172 research outputs found
Perbandingan Kejadian Dermatitis Atopik Pada Balita Yang Diberi ASI Eksklusif Dan Susu Formula Di Poli Kulit Dan Poli Anak RSUD Salatiga
Latar Belakang: Dermatitis Atopik (DA) merupakan penyakit kulit kronis, residif yang sering terjadi pada bayi, anak dan dewasa. Perlindungan pertama DA pada balita adalah Air Susu Ibu (ASI). ASI kaya akan Immunoglobulin A yang
dapat membantu melindungi saluran cerna dengan mengikat protein asing yang berpotensi sebagai alergen dan menghambat absorpsinya sedangkan susu formula yang berasal dari susu sapi mengandung protein asing yaitu casein dan whey yang tidak mudah dicerna dan menimbulkan reaksi alergi pada balita.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbandingan kejadian dermatitis atopik pada balita antara yang diberi ASI Eksklusif dan susu formula di poli kulit dan poli anak RSUD Salatiga.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional dengan teknik purposive sampling di RSUD Salatiga.
Hasil: Didapatkan 15 dari 20 sampel pasien balita minum Susu Formula mengalami DA dan 7 dari 20 balita yg minum ASI Eksklusif mengalami DA. Data dianalisis dengan chi square ( ) didapatkan = 6,465 dan p = 0,011. Maka Ho ditolak dan diterima. Nilai uji korelasi sebesar 0,333 menunjukkan
kekuatan korelasinya lemah.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara konsumsi ASI Eksklusif dan susu formula pada kejadian dermatitis atopik, dimana lebih banyak kejadian DA pada konsumsi susu formula dibanding ASI Eksklusif
This research purposeis to examine the nfluence and to calculate the nfluence of history learning based on the Blended Learning Online Driver model on the autonomous learning outcomes of students n class XI PS 2 SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya. This study used a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental research design. This study was designed using an experimental one-shot case study method. Data analysis used simple linear regression, namely Y = 83.757 + 0.812. To test the relationship between X and Y variables, the product moment correlation test was carried out which aims to obtain the results of the two-party hypothesis test and compare Rhitung 0.612> Rtabel 0.329. These results ndicate that there s an nfluence between the two variables. The Rhitung value s positive (+) and s n the receiving area of Ha, so that H0 s rejected and Ha s accepted. From the results of the product moment correlation test, t s known that the correlation coefficient value s 0.612 n the GOOD category, the significance s 0.000 <0.05, which means that the data has a significant effect. The magnitude of nfluence can be seen from RSquare n the Summary table with a value of 0.640 or 64% and the remaining 0.360 or 36% s a factor not examined n this study, namely students' learning motivation. So, t can be concluded that history learning based on the online driver blended learning model has a positive and significant effect on the ability of students' autonomous learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya by 64%.
Keywords :.blended learning, online driver, autonomous learning outcome
Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar siswa masih kurang terampil dalam menulis karangan narasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan menulis karangan narasi dengan menggunakan media gambar seri pada siswa kelas V A SDIT Ad-Damawiyah Cibitung. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus, setiap siklus meliputi tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penilaian, dan refleksi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan kuantitatif untuk mengolah angka hasil keterampilan menulis karangan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh nilai rata-rata siswa pada siklus 1 sebesar 67,7 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal mencapai 53,8%. Pada siklus II nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 77,4 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal mencapai 76,9. Pada siklus III, nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 86,3 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 92,3%
Breastfeeding and adherence to ARV treatment with mother-to-child transmission of HIV at Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Hospital, Bojonegoro
Background: The HIV can be transmitted from an HIV-infected mother to her child during pregnancy, childbirth, and while breastfeeding. HIV that occurs in children is acquired because of transmission from mothers who do not comply with anti-retroviral drugs or during breastfeeding. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is an effort aimed at preventing mother-to-child transmission in an integrated and comprehensive manner with other programs related to HIV control.Objectives: The study aimed to determine the relationship between breastfeeding and adherence to ARV treatment with mother-to-child transmission of HIV at Sosodoro Djatikoesoemo Hospital, Bojonegoro.Methods: The variables in the study were the independent variables of breastfeeding and adherence to ARV treatment in mothers and the dependent variable of HIV status in children under five. This type of research used a correlational analysis with a cross sectional design, with a population of 25 mothers who had babies aged 0-6 months and a sample of 25 respondents. Non-probability sampling technique, total sampling with research instruments using a questionnaire, and statistical tests using the chi-square test.Results: The results showed the significance value of breastfeeding, namely p = 0.001, while the significance value of adherence to ARV treatment was p = 0.009. This means that in this study the most dominant influence on HIV status in toddlers is breastfeeding.Conclusions: This study can analyze efforts to address maternal problems with HIV status to increase awareness of mothers with HIV status to keep checking both during pregnancy and after delivery to minimize transmission to their toddler
The Strict Liability by Corporate in Enforcement of Environmental Law
The purpose of this study is to determine and describe the strict liability of corporations in environmental law enforcement. The research method used is a normative juridical approach and is descriptive analytical in nature. The data used in this research is secondary data, which is obtained through literature study and analyzed to obtain qualitative data. The conclusion of this study is that strict liability is an accountability without an element of error, where the element of error does not need to be proven by the plaintiff as a basis for compensation payments. The perpetrator or polluter has sufficiently been declared responsible for pollution or environmental destruction, even though the perpetrator has not been found guilty. The concept of strict liability is indirectly an embodiment of legal protection for society, which is the part that has the potential to be harmed as a result of industrial activities carried out. Strict liability arrangements by corporations are stated in Article 88 of Act No. 32 Of 2009. The amount of compensation that can be imposed on environmental polluters or destroyers can be determined to a certain extent
Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Snowball Throwing di Mata Pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
Hasil observasi penelitian, mata pelajaran TIK di SMP Negeri 1 Ampel menunjukan minat belajar yang kurang, banyak siswa sering berbicara sendiri didalam proses belajar mengajar. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian tentang penerapan metode Snowball Throwing dengan aplikasi Google Sketchup. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan metode Snowball Throwing dengan aplikasi Google SketchUp dapat meningkatkan minat belajar dan berpengaruh pada hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran TIK di SMP Negeri 1 Ampel.The results of observation showed that a subjects information and communications technology in SMP Negeri 1 Ampel showed less interest in learning, many students often speak for themselves in the learning process. Research on the design of Snowball Throwing with the Google Sketchup is conducted. This research was carried out by using the experimental method. The results showed that the use of design Snowball Throwing with the Google Sketchup can improve interest to learn and learning outcomes for the information and communications technology subject in SMPN 1 Ampel
Abstract This journal aims to identify and analyze on what form of legal protection for the bank as a creditor in preventing losses from non-performing loans with collateral personal guarantees and how the formulation of clauses in the agreement underwriting that could provide legal protection for banks to prevent losses in the event of non-performing loans with collateral personal guarantee. This research is normative juridical research with the approach of legislation which assisted with the conceptual nature of legal materials of primary, secondary and tertiary, which will be described, described, and analyzed using three theories, namely the law guarantees legal protection and agreements. The results of this research is a form of legal protection for the bank as a creditor to prevent losses in the event of non-performing loans with a personal guarantee has not been found either through legislation or through regulatory authority of the financial services, legislation governing responsibility in article 1820- 1850, protection is only given to the surety with several privileges, so the banks are inadequately protected because the bank can not take steps to resolve credit debtor in question while the surety was not cooperative to implement the achievements of the debtors default, the Personal Guarantee creditor protection obtained through a clause in treaty underwriting, is supposed to provide legal protection for creditors financial services authority ruled that the agreement underwriting must be authentic deed as well as the submission of counter guarantee by the insurer and the formulation of clauses in the agreement underwriting proposed by researchers aim to equalize the clause in the treaty underwriting this as a form of protection law for creditors and to avoid clauses are important precisely not included in the underwriting agreement. Key words: legal protection , losses , personal guarantee Abstrak Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis tentang Apa bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi bank selaku kreditor dalam mencegah kerugian akibat kredit bermasalah dengan jaminan personal guarantee dan bagaimana formulasi klausul dalam perjanjian penanggungan yang bisa memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi bank untuk mencegah kerugian dalam hal terjadi kredit bermasalah dengan jaminan personal guarantee. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Yuridis Normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan yang bersifat konseptual dibantu dengan bahan-bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier, yang akan diuraikan, dideskripsikan, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan 3 teori yaitu hukum jaminan, perlindungan hukum dan perjanjian. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi bank selaku kreditor untuk mencegah kerugian jika terjadi kredit bermasalah dengan personal guarantee selama ini belum diketemukan baik melalui peraturan perundang-undangan maupun melalui peraturan otoritas jasa keuangan, peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur penanggungan dalam pasal 1820-1850, perlindungan hanya diberikan kepada penjamin dengan beberapa hak istimewanya, sehingga pihak bank kurang terlindungi sebab pihak bank tidak bisa mengambil langkah penyelesaian kredit debitor yang bermasalah sementara penjamin tidak kooperatif untuk melaksanakan prestasi dari debitor yang wanprestasi, dalam Personal Guarantee perlindungan kreditor didapat melalui klausul dalam perjanjian penanggungan, seharusnya untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi kreditor otoritas jasa keuangan mengeluarkan aturan bahwa perjanjian penanggungan harus dengan akta otentik serta penyerahan counter guarantee oleh penanggung dan formulasi klausul dalam perjanjian penanggungan yang diusulkan oleh peneliti bertujuan untuk menyamakan klausul dalam perjanjian penanggungan hal ini sebagai bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi kreditor dan untuk menghindari klausul yang penting justru tidak dicantumkan dalam perjanjian penanggungan. Kata Kunci: perlindungan hukum, kerugian, personal guarante
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