41 research outputs found


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    Due to the urbanization, successive technological modernization and marketing strategies, the Brazilian population food habits have changed, inducing an increase in consumption of processed food, known as damaging to population health. In the present study the impacts of urbanization on the eating practices of the urban population of Arari – MA (Brazil) were evaluated considering that this municipality has the highest urbanization rate of the Baixada Maranhense micro region. This is a qualitative transversal study using the questionnaires “10 steps for eating healthy” of the Health Ministry with a sample of 90 resident adults. Among the greatest adhesions, we highlight the inclusion of cereals, tubercles and roots, as well as meat, birds, fish, and eggs in contraposition to the daily consumption of at least three portions of milk, fruits or vegetables. However, only 57.8% of the participants avoided consuming industrialized food, cakes, cookies and other processed goods. Thus, we conclude that the frequency of adhesion to the Health Ministry recommendations regarding consumption of in nature or minimally processed foods is low and not satisfactory. The studied individuals do not have healthy food habits, therefore we believe that this scenario reflects the influence urbanization processes have on the eating habits of this group.Key words: urbanization, eating habits, healthy feeding

    Multi-Parametric Field Experiment Links Explosive Activity and Persistent Degassing at Stromboli

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    Visually unattainable magmatic processes in volcanic conduits, such as degassing, are closely linked to eruptive styles at the surface, but their roles are not completely identified and understood. To gain insights, a multi-parametric experiment at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) was installed in July 2016 focusing on the normal explosive activity and persistent degassing. During this experiment, gas-dominated (type 0) and particle-loaded (type 1) explosions, already defined by other studies, were clearly identified. A FLIR thermal camera, an Ultra-Violet SO₂ camera and a scanning Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy were deployed to record pyroclast and SO2 masses emitted during individual explosions, as well as persistent SO₂ fluxes, respectively. An ASHER instrument was also deployed in order to collect ash fallouts and to measure the grain size distribution of the samples. SO2 measurements confirm that persistent degassing was far greater than that emitted during the explosions. Further, we found that the data could be characterized by two periods. In the first period (25–27 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 0 explosions, characterized by high velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were relatively low (280 kg/event on average), while persistent SO2 fluxes were high (274 t/d on average). In the second period (29–30 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 1 explosions, characterized by low velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were almost ten times higher (2,400 kg/event on average), while persistent gas fluxes were significantly lower (82 t/d on average). Ash characterization also indicates that type 0 explosions fragments were characterized by a larger proportion of non-juvenile material compared to type 1 explosions fragments. This week-long field experiment suggests that, at least within short time periods, Stromboli’s type 1 explosions can be associated with low levels of degassing and the mass of particles accompanying such explosive events depends on the volume of a degassed magma cap sitting at the head of the magma column. This could make the classic particle-loaded explosions of Stromboli an aside from the true eruptive state of the volcano. Instead, gas-dominated explosions can be associated with high levels of degassing and are indicative of a highly charged (with gas) system. We thus suggest that relatively deep magmatic processes, such as persistent degassing and slug formation can rapidly influence the superficial behavior of the eruptive conduit, modulating the presence or absence of degassed magma at the explosion/fragmentation level

    The Interdependence between Trade and Conflicts: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment

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    For ages economists, philosophers, historians, political scientists and many other thinkers and scholars have argued about the connections between world economy and international relations. Within this broad subject, two related and prolific debates exist: the possible peacekeeping or warmongering effects of trade and, inversely, the influences of warfare and peace on commerce. The present dissertation introduces a theoretical and empirical assessment about the interdependence between international trade and interstate conflict. In particular, a causal perspective on the issue is adopted. The first part presents the most renown theories about trade and conflict, trying to extrapolate the alleged casual linkages behind them. In the second part, a detailed review of the previous empirical studies is provided. Furthermore, an empirical analysis on the interdependence between international trade and militarized interstate disputes (MIDs) is attempted employing a vector autoregression (VAR) model. Finally, personal considerations about the examined arguments conclude the thesis

    Multi-parametric field experiment links explosive activity and persistent degassing at Stromboli

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    Co-auteur étrangerInternational audienceVisually unattainable magmatic processes in volcanic conduits, such as degassing, are closely linked to eruptive styles at the surface, but their roles are not completely identified and understood. To gain insights, a multi-parametric experiment at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) was installed in July 2016 focusing on the normal explosive activity and persistent degassing. During this experiment, gas-dominated (type 0) and particle-loaded (type 1) explosions, already defined by other studies, were clearly identified. A FLIR thermal camera, an UV SO₂ camera and a scanning DOAS were deployed to record pyroclast and SO2 masses emitted during individual explosions, as well as persistent SO₂ fluxes, respectively. An ASHER instrument was also deployed in order to collect ash fallouts and to measure the grain size distribution of the samples. SO2 measurements confirm that persistent degassing was far greater than that emitted during the explosions. Further, we found that the data could be characterized by two periods. In the first period (25-27 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 0 explosions, characterized by high velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were relatively low (280 kg/event on average), while persistent SO2 fluxes were high (274 t/d on average). In the second period (29-30 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 1 explosions, characterized by low velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were almost ten times higher (2400 kg/event on average), while persistent gas fluxes were significantly lower (82 t/d on average). Ash characterization also indicates that type 0 explosions fragments were characterized by a larger proportion of non-juvenile material compared to type 1 explosions fragments. This week-long field experiment suggests that, at least within short time periods, Stromboli's type 1 explosions can be associated with low levels of degassing and the mass of particles accompanying such explosive events depends on the volume of a degassed magma cap sitting at the head of the magma column. This could make the classic particle-loaded explosions of Stromboli an aside from the true eruptive state of the volcano. Instead, gas-dominated explosions can be associated with hig

    Multi-parametric field experiment links explosive activity and persistent degassing at Stromboli

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    Co-auteur étrangerInternational audienceVisually unattainable magmatic processes in volcanic conduits, such as degassing, are closely linked to eruptive styles at the surface, but their roles are not completely identified and understood. To gain insights, a multi-parametric experiment at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) was installed in July 2016 focusing on the normal explosive activity and persistent degassing. During this experiment, gas-dominated (type 0) and particle-loaded (type 1) explosions, already defined by other studies, were clearly identified. A FLIR thermal camera, an UV SO₂ camera and a scanning DOAS were deployed to record pyroclast and SO2 masses emitted during individual explosions, as well as persistent SO₂ fluxes, respectively. An ASHER instrument was also deployed in order to collect ash fallouts and to measure the grain size distribution of the samples. SO2 measurements confirm that persistent degassing was far greater than that emitted during the explosions. Further, we found that the data could be characterized by two periods. In the first period (25-27 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 0 explosions, characterized by high velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were relatively low (280 kg/event on average), while persistent SO2 fluxes were high (274 t/d on average). In the second period (29-30 July), activity was mainly characterized by type 1 explosions, characterized by low velocity jets. Pyroclast mass fluxes were almost ten times higher (2400 kg/event on average), while persistent gas fluxes were significantly lower (82 t/d on average). Ash characterization also indicates that type 0 explosions fragments were characterized by a larger proportion of non-juvenile material compared to type 1 explosions fragments. This week-long field experiment suggests that, at least within short time periods, Stromboli's type 1 explosions can be associated with low levels of degassing and the mass of particles accompanying such explosive events depends on the volume of a degassed magma cap sitting at the head of the magma column. This could make the classic particle-loaded explosions of Stromboli an aside from the true eruptive state of the volcano. Instead, gas-dominated explosions can be associated with hig

    It Looks Like a Spinal Cord Tumor but It Is Not

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    Differentiating neoplastic from non-neoplastic spinal cord pathologies may be challenging due to overlapping clinical and radiological features. Spinal cord tumors, which comprise only 2–4% of central nervous system tumors, are rarer than non-tumoral myelopathies of inflammatory, vascular, or infectious origins. The risk of neurological deterioration and the high rate of false negatives or misdiagnoses associated with spinal cord biopsies require a cautious approach. Facing a spinal cord lesion, prioritizing more common non-surgical myelopathies in differential diagnoses is essential. A comprehensive radiological diagnostic approach is mandatory to identify spinal cord tumor mimics. The diagnostic process involves a multi-step approach: detecting lesions primarily using MRI techniques, precise localization of lesions, assessing lesion signal intensity characteristics, and searching for potentially associated anomalies at spinal cord and cerebral MRI. This review aims to delineate the radiological diagnostic approach for spinal cord lesions that may mimic tumors and briefly highlight the primary pathologies behind these lesions

    Valutazione e percorsi di trattamento del rischio autolesivo in carcere. L\u2019esperienza nella Casa Circondariale di Monza

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    Per i soggetti reclusi, i principali fattori di rischio autolesivo descritti in letteratura possono essere riassunti in due categorie: quella situazionale, relativa all\u2019evento detentivo, e quella di importazione con riferimento alle variabili socio-demografiche, alle caratteristiche cliniche dell\u2019individuo antecedenti la detenzione. Per la specificit\ue0 del contesto detentivo, considerare l\u2019agito autolesivo come il risultato dell\u2019interazione tra differenti categorie di fattori di rischio sembra essere la modalit\ue0 pi\uf9 appropriata per orientare adeguatamente gli interventi clinici. Nella Casa Circondariale di Monza, dal settembre 2012, viene applicato un protocollo finalizzato alla prevenzione dell\u2019agito auto/etero lesivo, a tutta la popolazione che accede in istituto entro 72 ore dall\u2019ingresso al Servizio Nuovi Giunti. Oltre al colloquio clinico, viene somministrato un assessment testale, finalizzato ad un esame multidimensionale, con i seguenti strumenti standardizzati sulla popolazione detenuta: i) Jail Screening Assessment Tool (J-Sat), intervista semistrutturata che permette di indagare la situazione giuridica (tipo di reato, detenzioni), anamnesi degli agiti aggressivi (auto/etero diretti), valutazione psicosociale (relazioni significative, supporto sociale, lavoro), uso di sostanze, presenza di disturbo psichiatrico (in anamnesi e nell\u2019attualit\ue0), rischio suicidario/autolesivo, presenza di sintomatologia ansiosa e depressiva; ii) Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11 (BIS11) scala autosomministrata mirata alla misurazione dell\u2019impulsivit\ue0; iii) Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure (CORE-OM), scala autosomministrata che permette di valutare il livello del distress psicologico, utilizzata anche come strumento di valutazione d\u2019esito dell\u2019intervento attivato. In caso di positivit\ue0 allo screening, avviene l\u2019assunzione in cura del detenuto valutando l\u2019evoluzione del quadro clinico, si procede alla richiesta di valutazione psichiatrica ed all\u2019inserimento in un piano di monitoraggio, con misure di sorveglianza a carattere precauzionale. Entro 2 settimane dal primo colloquio, viene somministrato il Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCM-III), questionario finalizzato ad approfondire la struttura ed il funzionamento della personalit\ue0. Il protocollo di valutazione utilizzato consente di indagare, sia i fattori situazionali sia quelli di importazione come categorie di rischio, oltre che la loro interazione, su questa base il clinico procede alla definizione dell\u2019intervento pi\uf9 appropriato. La fase di valutazione iniziale permette di identificare le aree di fragilit\ue0 da affrontare e di definire gli obiettivi dell\u2019intervento, condividendoli con il paziente detenuto

    Data from: Polymorphism at the Clock gene predicts phenology of long-distance migration in birds

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    Dissecting phenotypic variance in life history traits into its genetic and environmental components is at the focus of evolutionary studies and of pivotal importance to identify the mechanisms and predict the consequences of human-driven environmental change. The timing of recurrent life history events (phenology) is under strong selection, but the study of the genes that control potential environmental canalization in phenological traits is at its infancy. Candidate genes for circadian behaviour entrained by photoperiod have been screened as potential controllers of phenological variation of breeding and moult in birds, with inconsistent results. Despite photoperiodic control of migration is well established, no study has reported on migration phenology in relation to polymorphism at candidate genes in birds. We analysed variation in spring migration dates within four trans-Saharan migratory species (Luscinia megarhynchos; Ficedula hypoleuca; Anthus trivialis; Saxicola rubetra) at a Mediterranean island in relation to Clock and Adcyap1 polymorphism. Individuals with larger number of glutamine residues in the poly-Q region of Clock gene migrated significantly later in one or, respectively, two species depending on sex and whether the within-individual mean length or the length of the longer Clock allele was considered. The results hinted at dominance of the longer Clock allele. No significant evidence for migration date to covary with Adcyap1 polymorphism emerged. This is the first evidence that migration phenology is associated with Clock in birds. This finding is important for evolutionary studies of migration and sheds light on the mechanisms that drive bird phenological changes and population trends in response to climate change