135 research outputs found

    Does memory research have a realistic future?

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    How do we remember our past experiences? This question remains stubbornly resistant to resolution. The next 25 years may see significant traction on this and other outstanding issues if memory researchers capitalise on exciting technological developments that allow embodied cognition to be studied in ways that closely approximate real life

    Release of cognitive and multimodal MRI data including real-world tasks and hippocampal subfield segmentations

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    We share data from N = 217 healthy adults (mean age 29 years, range 20-41; 109 females, 108 males) who underwent extensive cognitive assessment and neuroimaging to examine the neural basis of individual differences, with a particular focus on a brain structure called the hippocampus. Cognitive data were collected using a wide array of questionnaires, naturalistic tests that examined imagination, autobiographical memory recall and spatial navigation, traditional laboratory-based tests such as recalling word pairs, and comprehensive characterisation of the strategies used to perform the cognitive tests. 3 Tesla MRI data were also acquired and include multi-parameter mapping to examine tissue microstructure, diffusion-weighted MRI, T2-weighted high-resolution partial volume structural MRI scans (with the masks of hippocampal subfields manually segmented from these scans), whole brain resting state functional MRI scans and partial volume high resolution resting state functional MRI scans. This rich dataset will be of value to cognitive and clinical neuroscientists researching individual differences, real-world cognition, brain-behaviour associations, hippocampal subfields and more. All data are freely available on Dryad

    Learning to remember: The early ontogeny of episodic memory

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    AbstractOver the past 60 years the neural correlates of human episodic memory have been the focus of intense neuroscientific scrutiny. By contrast, neuroscience has paid substantially less attention to understanding the emergence of this neurocognitive system. In this review we consider how the study of memory development has evolved. In doing so, we concentrate primarily on the first postnatal year because it is within this time window that the most dramatic shifts in scientific opinion have occurred. Moreover, this time frame includes the critical age (∼9 months) at which human infants purportedly first begin to demonstrate rudimentary hippocampal-dependent memory. We review the evidence for and against this assertion, note the lack of direct neurocognitive data speaking to this issue, and question how demonstrations of exuberant relational learning and memory in infants as young as 3-months old can be accommodated within extant models. Finally, we discuss whether current impasses in the infant memory literature could be leveraged by making greater use of neuroimaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which have been deployed so successfully in adults

    Posterior hippocampal CA2/3 volume is associated with autobiographical memory recall ability in lower performing individuals

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    People vary substantially in their capacity to recall past experiences, known as autobiographical memories. Here we investigated whether the volumes of specific hippocampal subfields were associated with autobiographical memory retrieval ability. We manually segmented the full length of the two hippocampi in 201 healthy young adults into DG/CA4, CA2/3, CA1, subiculum, pre/parasubiculum and uncus, in the largest such manually segmented subfield sample yet reported. Across the group we found no evidence for an association between any subfield volume and autobiographical memory recall ability. However, when participants were assigned to lower and higher performing groups based on their memory recall scores, we found that bilateral CA2/3 volume was significantly and positively associated with autobiographical memory recall performance specifically in the lower performing group. We further observed that this effect was attributable to posterior CA2/3. By contrast, semantic details from autobiographical memories, and performance on a range of laboratory-based memory tests, did not correlate with CA2/3 volume. Overall, our findings highlight that posterior CA2/3 may be particularly pertinent for autobiographical memory recall. They also reveal that there may not be direct one-to-one mapping of posterior CA2/3 volume with autobiographical memory ability, with size mattering perhaps only in those with poorer memory recall

    Conduction velocity along a key white matter tract is associated with autobiographical memory recall ability

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    Conduction velocity is the speed at which electrical signals travel along axons and is a crucial determinant of neural communication. Inferences about conduction velocity can now be made in vivo in humans using a measure called the magnetic resonance (MR) g-ratio. This is the ratio of the inner axon diameter relative to that of the axon plus the myelin sheath that encases it. Here, in the first application to cognition, we found that variations in MR g-ratio, and by inference conduction velocity, of the parahippocampal cingulum bundle were associated with autobiographical memory recall ability in 217 healthy adults. This tract connects the hippocampus with a range of other brain areas. We further observed that the association seemed to be with inner axon diameter rather than myelin content. The extent to which neurites were coherently organised within the parahippocampal cingulum bundle was also linked with autobiographical memory recall ability. Moreover, these findings were specific to autobiographical memory recall and were not apparent for laboratory-based memory tests. Our results offer a new perspective on individual differences in autobiographical memory recall ability, highlighting the possible influence of specific white matter microstructure features on conduction velocity when recalling detailed memories of real-life past experiences

    Multivoxel pattern analysis reveals 3D place information in the human hippocampus

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    The spatial world is three dimensional (3D) and humans and other animals move both horizontally and vertically within it. Extant neuroscientific studies have typically investigated spatial navigation on a horizontal 2D plane, leaving much unknown about how 3D spatial information is represented in the brain. Specifically, horizontal and vertical information may be encoded in the same or different neural structures with equal or unequal sensitivity. Here, we investigated these possibilities using fMRI while participants were passively moved within a 3D lattice structure as if riding a rollercoaster. Multivoxel pattern analysis was used to test for the existence of information relating to where and in which direction participants were heading in this virtual environment. Behaviorally, participants had similarly accurate memory for vertical and horizontal locations and the right anterior hippocampus (HC) expressed place information that was sensitive to changes along both horizontal and vertical axes. This is suggestive of isotropic 3D place encoding. In contrast, participants indicated their heading direction faster and more accurately when they were heading in a tilted-up or tilted-down direction. This direction information was expressed in the right retrosplenial cortex and posterior HC and was only sensitive to vertical pitch, which could reflect the importance of the vertical (gravity) axis as a reference frame. Overall, our findings extend previous knowledge of how we represent the spatial world and navigate within it by taking into account the important third dimension

    Intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability in Plasmodium chabaudi AS infected mice

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    Background: Gastrointestinal symptoms are commonly associated with acute Plasmodium spp infection. Malaria-associated enteritis may provide an opportunity for enteric pathogens to breach the intestinal mucosa, resulting in life-threatening systemic infections. Methods: To investigate whether intestinal pathology also occurs during infection with a murine model of mild and resolving malaria, C57BL/6J mice were inoculated with recently mosquito-transmitted Plasmodium chabaudi AS. At schizogony, intestinal tissues were collected for quantification and localisation of immune mediators and malaria parasites, by PCR and immunohistochemistry. Inflammatory proteins were measured in plasma and faeces and intestinal permeability was assessed by FITC-dextran translocation after oral administration. Results: Parasitaemia peaked at approx. 1.5% at day 9 and resolved by day 14, with mice experiencing significant and transient anaemia but no weight loss. Plasma IFNγ, TNFα and IL10 were significantly elevated during peak infection and quantitative RT-PCR of the intestine revealed a significant increase in transcripts for ifng and cxcl10. Histological analysis revealed parasites within blood vessels of both the submucosa and intestinal villi and evidence of mild crypt hyperplasia. In faeces, concentrations of the inflammatory marker lactoferrin were significantly raised on days 9 and 11 and FITC-dextran was detected in plasma on days 7 to 14. At day 11, plasma FITC-dextran concentration was significantly positively correlated with peripheral parasitemia and faecal lactoferrin concentration. Conclusions: In summary, using a relevant, attenuated model of malaria, we have found that acute infection is associated with intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability. This model can now be used to explore the mechanisms of parasite-induced intestinal inflammation and to assess the impact of increased intestinal permeability on translocation of enteropathogens

    Decoding information in the human hippocampus: a user's guide

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    Multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA), or 'decoding', of fMRI activity has gained popularity in the neuroimaging community in recent years. MVPA differs from standard fMRI analyses by focusing on whether information relating to specific stimuli is encoded in patterns of activity across multiple voxels. If a stimulus can be predicted, or decoded, solely from the pattern of fMRI activity, it must mean there is information about that stimulus represented in the brain region where the pattern across voxels was identified. This ability to examine the representation of information relating to specific stimuli (e.g., memories) in particular brain areas makes MVPA an especially suitable method for investigating memory representations in brain structures such as the hippocampus. This approach could open up new opportunities to examine hippocampal representations in terms of their content, and how they might change over time, with aging, and pathology. Here we consider published MVPA studies that specifically focused on the hippocampus, and use them to illustrate the kinds of novel questions that can be addressed using MVPA. We then discuss some of the conceptual and methodological challenges that can arise when implementing MVPA in this context. Overall, we hope to highlight the potential utility of MVPA, when appropriately deployed, and provide some initial guidance to those considering MVPA as a means to investigate the hippocampus

    Two years later – Revisiting autobiographical memory representations in vmPFC and hippocampus

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    A long-standing question in memory neuroscience concerns how and where autobiographical memories of personal experiences are represented in the brain. In a previous high resolution multivoxel pattern analysis fMRI study, we examined two week old (recent) and ten year old (remote) autobiographical memories (Bonnici et al., 2012, J. Neurosci. 32:16982–16991). We found that remote memories were particularly well represented in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) compared to recent memories. Moreover, while both types of memory were represented within anterior and posterior hippocampus, remote memories were more easily distinguished in the posterior portion. These findings suggested that a change of some kind had occurred between two weeks and ten years in terms of where autobiographical memories were represented in the brain. In order to examine this further, here participants from the original study returned two years later and recalled the memories again. We found that there was no difference in the detectability of memory representations within vmPFC for the now 2 year old and 12 year old memories, and this was also the case for the posterior hippocampus. Direct comparison of the two week old memories (original study) with themselves two years later (present study) confirmed that their representation within vmPFC had become more evident. Overall, this within-subjects longitudinal fMRI study extends our understanding of autobiographical memory representations by allowing us to narrow the window within which their consolidation is likely to occur. We conclude that after a memory is initially encoded, its representation within vmPFC has stablised by, at most, two years later

    Towards OPM-MEG in a virtual reality environment

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    Virtual reality (VR) provides an immersive environment in which a participant can experience a feeling of presence in a virtual world. Such environments generate strong emotional and physical responses and have been used for wide-ranging applications. The ability to collect functional neuroimaging data whilst a participant is immersed in VR would represent a step change for experimental paradigms; unfortunately, traditional brain imaging requires participants to remain still, limiting the scope of naturalistic interaction within VR. Recently however, a new type of magnetoencephalography (MEG) device has been developed, that employs scalp-mounted optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs) to measure brain electrophysiology. Lightweight OPMs, coupled with precise control of the background magnetic field, enables participant movement during data acquisition. Here, we exploit this technology to acquire MEG data whilst a participant uses a virtual reality head-mounted display (VRHMD). We show that, despite increased magnetic interference from the VRHMD, we were able to measure modulation of alpha-band oscillations, and the visual evoked field. Moreover, in a VR experiment in which a participant had to move their head to look around a virtual wall and view a visual stimulus, we showed that the measured MEG signals map spatially in accordance with the known organisation of primary visual cortex. This technique could transform the type of neuroscientific experiment that can be undertaken using functional neuroimaging
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