements characteristics in soil profiles

    Identifikasi Golongan Senyawa Bioaktif Rhizophora sp. Di Perairan Pulau Morotai

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    Mangrove is a plant that lives in intertidal areas. Mangroves are generally used as building materials, boats and household utensils. However, at this time several types of mangroves have been developed and utilized as food ingredients, cosmetics, and medicines. This utilization is inseparable from the content of bioactive compounds contained in it. The aims of this research was to identify bioactive compounds of Rhizophora sp. at Pulau Morotai. The method used to obtain the extract was maceration using methanol. Qualitative identification of types of bioactive compounds using chemical detectors. Bioactive compounds identified include flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, and saponins. The highest yield of methanol extract was obtained from bark (13,1%) with dark green extract color, followed by root extract (9,2%)with blackish yellow color and the lowest yield was found in methanol extract of leaf (2,7%) with blackish-green color. Bioactive compounds identified as Rhizophora sp. leaf samples contain bioactive compounds saponins and steroids. Bark contains bioactive compounds alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and steroids, and roots contain bioactive compounds saponins and steroids.Mangrove adalah tanaman yang hidup di daerah intertidal. Mangrove umumnya digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan, perahu dan peralatan rumahtangga. Namun, saat ini beberapa jenis  bakau telah dikembangkan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan makanan, kosmetik, dan obat-obatan. Pemanfaatan ini tidak terlepas dari kandungan senyawa bioaktif yang terkandung di dalamnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi senyawa bioaktif Rhizophora sp. di Pulau Morotai.  Metode yang  digunakan untuk mendapatkan  ekstrak adalah maserasi menggunakan metanol. Identifikasi kualitatif jenis senyawa bioaktif menggunakan  detektor kimia.  Senyawa bioaktif yang diidentifikasi termasuk flavonoid, alkaloid, steroid, dan saponin. Hasil tertinggi ekstrak metanol diperoleh dari kulit kayu (13,1%) dengan warna ekstrak hijau tua, diikuti oleh ekstrak  akar (9,2%)  dengan warna kuning kehitaman dan hasil terendah ditemukan  pada ekstrak metanol daun (2,7%)   dengan warna hijau-kehitaman. Senyawa bioaktif diidentifikasi sebagai Rhizophora sp. Sampel daun mengandung senyawa bioaktif saponin dan steroid. Kulit batang mengandung senyawa bioaktif  alkaloid, flavonoid, saponindan steroid, dan akar mengandung senyawa bioaktif, saponin dan steroid

    Photometric Redshifts for Galaxies in the GOODS Southern Field

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    We use extensive multi-wavelength photometric data from the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) to estimate photometric redshifts for a sample of 434 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in the Chandra Deep Field South. Using the Bayesian method, which incorporates redshift/magnitude priors, we estimate photometric redshifts for galaxies in the range 18 < R (AB) < 25.5, giving an rms scatter of 0.11. The outlier fraction is < 10%, with the outlier-clipped rms being 0.047. We examine the accuracy of photometric redshifts for several, special sub--classes of objects. The results for extremely red objects are more accurate than those for the sample as a whole, with rms of 0.051 and very few outliers (3%). Photometric redshifts for active galaxies, identified from their X-ray emission, have a dispersion of 0.104, with 10% outlier fraction, similar to that for normal galaxies. Employing a redshift/magnitude prior in this process seems to be crucial in improving the agreement between photometric and spectroscopic redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Variation of Chemical Elements and Their Associations in Laterite Soil Profile

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the variations of twelve chemical elements (Ni, Fe, Co, Mg, Mn, Al, Si, Zn, Ti, P, Ca and Cr) in laterite soil profiles from Wantulasi area in South East Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. Eighty four (84) samples of three profiles (i.e. each profile consists of eight samples) had been used to study their variations in soil using &nbsp;the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Results analysis of the chemical elements content in three profile using XRF indicated that there were good correlationsbetween the chemical elements in the soil profile with the significant correlations were found in Ni and Fe, Ni and Si, Ti and P, Fe and Al, and Co and Mn, respectively. On the other hand,the results of study showed that the variations of the chemical elements could be related to the enrichment and translocation of the elements &nbsp;in soil profile and also their possibilities to be related with a given chemical elements in soil profile. Therefore, we suggest that the observed patterns in chemical elements with a good correlation in laterite profile can be used as proxies to integrate the evaluation of the chemical and physical weathering process based on the elements characteristics in soil profiles

    Stroke secondary prevention, a non-surgical and non-pharmacological consensus definition : results of a Delphi study

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    OBJECTIVE: Evidence supporting lifestyle modification in vascular risk reduction is limited, drawn largely from primary prevention studies. To advance the evidence base for non-pharmacological and non-surgical stroke secondary prevention (SSP), empirical research is needed, informed by a consensus-derived definition of SSP. To date, no such definition has been published. We used Delphi methods to generate an evidence-based definition of non-pharmacological and non-surgical SSP. RESULTS: The 16 participants were members of INSsPiRE (International Network of Stroke Secondary Prevention Researchers), a multidisciplinary group of trialists, academics and clinicians. The Elicitation stage identified 49 key elements, grouped into 3 overarching domains: Risk factors, Education, and Theory before being subjected to iterative stages of elicitation, ranking, discussion, and anonymous voting. In the Action stage, following an experience-based engagement with key stakeholders, a consensus-derived definition, complementing current pharmacological and surgical SSP pathways, was finalised: Non-pharmacological and non-surgical stroke secondary prevention supports and improves long-term health and well-being in everyday life and reduces the risk of another stroke, by drawing from a spectrum of theoretically informed interventions and educational strategies. Interventions to self-manage modifiable lifestyle risk factors are contextualized and individualized to the capacities, needs, and personally meaningful priorities of individuals with stroke and their families
