4,414 research outputs found

    Equity of access to maternal health interventions in Brazil and Colombia: a retrospective study

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    Background Reducing maternal mortality is a top priority in Latin American countries. Despite the progress in maternal mortality reduction, Brazil and Colombia still lag behind countries at similar levels of development. Methods Using data from the Demographic Health Survey, this study quantified and compared, by means of concentration indices, the socioeconomic-related inequity in access to four key maternal health interventions in Brazil and Colombia. Decomposition analysis of the concentration index was used for two indicators – skilled attendance at birth and postnatal care in Brazil. Results Coverage levels of the four key maternal health interventions were similar in the two countries. More specifically, we found that coverage of some of the interventions (e.g. ante-natal care and skilled birth assistance) was higher than 90% in both countries. Nevertheless, the concentration index analysis pointed to significant pro-rich inequities in access in all four key interventions in both countries. Interestingly, the analysis showed that Colombia fared slightly better than Brazil in terms of equity in access of the interventions studied. Finally, the decomposition analysis for the presence of a skilled attendant at birth and postnatal care in Brazil underlined the significance of regional disparities, wealth inequalities, inequalities in access to private hospitals, and inequalities in access to private health insurance. Conclusions There are persistent pro-rich inequities in access to four maternal health interventions in both Brazil and Colombia. The decomposition analysis conducted on Brazilian data suggests the existence of disparities in system capacity and quality of care between the private and the public health services, resulting in inequities of access to maternal health services

    A New Duality Symmetry in String Theory

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    We consider the conformal gauging of non-abelian groups. In such cases there are inequivalent ways of gauging (generalizing the axial and vector cases for abelian groups) corresponding to external automorphisms of the group. Different \s-models obtained this way correspond to the same conformal field theory. We use the method of quotients to formulate this equivalence as a new duality symmetry.Comment: LaTeX, 7pp, CERN-TH.7310/94, CPTH-A309.0694 (Some clarifications added

    Aplicación de Regresión Logística a la Calificación Crediticia de los Municipios del Estado de México, 2011 – 2015

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer el impacto que juegan algunas de estas variables a lo que concierne a las calificaciones obtenidas por algunos municipios del Estado de México, durante el periodo 2011 a 2015. En particular, nos interesa estudiar el impacto que tiene los factores económicos y financieros de manera global, es decir, conocer el impacto que estos dos rubros tienen sobre la calificación final, expresado como porcentaje de ésta, y de manera particular, conocer el impacto de las variables que integran estos factores, así como la interacción entre ellas. Las agencias calificadoras enfatizan el hecho de que el análisis que realizan para otorgar una calificación crediticia es por naturaleza subjetivo y no puede reducirse a fórmulas matemáticas simples, tales como relaciones lineales entre variables, sin embargo, los estudios concernientes al tema muestran que el análisis formal de ciertas 5 variables puede ayudar a identificar relaciones explícitas entre un subconjunto de todas las variables analizadas y las calificaciones crediticias. Nuestra hipótesis de este trabajo es: las variables que se clasifican como financieras, económicas y deuda proporcionan información suficiente para la correcta predicción de la mayor parte de las calificaciones crediticias de los municipios del Estado de México que cuentan con esta, usando el modelo logístico ordenado. El objetivo principal de la siguiente investigación es aplicar la regresión logística ordinal y nominal a una base de datos, que contiene la calificación crediticia como variable de respuesta, y un conjunto de variables económicas y financieras como posibles predictores de las calificaciones crediticias de los municipios del Estado de México durante el periodo 2011 a 2015. Mientra

    Logística reversa : oportunidade para redução de custos através do gerenciamento da cadeia integrada de valor

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    O artigo discorre sobre um aspecto da Logística que só agora começa a ser olhado mais atentamente pelas empresas. Enquanto a logística tradicional trata do fluxo de saída dos produtos, a Logística Reversa tem que se preocupar com o retorno de produtos, materiais e peças ao processo de produção da empresa. Devido a legislações ambientais mais severas e maior consciência por parte dos consumidores, as empresas estão não só utilizando uma maior quantidade de materiais reciclados como também tendo que se preocupar com o descarte ecologicamente correto de seus produtos ao final de seu ciclo de vida. Além disto, muitas firmas têm feito da Logística Reversa uma arma estratégica em seu planejamento de negócios. Tudo isto vem fortalecer o desenvolvimento da Logística Reversa nas empresas. E no caso brasileiro de acordos a especialistas de logística reversa esta área vem sendo considerada como um elemento importante no planejamento estratégico das organizações para adequá-las à legislação do meio ambiente atual. O trabalho vem mostrar oportunidades em redução de custos através do gerenciamento da cadeia de valor da empresa, com o envolvimento de todos os componentes. O método utilizado é o de estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor de refrigerantes

    Quantifying the impact of dissimilar HPV vaccination uptake among Manitoban school girls by ethnicity using a transmission dynamic model

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    BACKGROUND: Gardasil, a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, began among grade 6 girls in Manitoba, Canada in 2008. In Manitoba, there is evidence that First Nations, Metis, and Inuit women (FNMI) have higher HPV prevalence, lower invasive cervical cancer (ICC) screening, and higher ICC incidence than all other Manitoban (AOM) women. We developed a mathematical model to assess the plausible impact of unequal vaccination coverage among school girls on future cervical cancer incidence. METHODS: We fit model estimated HPV prevalence and ICC incidence to corresponding empirical estimates. We used the fitted model to evaluate the impact of varying levels of vaccination uptake by FNMI status on future ICC incidence, assuming cervical screening uptake among FNMI and AOM women remained unchanged. RESULTS: Depending on vaccination coverage, estimated ICC incidence by 2059 ranged from 15% to 68% lower than if there were no vaccination. The level of cross-ethnic sexual mixing influenced the impact that vaccination rates among FNMI has on ICC incidence among AOM, and vice versa. The same level of AOM vaccination could result in ICC incidence that differs by up to 10%, depending on the level of FNMI vaccination. Similarly, the same level of FNMI vaccination could result in ICC incidence that differs by almost 40%, depending on the level of AOM vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: If we are unable to equalize vaccination uptake among all school girls, policy makers should prepare for higher levels of cervical cancer than would occur under equal vaccination uptak

    Biogeographic analysis and key to the genera of ferns and lycophytes of Mburucuyá National Park, Corrientes, Argentina

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    The diversity of ferns and lycophytes of Corrientes province, Argentina is not well understood. Our fi eld work in the Mburucuyá National Park in Corrientes province as well as a literature review fi nds 29 genera and 48 infrageneric taxa of ferns and lycophytes for this Park. A comparison of the Park?s species diversity with other protected areas in northeastern Argentina using Jaccard?s similarity coeffi cient and the infrageneric taxa biodiversity index proposed by Squeo et al. (1998) are analized. A key to the Park?s ferns and lycophytes genera is provided.Fil: Meza Torres, Esteban Ismael. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botanica del Nordeste (i); Argentina;Fil: de la Sota, Elias Ramon. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.naturales y Museo; Argentina;Fil: Ferrucci, Maria Silvia. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Botanica del Nordeste (i); Argentina

    Surface EMG crosstalk quantified at the motor unit population level for muscles of the hand, thigh, and calf

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    Crosstalk is an important source of error in interpreting surface electromyography (EMG) signals. Here, we aimed at characterizing crosstalk for three groups of synergistic muscles by the identification of individual motor unit action potentials. Moreover, we explored whether spatial filtering (single and double differential) of the EMG signals influences the level of crosstalk. Three experiments were conducted. Participants (total twenty-five) performed isometric contractions at 10% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) with digit muscles and knee extensors, and at 30% MVC with plantar flexors. High-density surface EMG signals were recorded and decomposed into motor unit spike trains. For each muscle, we quantified the crosstalk induced to neighboring muscles and the level of contamination by the nearby muscle activity. We also estimated the influence of crosstalk on the EMG power spectrum and intermuscular correlation. Most motor units (80%) generated significant crosstalk signals to neighboring muscle EMG in monopolar recording mode, but this proportion decreased with spatial filtering (50% and 42% for single and double differential, respectively). Crosstalk induced overestimations of intermuscular correlation and has a small effect on the EMG power spectrum, which indicates that crosstalk is not reduced with high-pass temporal filtering. Conversely, spatial filtering diminished the crosstalk magnitude and the overestimations of intermuscular correlation, confirming to be an effective and simple technique to reduce crosstalk. This paper presents a new method for the identification and quantification of crosstalk at the motor unit level and clarifies the influence of crosstalk on EMG interpretation for muscles with different anatomy


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas VII SMPS Kelimutu Ende dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching and Learning menggunakan metode eksperimen.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) dengan menggunakan model Kemmis & Mc. Taggart. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 siklus dengan masing-masing dilaksanakan dalam empat tahapan yaitu; perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan sampai memperoleh target ketuntasan hasil belajar dan aktivitas belajar yaitu ? 70% dari 23 siswa yang menjadi subjek penelitian. Pengambilan data menggunakan instrumen lembar observasi untuk mengukur aktivitas belajar siswa, dan instrumen soal tes bentuk uraian untuk mengukur hasil belajar siswa. Analisi data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas VII SMPS Kelimutu Ende dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning yaitu pada siklus I jumlah siswa yang mendapat skor ? 6 (34,78%) meningkat menjadi 73,91% pada siklus II . Ada peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas VII SMPS Kelimutu Ende dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning yaitu pada siklus I jumlah siswa yang mencapai nilai ? 70 sebanyak 10 orang siswa (43,47%), pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 78,26% atau mencapai 18 orang sisw

    La motivación desde la acción tutorial en un programa formativo semipresencial de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los tipos de motivación que fomentan los profesores tutores en su comunicación escrita con sus participantes en el primer curso de un programa de formación continua semi presencial en la Facultad de Educación de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana. La motivación fue analizada a partir de la mini teoría de las necesidades y la mini teoría organísmica, dos de las seis mini teorías que conforman la Teoría de la Auto Determinación. Desde el aspecto metodológico, el estudio se realizó dentro de un enfoque cualitativo de nivel descriptivo usando el método de casos y empleándose dos técnicas: el análisis de contenido y la entrevista. El análisis de contenido nos permitió analizar los tipos de motivación evidenciados en los correos electrónicos enviados por los profesores tutores, y la entrevista permitió analizar su valoración con respecto a la comunicación que proponían. Los resultados, una vez realizada la triangulación de la información obtenida, evidenciaron que uno de los tres profesores tutores promovía una motivación autónoma en sus correos, aunque no era consciente de ello. La motivación autónoma relacionada con la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas promueve mayor sentido de eficacia y mejores desempeños.Tesi

    An Unbiased Transformer Source Code Learning with Semantic Vulnerability Graph

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    Over the years, open-source software systems have become prey to threat actors. Even as open-source communities act quickly to patch the breach, code vulnerability screening should be an integral part of agile software development from the beginning. Unfortunately, current vulnerability screening techniques are ineffective at identifying novel vulnerabilities or providing developers with code vulnerability and classification. Furthermore, the datasets used for vulnerability learning often exhibit distribution shifts from the real-world testing distribution due to novel attack strategies deployed by adversaries and as a result, the machine learning model's performance may be hindered or biased. To address these issues, we propose a joint interpolated multitasked unbiased vulnerability classifier comprising a transformer "RoBERTa" and graph convolution neural network (GCN). We present a training process utilizing a semantic vulnerability graph (SVG) representation from source code, created by integrating edges from a sequential flow, control flow, and data flow, as well as a novel flow dubbed Poacher Flow (PF). Poacher flow edges reduce the gap between dynamic and static program analysis and handle complex long-range dependencies. Moreover, our approach reduces biases of classifiers regarding unbalanced datasets by integrating Focal Loss objective function along with SVG. Remarkably, experimental results show that our classifier outperforms state-of-the-art results on vulnerability detection with fewer false negatives and false positives. After testing our model across multiple datasets, it shows an improvement of at least 2.41% and 18.75% in the best-case scenario. Evaluations using N-day program samples demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves a 93% accuracy and was able to detect 4, zero-day vulnerabilities from popular GitHub repositories