817 research outputs found

    Glycosylated proteins in the protozoan alga <i>Euglena gracilis</i>: a proteomic approach

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    Protein glycosylation, and in particular N-linked glycans, is a hall mark of Eukaryotic cells and has been well studied in mammalian cells and parasites. However, little research has been conducted to investigate the conservation and variation of protein glycosylation pathways in other eukaryotic organisms. Euglena gracilis is an industrially important microalga, used in the production of biofuels and nutritional supplements. It is evolutionarily highly divergent from green algae and more related to Kinetoplastid pathogens. It was recently shown that E. gracilis possesses the machinery for producing a range of protein glycosylations and make simple N-glycans, but the modified proteins were not identified. This study identifies the glycosylated proteins, including transporters, extra cellular proteases and those involved in cell surface signalling. Notably, many of the most highly expressed and glycosylated proteins are not related to any known sequences and are therefore likely to be involved in important novel functions in Euglena

    The transcriptome of Euglena gracilis reveals unexpected metabolic capabilities for carbohydrate and natural product biochemistry

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    Euglena gracilis is a highly complex alga belonging to the green plant line that shows characteristics of both plants and animals, while in evolutionary terms it is most closely related to the protozoan parasites Trypanosoma and Leishmania. This well-studied organism has long been known as a rich source of vitamins A, C and E, as well as amino acids that are essential for the human diet. Here we present de novo transcriptome sequencing and preliminary analysis, providing a basis for the molecular and functional genomics studies that will be required to direct metabolic engineering efforts aimed at enhancing the quality and quantity of high value products from E. gracilis. The transcriptome contains over 30?000 protein-encoding genes, supporting metabolic pathways for lipids, amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins, along with capabilities for polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide biosynthesis. The metabolic and environmental robustness of Euglena is supported by a substantial capacity for responding to biotic and abiotic stress: it has the capacity to deploy three separate pathways for vitamin C (ascorbate) production, as well as producing vitamin E (?-tocopherol) and, in addition to glutathione, the redox-active thiols nor-trypanothione and ovothiol

    Inhomogeneous cosmologies, the Copernican principle and the cosmic microwave background: More on the EGS theorem

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    We discuss inhomogeneous cosmological models which satisfy the Copernican principle. We construct some inhomogeneous cosmological models starting from the ansatz that the all the observers in the models view an isotropic cosmic microwave background. We discuss multi-fluid models, and illustrate how more general inhomogeneous models may be derived, both in General Relativity and in scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Thus we illustrate that the cosmological principle, the assumption that the Universe we live in is spatially homogeneous, does not necessarily follow from the Copernican principle and the high isotropy of the cosmic microwave background.Comment: 17 pages; to appear in GR

    Exact Black Hole and Cosmological Solutions in a Two-Dimensional Dilaton-Spectator Theory of Gravity

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    Exact black hole and cosmological solutions are obtained for a special two-dimensional dilaton-spectator (ϕψ\phi-\psi) theory of gravity. We show how in this context any desired spacetime behaviour can be determined by an appropriate choice of a dilaton potential function V(ϕ)V(\phi) and a ``coupling function'' l(ϕ)l(\phi) in the action. We illustrate several black hole solutions as examples. In particular, asymptotically flat double- and multiple- horizon black hole solutions are obtained. One solution bears an interesting resemblance to the 2D2D string-theoretic black hole and contains the same thermodynamic properties; another resembles the 4D4D Reissner-Nordstrom solution. We find two characteristic features of all the black hole solutions. First the coupling constants in l(ϕ)l(\phi) must be set equal to constants of integration (typically the mass). Second, the spectator field ψ\psi and its derivative ψ\psi^{'} both diverge at any event horizon. A test particle with ``spectator charge" ({\it i.e.} one coupled either to ψ\psi or ψ\psi^{'}), will therefore encounter an infinite tidal force at the horizon or an ``infinite potential barrier'' located outside the horizon respectively. We also compute the Hawking temperature and entropy for our solutions. In 2D2D FRWFRW cosmology, two non-singular solutions which resemble two exact solutions in 4D4D string-motivated cosmology are obtained. In addition, we construct a singular model which describes the 4D4D standard non-inflationary big bang cosmology (bigbangradiationdustbig-bang\rightarrow radiation\rightarrow dust). Motivated by the similaritiesbetween 2D2D and 4D4D gravitational field equations in FRWFRW cosmology, we briefly discuss a special 4D4D dilaton-spectator action constructed from the bosonic part of the low energy heterotic string action andComment: 34 pgs. Plain Tex, revised version contains some clarifying comments concerning the relationship between the constants of integration and the coupling constants

    Fluorescent mannosides serve as acceptor substrates for glycosyltransferase and sugar-1-phosphate transferase activities in <i>Euglena gracilis</i> membranes

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    Synthetic hexynyl α-D-mannopyranoside and its α-1,6-linked disaccharide counterpart were fluorescently labelled through CuAAC click chemistry with 3-azido-7-hydroxycoumarin. The resulting triazolyl-coumarin adducts, which were amenable to analysis by TLC, HPLC and mass spectrometry, proved to be acceptor substrates for α-1,6-ManT activities in mycobacterial membranes, as well as α- and β-GalT activities in trypanosomal membranes, benchmarking the potential of the fluorescent acceptor approach against earlier radiochemical assays. Following on to explore the glycobiology of the benign protozoan alga Euglena gracilis, α-1,3- and α-1,2-ManT activities were detected in membrane preparations, along with GlcT, Glc-P-T and GlcNAc-P-T activities. These studies serve to demonstrate the potential of readily accessible fluorescent glycans as substrates for exploring carbohydrate active enzymes

    The landscape of somatic mutation in normal colorectal epithelial cells.

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    The colorectal adenoma-carcinoma sequence has provided a paradigmatic framework for understanding the successive somatic genetic changes and consequent clonal expansions that lead to cancer1. However, our understanding of the earliest phases of colorectal neoplastic changes-which may occur in morphologically normal tissue-is comparatively limited, as for most cancer types. Here we use whole-genome sequencing to analyse hundreds of normal crypts from 42 individuals. Signatures of multiple mutational processes were revealed; some of these were ubiquitous and continuous, whereas others were only found in some individuals, in some crypts or during certain periods of life. Probable driver mutations were present in around 1% of normal colorectal crypts in middle-aged individuals, indicating that adenomas and carcinomas are rare outcomes of a pervasive process of neoplastic change across morphologically normal colorectal epithelium. Colorectal cancers exhibit substantially increased mutational burdens relative to normal cells. Sequencing normal colorectal cells provides quantitative insights into the genomic and clonal evolution of cancer

    Pectin methylesterase NaPME1 contributes to the emission of methanol during insect herbivory and to the elicitation of defence responses in Nicotiana attenuata

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    Pectin methylesterases (PMEs) catalyse the demethylation of pectin within plant cell walls, releasing methanol (MeOH) in the process. Thus far, PMEs have been found to be involved in diverse processes such as plant growth and development and defence responses against pathogens. Herbivore attack increases PME expression and activity and MeOH emissions in several plant species. To gain further insights into the role of PMEs in defence responses against herbivores, the expression of a Manduca sexta oral secretion (OS)-inducible PME in Nicotiana attenuata (NaPME1) was silenced by RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated gene silencing. Silenced lines (ir-pme) showed 50% reduced PME activity in leaves and 70% reduced MeOH emissions after OS elicitation compared with the wild type (WT), demonstrating that the herbivore-induced MeOH emissions originate from the demethylation of pectin by PME. In the initial phase of the OS-induced jasmonic acid (JA) burst (first 30 min), ir-pme lines produced WT levels of this hormone and of jasmonyl-isoleucine (JA-Ile); however, these levels were significantly reduced in the later phase (60–120 min) of the burst. Similarly, suppressed levels of the salicylic acid (SA) burst induced by OS elicitation were observed in ir-pme lines even though wounded ir-pme leaves contained slightly increased amounts of SA. This genotype also presented reduced levels of OS-induced trypsin proteinase inhibitor activity in leaves and consistently increased M. sexta larvae performance compared with WT plants. These latter responses could not be recovered by application of exogenous MeOH. Together, these results indicated that PME contributes, probably indirectly by affecting cell wall properties, to the induction of anti-herbivore responses

    Ambient biomass smoke and cardio-respiratory hospital admissions in Darwin, Australia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing severe vegetation fires worldwide has been attributed to both global environmental change and land management practices. However there is little evidence concerning the population health effects of outdoor air pollution derived from biomass fires. Frequent seasonal bushfires near Darwin, Australia provide an opportunity to examine this issue. We examined the relationship between atmospheric particle loadings <10 microns in diameter (PM<sub>10</sub>), and emergency hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory conditions over the three fire seasons of 2000, 2004 and 2005. In addition we examined the differential impacts on Indigenous Australians, a high risk population subgroup.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a case-crossover analysis of emergency hospital admissions with principal ICD10 diagnosis codes J00–J99 and I00–I99. Conditional logistic regression models were used to calculate odds ratios for admission with 10 μg/m<sup>3 </sup>rises in PM<sub>10</sub>. These were adjusted for weekly influenza rates, same day mean temperature and humidity, the mean temperature and humidity of the previous three days, days with rainfall > 5 mm, public holidays and holiday periods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PM<sub>10 </sub>ranged from 6.4 – 70.0 μg/m<sup>3 </sup>(mean 19.1). 2466 admissions were examined of which 23% were for Indigenous people. There was a positive relationship between PM<sub>10 </sub>and admissions for all respiratory conditions (OR 1.08 95%CI 0.98–1.18) with a larger magnitude in the Indigenous subpopulation (OR1.17 95% CI 0.98–1.40). While there was no relationship between PM<sub>10 </sub>and cardiovascular admissions overall, there was a positive association with ischaemic heart disease in Indigenous people, greatest at a lag of 3 days (OR 1.71 95%CI 1.14–2.55).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PM10 derived from vegetation fires was predominantly associated with respiratory rather than cardiovascular admissions. This outcome is consistent with the few available studies of ambient biomass smoke pollution. Indigenous people appear to be at higher risk of cardio-respiratory hospital admissions associated with exposure to PM10.</p

    Euglena International Network (EIN):Driving euglenoid biotechnology for the benefit of a challenged world

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    Euglenoids (Euglenida) are unicellular flagellates possessing exceptionally wide geographical and ecological distribution. Euglenoids combine a biotechnological potential with a unique position in the eukaryotic tree of life. In large part these microbes owe this success to diverse genetics including secondary endosymbiosis and likely additional sources of genes. Multiple euglenoid species have translational applications and show great promise in production of biofuels, nutraceuticals, bioremediation, cancer treatments and more exotically as robotics design simulators. An absence of reference genomes currently limits these applications, including development of efficient tools for identification of critical factors in regulation, growth or optimization of metabolic pathways. The Euglena International Network (EIN) seeks to provide a forum to overcome these challenges. EIN has agreed specific goals, mobilized scientists, established a clear roadmap (Grand Challenges), connected academic and industry stakeholders and is currently formulating policy and partnership principles to propel these efforts in a coordinated and efficient manner

    Measurement of the Neutron Spin Structure Function g1ng_1^n with a Polarized ^3He Target

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    Results are reported from the HERMES experiment at HERA on a measurement of the neutron spin structure function g1n(x,Q2)g_1^n(x,Q^2) in deep inelastic scattering using 27.5 GeV longitudinally polarized positrons incident on a polarized 3^3He internal gas target. The data cover the kinematic range 0.023<x<0.60.023<x<0.6 and 1(GeV/c)2<Q2<15(GeV/c)21 (GeV/c)^2 < Q^2 <15 (GeV/c)^2. The integral 0.0230.6g1n(x)dx\int_{0.023}^{0.6} g_1^n(x) dx evaluated at a fixed Q2Q^2 of 2.5(GeV/c)22.5 (GeV/c)^2 is 0.034±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)-0.034\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.). Assuming Regge behavior at low xx, the first moment Γ1n=01g1n(x)dx\Gamma_1^n=\int_0^1 g_1^n(x) dx is 0.037±0.013(stat.)±0.005(syst.)±0.006(extrapol.)-0.037\pm 0.013(stat.)\pm 0.005(syst.)\pm 0.006(extrapol.).Comment: 4 pages TEX, text available at http://www.krl.caltech.edu/preprints/OAP.htm