617 research outputs found

    Mass and luminosity evolution of young stellar objects

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    A model of protostar mass and luminosity evolution in clusters gives new estimates of cluster age, protostar birthrate, accretion rate and mean accretion time. The model assumes constant protostar birthrate, core-clump accretion, and equally likely accretion stopping. Its parameters are set to reproduce the initial mass function, and to match protostar luminosity distributions in nearby star-forming regions. It obtains cluster ages and birthrates from the observed numbers of protostars and pre-main sequence (PMS) stars, and from the modal value of the protostar luminosity. In 31 embedded clusters and complexes the global cluster age is 1-3 Myr, matching available estimates based on optical spectroscopy and evolutionary tracks. This method of age estimation is simpler than optical spectroscopy, and is more useful for young embedded clusters where optical spectrocopy is not possible. In the youngest clusters, the protostar fraction decreases outward from the densest gas, indicating that the local star-forming age increases outward from a few 0.1 Myr in small protostar-dominated zones to a few Myr in large PMS-dominated zones.Comment: To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, Part

    Validity of the centrifuge method for determining the water retention properties of tropical soils

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    International audienceThis study aims at comparing the centrifuge and pressure plate methods when appropriate duration of run is adopted. Samples collected in tropical soils located in Brazil along a 10-km local hydrosequence across the Cerrado-Amazonia transition (set 1) and along a 350-km regional toposequence across the Cerrado region (set 2) were selected to compare and discuss statistically the similarity of the soil-water retention recorded by using the pressure plate and centrifuge methods. The results showed good agreement (R2 = 0.99) for the 1:1 comparison of measured point-wise soil-water content values (set 1) as well as for the fitted soil-water content curves by van Genuchten model using data points obtained with the two methods (set 2). Thus, the centrifuge method should be considered as an appropriate method for determining soil-water retention properties not only for the similar results with the pressure plate method but also for being much less time consuming

    Are There Age Spreads in Star Forming Regions?

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    A luminosity spread at a given effective temperature is ubiquitously seen in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagrams of young star forming regions and often interpreted in terms of a prolonged period (>=10 Myr) of star formation. I review the evidence that the observed luminosity spreads are genuine and not caused by astrophysical sources of scatter. I then address whether the luminosity spreads necessarily imply large age spreads, by comparing HR diagram ages with ages from independent clocks such as stellar rotation rate, the presence of circumstellar material and lithium depletion. I argue that whilst there probably is a true luminosity dispersion, there is little evidence to support age spreads larger than a few Myr. This paradox could be resolved by brief periods of rapid accretion during the class I pre main-sequence phase.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of JENAM10: Star Clusters in the Era of Large Surveys, 8 page

    No wide spread of stellar ages in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    The wide luminosity dispersion seen for stars at a given effective temperature in the H-R diagrams of young clusters and star forming regions is often interpreted as due to significant (~10 Myr) spreads in stellar contraction age. In the scenario where most stars are born with circumstellar discs, and that disc signatures decay monotonically (on average) over timescales of only a few Myr, then any such age spread should lead to clear differences in the age distributions of stars with and without discs. We have investigated large samples of stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) using three methods to diagnose disc presence from infrared measurements. We find no significant difference in the mean ages or age distributions of stars with and without discs, consistent with expectations for a coeval population. Using a simple quantitative model we show that any real age spread must be smaller than the median disc lifetime. For a log-normal age distribution, there is an upper limit of <0.14 dex (at 99% confidence) to any real age dispersion, compared to the ~=0.4 dex implied by the H-R diagram. If the mean age of the ONC is 2.5 Myr, this would mean at least 95% of its low-mass stellar population has ages between 1.3--4.8 Myr. We suggest that the observed luminosity dispersion is caused by a combination of observational uncertainties and physical mechanisms that disorder the conventional relationship between luminosity and age for pre main-sequence stars. This means that individual stellar ages from the H-R diagram are unreliable and cannot be used to directly infer a star formation history. Irrespective of what causes the wide luminosity dispersion, the finding that any real age dispersion is less than the median disc lifetime argues strongly against star formation scenarios for the ONC lasting longer than a few Myr.Comment: To appear in MNRAS, 13 page

    Treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria: report of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy/Healthcare Infection Society/British Infection Association Joint Working Party

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    The Working Party makes more than 100 tabulated recommendations in antimicrobial prescribing for the treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) and suggest further research, and algorithms for hospital and community antimicrobial usage in urinary infection. The international definition of MDR is complex, unsatisfactory and hinders the setting and monitoring of improvement programmes. We give a new definition of multiresistance. The background information on the mechanisms, global spread and UK prevalence of antibiotic prescribing and resistance has been systematically reviewed. The treatment options available in hospitals using intravenous antibiotics and in primary care using oral agents have been reviewed, ending with a consideration of antibiotic stewardship and recommendations. The guidance has been derived from current peer-reviewed publications and expert opinion with open consultation. Methods for systematic review were NICE compliant and in accordance with the SIGN 50 Handbook; critical appraisal was applied using AGREE II. Published guidelines were used as part of the evidence base and to support expert consensus. The guidance includes recommendations for stakeholders (including prescribers) and antibiotic-specific recommendations. The clinical efficacy of different agents is critically reviewed. We found there are very few good-quality comparative randomized clinical trials to support treatment regimens, particularly for licensed older agents. Susceptibility testing of MDR GNB causing infection to guide treatment needs critical enhancements. Meropenem- or imipenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae should have their carbapenem MICs tested urgently, and any carbapenemase class should be identified: mandatory reporting of these isolates from all anatomical sites and specimens would improve risk assessments. Broth microdilution methods should be adopted for colistin susceptibility testing. Antimicrobial stewardship programmes should be instituted in all care settings, based on resistance rates and audit of compliance with guidelines, but should be augmented by improved surveillance of outcome in Gram-negative bacteraemia, and feedback to prescribers. Local and national surveillance of antibiotic use, resistance and outcomes should be supported and antibiotic prescribing guidelines should be informed by these data. The diagnosis and treatment of both presumptive and confirmed cases of infection by GNB should be improved. This guidance, with infection control to arrest increases in MDR, should be used to improve the outcome of infections with such strains. Anticipated users include medical, scientific, nursing, antimicrobial pharmacy and paramedical staff where they can be adapted for local use


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    A crescente presença da tecnologia em nosso cotidiano torna o conhecimento de programação computacional uma habilidade essencial para o século XXI. O ensino da lógica de programação nas escolas de ensino médio desempenha um papel fundamental ao preparar os estudantes para os desafios e oportunidades do mercado de trabalho atual, além de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas e analíticas. Neste trabalho, abordaremos a importância do ensino da lógica de programação para os estudantes do ensino médio, considerando a realização de um projeto de iniciação científica (PIBIC-Jr) da colaboração firmada entre o Colégio da Polícia Militar - CPM Lobato e a Universidade Estadual da Bahia (UNEB), onde estão elucidados os objetivos gerais e específicos, a metodologia adotada, os resultados e discussões esperados, bem como as considerações finais sobre os impactos educacionais e acadêmicos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral destacar a correlação entre a aprendizagem da lógica de programação e o aumento da performance escolar com base na experiência de alguns alunos do ensino médio da rede pública de ensino. Os objetivos específicos incluem: (i) Analisar a relevância da lógica de programação no desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico dos estudantes do ensino médio e (ii) Avaliar a percepção dos estudantes sobre a importância e utilidade da lógica de programação em suas vidas acadêmicas e profissionais futuras. O presente trabalho adota uma metodologia baseada nas aulas de lógica de programação ministradas por professores do Departamento de Arquitetura de Computadores e Sistemas Operacionais da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (ACSO/UNEB). Essa abordagem visa atender aos estudantes do primeiro ao terceiro ano do ensino médio do Colégio da Polícia Militar - CPM Lobato, por meio de uma combinação teórico-prática, que inclui exercícios práticos e atividades em grupo. Os dados gerados por meio do desempenho dos alunos foram analisados qualitativamente e quantitativamente com base em seus rendimentos acadêmicos e então comparados às estatísticas instituídas antes do início das atividades, e ao fim do curso. Espera-se que os resultados deste estudo evidenciem a importância do ensino da lógica de programação para os estudantes do ensino médio, fornecendo subsídios para uma possível inclusão dessa disciplina no currículo escolar

    Comparison of non-linear models used for evaluating irrigation system performance

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    Modelos matemáticos não-lineares utilizados na análise de desempenho de sistemas de irrigação foram comparados visando a indicar o que se ajusta melhor aos dados observados em perfis de distribuição da água aplicada na irrigação. Foram considerados quatro modelos de probabilidade (Normal, Log-normal, Gama e Beta) e dois modelos potenciais (modelos Silva e Karmeli), aplicados a 91 casos de avaliação de desempenho da irrigação. A comparação entre as curvas de freqüência acumulada da soma de quadrados dos erros, obtida do ajuste de cada modelo aos dados, revelou que o modelo Silva é estatisticamente o melhor entre os modelos testados.Various non-linear mathematical models utilized in the analysis of irrigation system performance were compared aiming to indicate the model which better represents applied water distribution profiles. Four probability models (Normal, Log-normal, Gamma and Beta) as well as two potential models (Silva's and Karmeli's models) were considered, and were applied to 91 cases of irrigation performance evaluation. The pairwise comparison of the cumulative frequency distribution curves of the sum of square errors, obtained from fitting each model to the observed data, revealed that Silva's model is the best among the non-linear models tested

    Tension values to describe soil-water retention curve on Cerrado soils

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    A curva de retenção de água do solo é essencial para o estudo das relações solo-água. A escolha do número e da combinação de pontos a serem levantados para o seu traçado normalmente é feita de forma arbitrária. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir o menor número e a melhor combinação de pontos de tensão que resultem na descrição da curva de retenção de água de solos do Cerrado. Utilizaram-se cinco curvas de retenção de diferentes solos como referência, cada uma com 15 pontos medidos pelo método da centrífuga e ajustada ao modelo de Genuchten. A partir desses 15 pontos, 385 curvas foram geradas para cada solo, com seis, sete, oito e nove pontos, a fim de serem comparadas com a curva de referência. A análise da distribuição estatística da soma de quadrados dos erros padronizados, entre as curvas geradas e as respectivas curvas de referência, permitiu definir um modelo de probabilidade que serviu como instrumento para a escolha das melhores combinações de pontos de tensão. A combinação definida pelos oito valores de tensão de 1, 3, 6, 10, 35, 84, 611 e 1.515 kPa é a recomendada para o levantamento das curvas de retenção de água de solos do Cerrado.Soil-water retention curve is essential in studying soil-water relations. The choice of the number and the combination of the tension points for describing soil-water retention curve is usually done in an arbitrary manner. The objective of this work was to define the least number and the best combination of the necessary tension points to describe the adequate soil-water retention curve of Cerrado soils. Five soil-water retention curves from different soils were utilized and taken as a reference, each one described with 15 points, measured by the centrifuge method and fitted with Genuchten model. For each soil sample, 385 curves were generated with six, seven, eight, and nine points, in order to be compared with the reference curve. The statistical distribution analysis of the sum of the normalized square error between the generated curves and the respective reference curve allowed defining a probability model that was used as a tool for choosing the best combinations of the tension points. The combination defined by the eight tension values of 1, 3, 6, 10, 35, 84, 611 e 1.515 kPa is recommended for describing soil-water retention curve for Cerrado soils

    Comparison of mathematical models for fitting particle-size distribution curves

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    A distribuição granulométrica de partículas sólidas é essencial para as áreas de material de construção, mecânica dos solos, física dos solos, hidrossedimentologia, entre outras. As técnicas utilizadas na avaliação da distribuição granulométrica de amostras resultam em valores pontuais, dependendo de posterior interpolação para o traçado da curva granulométrica e a obtenção de diâmetros característicos específicos. A transformação de valores pontuais em funções contínuas pode ser realizada por meio de modelos matemáticos. Entretanto, há poucos estudos com a finalidade de determinar o melhor modelo para o ajuste de curvas granulométricas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar e comparar 14 diferentes modelos passíveis de utilização no traçado da curva granulométrica de partículas sólidas com base em quatro pontos medidos. O parâmetro de comparação entre os modelos foi a soma de quadrado dos erros entre os valores medidos e calculados. Os modelos mais recomendados no traçado da curva granulométrica, a partir de quatro pontos, são os de Skaggs et al. 3P, Lima & Silva 3P, Weibull 3P e Morgan et al. 3P, todos com três parâmetros de ajuste.Particle-size distribution is fundamental for characterizing construction materials, soil mechanics, soil physics, sediment-flux in rivers, and others. The techniques used to determine the particle-size distribution of a sample are point-wise, demanding posterior interpolation to fit the complete particle-size distribution curve and to obtain values of specific diameters. The transformation of discrete points into continuous functions can be made by mathematical models. However, there are few studies to determine the best model to fit particle-size distribution curves. The objective of this work was to test and compare 14 different models with feasibility to fit the cumulative particle-size distribution curve based on four measured points. The parameter used to compare the models was the sum of the square errors between the measured and calculated values. The most recommendable models to fit the particle-size distribution curve, based on four discrete points, are Skaggs et al. 3P, Lima & Silva 3P, Weibull 3P, and Morgan et al. 3P, all using three fitting parameters
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