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    1051 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Pekarangan untuk Budidaya Tanaman Olerikultura sebagai Pendukung Ketahanan Pangan Pada Era Pandemi Covid-19 di Desa Petudua

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    The people of Petudua Village on average have a large yard of land, but it has not been used properly. Therefore, the village government facilitates the community by providing various types of olericultural plant seeds or vegetables, to help meet daily nutritional needs, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the community does not yet know how to cultivate plants properly, so it is necessary to provide assistance in the use of the yard. This service activity aims to assist the Petudua village community to increase knowledge about good plant cultivation, and provide motivation to the community to be able to use their yards to support the availability of family food. The stages of the activities carried out included counseling on the benefits of plant cultivation in the yard, training on how to sow seeds, and training in making organic fertilizers and pesticides from onion skins. The result of this activity is an increase in public knowledge about how to cultivate plants, good nurseries, and how to make organic fertilizers and pesticides from onion skins and can be applied to their respective yards. It is hoped that the Petudua Village government will continue this program, to support food security and improve community welfare


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    ABSTRAK :Peran tokoh Tan Malaka untuk Indonesia dalam bentuk pemikiran serta sikap nasionalisme yang ditunjukannya menjadi penting untuk diteliti secara mendalam. Masalah yang diteliti di dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) bagaimana biografi Tan Malaka dan karyanya? 2) bagaimana perjuangan politik Tan Malaka di Indonesia? 3) bagaimana nasionalisme pemikiran Tan Malaka di Indonesia?. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) untuk mengetahui biografi Tan Malaka dan karyanya 2) untuk mengetahui perjuangan politik Tan Malaka di Indonesia 3) untuk mengetahui nasionalisme pemikiran Tan Malaka di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian sejarah (Historical Methods). Langkah-langkah dalam penelitian metode sejarah meliputi: heuristik, verifikasi (kritik sumber), interpretasidan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tan Malaka terlahir dan berasal dari ranah Minang yang subur dan asri.Sejak belia, Tan Malaka menunjukan tipikal pribadi yang berkemauan keras dan agamis.Tan Malaka di didik di dalam lingkungan keluarga yang taat pada agama.Berbekal pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama mengeyam pendidikan di Belanda, telah memungkinkan untuk mendobrak sistem pengetahuan politiknya.Ketika kembali ke Indonesia, Tan Malaka memiliki semangat perjuangan yang tinggi untuk menentang kolonialisme serta imperialisme Belanda yang menduduki Indonesia.Gagasan-gagasan tertulis tokoh nasional ini memperlihatkan bahwa Tan Malaka adalah seorang nasionalis sejati.


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    This study aims to determine the effect of giving rewards and punishments on morale for BUMN employees in the city of Ende. The type of research used is quantitative research. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. Because the population cannot be ascertained, 98 respondents were determined as samples. From the results of statistical testing t for the variable of reward and punishment has a value of tcount > t table with a significance value of <0.05. This shows that the variable of reward and punishment has a significant effect on work morale. For the adjusted R square value of 0.444, this shows that the percentage of the effect of giving rewards and punishments on work morale is 44.4%. While the rest is influenced by other factors that are not explained in this study

    Memaksimalkan Peran Google Form dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar di Era Covid-19

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    The purpose of education is to form students to be able to increase the level of intelligence by transferring the knowledge and technology possessed by teachers. The purpose of this research is to provide understanding and knowledge in the computer field, especially the introduction of making questions through google form to educators at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Muhajirin, Bekasi As for the problems that the school has during the current covid-19 pandemic, where some face-to-face learning is limited and some are still teaching online, so the lack of knowledge in applying some computer programs is still found and as well as a lack of understanding in making learning applications using the google form. The method used is through direct observation and interviews, so it is deemed necessary to provide training in the form of workshops to educators so that the results of this study are teachers u are able to create an interactive learning through the google form assignment method to become a capital to explore and expand knowledge in the field of technolog

    Menumbuhkan Karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Katolik Melalui Pendekatan Cooperative Learning Bagi Siswa Fase E (X-1) SMA Negeri 1 Ende

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    Cooperative learning is learning where students work in small groups to help each other in learning teaching materials, according to Warsono and Hariyanto (2013: 175). This research was conducted in two phases of learning implementation. This study aims to increase the learning creativity of Pancasila student profiles and student achievement in class X-1 (phase E) SMA Negeri 1 Ende, the academic year 2022-2023, in the subjects of Catholic Religious Education and Character Education with the sub topic: β€œEquality Male and female". This study refers to the model Arikunto et al (2007:57), which consists of four components: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research was conducted in class X-1 (phase E) of SMA Negeri 1 Ende, for 2 X 45 minutes of lesson hours. The data were collected through observation and tests. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis, and comparative analysis. From the results of the Mid-Semester Assessment (ATS) analysis of students, it shows the following: (1) Cooperative Learning can increase the learning creativity of Pancasila student profiles. This can be seen from the average value of the results of observations on student learning activities reaching: 62.70% (low) in the first phase (I), and an increase of: 96.05% (Very High) in the second phase (II). The results of the Middle Semester Assessment (ATS) of phase E (X-1) students after the implementation of learning activities using the cooperative learning method have increased, the average percentage of assessment scores: 59.00 in the first phase (I) and: 95.00% in the second phase (II)

    Penguatan Keterampilan Guru dalam Pemanfaatan GeoGebra sebagai Media Pembelajaran Program Linear

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    To support students facing rapid technological development, teachers must provide real experience in the learning process. Linear programming materials that require visualization in their understanding can be taught by integrating GeoGebra software. This community service aims to strengthen teacher skills in using GeoGebra for linear programming learning media. Community service is carried out through training and mentoring with an active learning participant approach. The activities are carried out through three core stages: teacher training in mastering the GeoGebra interface, assistance in visualizing linear programming problems, and aid in solving linear programs. Although most of the participants stated that GeoGebra could help learn linear programming in the classroom, its implementation needs to consider various aspects, such as the preparation of learning tools and equipment, learning time, and student readiness

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Desa Nduaria Kecamatan Kelimutu melalui Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Mahasiswa Universitas Flores

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    The problems that exist in the community of Nduaria village, Kelimutu sub-district are the lack of awareness from the community about environmental hygiene, it looks like garbage is just scattered about and the world of education is the lack of additional tutoring from parents and the lack of interest and enthusiasm for children's literacy at school. From these problems, there are several work programs set by students in the Group 19 Real Work Lecture program in the village of Nduaria, namely: 1) Caring for the environment and making trash bins, 2) Working on gates to welcome the 17 August celebrations, 3) Visits schools to conduct additional tutoring and the creation of a reading garden. 4) Digital literacy to introduce village potential through digital space. The achievements of the activities obtained in this Real Work Lecture are the creation of public awareness about the importance of disposing of waste in its place so that the environment looks clean, increasing the enthusiasm of students in Nduaria village in learning and reading, and increasing promotion by the community in introducing village potential through social media

    Membangun Terobosan Baru di SD Negeri 091355 Urung Panei melalui Kontribusi Mahasiswa Program Kampus Mengajar 3

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    Kampus Mengajar Program aims to help equalize national education. This program is very much needed by schools with the background of Frontier, Remote and Disadvantaged (3T) or schools with C/B accreditation. Kampus Mengajar becomes a ledge for students and lecturers to participate in advancing national education. This program runs for 5 months or one semester. Kampus Mengajar Students Batch 3 performs 3 main tasks at the assignment, namely teaching, assisting with technology adaptation, and assisting school administration. SD Negeri 091355 Urung Panei is one of the target schools for the Kampus Mengajar. This school has a C accreditation and is in dire need of assistance, especially in improving students' literacy and numeracy skills. SD Negeri 091355 Urung Panei also needs additional teaching staff due to the shortage of teachers. Schools also need help to re-invigorate students' learning enthusiasm after 1.5 years of the COVID-19 pandemic


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    This study uses a qualitative approach method, to describe the accounting information system of the honorary teachers payroll. And also the source of the used data is primary data. The data will be analyzed by descriptive analysis method. Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that the Government in regulating its operational activities has implemented an accounting information system and internal control over the payroll system using SIMDA and SIPD applications. All document data, namely SPP, SPPM, are inputted toto the Regional Financial and Asset Management Office of Ende Regency. However, in its implementation there are still run into delays in paying salaries. The cause of the late disbursement of the regional revenue and expenditure budget for the 2021 fiscal year is due to a change in the system. Initially the APBD disbursement system used the Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) to the Regional Government Information System (SIPD), then there was a transition to the use of new applications in the budget disbursement process in which the budget post for honorary staff was returned to their respective fields where the honorary staff/honorary teachers work, In addition, the payment process uses Inventory Money (UP) or Change Money(GU) depending on the availability of funds at the time of disbursement of Inventory Money


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    This study aimed to determine the increase in student activity and learning outcomes in learning mathematics on the material of a two-variable system of linear equations. The background things are the low learning outcomes of students' mathematics. This is due to the use of an inappropriate teaching method approach. To overcome this, improvements can be made by applying a problem-solving learning model. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). The subjects of this study were students of class X SMA Negeri 2 Jerebuu, totalling 14 people, consisting of 5 female students and 9 male students. Factors studied in the form of increased activity and student learning outcomes. Data collection methods used in this study were observation and test techniques. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative analysis with percentage technique. The results showed that the application of the problem-solving learning model could improve student activity and learning outcomes. Student learning activities in the first cycle obtained a total score of 29 with a percentage of 58% and were categorized quite well. Then it increased in the second cycle with the total score obtained being 43 and the percentage is 86% and categorized as very good. Student learning outcomes in the first cycle obtained an average of 70 with 50% of students achieving the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). Then it increased in the second cycle with an average of 85.71 with 100% of students achieving KKM


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