23 research outputs found

    Alterations in Postprandial Hepatic Glycogen Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetes

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    Decreased skeletal muscle glucose disposal and increased endogenous glucose production (EGP) contribute to postprandial hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes, but the contribution of hepatic glycogen metabolism remains uncertain. Hepatic glycogen metabolism and EGP were monitored in type 2 diabetic patients and nondiabetic volunteer control subjects (CON) after mixed meal ingestion and during hyperglycemic-hyperinsulinemic-somatostatin clamps applying 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMRS) and variable infusion dual-tracer technique. Hepatocellular lipid (HCL) content was quantified by 1H NMRS. Before dinner, hepatic glycogen was lower in type 2 diabetic patients (227 ± 6 vs. CON: 275 ± 10 mmol/l liver, P < 0.001). After meal ingestion, net synthetic rates were 0.76 ± 0.16 (type 2 diabetic patients) and 1.36 ± 0.15 mg · kg−1 · min−1 (CON, P < 0.02), resulting in peak concentrations of 283 ± 15 and 360 ± 11 mmol/l liver. Postprandial rates of EGP were ∼0.3 mg · kg−1 · min−1 (30–170 min; P < 0.05 vs. CON) higher in type 2 diabetic patients. Under clamp conditions, type 2 diabetic patients featured ∼54% lower (P < 0.03) net hepatic glycogen synthesis and ∼0.5 mg · kg−1 · min−1 higher (P < 0.02) EGP. Hepatic glucose storage negatively correlated with HCL content (R = −0.602, P < 0.05). Type 2 diabetic patients exhibit 1) reduction of postprandial hepatic glycogen synthesis, 2) temporarily impaired suppression of EGP, and 3) no normalization of these defects by controlled hyperglycemic hyperinsulinemia. Thus, impaired insulin sensitivity and/or chronic glucolipotoxicity in addition to the effects of an altered insulin-to-glucagon ratio or increased free fatty acids accounts for defective hepatic glycogen metabolism in type 2 diabetic patients

    dMec: a novel Mi-2 chromatin remodelling complex involved in transcriptional repression

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    The ATP-dependent chromatin remodeller Mi-2 functions as a transcriptional repressor and contributes to the suppression of cell fates during development in several model organisms. Mi-2 is the ATPase subunit of the conserved Nucleosome Remodeling and Deacetylation (NuRD) complex, and transcriptional repression by Mi-2 is thought to be dependent on its associated histone deacetylase. Here, we have purified a novel dMi-2 complex from Drosophila that is distinct from dNuRD. dMec (dMEP-1 complex) is composed of dMi-2 and dMEP-1. dMec is a nucleosome-stimulated ATPase that is expressed in embryos, larval tissues and adult flies. Surprisingly, dMec is far more abundant than dNuRD and constitutes the major dMi-2-containing complex. Both dNuRD and dMec associate with proneural genes of the achaete–scute complex. However, despite lacking a histone deacetylase subunit, only dMec contributes to the repression of proneural genes. These results reveal an unexpected complexity in the composition and function of Mi-2 complexes

    dCHD3, a Novel ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodeler Associated with Sites of Active Transcription▿ †

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    ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers of the CHD family play important roles during differentiation and development. Three CHD proteins, dMi-2, dChd1, and Kismet, have been described for Drosophila melanogaster. Here, we study dCHD3, a novel member of the CHD family. dCHD3 is related in sequence to dMi-2 but lacks several domains implicated in dMi-2 function. We demonstrate that dCHD3 is a nuclear protein and that expression is tightly regulated during fly development. Recombinant dCHD3 remodels mono- and polynucleosomes in an ATP-dependent manner in vitro. Its chromodomains are critical for nucleosome binding and remodeling. Unlike dMi-2, dCHD3 exists as a monomer. Nevertheless, both proteins colocalize with RNA polymerase II to actively transcribed regions on polytene chromosomes, suggesting that both remodelers participate in the process of transcription

    Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tube in a Syncardia™ Total Artificial Heart

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    As a bridge to transplant, the Syncardia™ total artificial heart (TAH) is an option for patients who are not candidates for left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) due to right ventricular failure. The need for nutritional support in these patients is essential for a favorable outcome. Low body mass indexes and albumin levels have been associated with increased morbidity and mortality in cardiac surgery patients [Alverdy 2003]. It is not uncommon for postoperative patients to have difficulty in consuming enough calories after surgery, which is further complicated by a hypermetabolic demand due to surgical stress. Enteral nutrition has typically been favored for gut mucosal integrity and bacterial flora [Alverdy 2003] [Engleman 1999]. We describe the need for prolonged enteral nutritional support in a TAH patient that was accomplished with a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube

    Genisa-Blätter III

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    Ursprünglich sollten die „Genisa-Blätter III“ ein europäisches Projekt werden. Veröffentlicht werden sollten Quellen aus ­Genisot, die im vormals deutschsprachigen Raum gehoben wurden. Das Vorhaben scheiterte. Nunmehr sind im Band sieben Beiträge versammelt, in denen kenntnisreich Funde aus den Ablagen in Alsenz, Altenschönbach, Memmelsdorf, Reckendorf und Veitshöchheim besprochen werden. Der achte Aufsatz knüpft am internationalen Vorhaben an: Im Mittelpunkt des Artikels stehen drei Genisafunde aus Tschechien, genauer gesagt aus den beiden ostböhmischen Ortschaften Luže und Rychnov nad Kněžnou. Alle acht Beiträge gemeinsam verdeutlichen die inhaltliche Spannbreite von Genisot, die sich die Forschung zunutze machen kann: Sie reicht von Aspekten der Wirtschaft und des Rechts, über die Religion bis hin zum alltäglichen Leben und bietet jeweils eigene Geschichten im Spannungsfeld des möglichen Scheiterns

    Analisis del proceso de transferencia de tecnologia en tres fincas de ganado de doble proposito en Moroceli, Honduras

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    87 p.Es una investigación social que analiza el cambio de comportamiento de tres estudios de caso en el proceso de transferencia de tecnología para ganado de doble propósito con la meta mantener la producción de estos hatos en verano en Moroceli, Honduras. La metodología usada se rigió por los pasos de la transferencia: diagnóstico, realizado en un estudio anterior, la determinación de las opciones técnicas y difusión. Para lograr esta se realizó una encuesta semi estructurada, un taller, capacitaciones y visitas de campo. E n el taller se trabajó con el problema de la deficiente alimentación por ser el más sentido por e l productor, se analizaron las causas y efectos de este problema y las posibles soluciones. Se presentaron algunas prácticas de alimentación más adecuadas, teniendo en cuenta los recursos y analizando cada alternativa desde el punto de vista económico y operacional

    Vitamin D, vitamin D binding protein, lung function and structure in COPD

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    SummaryRationaleVitamin D and vitamin D binding protein (DBP) have been associated with COPD and FEV1. There are limited data regarding emphysema and vitamin D and DBP.ObjectiveThis is a pilot study of a portion of the subjects in the Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints (ECLIPSE) study designed to examine the relationship between vitamin D status, DBP, FEV1 and emphysema in COPD patients.MethodsWe measured serum 25(OH)D and DBP in 498 ECLIPSE subjects. Subjects were distributed amongst smoker controls, non-smoker controls, and GOLD stages 2, 3 and 4. Within each GOLD stage, the subjects were equally divided amongst high and low emphysema burden. The associations between 25(OH)D, DBP, and free vitamin D with FEV1, CT-defined emphysema, biomarkers and clinical data including CT-measured bone attenuation were assessed.Measurements25(OH)D and DBP were measured using tandem mass spectroscopy and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively,Main result25(OH)D was correlated with FEV1 (p = 0.01) and with severity of emphysema (p < 0.01). 25(OH)D was also associated with six-minute walk (p = 0.02), bronchodilator response (p = 0.04), and Clara cell secretory protein (CC-16) (p = 0.01). 25(OH)D levels were not associated with CT-measured bone attenuation, however DBP was associated with bone attenuation in subjects with emphysema. DBP was not associated with FEV1 or emphysema. 25(OH)D and DBP were inversely associated (p = 0.01).ConclusionThis is the first study to demonstrate a relationship between emphysema and vitamin D. We also provide further evidence for a relationship between vitamin D and FEV1