305 research outputs found

    Race-Based Discrimination in the Totality of the Circumstances: Why America\u27s Highest Court Should Permit Section 2 Voting Rights Act Challenges to State Felon Disenfranchisement Laws

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    Betty McKay served twenty-seven years in prison. During her past three years on parole, she became a motivational speaker, justice advocate, and organizer. Similarly, John Windham served thirty years in prison. Since his release from prison to parole in 2018, he became a motivational speaker and consultant, and works with nonprofits providing reentry services to others formerly incarcerated. But that is not all Ms. McKay and Mr. Windham have in common: Neither has ever been able to vote. They are among the 50,000 parolees in the State of California that, despite having served their prison sentences, have been barred from voting by the California State Constitution until completion of their parole. Last November, that changed. Californians voted to amend the State Constitution to permit parolees to vote after completion of their prison sentence. Known on the ballot as “Proposition 17,” the measure re-enfranchised an estimated 50,000 parolees who were prohibited from registering to vote until the completion of their parole. However, this modification to the State Constitution preserved denial of the right to vote for convicted felons while still incarcerated. In California, that means approximately 95,000 felons remain ineligible to vote, and nationally, more than 5 million people with prior felony convictions remain ineligible to vote as the direct result of state felon disenfranchisement laws. California is now the twentieth state to either automatically restore voting rights upon release from prison, or not revoke voting rights in the first place, joining a national trend toward restoring voting rights to people with past convictions. However, these changes take place on a state-by-state basis, and the gradual restoration of rights to some––but not all––convicted felons distracts from the role some state felon disenfranchisement laws may play in race-based vote denial. As a Black man, Mr. Windham is among the 75% of men leaving California prisons that are Black, Latino, or Asian American, who comprise less than 28.5% of the state’s population. Data from 2017 shows the imprisonment rate for Black men in California was ten times more than white men, and imprisonment rates for Black women ten times that of white women. The disparity begs the question: Do state felon voting disenfranchisement laws impermissibly deny the right to vote in a racially discriminatory manner

    Temperament Behaviours in Individually Tested Sheep Are Not Related to Behaviours Expressed in the Presence of Conspecifics

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    Individual behavioural testing in sheep is common; however, outcomes may be misleading as they are a highly gregarious species that is usually managed in groups. We investigated whether behaviour expressed by 3-4-month-old Merino lambs (n = 220) in social isolation was related to their behaviour towards the same stimuli when three other conspecifics were present, and if measures of temperament (vocalisations and locomotory behaviours) were repeatable across both social situations. Expression of all behaviours were reduced when conspecifics were present, and vocalisations were rarely performed in social groups, suggesting that this behaviour is a response to social isolation. Similarities across the two social situations, in ranked order of how individual lambs expressed each behaviour, indicate that vigilance and attentional orienting towards a human were repeatable (p &lt; 0.001), as was vigilance in a startle test (p &lt; 0.05). However, no clear relationship between behaviours expressed across the two social situations was found. The results of this study suggest that testing sheep individually should be conducted with caution where the outcome is applied to animals managed in groups. Vigilance shows promise as a measure of an underlying trait that is stable across social contexts.</p

    Social and family characteristics of Hispanics with epilepsy

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to determine how acculturation, social support, family emotional involvement, perceived family criticism and stigma are associated with epilepsy self-efficacy and depression. A principal components analysis (PCA) was used to describe the salience of these characteristics within a sample of Hispanics with epilepsy.A total of 50 Hispanic adults of Mexican descent identified in our Epilepsy Clinic participated in this study. The PCA identified four distinct types, two were relatively culture-free, and two were distinctly culturally oriented. The first non-culture affiliated type described a well-adjusted group of individuals that tended to be males with moderate self-efficacy, who received social support, and who were unlikely to have depression or feel stigmatized. The second non-culture affiliated type described a dimension in which family emotional involvement tended to co-occur with perceived criticism. The Anglo-oriented group had a family environment that did not appear to criticize the individual with epilepsy and had good self-efficacy. The Mexican-oriented group had high self-efficacy and was unlikely to have depression. Results suggest that acculturation variables must be taken into consideration among ethnic groups because social, psychological and acculturation variables interact in complex ways. Additionally, it is clear that a diagnosis of epilepsy does not automatically lead to poor quality of life, stigma, or depression

    Immune and Viral Correlates of “Secondary Viral Control” after Treatment Interruption in Chronically HIV-1 Infected Patients

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    Upon interruption of antiretroviral therapy, HIV-infected patients usually show viral load rebound to pre-treatment levels. Four patients, hereafter referred to as secondary controllers (SC), were identified who initiated therapy during chronic infection and, after stopping treatment, could control virus replication at undetectable levels for more than six months. In the present study we set out to unravel possible viral and immune parameters or mechanisms of this phenomenon by comparing secondary controllers with elite controllers and non-controllers, including patients under HAART. As candidate correlates of protection, virus growth kinetics, levels of intracellular viral markers, several aspects of HIV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell function and HIV neutralizing antibodies were investigated. As expected all intracellular viral markers were lower in aviremic as compared to viremic subjects, but in addition both elite and secondary controllers had lower levels of viral unspliced RNA in PBMC as compared to patients on HAART. Ex vivo cultivation of the virus from CD4+ T cells of SC consistently failed in one patient and showed delayed kinetics in the three others. Formal in vitro replication studies of these three viruses showed low to absent growth in two cases and a virus with normal fitness in the third case. T cell responses toward HIV peptides, evaluated in IFN-γ ELISPOT, revealed no significant differences in breadth, magnitude or avidity between SC and all other patient groups. Neither was there a difference in polyfunctionality of CD4+ or CD8+ T cells, as evaluated with intracellular cytokine staining. However, secondary and elite controllers showed higher proliferative responses to Gag and Pol peptides. SC also showed the highest level of autologous neutralizing antibodies. These data suggest that higher T cell proliferative responses and lower replication kinetics might be instrumental in secondary viral control in the absence of treatment

    Humpback whales feed on hatchery-released juvenile salmon

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    Thank you to staff and managers at NSRAA, Armstrong Keta Inc. and NOAA for collecting data daily during their release seasons. Bart Watson collaborated in study design. Thank you to Elena McCauley, R. Katy Pendell and Margaret Schoenfeld for data entry.Humpback whales are remarkable for the behavioural plasticity of their feeding tactics and the diversity of their diets. Within the last decade at hatchery release sites in Southeast Alaska, humpback whales have begun exploiting juvenile salmon, a previously undocumented prey. The anthropogenic source of these salmon and their important contribution to local fisheries makes the emergence of humpback whale predation a concern for the Southeast Alaska economy. Here, we describe the frequency of observing humpback whales, examine the role of temporal and spatial variables affecting the probability of sighting humpback whales and describe prey capture behaviours at five hatchery release sites. We coordinated twice daily 15 min observations during the spring release seasons 2010–2015. Using logistic regression, we determined that the probability of occurrence of humpback whales increased after releases began and decreased after releases concluded. The probability of whale occurrence varied among release sites but did not increase significantly over the 6 year study period. Whales were reported to be feeding on juvenile chum, Chinook and coho salmon, with photographic and video records of whales feeding on coho salmon. The ability to adapt to new prey sources may be key to sustaining their population in a changing ocean.Ye

    Longitudinal Study on Trace Mineral Compositions (Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese) in Korean Human Preterm Milk

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    We measured selenium, zinc, copper and manganese concentrations in the human milk of Korean mothers who gave birth to preterm infants, and compared these measurements with the recommended daily intakes. The samples of human milk were collected postpartum at week-1, -2, -4, -6, -8, and -12, from 67 mothers who gave birth to preterm infants (< 34 weeks, or birth weight < 1.8 kg). All samples were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The concentrations of selenium were 11.8 ± 0.5, 11.4 ± 0.8, 12.7 ± 0.9, 11.4 ± 0.8, 10.8 ± 0.9, and 10.5 ± 1.3 µg/L, zinc were 7.8 ± 0.5, 9.1 ± 0.8, 7.2 ± 0.9, 8.0 ± 0.8, 7.4 ± 0.9, and 6.6 ± 1.2 mg/L, copper were 506 ± 23.6, 489 ± 29.4, 384 ± 33.6, 356 ± 32.9, 303 ± 35.0, and 301 ± 48.0 µg/L and manganese were 133 ± 4.0, 127 ± 6.0, 125 ± 6.0, 123 ± 6.0, 127 ± 6.0, and 108 ± 9.0 µg/L at week-1, -2, -4, -6, -8, and -12, respectively. The concentrations of selenium and zinc meet the daily requirements but that of copper is low and of manganese exceeds daily requirements recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Nutrition

    Comparison of tagging single-nucleotide polymorphism methods in association analyses

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    Several methods to identify tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are in common use for genetic epidemiologic studies; however, there may be loss of information when using only a subset of SNPs. We sought to compare the ability of commonly used pairwise, multimarker, and haplotype-based tagging SNP selection methods to detect known associations with quantitative expression phenotypes. Using data from HapMap release 21 on unrelated Utah residents with ancestors from northern and western Europe (CEPH-Utah, CEU), we selected tagging SNPs in five chromosomal regions using ldSelect, Tagger, and TagSNPs. We found that SNP subsets did not substantially overlap, and that the use of trio data did not greatly impact SNP selection. We then tested associations between HapMap genotypes and expression phenotypes on 28 CEU individuals as part of Genetic Analysis Workshop 15. Relative to the use of all SNPs (n = 210 SNPs across all regions), most subset methods were able to detect single-SNP and haplotype associations. Generally, pairwise selection approaches worked extremely well, relative to use of all SNPs, with marked reductions in the number of SNPs required. Haplotype-based approaches, which had identified smaller SNP subsets, missed associations in some regions. We conclude that the optimal tagging SNP method depends on the true model of the genetic association (i.e., whether a SNP or haplotype is responsible); unfortunately, this is often unknown at the time of SNP selection. Additional evaluations using empirical and simulated data are needed

    The political economy of competitiveness and social mobility

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    Social mobility has become a mainstream political and media issue in recent years in the United Kingdom. This article suggests that part of the reason for this is that it can serve as a mechanism to discuss policy concerns that appear to be about social justice without questioning important aspects of neo-liberal political economy. The article charts the policy rhetoric on social mobility under both New Labour and the current Coalition Government. It is argued first that under New Labour the apparent commitment to social mobility was in fact subsumed beneath the pursuit of neo-liberal competitiveness, albeit imperfectly realised in policy. Second, the article suggests that under the Coalition Government the commitment to raising levels of social mobility has been retained and the recently published Strategy for Social Mobility promises that social mobility is what the Coalition means when it argues that the austerity programme is balanced with ‘fairness’. Third, however, the Strategy makes clear that the Coalition define social mobility in narrower terms than the previous government. It is argued here that in narrowing the definition the connection with the idea of competitiveness, while still clearly desirable for the Coalition, is weakened. Fourth, a brief analysis of the Coalition's main policy announcements provides little evidence to suggest that even the narrow definition set out in the Strategy is being seriously pursued. Fifth, the international comparative evidence suggests that any strategy aimed at genuinely raising the level of social mobility would need to give much more serious consideration to narrowing levels of inequality. Finally, it is concluded that when considered in the light of the arguments above, the Strategy for Social Mobility – and therefore ‘Fairness’ itself – is merely a discursive legitimation of the wider political economy programme of austerity