2,938 research outputs found

    β-pèptids ciclobutànics : síntesi, estructura i possibles aplicacions /

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    Descripció del recurs: el 23 de febrer de 2010A la bibliografía es poden trobar múltiples exemples que mostren com els -aminoàcids són capaços d'adoptar estructures secundàries en forma de hèlix, girs o làmina. Per aquest motiu, en el nostre grup de recerca hem sintetitzat ¬pèptids constituïts per residus ciclobutànics amb el propòsit d'estudiar si aquest anell carbocíclic pot constituir una restricció conformacional que origini la formació d'estructures secundàries o terciàries. En la present Tesi Doctoral, s'han sintetitzat dos tipus de pèptids ciclobutànics, un on l'anell ciclobutànic forma part de l'esquelet peptídic i un altre on l'anell es troba com a substituent. També s'han sintetitzat diferents urees ciclobutàniques i materials mixtes constituïts per TTF--dipèptid ciclobutànic. Aquest treball s'ha organitzat en diferents apartats. Es pot trobar una Introducció General on s'explica el nostre interès per aquest tipus de compostos, seguida de diferents capítols on es tracten diversos temes. En cada capítol es descriu el procediment sintètic realitzat, així com l'estudi estructural dels compostos sintetitzats. Aquest estudi s'ha dut a terme en solució, per analitzar així les estructures secundàries generades utilitzant técniques de RMN, DC i càlculs teòrics. També s'ha realitzat un estudi supramolecular mitjançant tècniques microscòpiques (TEM, AFM, SEM) amb l'objectiu d'analitzar les possibles estructures terciàries originades pels diferents compostos. En el capítol dedicat a les urees, es descriuen aquests compostos obtinguts com a productes no desitjats a la síntesis dels derivats -cis¬ciclobutànics. Donat que s'han obtingut difraccions de raigs X d'aquests compostos, s'ha realitzat un estudi d'aquests en estat sòlid. A més a més, hem dut a terme un estudi preliminar sobre possibles aplicacions que aquests derivats ciclobutànics puguin presentar. Per aquesta raó, per una banda s'ha avaluat l'activitat de diferents -pèptids ciclobutànics com a inhibidors enzimàtics de la CPA i la CPB. D'altra banda, també es mostra com s'ha sintetitzat i estudiat un conductor orgànic quiral mitjançant un acoblament entre un dels nostres -dipèptids ciclobutànics amb un derivat TTF.It is well documented that peptides built in -amino acids could be able to adopt secondary structures like helices, turns or sheets. Therefore, in our research group, we have synthesized -peptides made of cyclobutane containing residues with the purpose to study if this carbocyclic ring could provide conformational constraint to prompt the formation of secondary or even tertiary structures. In the present work, we have synthesized two different kinds of cyclobutane containing peptides, one where the cyclobutane ring is a part of the main carbon chain and another class where this ring is taken in as a substituent. We have also synthesized different cyclobutane ureas and mixed materials composed of TTF-cyclobutane -dipeptide. This Doctoral Thesis has been organized in different parts. There is a General Introduction where we explain our interest in this sort of compounds, followed by different chapters for every subject. In each chapter we describe the synthetic procedure(s) for the target cyclobutane containing compounds as well as their structural study. This has been carried out in solution, to analyse the generated secondary structures, using NMR techniques, CD and theoretical calculations. We have also performed a supramolecular study by microscopic approaches (TEM, AFM, SEM) to explore the possible tertiary structures these compounds could develop. In the chapter devoted to ureas, we describe these compounds as secondary products obtained from the synthesis of -cis-cyclobutane derivatives. In this case, we have been able to obtain X-ray diffraction pattern and, consequently, we have studied these compounds in the solid state too

    As Perspectivas de acesso ao ensino superior de jovens e adultos da educação especial

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catariana, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em engenharia de ProduçãoSão analisados, neste trabalho, fatores que interferem na continuação dos estudos, e especificamente no acesso ao ensino superior, dos alunos atendidos pela modalidade da Educação Especial, dentro da Educação de Jovens e Adultos. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir da percepção dos professores, sendo os mesmos participantes em caráter de observadores/observados durante o estudo. A parte referente à pesquisa de campo foi realizada em um dos CEEBJA (Centro Estadual de Educação Básica para Jovens e Adultos) paranaenses que desenvolvem programa de atendimento a alunos com necessidades educativas especiais. Destaque é dado às ajudas técnicas informáticas, pelas suas possibilidades de contribuição para com o processo educacional desses educandos

    Use of tablets in Early Childhood Education: a case study

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    El uso de las tecnologías en el aula suponen un valor añadido al proceso educativo. No obstante, el acto de enseñar y aprender en la etapa de Educación Infantil requiere no solo de la introducción de los recursos novedosos en las aulas educativas, sino que es fundamental comenzar todo el proceso a partir de una fundamentación pedagógica que justifique su implementación didáctica en el contexto donde aprenden, desaprenden y re-aprenden el alumnado de Educación Infantil. Este es el trabajo que se está llevando a cabo en el CEIP Maruja Mallo y que presentamos en este artículo, ya que el profesorado cree que el cambio metodológico y de paradigma debe iniciarse en edades tempranas, donde se haga visible el uso de metodologías activas. El propósito de esta experiencia recae en el buen uso de diferentes recursos tecnológicos, por parte del alumnado de Educación Infantil, como la pizarra digital y la tablet, que redunden no sólo en el logro de las competencias generales y básicas de las diferentes áreas de conocimiento (Matemáticas, Lengua, …) sino también en el empleo de aquellas competencias transversales (comunicación, interacción social, educación en igualdad de oportunidades, corresponsabilidad con los otros, afectividad, …) que van a favorecer el desarrollo integral de su personalidad, y les va a habilitar para un aprendizaje permanente a lo largo de su vida.The technologies in classroom are value added in learning. However, the introduction of new technologies in classrooms is not enough to educate in the stage of preschool, but it’s necessary start with the pedagogical argument that justifies their didactic implementation in the context where they learn, unlearn, relearn the preschool children. This project which has been done in CEIP Maruja Mallo, and we present in this article that the teachers believe in the methodological change, and the paradigm should start in the early ages, where the use of active methodologies becomes visible. The purpose of this research, it is good use of different technological resources in preschool children, for example Interactive whiteboard and tablet. This purpose will help improve general and basic competences (Mathematics, Language …) also in the use of transversal competences (Communication, social interaction, equal education, co-responsibility with others, affectivity... ) these will favor the integral development of their personality, and will enable them for lifelong learning throughout their lives Keywords: Preschool, TIC, Tablet, App, Interactive whiteboard.peerReviewe

    Microalgae strain catalogue:A strain selection guide for microalgae users: cultivation and chemical characteristics for high added-value products (3rd Edition)

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    The 3rd edition of this catalogue contains information on the cultivation and composition characteristics of 37 microalgae. Each entry includes relevant links to Atlantic Area stakeholders known to have a relevant connection with each of the species listed, be it in the form of culture collections, research expertise, technology developers, or biomass producers. We invite the readers to visit and/or join the EnhanceMicroAlgae Stakeholder database: an easily accessible, visual and open access database that brings together all the European Atlantic Area players working in the microalgae sector

    Targeting Tumor-Associated Macrophages in Anti-Cancer Therapies: Convincing the Traitors to Do the Right Thing

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    In the last decade, it has been well-established that tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells fuel not only the process of carcinogenesis through cancer-related inflammation mechanisms, but also tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis. In particular, tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are the most abundant leucocyte subset in many cancers and play a major role in the creation of a protective niche for tumor cells. Their ability to generate an immune-suppressive environment is crucial to escape the immune system and to allow the tumor to proliferate and metastasize to distant sites. Conventional therapies, including chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are often not able to limit cancer growth due to the presence of pro-tumoral TAMs; these are also responsible for the failure of novel immunotherapies based on immune-checkpoint inhibition. Several novel therapeutic strategies have been implemented to deplete TAMs; however, more recent approaches aim to use TAMs themselves as weapons to fight cancer. Exploiting their functional plasticity, the reprogramming of TAMs aims to convert immunosuppressive and pro-tumoral macrophages into immunostimulatory and anti-tumor cytotoxic effector cells. This shift eventually leads to the reconstitution of a reactive immune landscape able to destroy the tumor. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on strategies able to reprogram TAMs with single as well as combination therapiesF.T.A. was supported by the AECC (“Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Spain). E.D. was supported by AIRC (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca contro il Cancro)S

    Microalgae strain catalogue:A strain selection guide for microalgae users: 4th edition

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    The 4th edition of this catalogue contains information on the cultivation and composition characteristics of 50 microalgae. Each entry includes relevant links to Atlantic Area stakeholders known to have a relevant connection with each of the species listed, be it in the form of culture collections, research expertise, technology developers, or biomass producers. We invite the readers to visit and/or join the EnhanceMicroAlgae Stakeholder database: an easily accessible, visual and open access database that brings together all the European Atlantic Area players working in the microalgae sector.This publication is part of the deliverables of the Interreg-funded international project EnhanceMicroAlgae. The authors gratefully acknowledge the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Interreg Atlantic Area programme which funded the EnhanceMicroAlgae project: EAPA_338/2016, "High added-value industrial opportunities for microalgae in the Atlantic Area"


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    This article investigates by using the research method through non-systematic observation, the impact of cyberculture throughout the social networks, in this particular instance the ORKUT, and by adopting as a discussion topic the opinions of fans of the “Star Trek” movie in cinephile communities. The new movie of the series was released on May 09, 2009 and the foundation for the research was the online behavior of the members of the Star Trek community in Brazil. During the debate forum on the topic, launched on May 12, 2009, an evaluation was performed on the matters related to the temporality, assiduity, motivation, ethics and seriousness of the participation of the members of the community in the following question: “What happens to the Canon after the new movie?” Taking as a starting point the new social arrangements allowed by technology and by the virtualization of the social space, an analysis on the degree of interest and seriousness during the dialogs and debates was performed in order to verify whether such events corroborate the continuity of one of the Star Trek franchise’s fan clubs.  Este artigo investiga, utilizando o método de pesquisa por observação assistemática, o impacto da cibercultura através de redes sociais, neste caso o ORKUT , tomando como tema de discussão  a opinião de comunidades de cinéfilos fãs do  filme: “ Star Trek”. O novo filme da série foi lançado no dia 09 de maio de 2009 e a base da pesquisa foi o comportamento online dos membros da comunidade Star Trek Brasil. No fórum de debates sobre o tópico lançado no dia 12 de maio de 2009, avaliou-se questões de temporalidade, assiduidade, motivação, ética e seriedade na participação dos membros da comunidade na seguinte questão “Como fica o Cânone após o novo filme?” Tomando como ponto de partida os novos arranjos sociais permitidos pela tecnologia e pela virtualização do espaço social, procedeu-se a análise do grau de interesse e seriedade nos diálogos e nos debates, para verificar se tais eventos corroboram para a continuidade de um dos fãs clubes da franquia Star Trek

    The 492 GHz emission of Sgr A* constrained by ALMA

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    We report linearly polarized continuum emission properties of Sgr A* at \sim492 GHz, based on the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) observations. We used the observations of the likely unpolarized continuum emission of Titan, and the observations of C\textsc{i} line emission, to gauge the degree of spurious polarization. The Stokes I flux of 3.6±\pm0.72 Jy during our run is consistent with extrapolations from the previous, lower frequency observations. We found that the continuum emission of Sgr A* at \sim492 GHz shows large amplitude differences between the XX and the YY correlations. The observed intensity ratio between the XX and YY correlations as a function of parallactic angle may be explained by a constant polarization position angle of \sim158^{\circ}±\pm3^{\circ}. The fitted polarization percentage of Sgr A* during our observational period is 14\%±\pm1.2\%. The calibrator quasar J1744-3116 we observed at the same night can be fitted to Stokes I = 252 mJy, with 7.9\%±\pm0.9\% polarization in position angle P.A. = 4.1^{\circ}±\pm4.2^{\circ}. The observed polarization percentage and polarization position angle in the present work appear consistent with those expected from longer wavelength observations in the period of 1999-2005. In particular, the polarization position angle at 492 GHz, expected from the previously fitted 167^{\circ}±\pm7^{\circ} intrinsic polarization position angle and (-5.6±\pm0.7)×\times105^{5} rotation measure, is 1558+9^{+9}_{-8}, which is consistent with our new measurement of polarization position angle within 1σ\sigma. The polarization percentage and the polarization position angle may be varying over the period of our ALMA 12m Array observations, which demands further investigation with future polarization observations.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1st referee report received and revise

    Contaminação ambiental por ovos de Toxocara spp. em assentamento rural no Brasil

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    In order to study the environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs in a rural community from the Pontal do Paranapanema region, São Paulo State, Brazil, soil samples from 31 out of 121 plots were collected in eight different places on each house. The samples were submitted to flotation technique in sodium nitrate (d = 1.20g/cm³). Eggs of Toxocara spp. were recovered in nine (29.03%) out of the 31 plots. At least one dog was registered in 27 of the 31 plots examined (87.1%) and at least one cat in 17 (54.84%). The number of pets per plot ranged from one to six (mean of 2.3) for dogs and one to 14 (mean of 1.29) for cats. In 16 plots (51.61%), the presence of both dogs and cats was observed. There was no relation between the presence of pets in the plots and soil contamination (p >; 0.05). However, the environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs associated to the poor conditions of the inhabitants may be an important risk factor for the human population to ocular or visceral larva migrans.Com o objetivo de avaliar a contaminação ambiental por ovos de Toxocara spp. em assentamento rural da região do Pontal do Paranapanema, oeste do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, amostras de solo de oito diferentes pontos ao redor da casa de 31 dos 121 lotes do assentamento foram coletados. A recuperação de ovos foi realizada pela técnica de centrífugo-flutuação em solução de nitrato de sódio (d = 1,20g/cm³). Ovos de Toxocara spp. foram recuperados em nove (29,03%) dos 31 lotes. Em 27 das 31 casas amostradas (87,1%), havia pelo menos um cão e em 17 (54,84%) pelo menos um gato. O número de cães por lote variou de um a seis (media de 2,3). No caso dos gatos, o número variou de um a 14 (média de 1,29). Em 16 dos 31 lotes (51,61%), havia a presença de pelo menos um cão ou gato. Não houve relação entre a presença desses animais e a contaminação do solo (p >; 0,05). Entretanto, a contaminação do solo por ovos de Toxocara spp. e as precárias condições de higiene tanto da população quanto dos seus animais compõem um ambiente favorável à infecção dos assentados por agentes de larva migrans/toxocaríase