62 research outputs found

    TMAO and Gut Microbial-Derived Metabolites TML and γBB Are Not Associated with Thrombotic Risk in Patients with Venous Thromboembolism

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    Background: The present work evaluates the association between circulating concentrations of Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), gamma butyrobetaine (gamma BB), and trimetyllisine (TML) in controls and patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) with coagulation parameters. Methods: The study involved 54 VTE patients and 57 controls. Platelet function, platelet hyperreactivity, platelet adhesiveness, thrombosis-associated parameters, and thrombin generation parameters were studied. Plasma TMAO, gamma BB, and TML determination was performed using an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography system coupled with mass spectrometry. Results: No differences were found for TMAO, gamma BB, or TML concentrations between controls and VTE patients. In thrombin generation tests, TMAO, gamma BB, and TML showed a positive correlation with lag time and time to peak. TMAO, gamma BB, and TML negatively correlated with peak height. No significant differences were observed regarding TMAO, gamma BB, and TML concentrations between the two blood withdrawals, nor when the control and VTE patients were analyzed separately. No correlation was observed between these gut metabolites and platelet function parameters. Conclusions: No differences were found regarding TMAO, gamma BB, and TML concentrations between the control and VTE groups. Some correlations were found; however, they were mild or went in the opposite direction of what would be expected if TMAO and its derivatives were related to VTE risk

    IgG anti-high density lipoprotein antibodies are elevated in abdominal aortic aneurysm and associated with lipid profile and clinical features

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    High-density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDLc) levels are decreased in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), which is hallmarked by autoimmunity and lipid aortic deposits. To investigate whether IgG anti-HDL antibodies were present in AAA and their potential association with clinical features, IgG anti-HDL and total IgG along with HDLc plasma levels were measured in 488 AAA patients and 184 controls from the Viborg Vascular (VIVA) study, and in tissue-conditioned media from AAA intraluminal thrombus and media layer samples compared to control aortas. Higher IgG anti-HDL levels were found in AAA compared to controls, even after correcting for total IgG, and after adjusting for potential confounders. IgG anti-HDL levels were correlated with aortic diameter in univariate and adjusted multivariate analyses. IgG anti-HDL antibodies were negatively associated with HDLc levels before and after correcting for potential confounders. Increased anti-HDL antibodies were identified in tissue-conditioned media from AAA samples compared to healthy aortas, with higher levels being observed in the media layer. In conclusion, increased IgG anti-HDL levels (both in plasma and in tissue) are linked to AAA, associated with aortic diameter and HDLc levels. These data suggest a potential immune response against HDL in AAA and support an emerging role of anti-HDL antibodies in AAA

    Essential protein P116 extracts cholesterol and other indispensable lipids for Mycoplasmas

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    Mycoplasma pneumoniae, responsible for approximately 30% of community-acquired human pneumonia, needs to extract lipids from the host environment for survival and proliferation. Here, we report a comprehensive structural and functional analysis of the previously uncharacterized protein P116 (MPN_213). Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy of P116 reveals a homodimer presenting a previously unseen fold, forming a huge hydrophobic cavity, which is fully accessible to solvent. Lipidomics analysis shows that P116 specifically extracts lipids such as phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin and cholesterol. Structures of different conformational states reveal the mechanism by which lipids are extracted. This finding immediately suggests a way to control Mycoplasma infection by interfering with lipid uptake.We thank L. Company and I. Fernández-Vidal for their support during MALS and mass spectroscopy measurements, A. Iborra (Servei de Cultius Cellulars, Anticossos Citometria, UAB) for his assistance with immunizing mice, D. Santos for his assistance in the radioactivity experiment and R. Pérez-Luque and D. Aparicio for their constant support and discussions. J. P. was funded by grants BIO2017-84166-R and PID2021-125632OB-C22 from the ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN, Spain). I. F. was funded by MICINN-Spain grant PID2021-125632OB-C21. A. S. F. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (FR 1653/14-1 for MS and, FR 1653/6-3 for LS) and the Research Training Group iMOL (GRK 2566/1 for SM)

    Exploring the response of a key Mediterranean gorgonian to heat stress across biological and spatial scales

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    Understanding the factors and processes that shape intra-specific sensitivity to heat stress is fundamental to better predicting the vulnerability of benthic species to climate change. Here, we investigate the response of a habitat-forming Mediterranean octocoral, the red gorgonian Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) to thermal stress at multiple biological and geographical scales. Samples from eleven P. clavata populations inhabiting four localities separated by hundreds to more than 1500 km of coast and with contrasting thermal histories were exposed to a critical temperature threshold (25 degrees C) in a common garden experiment in aquaria. Ten of the 11 populations lacked thermotolerance to the experimental conditions provided (25 days at 25 degrees C), with 100% or almost 100% colony mortality by the end of the experiment. Furthermore, we found no significant association between local average thermal regimes nor recent thermal history (i.e., local water temperatures in the 3 months prior to the experiment) and population thermotolerance. Overall, our results suggest that local adaptation and/or acclimation to warmer conditions have a limited role in the response of P. clavata to thermal stress. The study also confirms the sensitivity of this species to warm temperatures across its distributional range and questions its adaptive capacity under ocean warming conditions. However, important inter-individual variation in thermotolerance was found within populations, particularly those exposed to the most severe prior marine heatwaves. These observations suggest that P. clavata could harbor adaptive potential to future warming acting on standing genetic variation (i.e., divergent selection) and/or environmentally-induced phenotypic variation (i.e., intra- and/or intergenerational plasticity).European Commission SEP-210597628- FutureMARES, MCIU/AEI/FEDER RTI2018-095346-BI00, Spanish government through the `Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence' accreditation CEX2019-000928-S , Interreg Med Programme 5216|5MED18_3.2_M23_007, 1MED15_3.2_M2_ 337, Spanish Government FPU15/05457, Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) LA/P/0101/2020 , DivRestore/0013/2020, Marine Conservation research group 2017 SGR 1521, postdoctoral fellowship of project HABMAR - European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the Operational Program MAR 2020 for Portugal MAR-01.04.02-FEAMP-0018info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Legal framework for small autonomous agricultural robots

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    Legal structures may form barriers to, or enablers of, adoption of precision agriculture management with small autonomous agricultural robots. This article develops a conceptual regulatory framework for small autonomous agricultural robots, from a practical, self-contained engineering guide perspective, sufficient to get working research and commercial agricultural roboticists quickly and easily up and running within the law. The article examines the liability framework, or rather lack of it, for agricultural robotics in EU, and their transpositions to UK law, as a case study illustrating general international legal concepts and issues. It examines how the law may provide mitigating effects on the liability regime, and how contracts can be developed between agents within it to enable smooth operation. It covers other legal aspects of operation such as the use of shared communications resources and privacy in the reuse of robot-collected data. Where there are some grey areas in current law, it argues that new proposals could be developed to reform these to promote further innovation and investment in agricultural robots

    Outburst activity in comets: II. A multi-band photometric monitoring of comet 29p/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

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    We have carried out a continuous multi-band photometric monitoring of the nuclear activity of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 from 2008 to 2010. Our main aim has been to study the outburst mechanism on the basis of a follow-up of the photometric variations associated with the release of dust. We used a standardized method to obtain the 10 arc-sec nucleus photometry in the V, R, and I filters of the Johnson-Kron-Cousins system, being accurately calibrated with standard Landolt stars. Production of dust in the R and I bands during the 2010 Feb. 3 outburst has been also computed. We conclude that the massive ejection of large (optically-thin) particles from the surface at the time of the outburst is the triggering mechanism to produce the outburst. Ulterior sublimation of these ice-rich dust particles during the following days induces fragmentation, generating micrometer-sized grains that increase the dust spatial density to produce the outburst in the optical range due to scattering of sun light. The material leaving the nucleus adopts a fan-like dust feature, formed by micrometer-sized particles that are decaying in brightness as it evolved outwards. By analyzing the photometric signal measured in a standardized 10-arcsec aperture using the Phase Dispersion Minimization technique we have found a clear periodicity of 50 days. Remarkably, this value is also consistent with an outburst frequency of 7.4 outbursts/year deduced from the number of outbursts noticed during the effective observing time.Comment: 19 pages, 3 Tables, and 6 figure

    Amiloidosis diagnosticada mediante punción aspiración de grasa subcutánea en un servicio de Medicina Interna

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    La amiloidosis es una enfermedad por depósito de amiloide en diferentes tejidos, produciendo su disfunción. Es infrecuente, con elevada mortalidad y escasas opciones terapéuticas. La punción de grasa subcutánea (PAG) es segura y sensible para diagnosticarla, pero por su clínica inespecífica, es necesario sospecharla. Estudio retrospectivo de las PAGs en 22 años de un Servicio de Medicina Interna. La quinta parte resultaron positivos. Se describen sus características clínicas y mortalidad, señalando las enfermedades predisponentes y parámetros del laboratorio más característicos. Se analiza la ecocardiografia en el diagnóstico y la dificultad de la PAG en pacientes con escaso panículo adiposo.L'amiloidosi és una malaltia per dipòsit d'amiloide als diferents teixits, produïnt la seva disfunció. És infreqüent, amb alta mortalitat i escasses opcions terapèutiques. La punció de greix subcutani (PAG) és segura i sensible per diagnosticar-la, però per la seva clínica inespecífica, és necessari sospitar-la. Estudi restrospectiu de les PAGs en 22 anys d'un Servei de Medicina Interna. La cinquena part van resultar positius. Es descriuen les seves característiques clíniques i mortalitat, assenyalant les malalties predisponents i paràmetres del laboratori més característics. S'analitza la ecocardiografia en el diagnòstic i la dificultad de la PAG als malalts amb escàs panícul adipós

    Mechanisms modulating foam cell formation in the arterial intima: exploring new therapeutic opportunities in atherosclerosis

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    In recent years, the role of macrophages as the primary cell type contributing to foam cell formation and atheroma plaque development has been widely acknowledged. However, it has been long recognized that diffuse intimal thickening (DIM), which precedes the formation of early fatty streaks in humans, primarily consists of lipid-loaded smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and their secreted proteoglycans. Recent studies have further supported the notion that SMCs constitute the majority of foam cells in advanced atherosclerotic plaques. Given that SMCs are a major component of the vascular wall, they serve as a significant source of microvesicles and exosomes, which have the potential to regulate the physiology of other vascular cells. Notably, more than half of the foam cells present in atherosclerotic lesions are of SMC origin. In this review, we describe several mechanisms underlying the formation of intimal foam-like cells in atherosclerotic plaques. Based on these mechanisms, we discuss novel therapeutic approaches that have been developed to regulate the generation of intimal foam-like cells. These innovative strategies hold promise for improving the management of atherosclerosis in the near future

    Temporal variability in the response to thermal stress in the red gorgonian, P. clavata: Insights form common garden experiments

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    4th Mediterranean Symposium on the Conservation of Coralligenous & other Calcareous Bio-Concretions, 20-21 September 2022, Genoa, Italy.-- 6 pages, 2 figuresRecurrent mass mortality events (MMEs) linked to marine heatwaves (MHWs) have been observed in the Mediterranean Sea affecting thousands of kilometers of coastline. Coralligenous habitats were among the most impacted during these events. Information on how the exposure to recurrent MHWs is affecting the coralligenous is critical to anticipate the consequences of climate change and implement actions to enhance their resilience. Combining field surveys with experiments in controlled conditions allowed to dilucidate the differential responses to thermal stress among species, populations and individuals and to explore the spatial and taxonomic variability response to thermal stress linked to MHWs. Yet, the temporal variability in the response to thermal stress remains to be characterized. Thus, we aim to fill this gap focusing on the temporal variability in the response to thermal stress of the coralligenous key habitat-forming species Paramuricea clavata (Plexauridae). We replicated thermal stress experiments during 3 consecutive years following a common garden setup (control vs. thermal stress) involving the same individuals from the same three populations. Considering different phenotypic responses including the level of tissue necrosis during the time of the experiment and the survival of the individuals, we found that the average percentage of tissue necrosis per population variated greatly across years while the probability of survival was considerably reduced in 2017. During the experiments, several individuals from the 3 populations systematically showed reduced level of tissue necrosis suggesting resistance to thermal stress. Overall our data will contribute to help better inform further conservation strategies of habitat-forming coral species in the Mediterranean SeaPeer reviewe

    Estimating residual biomass of olive tree crops using terrestrial laser scanning

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    [EN] Agricultural residues have gained increasing interest as a source of renewable energy. The development of methods and techniques that allow to inventory residual biomass needs to be explored further. In this study, the residual biomass of olive trees was estimated based on parameters derived from using a Terrestrial Laser Scanning System (TLS). To this end, 32 olive trees in 2 orchards in the municipality of Viver, Central Eastern Spain, were selected and measured using a TLS system. The residual biomass of these trees was pruned and weighed. Several algorithms were applied to the TLS data to compute the main parameters of the trees: total height, crown height, crown diameter and crown volume. Regarding the last parameter, 4 methods were tested: the global convex hull volume, the convex hull by slice volume, the section volume, and the volume measured by voxels. In addition, several statistics were computed from the crown points for each tree. Regression models were calculated to predict residual biomass using 3 sets of potential explicative variables: firstly, the height statistics retrieved from 3D cloud data for each crown tree, secondly, the parameters of the trees derived from TLS data and finally, the combination of both sets of variables. Strong relationships between residual biomass and TLS parameters (crown volume parameters) were found (R2 = 0.86, RMSE = 2.78 kg). The pruning biomass pre- diction fraction was improved by 6%, in terms of R2, when the variance of the crown-point elevations was selected (R2 = 0.92, RMSE = 2.01 kg). The study offers some important insights into the quantification of residual biomass, which is essential information for the production of biofuel.Fernández-Sarría, A.; López- Cortés, I.; Estornell Cremades, J.; Velázquez Martí, B.; Salazar Hernández, DM. (2019). Estimating residual biomass of olive tree crops using terrestrial laser scanning. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 75:163-170. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2018.10.019S1631707