116 research outputs found

    Análise da frequência cardíaca em treino de futsal : estudo piloto

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    O objectivo do presente estudo é a análise e comparação da Frequência Cardíaca de dois jogadores de futsal, que ocupam posições diferentes no campo. Para tal, foram utilizados dois cardiofrequêncimetros e duas câmaras de filmar durante uma semana de treinos, por forma a obter uma recolha do frequência cardíaca de cada jogadores, onde se verificam algumas diferenças, que se podem justificar pelo tipo de treino que foi realizado e pelas diferentes funções de cada um dos jogadores

    Analysis of pedestrian behavior in individual and group displacements

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    Many of our actions are influenced by the social context, in particular, by the actions carried out by other people. Within pedestrian flows, people tend to walk in groups such as friends, couples, or families. In this sense, an important aspect that needs to be analyzed is the influence of the relationship between the properties of each person and the collective properties resulting from the social interaction between people. The main goal of this work is to develop a methodology to acquire and analyze empirical data about the movement (characteristics of the gait and speed) and pedestrians’ actions (distance, spatial formation), through the realization of field experiments before and during road crossings in urban areas using wearable inertial sensors and video recordings.This work is part of the activities of the research project AnPeB – Analysis of pedestrians behavior based on simulated urban environments and its incorporation in risk modelling (PTDC/ECM-TRA/3568/2014), was funded under the Promover a Produção Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e a Constituição de Redes Temáticas (3599-PPCDT) project and supported by the European Community Fund FEDER and the doctoral scholarships SFRH/BD/138728/2018 and SFRH/BD/131638/2017 funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

    The role of Ephrins-B1 and - B2 during fetal rat lung development

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    Background/Aims: The knowledge of the molecular network that governs fetal lung branching is an essential step towards the discovery of novel therapeutic targets against pulmonary pathologies. Lung consists of two highly branched systems: airways and vasculature. Ephrins and its receptors, Eph, have been implicated in cardiovascular development, angiogenesis and vascular remodeling. This study aims to clarify the role of these factors during lung morphogenesis. Methods: Ephrins-B1, -B2 and receptor EphB4 expression pattern was assessed in fetal rat lungs between 15.5 and 21.5 days post-conception, by immunohistochemistry. Fetal rat lungs were harvested at 13.5 dpc, cultured during 4 days and treated with increasing doses of ephrins-B1 and -B2 and the activity of key signaling pathways was assessed. Results: Ephrin-B1 presents mesenchymal expression, whereas ephrin-B2 and its receptor EphB4 were expressed by the epithelium. Both ephrins stimulated pulmonary branching. Moreover, while ephrin-B1 did not affect the pathways studied, ephrin-B2 supplementation decreased activity of JNK, ERK and STAT. This study characterizes the expression pattern of ephrins-B1, -B2 and EphB4 receptor throughout rat lung development. Conclusion: Our data highlight a possible role of ephrins as molecular stimulators of lung morphogenesis. Moreover, it supports the idea that classical vascular factors might play a role as airway growth promoters.We would like to thank Luis Martins and Miguel Carneiro for histological technical support and help on animal euthanasia. This project was funded by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (PTDC/SAU-OBD/108051/2008). PPT was supported by POPH/ FSE by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (reference SFRH/BD/73660/2010) and FOP was supported by Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (reference UMINHO/BII/172/2009)

    GERVALOR: valorization of food waste in a hospital food service unit

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    Three-dimensional technology facilitates surgical performance of novice laparoscopy surgeons: a quantitative assessment on a porcine kidney model

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    Objective To determine whether the use of 3-dimensional (3D) imaging translates into a better surgical performance of naïve urologic laparoscopic surgeons during pyeloplasty (PY) and partial nephrectomy (PN) procedures. Materials and Methods Eighteen surgeons without any previous laparoscopic experience were randomly assigned to perform PY and PN in a porcine model using initially 2-dimensional (2D) and 3D laparoscopy. A surgical performance score was rated by an "expert" tutor through a modified 5-item global rating scale contemplating operative field view, bimanual dexterity, efficiency, tissue handling, and autonomy. Overall surgical time, complications, subjective perception of participating surgeons, and inconveniences related to the 3D vision were recorded. Results No difference in terms if operative time was found between 2D or 3D laparoscopy for both the PY (P =.51) and the PN (P =.28) procedures. A better rate in terms of surgical performance score was noted by the tutors when the study participants were using 3D vs 2D, for both PY (3.6 [0.8] vs 3.0 [0.4]; P =.034) and PN (3.6 [0.51] vs 3.15 [0.63]; P =.001). No complications occurred in any of the procedures. Most (77.2%) of the participating na??ve laparoscopic surgeons had the perception that 3D laparoscopy was overall easier than 2D. Headache (18.1%), nausea (18.1%), and visual disturbance (18.1%) were the most common issues reported by the surgeons during 3D procedures. Conclusion Despite the absence of translation in a shorter operative time, the use of 3D technology seems to facilitate the surgical performance of naive surgeons during laparoscopic kidney procedures on a porcine model

    Viabilidade e conservação de grãos de pólen da carnaúba (Copernicia prunifera (Miller) H.E. More)

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    The objective of this study was to establish a methodology for the conservation of Carnauba (Copernicia prunifera (Miller) H.E. More) pollen grains. The viability of newly released pollen grains was evaluated by the 1% acetic carmine staining technique, Alexander reactive and Lugol. The in vitro germination rate was verified through three culture media: M1: 100g L-1 sucrose; 10g L-1 of agar; M2: 100g L-1 sucrose; 500mg L-1 of H3BO3; 10g L-1 of agar; M3: 100g L-1 sucrose; 300mg L-1 of CaCl2; 10g L-1 of agar. The influence of the reduction of the water content of the pollen grains was verified by means of four processes: 1) in desiccator with silica gel, under vacuum, for 24 h (10% final moisture); 2) in lyophilizer for 24h; 3) calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl2 2H2O) and 4) pollen without reduction of humidity. The pollen grains with the best response to dissection were stored at three different temperatures: freezer (-4 ° C), refrigerator (10 ° C), and room temperature (26 ° C). All dyes used are suitable and practical to analyses the pollen viability of Carnauba pollen grains. The culture medium suitable for evaluating the pollen viability of Carnauba contains sucrose and boric acid in its composition. The storage of pollen grains of dehydrated carnauba with silica gel can be carried out at temperatures of 10 ° C and -4 ° C.Objetivou-se com o presente estudo estabelecer uma metodologia para a conservação de grãos de pólen da Carnaúba (Copernicia prunifera (Miller) H.E. More). A viabilidade dos grãos de pólen, recém-liberados, foi avaliada pelas técnicas de coloração por carmim acético 1%, Reativo de Alexander e lugol. A taxa de germinação in vitro foi verificada através de três meios de cultura: M1: 100g L-1 de sacarose; 10g L-1 de ágar; M2: 100g L-1 de sacarose; 500mg L-1 de H3BO3; 10g L-1 de ágar; M3: 100g L-1 de sacarose; 300mg L-1 de CaCl2; 10g L-1 de ágar. A influência da redução do teor de água dos grãos de pólen foi verificada por meio de quatro processos: 1) em dessecador com sílica gel, sob vácuo, por 24 h; 2) em liofilizador por 24h; 3) cloreto de cálcio dihidratado (CaCl2 2H2O) e 4) pólen sem redução de umidade. Os grãos de pólen com melhor resposta à dissecação foram armazenados: congelador (-4°C), geladeira (10°C), e temperatura ambiente (26°C). Todos os corantes utilizados são adequados e práticos para analisar a viabilidade polínica dos grãos de pólen da Carnaúba. O meio de cultura adequado para avaliar a viabilidade polínica da Carnaúba contém em sua composição sacarose e ácido bórico. O armazenamento do grão de pólen da carnaúba pode ser realizado nas temperaturas de 10°C e -4°C

    High prevalence of oral potentially malignant disorders and risk factors in a semi-urban brazilian city:a population-based cross-sectional study

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    Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMDs) are defined as lesions with a greater likelihood of progressing to cancer. Population-based studies that evaluate the prevalence of OPMDs are scarce in Brazil. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of OPMDs and associated risk factors in a semi-urban Brazilian population. This is a cross-sectional study, whose universe included individuals aged 40 years or older residing in a medium-sized city of northeastern Brazil. Data collection was divided into two steps: interview and oral examination. The outcome variable was the presence of OPMDs. The predictor variables were sociodemographic characteristics and risk habits. The bivariate analysis was performed through chi-square test. The crude prevalence ratios (PR) and its respective 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. Poisson regression analysis with robust variance was used to calculate adjusted PRs and 95% CI. Three hundred fourteen individuals were included in the study. When asked about risk habits, 58.9% reported being current smokers or ex-smokers and 62.2% reported being current drinkers or ex-drinkers. The prevalence of OPMDs was 7.6% and was significantly higher among individuals with black skin color (p < 0.001), alcohol users (p = 0.017), and individuals with both tobacco and alcohol habits (p = 0.012). Therefore, the population in the present study had a high frequency of risk habits associated with PMDs of the oral cavity

    Video-Based Surgical Learning: Improving Trainee Education and Preparation for Surgery

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    Since the end of the XIX century, teaching of surgery has remained practically unaltered until now. With the dawn of video-assisted laparoscopy, surgery has faced new technical and learning challenges. Due to technological advances, from Internet access to portable electronic devices, the use of online resources is part of the educational armamentarium. In this respect, videos have already proven to be effective and useful, however the best way to benefit from these tools is still not clearly defined.Surgical Sciences Research Domain, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, ICVS/3B’s—PT Government Associate Laboratory, School of Medicineinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    RESUMO: A Vídeo Histeroscopia diagnóstica tornou-se uma ferramenta valiosa e importante para o ginecologista ao permitir a avaliação direta da cavidade endometrial e o diagnóstico das doenças proliferativas e ou neoplásicas. Alguns anos atrás, isso só poderia ser realizado através de procedimentos cegos e pouco tolerado pelas pacientes. A Histeroscopia é uma ferramenta cada vez mais utilizada, o que torna a avaliação do perfil epidemiológico das pacientes submetidas a esse procedimento uma nuance importante a ser estudada. Logo, o objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar o perfil epidemiológico das pacientes atendidas pela equipe da Pós-graduação em Vídeo Histeroscopia da FCMMG no ambulatório de vídeo Histeroscopia do Hospital São José em Belo Horizonte. Este trabalho trata-se de estudo retrospectivo realizado com análise de prontuários das pacientes atendidas no período entre outubro e dezembro de 2012, e submetidas a vídeo Histeroscopia ambulatorial durante os módulos do curso de pós graduação. Os exames são realizados em caráter eminentemente ambulatorial pelos pós-graduandos sob supervisão direta dos professores. São usados equipamentos com ópticas de 2,9 mm, camisas diagnósticas e de Betochi, com preferência pela última, meio de distensão soro fisiológico, infundido com bomba Histeromat. A técnica utilizada inclui vaginoscopia, sem uso do espéculo ou pinçamento do colo. O espéculo e a instrumentalização do colo foram utilizados caso houvesse alguma dificuldade no acesso ao colo durante o procedimento. Todos os procedimentos foram realizados sem anestesia. Foram incluídos 203 pacientes encaminhadas a vídeo Histeroscopia ambulatorial. A idade média das pacientes foi de 49,7 anos, variando de 17 a 81 anos. Média de paridade 3,2 filhos e considerando sua prole definida em 70,9 % (144 pacientes). Em relação à escolaridade do grupo estudado, a maioria dos pacientes não tinha concluindo o segundo grau, 67,3%, com apenas 5 pacientes relatando ter completado nível superior (2,6%). Relatavam comorbidades à anamnese 115 pacientes (56,6%), sendo as mais relatadas Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e diabetes, relatadas por 69 e 20 pacientes respectivamente. Todas as pacientes apresentavam exames ecográficos anteriores. As conclusões principais das ecografias se distribuíam: exame normal 16 pacientes (7,8%), miomas em 58 (28,5%), espessamento endometrial em 67 (33%), pólipos em 66 (32,5%). Após avaliação inicial tiveram indicação confirmada e foram submetidas ao procedimento 185 pacientes. Em ordem de frequência, foram levantadas como principais indicações: espessamento endometrial à ecografia (34,0%), sangramento uterino anormal (28,6%) e infertilidade (10,8%). Todas as pacientes deste grupo concluíram seus exames histeroscópicos e os achados identificados foram: cavidade sem alterações 64 pacientes (34,5%), espessamento focal do endométrio 17 (9,1%), sinéquias 9 (4,8%), pólipos 82 (44,3%) e miomas 13 (7,0%). As pacientes atendidas no referido ambulatório de Histeroscopia tiveram todos os atendimentos iniciais em unidade básica de saúde e em sua ampla maioria tiveram confirmada a indicação para o procedimento. Mesmo realizados dentro do contexto de ensino, a efetiva realização do exame com definição diagnóstica para a cavidade uterina foi possível para todo o grupo estudado. Seus achados apontam para uma significativa diminuição da necessidade de procedimentos cirúrgicos hospitalares uma vez que um grande número de pacientes apresentaram exames normais ou alterações focais que tem seu diagnóstico e tratamento completamente efetivados, através de biópsias e pequenas intervenções realizadas durante a Histeroscopia ambulatorial.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: perfil epidemiológico, vídeo Histeroscopia ambulatorial, pós graduaçã