170 research outputs found

    The Ecology and Palaeoecology of Diatom – Duckweed Relationships

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    This thesis focuses on the ecology and palaeoecology of diatom-duckweed relationships and utilises a combined experimental, ecological and palaeoecological approach. In particular, the study sought to determine the potential of the epiphytic diatom Lemnicola hungarica to be utilised as a proxy indicator of past dominance of duckweed (Lemna) in small ponds. To this end, contemporary sampling of epiphytic diatom assemblages from a variety of macrophytes (including multiple samples of free-floating plants) were collected from around the world and analysed for diatom epiphytes. In this study, even despite significant environmental gradients, L. hungarica showed a significant association with free-floating plants (including Lemna spp.) as did Sellaphora seminulum. To determine whether this relationship might be used to infer Lemna-dominance in sediment cores, diatom assemblages were analysed in surface sediments from English Lemna and non-Lemna covered ponds and in a core from a pond (Bodham Rail Pit, eastern England) known to have exhibited periods of Lemna-dominance in the past. In both cases, the data suggested that both L. hungarica and S. seminulum were excellent predictors of past Lemna-dominance. Finally, to infer the consequences of Lemna-dominance for the long-term biological structure and ecosystem function of the Bodham Rail Pit, the sedimentary remains of diatoms, plant pigments, and plant and animal macrofossils were enumerated from two sediment cores. These stratigraphic data were compared with the diatom Lemna-indicator metric which indicated three distinct Lemna cycles. Sediment core analyses suggested major compositional, structural and ecological changes brought about by the Lemna cycles, especially in the submerged macrophyte community and in fish-invertebrate relationships. These data reveal that duckweed proliferation, often brought about by eutrophication and terrestrialisation in ponds, can result in dramatic ecological changes due to a strong physical ecosystem engineering effect

    Mission possible: diatoms can be used to infer past duckweed (lemnoid Araceae) dominance in ponds

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    Compared to larger lakes, ponds have rarely been the focus of palaeoecological studies. A common feature of ponds, especially those subject to eutrophication, is mass surface coverings of lemnoid Araceae (duckweed) which have severe implications for ecological processes in small waterbodies, in particular lowered oxygen content. To help understand the implications of duckweed dominance for the long-term ecology of ponds, and to determine the potential for palaeoecological studies in ponds more generally, we develop a new diatom-based Lemna-indicator metric. Recent studies of diatom host-plant relationships have shown significant associations between duckweed and the epiphytes Lemnicola hungarica and Sellaphora saugerresii (formally known as Sellaphora seminulum). To determine the potential of these species as palaeo-indicators of long-term duckweed dynamics in ponds, we investigated the diatom composition of surface sediment assemblages in sets of duckweed and non-duckweed-dominated ponds in Norfolk, eastern England. In addition, we undertook diatom analysis of two cores from a small farmland pond (Bodham Rail Pit) subject to a known duckweed dominance event (1999–2005). Both L. hungarica and S. saugerresii were significant predictors of past Lemna dominance in the surface sediments. Further, in the core study, both diatom species accurately and closely tracked the documented “on–off” duckweed cycle. Our study suggests huge potential for using ponds in palaeoecological studies and for diatom-based investigations of floating plant histories

    Tributyltin (TBT) and the decline of the Norfolk Broads: Hickling Broad and Barton Broad

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    This study furthers the work of Sayer et al (2001), in which a model was presented regarding the collapse of the plant-dominated state in the aquatic ecosystem of the Norfolk Broads, E. England. The boat antifouling biocide tributyltin (TBT) was implicated as a toxic switching mechanism from evidence gathered in a palaeolimnological study of Wroxham Broad

    Recovery of the crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.): Approach and early results of an English conservation project

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    Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd The crucian carp Carassius carassius, a cyprinid fish characteristic of small ponds, is in decline throughout most of its European range, including in England where it is currently thought to be non-native. The present study, undertaken by the Norfolk Crucian Project, reports on reductions in pond populations of crucian carp in Norfolk, eastern England as well as the success of recent introduction/re-introduction efforts in terms of crucian survival, recruitment and growth over the last 10 years. A 72% decline in crucian carp distribution was observed between the 1950s–1980s and the 2010s. Of 18 crucian carp introductions/re-introductions to restored and suitable existing ponds, 17 were successful in terms of survival, increasing the number of current crucian sites in Norfolk by 37%. Recruitment of young crucian carp was demonstrated for 12 of the 18 stocked ponds, with apparent elevated juvenile growth relative to other English and European populations. Delays in, or a lack of, crucian recruitment in some ponds appeared to result from the presence of other fish species (especially threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus) with predation and interspecific competition possible contributory factors. This study shows that, through combinations of pond rehabilitation and stocking, it has been possible to achieve a substantial recovery of crucian carp populations in the study region. Although the crucian carp is currently presumed to be non-native within England, given other scientific studies that show a lack of adverse impacts of this species on native biota, and because it is greatly threatened in its native range, the call is sounded for more crucian carp conservation projects in other parts of England as well as in Europe more generally

    Biomarkers of Disease and Treatment in Murine and Cynomolgus Models of Chronic Asthma

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    Background Biomarkers facilitate early detection of disease and measurement of therapeutic efficacy, both at clinical and experimental levels. Recent advances in analytics and disease models allow comprehensive screening for biomarkers in complex diseases, such as asthma, that was previously not feasible. Objective Using murine and nonhuman primate (NHP) models of asthma, identify biomarkers associated with early and chronic stages of asthma and responses to steroid treatment. Methods The total protein content from thymic stromal lymphopoietin transgenic (TSLP Tg) mouse BAL fluid was ascertained by shotgun proteomics analysis. A subset of these potential markers was further analyzed in BAL fluid, BAL cell mRNA, and lung tissue mRNA during the stages of asthma and following corticosteroid treatment. Validation was conducted in murine and NHP models of allergic asthma. Results Over 40 proteins were increased in the BAL fluid of TSLP Tg mice that were also detected by qRT-PCR in lung tissue and BAL cells, as well as in OVA-sensitive mice and house dust mite-sensitive NHP. Previously undescribed as asthma biomarkers, KLK1, Reg3γ, ITLN2, and LTF were modulated in asthmatic mice, and Clca3, Chi3l4 (YM2), and Ear11 were the first lung biomarkers to increase during disease and the last biomarkers to decline in response to therapy. In contrast, GP-39, LCN2, sICAM-1, YM1, Epx, Mmp12, and Klk1 were good indicators of early therapeutic intervention. In NHP, AMCase, sICAM-1, CLCA1, and GP-39 were reduced upon treatment with corticosteroids. Conclusions and clinical relevance These results significantly advance our understanding of the biomarkers present in various tissue compartments in animal models of asthma, including those induced early during asthma and modulated with therapeutic intervention, and show that BAL cells (or their surrogate, induced sputum cells) are a viable choice for biomarker examination

    Local flexibility in feeding behaviour and contrasting microhabitat use of an omnivore across latitudes

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    As the environment is getting warmer and species are redistributed, consumers can be forced to adjust their interactions with available prey, and this could have cascading effects within food webs. To better understand the capacity for foraging flexibility, our study aimed to determine the diet variability of an ectotherm omnivore inhabiting kelp forests, the sea urchin Echinus esculentus, along its entire latitudinal distribution in the northeast Atlantic. Using a combination of gut content and stable isotope analyses, we determined the diet and trophic position of sea urchins at sites in Portugal (42° N), France (49° N), southern Norway (63° N), and northern Norway (70° N), and related these results to the local abundance and distribution of putative food items. With mean estimated trophic levels ranging from 2.4 to 4.6, omnivory and diet varied substantially within and between sites but not across latitudes. Diet composition generally reflected prey availability within epiphyte or understorey assemblages, with local affinities demonstrating that the sea urchin adjusts its foraging to match the small-scale distribution of food items. A net “preference” for epiphytic food sources was found in northern Norway, where understorey food was limited compared to other regions. We conclude that diet change may occur in response to food source redistribution at multiple spatial scales (microhabitats, sites, regions). Across these scales, the way that key consumers alter their foraging in response to food availability can have important implication for food web dynamics and ecosystem functions along current and future environmental gradients

    Long telomeres are associated with clonality in wild populations of the fissiparous starfish Coscinasterias tenuispina

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    7 páginas, 4 figuras, 3 tablasTelomeres usually shorten during an organism’s lifespan and have thus been used as an aging and health marker. When telomeres become sufficiently short, senescence is induced. The most common method of restoring telomere length is via telomerase reverse transcriptase activity, highly expressed during embryogenesis. However, although asexual reproduction from adult tissues has an important role in the life cycles of certain species, its effect on the aging and fitness of wild populations, as well as its implications for the long-term survival of populations with limited genetic variation, is largely unknown. Here we compare relative telomere length of 58 individuals from four populations of the asexually reproducing starfish Coscinasterias tenuispina. Additionally, 12 individuals were used to compare telomere lengths in regenerating and non-regenerating arms, in two different tissues (tube feet and pyloric cecum). The level of clonality was assessed by genotyping the populations based on 12 specific microsatellite loci and relative telomere length was measured via quantitative PCR. The results revealed significantly longer telomeres in Mediterranean populations than Atlantic ones as demonstrated by the Kruskal–Wallis test (K=24.17, significant value: P-valueo0.001), with the former also characterized by higher levels of clonality derived from asexual reproduction. Telomeres were furthermore significantly longer in regenerating arms than in non-regenerating arms within individuals (pyloric cecum tissue: Mann–Whitney test, V=299, P-valueo10− 6; and tube feet tissue Student's t= 2.28, P-value =0.029). Our study suggests that one of the mechanisms responsible for the long-term somatic maintenance and persistence of clonal populations is telomere elongation.This research was financially supported by a PhD fellowship FPI-MICINN (BES-2011-044154) (ACG), the European ASSEMBLY project (227799), the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences (ACG) and the Spanish Government project CTM2010-22218-C02. The research was also supported by a ‘Juan de la Cierva’ contract from the Spanish Government (RPP) and by the Adlerbertska Research Foundation (HNS).Peer reviewe

    Neuroactive substances specifically modulate rhythmic body contractions in the nerveless metazoon Tethya wilhelma (Demospongiae, Porifera)

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    BACKGROUND: Sponges (Porifera) are nerve- and muscleless metazoa, but display coordinated motor reactions. Therefore, they represent a valuable phylum to investigate coordination systems, which evolved in a hypothetical Urmetazoon prior to the central nervous system (CNS) of later metazoa. We have chosen the contractile and locomotive species Tethya wilhelma (Demospongiae, Hadromerida) as a model system for our research, using quantitative analysis based on digital time lapse imaging. In order to evaluate candidate coordination pathways, we extracorporeally tested a number of chemical messengers, agonists and antagonists known from chemical signalling pathways in animals with CNS. RESULTS: Sponge body contraction of T. wilhelma was induced by caffeine, glycine, serotonine, nitric oxide (NO) and extracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The induction by glycine and cAMP followed patterns varying from other substances. Induction by cAMP was delayed, while glycine lead to a bi-phasic contraction response. The frequency of the endogenous contraction rhythm of T. wilhelma was significantly decreased by adrenaline and NO, with the same tendency for cAMP and acetylcholine. In contrast, caffeine and glycine increased the contraction frequency. The endogenous rhythm appeared irregular during application of caffeine, adrenaline, NO and cAMP. Caffeine, glycine and NO attenuated the contraction amplitude. All effects on the endogenous rhythm were neutralised by the washout of the substances from the experimental reactor system. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that a number of chemical messengers, agonists and antagonists induce contraction and/or modulate the endogenous contraction rhythm and amplitude of our nerveless model metazoon T. wilhelma. We conclude that a relatively complex system of chemical messengers regulates the contraction behaviour through auto- and paracrine signalling, which is presented in a hypothetical model. We assume that adrenergic, adenosynergic and glycinergic pathways, as well as pathways based on NO and extracellular cAMP are candidates for the regulation and timing of the endogenous contraction rhythm within pacemaker cells, while GABA, glutamate and serotonine are candidates for the direct coordination of the contractile cells