43 research outputs found

    Morphological Substantiation of Clinical Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia

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    The aim of the study was morphological substantiation of clinical efficacy of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of patients with androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Materials and Methods: The study included 25 men aged from 20 to 43 years. AGA degree II-IV on the Hamilton-Norwood scale was diagnosed in 23 (92%) patients and degree I in 2 patients. All patients received intradermal injections of PRP. The course of treatment consisted of 4 procedures with an interval of 4 weeks between each procedure. The clinical efficacy of the therapy was evaluated by the dynamics of morphometric indicators of hair growth. The morphological analysis included an assessment of indicators in horizontal sections and was carried out at 4 levels: at the level of subcutaneous adipose tissue, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and mouths of hair follicle (HF). Sections were stained with H&E. Histological examination was performed before and after treatment. Against the background of treatment with PRP, hair density increased by 12% (P=0.000), average hair diameter by 12% (P=0.002), and the share of vellus and telogen hair decreased by 17% (P=0.002) and 16% (P=0.028), respectively. At the same time, the amount of anagen hair in relation to telogen hair increased by 18% (P=0.016). Histologically, the increase in hair density was accompanied by a significant increase in the number of HF at the mouth level (∆+96%, P=0.004) and at the level of sweat glands (∆+54%, P=0.037), as well as a tendency for their number to increase at the level of the sebaceous glands. These increases were combined with a significant decrease in the proportion of telogen hair (∆-43%, P=0.023) and vellus hair (∆-29%, P=0.037). Conclusion: The positive clinical effect of PRP therapy is due to significant morphofunctional changes in hair follicles

    Training in cooperation with the use of information technology

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    Training of modern graduate takes place in the conditions of requirements of the Federal state educational standards aimed at development of students’ competences. In order to train a competent graduate, higher education institutions are looking for ways that will make this process more effective and dynamic. The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of higher education institutions in the implementation of training in cooperation with the use of information technology. The wide development of information technologies and their penetration into various spheres of society has determined their implementation in the educational process. The use of information technology is based on the use of personal computers. Now this tool is an integral part of the modern educational process. Placing emphasis on the fact that learning in cooperation is not a fundamentally new technology the authors say that it acquires relevance by incorporating innovative technologies. The article considers the ideas of training in cooperation with the use of information technologies, raises the importance and significance of this issue in modern educational conditions. Training in cooperation expands the students' information field. On the basis of the study of scientific literature, the features of training in cooperation, its essence and value purpose for the formation of competence of students of pedagogical University are highlighted. The study suggests an increase in students ' motivation to study materials after the introduction of information technologies that allow them to be more mobile and creative. The process of mutual learning in the process of cooperation becomes more effective. The higher the motivation of the student to study the discipline is, the higher the level of his knowledge is. The results of the study can be used in the further implementation of information technologies for the development of the learning process in cooperation

    Creation of development zones in the Arctic: methodology and practice

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    The article describes the basic principles and methodological bases of formation and development of the supporting areas of the Russian Arctic. The work emphasizes that the basis of the methodological approach in the formation of the supporting areas is a vector of development of the territory as an integral project on the principle of coordination of all "industrial" activities in the planning, goal-setting, financing and implementation, which will allow to reduce all kinds of costs and expenses, as well as all the projects included in the supporting areas should be aimed at the development of the macro-region as a whole, not just to solve individual tasks of the industry. The article underlines that the formation of the supporting areas is aimed at achieving a single global goal — to encourage efficiency and diversification of the economy of the Arctic zone, oriented to the preservation and development of the Northern Sea Route

    26th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2017): Part 3 - Meeting Abstracts - Antwerp, Belgium. 15–20 July 2017

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    This work was produced as part of the activities of FAPESP Research,\ud Disseminations and Innovation Center for Neuromathematics (grant\ud 2013/07699-0, S. Paulo Research Foundation). NLK is supported by a\ud FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship (grant 2016/03855-5). ACR is partially\ud supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making

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    Research supported by FAPESP 2015/50122-0 and DFG-GRTK 1740/2. RP and AR are also part of the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics FAPESP grant (2013/07699-0). RP is supported by a FAPESP scholarship (2013/25667-8). ACR is partially supported by a CNPq fellowship (grant 306251/2014-0)

    Methods of Moral Education in Various Pre-School Educational Programmes

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    New various approaches to pre-school moral education are analyzed in the article. Urgency and complexity of this task and inadequacy of traditional methods based on moral standards and rules of behaviour acquisition, encouragement and reproach, higher self-appraisal, etc. are dwelt upon. The idea of L.S. Vygotsky who emphasizes that moral education cant be based on laws and rules of behavior are also viewed upon. It is proved that moral education is inseparably connected with the development of interpersonal relations with the peers. Age-related dynamics of relationships to a peer at preschool age (from 3 to 7) is described. A special attention is given to problem forms of interpersonal relationships (aggressiveness, demonstrativity, shyness, etc.). In the final part of the article principles and stages of moral education focused neither on explanations, nor on positive examples display but on the development of spontaneous interrelations between children, perception of a peer not as an opponent or rival but as a partner are presented.В статье анализируются разные походы к нравственному воспитанию дошкольников. Показана актуальность и сложность данной задачи и неадекватность традиционных методов, которые основаны на усвоении моральных норм и правил поведения, на поощрении и порицании, на повышении самооценки и пр. Специально рассматривается позиция Л.С. Выготского, который показывает, что нравственное воспитание не может быть основано на законах и на правилах поведения. Доказывается, что нравственное воспитание неразрывно связано с развитием межличностных отношений со сверстниками. Рассматривается возрастная динамика отношения к сверстнику в дошкольном возрасте (от 3 до 7 лет). Особое внимание уделяется проблемным формам межличностных отношений (агрессивности, демонстративности, застенчивости и пр.) В последней части статьи представлены принципы и этапы программы нравственного воспитания, которая направлена не на объяснения, не на демонстрацию положительных примеров, а на развитие непосредственных взаимоотношений между детьми, на восприятие сверстника не как противника и конкурента, а как партнёра

    Methods of Moral Education in Various Pre-School Educational Programmes

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    New various approaches to pre-school moral education are analyzed in the article. Urgency and complexity of this task and inadequacy of traditional methods based on moral standards and rules of behaviour acquisition, encouragement and reproach, higher self-appraisal, etc. are dwelt upon. The idea of L.S. Vygotsky who emphasizes that moral education cant be based on laws and rules of behavior are also viewed upon. It is proved that moral education is inseparably connected with the development of interpersonal relations with the peers. Age-related dynamics of relationships to a peer at preschool age (from 3 to 7) is described. A special attention is given to problem forms of interpersonal relationships (aggressiveness, demonstrativity, shyness, etc.). In the final part of the article principles and stages of moral education focused neither on explanations, nor on positive examples display but on the development of spontaneous interrelations between children, perception of a peer not as an opponent or rival but as a partner are presented.В статье анализируются разные походы к нравственному воспитанию дошкольников. Показана актуальность и сложность данной задачи и неадекватность традиционных методов, которые основаны на усвоении моральных норм и правил поведения, на поощрении и порицании, на повышении самооценки и пр. Специально рассматривается позиция Л.С. Выготского, который показывает, что нравственное воспитание не может быть основано на законах и на правилах поведения. Доказывается, что нравственное воспитание неразрывно связано с развитием межличностных отношений со сверстниками. Рассматривается возрастная динамика отношения к сверстнику в дошкольном возрасте (от 3 до 7 лет). Особое внимание уделяется проблемным формам межличностных отношений (агрессивности, демонстративности, застенчивости и пр.) В последней части статьи представлены принципы и этапы программы нравственного воспитания, которая направлена не на объяснения, не на демонстрацию положительных примеров, а на развитие непосредственных взаимоотношений между детьми, на восприятие сверстника не как противника и конкурента, а как партнёра

    Methods of Moral Education in Various Pre-School Educational Programmes

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    New various approaches to pre-school moral education are analyzed in the article. Urgency and complexity of this task and inadequacy of traditional methods based on moral standards and rules of behaviour acquisition, encouragement and reproach, higher self-appraisal, etc. are dwelt upon. The idea of L.S. Vygotsky who emphasizes that moral education cant be based on laws and rules of behavior are also viewed upon. It is proved that moral education is inseparably connected with the development of interpersonal relations with the peers. Age-related dynamics of relationships to a peer at preschool age (from 3 to 7) is described. A special attention is given to problem forms of interpersonal relationships (aggressiveness, demonstrativity, shyness, etc.). In the final part of the article principles and stages of moral education focused neither on explanations, nor on positive examples display but on the development of spontaneous interrelations between children, perception of a peer not as an opponent or rival but as a partner are presented.В статье анализируются разные походы к нравственному воспитанию дошкольников. Показана актуальность и сложность данной задачи и неадекватность традиционных методов, которые основаны на усвоении моральных норм и правил поведения, на поощрении и порицании, на повышении самооценки и пр. Специально рассматривается позиция Л.С. Выготского, который показывает, что нравственное воспитание не может быть основано на законах и на правилах поведения. Доказывается, что нравственное воспитание неразрывно связано с развитием межличностных отношений со сверстниками. Рассматривается возрастная динамика отношения к сверстнику в дошкольном возрасте (от 3 до 7 лет). Особое внимание уделяется проблемным формам межличностных отношений (агрессивности, демонстративности, застенчивости и пр.) В последней части статьи представлены принципы и этапы программы нравственного воспитания, которая направлена не на объяснения, не на демонстрацию положительных примеров, а на развитие непосредственных взаимоотношений между детьми, на восприятие сверстника не как противника и конкурента, а как партнёра