62 research outputs found

    Manfaat Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia) Dan Olahraga Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol Total Klien Dewasa

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    Introduction: Without health management, hypercholesterolemic clients would have cardiovascular diseases as complication, and even death. Exercise and anti-hyperlipidemic medication can decreased these health risks Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) possess phytochemicals that have reducing effects on blood cholesterol. Aim: To determine the effects of lime (Citrus aurantifolia) therapy and lime therapy with exercise on reducing blood total cholesterol level. Method: This study utilized a quasi-experimental design which compared two groups intervention. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 20 participants that randomly divided into 2 intervention groups. Participants in the first group drinks 1,5 cc/kgbw of lime juice every morning for 7 days. While participants in the second group drinks the same dosage of lime juice with 30 minutes exercise every day for 6 days. Results: The mean of total cholesterol level of participants in both groups before and after intervention reveal a significant changes (p=<.05). While the gain score of the two groups reveals no significant difference. Discussion: Lime juice therapy effective in reducing blood total cholesterol level for its active phytochemicals that acts as hypolipidemic agent

    Eigenvectors of the discrete Laplacian on regular graphs - a statistical approach

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    In an attempt to characterize the structure of eigenvectors of random regular graphs, we investigate the correlations between the components of the eigenvectors associated to different vertices. In addition, we provide numerical observations, suggesting that the eigenvectors follow a Gaussian distribution. Following this assumption, we reconstruct some properties of the nodal structure which were observed in numerical simulations, but were not explained so far. We also show that some statistical properties of the nodal pattern cannot be described in terms of a percolation model, as opposed to the suggested correspondence for eigenvectors of 2 dimensional manifolds.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Isospectral discrete and quantum graphs with the same flip counts and nodal counts

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    The existence of non-isomorphic graphs which share the same Laplace spectrum (to be referred to as isospectral graphs) leads naturally to the following question: What additional information is required in order to resolve isospectral graphs? It was suggested by Band, Shapira and Smilansky that this might be achieved by either counting the number of nodal domains or the number of times the eigenfunctions change sign (the so-called flip count). Recently examples of (discrete) isospectral graphs with the same flip count and nodal count have been constructed by K. Ammann by utilising Godsil-McKay switching. Here we provide a simple alternative mechanism that produces systematic examples of both discrete and quantum isospectral graphs with the same flip and nodal counts.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    EVEREST: automatic identification and classification of protein domains in all protein sequences

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    BACKGROUND: Proteins are comprised of one or several building blocks, known as domains. Such domains can be classified into families according to their evolutionary origin. Whereas sequencing technologies have advanced immensely in recent years, there are no matching computational methodologies for large-scale determination of protein domains and their boundaries. We provide and rigorously evaluate a novel set of domain families that is automatically generated from sequence data. Our domain family identification process, called EVEREST (EVolutionary Ensembles of REcurrent SegmenTs), begins by constructing a library of protein segments that emerge in an all vs. all pairwise sequence comparison. It then proceeds to cluster these segments into putative domain families. The selection of the best putative families is done using machine learning techniques. A statistical model is then created for each of the chosen families. This procedure is then iterated: the aforementioned statistical models are used to scan all protein sequences, to recreate a library of segments and to cluster them again. RESULTS: Processing the Swiss-Prot section of the UniProt Knoledgebase, release 7.2, EVEREST defines 20,230 domains, covering 85% of the amino acids of the Swiss-Prot database. EVEREST annotates 11,852 proteins (6% of the database) that are not annotated by Pfam A. In addition, in 43,086 proteins (20% of the database), EVEREST annotates a part of the protein that is not annotated by Pfam A. Performance tests show that EVEREST recovers 56% of Pfam A families and 63% of SCOP families with high accuracy, and suggests previously unknown domain families with at least 51% fidelity. EVEREST domains are often a combination of domains as defined by Pfam or SCOP and are frequently sub-domains of such domains. CONCLUSION: The EVEREST process and its output domain families provide an exhaustive and validated view of the protein domain world that is automatically generated from sequence data. The EVEREST library of domain families, accessible for browsing and download at [1], provides a complementary view to that provided by other existing libraries. Furthermore, since it is automatic, the EVEREST process is scalable and we will run it in the future on larger databases as well. The EVEREST source files are available for download from the EVEREST web site

    Internet use by older adults with bipolar disorder: international survey results

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    Background: The world population is aging and the number of older adults with bipolar disorder is increasing. Digital technologies are viewed as a framework to improve care of older adults with bipolar disorder. This analysis quantifies Internet use by older adults with bipolar disorder as part of a larger survey project about information seeking. Methods: A paper-based survey about information seeking by patients with bipolar disorder was developed and translated into 12 languages. The survey was anonymous and completed between March 2014 and January 2016 by 1222 patients in 17 countries. All patients were diagnosed by a psychiatrist. General estimating equations were used to account for correlated data. Results: Overall, 47% of older adults (age 60 years or older) used the Internet versus 87% of younger adults (less than 60 years). More education and having symptoms that interfered with regular activities increased the odds of using the Internet, while being age 60 years or older decreased the odds. Data from 187 older adults and 1021 younger adults were included in the analysis excluding missing values. Conclusions: Older adults with bipolar disorder use the Internet much less frequently than younger adults. Many older adults do not use the Internet, and technology tools are suitable for some but not all older adults. As more health services are only available online, and more digital tools are developed, there is concern about growing health disparities based on age. Mental health experts should participate in determining the appropriate role for digital tools for older adults with bipolar disorder.We acknowledge support by the Open Access Publication Funds of the SLUB/TU Dresden (Grant No. IN-1502335)

    Internet Use by Older Adults with Bipolar Disorder: International Survey Results

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    Background: The world population is aging and the number of older adults with bipolar disorder is increasing. Digital technologies are viewed as a framework to improve care of older adults with bipolar disorder. This analysis quantifies Internet use by older adults with bipolar disorder as part of a larger survey project about information seeking. Methods: A paper-based survey about information seeking by patients with bipolar disorder was developed and translated into 12 languages. The survey was anonymous and completed between March 2014 and January 2016 by 1222 patients in 17 countries. All patients were diagnosed by a psychiatrist. General estimating equations were used to account for correlated data. Results: Overall, 47% of older adults (age 60 years or older) used the Internet versus 87% of younger adults (less than 60 years). More education and having symptoms that interfered with regular activities increased the odds of using the Internet, while being age 60 years or older decreased the odds. Data from 187 older adults and 1021 younger adults were included in the analysis excluding missing values. Conclusions: Older adults with bipolar disorder use the Internet much less frequently than younger adults. Many older adults do not use the Internet, and technology tools are suitable for some but not all older adults. As more health services are only available online, and more digital tools are developed, there is concern about growing health disparities based on age. Mental health experts should participate in determining the appropriate role for digital tools for older adults with bipolar disorder

    Compensating control participants when the intervention is of significant value: experience in Guatemala, India, Peru and Rwanda

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    The Household Air Pollution Intervention Network (HAPIN) trial is a randomised controlled trial in Guatemala, India, Peru and Rwanda to assess the health impact of a clean cooking intervention in households using solid biomass for cooking. The HAPIN intervention—a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) stove and 18-month supply of LPG—has significant value in these communities, irrespective of potential health benefits. For control households, it was necessary to develop a compensation strategy that would be comparable across four settings and would address concerns about differential loss to follow-up, fairness and potential effects on household economics. Each site developed slightly different, contextually appropriate compensation packages by combining a set of uniform principles with local community input. In Guatemala, control compensation consists of coupons equivalent to the LPG stove’s value that can be redeemed for the participant’s choice of household items, which could include an LPG stove. In Peru, control households receive several small items during the trial, plus the intervention stove and 1 month of fuel at the trial’s conclusion. Rwandan participants are given small items during the trial and a choice of a solar kit, LPG stove and four fuel refills, or cash equivalent at the end. India is the only setting in which control participants receive the intervention (LPG stove and 18 months of fuel) at the trial’s end while also being compensated for their time during the trial, in accordance with local ethics committee requirements. The approaches presented here could inform compensation strategy development in future multi-country trials

    International multi-site survey on the use of online support groups in bipolar disorder

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    Background: Peer support is an established component of recovery from bipolar disorder, and online support groups may offer opportunities to expand the use of peer support at the patient’s convenience. Prior research in bipolar disorder has reported value from online support groups. Aims: To understand the use of online support groups by patients with bipolar disorder as part of a larger project about information seeking. Methods: The results are based on a one-time, paper-based anonymous survey about information seeking by patients with bipolar disorder, which was translated into 12 languages. The survey was completed between March 2014 and January 2016 and included questions on the use of online support groups. All patients were diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Analysis included descriptive statistics and general estimating equations to account for correlated data. Results and conclusions: The survey was completed by 1222 patients in 17 countries. The patients used the Internet at a percentage similar to the general public. Of the Internet users who looked online for information about bipolar disorder, only 21.0% read or participated in support groups, chats, or forums for bipolar disorder (12.8% of the total sample). Given the benefits reported in prior research, clarification of the role of online support groups in bipolar disorder is needed. With only a minority of patients using online support groups, there are analytical challenges for future studies