2 research outputs found
Disease burden of chronic hepatitis C among immigrants in Canada
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A systematic review of hepatitis C virus epidemiology in Europe, Canada and Israel
- Author
- Abacioglu
- Abdel-Hamid
- Abdourakhmanov
- Abe
- Ades
- Afsar
- Aguelles
- Akcam
- Albano
- Alim
- Almog
- Alter
- Altinbas
- Altindis
- Altuglu
- Ambuhl
- Ammon
- Andonov
- Ansaldi
- Antonishyn
- Areias
- Ariamkina
- Ariamkina
- Asratian
- Aymard
- Aymard
- Azoicai
- Backmund
- Baldo
- Baldo
- Balogun
- Balogun
- Balogun
- Balogun
- Balogun
- Bar-Shany
- Barna
- Bastie
- Beggio
- Bell
- Bellentani
- Berg
- Bernier
- Bielak
- Bielawski
- Bobel
- Bogomolski-Yahalom
- Bolumar
- Bongiorno
- Borzecka
- Botte
- Bourliere
- Boxall
- Bozdayi
- Braczkowska
- Broers
- Brojer
- Bruandet
- Bruguera
- Campello
- Campello
- Candinas
- Cantaloube
- Catalani
- Cecere
- Cenci
- Cenci
- Chak
- Chaudhary
- Chimeno
- Chiquete
- Chlabicz
- Chlabicz
- Chlabicz
- Chlabicz
- Comandini
- Conte
- Coppola
- Costella Annastella and Health Protection Agency United Kingdom.
- Courouce
- Cozzolongo
- Czarkowski
- Czarkowski
- D'Amelio
- Dal Molin
- Dalgard
- Dalgard
- Dalgard
- Danta
- Davis
- De Angelis
- De Carvalho
- Defossez
- Delarocque-Astagneau
- Delarocque-Astagneau
- Demirturk
- Desenclos
- Deterding
- Di Stefano
- Diamantis
- Djeriri
- Dominguez
- Duberg
- Duberg
- Dubois
- Dursun
- Echevarria
- Edeh
- Elghouzzi
- Enhanced Hepatitis Strain Surveillance System.
- Erden
- Eskild
- Esteban
- Esteban
- Esteban
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
- Fabris
- Fernandez-Arcas
- Ferrer
- Feucht
- Feucht
- Flatau
- Flisiak
- Floreani
- Forns
- Foucher
- Frere
- Fusco
- Gaidarenko
- Garcia-Bengoechea
- Garcia-Fulgueiras
- Garfein
- Garson
- Gatselis
- Gerlach
- Gerlich
- Gerner
- Gervain
- Gessoni
- Gheorghe
- Gheorghe
- Gheorghe
- Gil Miguel
- Gish
- Glikberg
- Gogos
- Goldberg
- Goldberg
- Goritsas
- Gournay
- Grigorescu
- Guadagnino
- Gunduz
- Gurol
- Gutierrez-Zufiaurre
- Hadziyannis
- Harder
- Harris
- Henquell
- Hickman
- Hickman
- Hobstova
- Hoffmann
- Hope
- Huppe
- Hutchinson
- Hutchinson
- Iashina
- Ivan
- Ivan
- Jaqueti
- Jauffret-Roustide
- Jauffret-Roustide
- Jauffret-Roustide
- Jimenez Fabrega
- Judd
- Jullien-Depradeux
- Karmochkine
- Katsoulidou
- Kershenobich
- Kerzman
- Keskin
- Kielland
- King
- Klofera
- Kocak
- Koerner
- Kondili
- Koulentaki
- Koulentaki
- Kovalev
- Krekulova
- Krekulova
- Kristiansen
- Kuszewski
- Kuzin
- L'vov
- La Torre
- Labedzka
- Ladewig
- Lamden
- Larsen
- Laskus
- Lavanchy
- Lefrere
- Lidman
- Lindh
- Lindholm
- Lionis
- Lionis
- Lionis
- Lobstein
- Loebstein
- Lucidarme
- Lumbreras
- Lurie
- Lvov
- Lytsar
- Maggi
- Maio
- Maisonneuve
- Manuel
- Maor
- Maral
- Mariano
- Marinho
- Marotta
- Marranconi
- Martin
- Martinez
- Martinez
- Martinez-Bauer
- Martinot-Peignoux
- Matera
- Mazokopakis
- Mazurek
- Mazzeo
- McOmish
- Meffre
- Melum
- Merle
- Michault
- Michos
- Mihaly
- Mikhailov
- Ministry of Health Israel Department of Epidemiology.
- Mohsen
- Molnar
- Montella
- Montella
- Moreno Planas
- Muga
- Muhlberger
- Muller
- Muller
- Munoz-Almagro
- Munoz-Gomez
- Murphy
- Mutimer
- Mutlu
- Nalpas
- Natali
- Nemecek
- Nemecek
- Nordoy
- Offergeld
- Ohba
- Omland
- Omland
- Onishchenko
- Osella
- Osella
- Ouzan
- Ouzan
- Ozgun
- Palitzsch
- Panagopoulos
- Paquet
- Pawlotsky
- Payan
- Payeras Cifre
- Pendino
- Petti
- Pillonel
- Pizzillo
- Pradat
- Pradat
- Prasad
- Prasad
- Prasad
- Prieto Domingo
- Proietti
- Public Health Agency of Canada.
- Puro
- Puro
- Raffaele
- Raguin
- Raja
- Ramalho
- Ramos
- Ranger
- Rantala
- Rapicetta
- Raptopoulou
- Raptopoulou-Gigi
- Reimer
- Remis
- Remis
- Reshetnikov
- Riestra
- Robert Koch Institute.
- Rodriguez
- Romano
- Rosinska
- Ross
- Roudot-Thoraval
- Roudot-Thoraval
- Roudot-Thoraval
- Roy
- Russian Federation MoH.
- Russmann
- Sacristan
- Sagmeister
- Sahajian
- Saiz
- Sakarya
- Salleras
- Salmeron
- Santana Rodriguez
- Santos
- Sarrazin
- Saura
- Savvas
- Schroter
- Seidl
- Sereno
- Sermoneta-Gertel
- Seyfried
- Shemer-Avni
- Shev
- Shustov
- Simon
- Sola
- Sroczynski
- Stark
- Steffen
- Stepien
- Stern
- Stroffolini
- Struve
- Stuyver
- Suarez
- Suarez
- Suarez Gonzalez
- Sweeting
- Swincow
- Sychev
- Sypsa
- Sypsa
- Sypsa
- Tamalet
- Tanzi
- Taylor
- The Hepatitis C Trust.
- Thierfelder
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thorburn
- Tosti
- Tozun
- Turhan
- Urbanek
- van de Laar
- Vik
- Villano
- Ward
- Warunek
- Watson
- Weber
- Weber
- Westin
- Widell
- Widell
- Wiegand
- Wiegand
- Yildirim
- Zabransky
- Zahariadis
- Zervou
- Zhiburt
- Zhiburt
- Zimmermann
- Zucca
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study