406 research outputs found

    Facial analysis using a new clinical device : The Kattan Facio-meter

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    The aim of the study was to attempt to set average faciometric standards for Egyptians using the Kattan Facio-meter. The sample consisted of 180 faculty students with age range 17-25 years. It was divided into three groups; Angle Class I, II and III. Class II was further subdivided into divisions 1 and 2. Linear and angular facial measurements in relation to K plane were taken using the Kattan facio-meter. The measurements were correlated to Angle?s classification and between genders. On comparing the different classes, Class II division 1 showed the statistically highest mean value for Orbitale-soft tissue A; p=0.042, Class II divisions 1 and 2 for Orbitale- Labrale superius; p=0.002 and soft tissue ANB; p<0.001. Females showed significantly higher mean value than males for the upper incisor/K plane; p=0.031. Males showed significantly higher mean value for the inter-incisal angle than females; p=0.001. Within the limitations of the current study, it was found that both linear and angular soft tissue measurements conformed to the antroposterior skeletal relation of the jaws and that Class II division 1 was due to protruded maxilla. Males had more prominent lips and deeper mentolabial sulcus. Egyptians had less prominent noses than Caucasians. The Kattan Facio-meter was a valuable tool for clinical analysis without the hazards of irradiation

    A New Horizontal Plane of the Head

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    AIM: This study aimed to attempt to introduce a new extracranial horizontal plane of the head (K plane that extends from SN to SAE bilaterally) that could act as a substitute to the Frankfurt horizontal intracranial reference plane; both clinically and radiographically.MATERIAL AND METHODS: The new K plane depended on three points of the head. The first was the soft tissue nasion (NS) on the interpupillary line when the subject looked forward at a distant point at eye level. The other two points were the superior attachments of the ears (SAE).RESULTS: The student “t†test comparing mean values of K/V and FH/V was not significant; -0.21.  The coefficient of correlation between different variables was highly positively significant (r = 0.98 with probability = 0.001).CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of this prospective study, the new K plane was found to be both reliable and reproducible. It can be used as a reliable reference plane instead of Frankfort horizontal plane both clinically and radiographically; as it is an accurate tool for head orientation in the natural head position

    Mebâhis fî Ulûmi’l-Hadis (Introduction on the science of hadith)

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    İslam’ın iki ana kaynağından biri olan hadislere yönelik çalışmalar ilk dönemlerden günümüze kadar yapılagelmiş ve bundan sonra da yapılmaya devam edecektir. Zira dinlerini anlama gayreti içerisinde olan Müslümanlar için bu durum, her zaman için bir ihtiyaç olarak belirecektir. Hadislerin rivayeti ve nakli konusunda hadisçilerin ortaya koyduğu gayret ve hassasiyet, bu işin son derece önemli bir mesele olduğunu göstermektedir. Rivayetlerin senetlerinin sağlıklı bir şekilde aktarılması, ravilerin durumlarının incelenmesi ve metinlerin Kur’an, Sünnet, akıl vb. bazı esaslara açıkça ters düşüp düşmediğine bakılması yine hadislerin sağlam bir biçimde nakledilmesine yönelik çabalardır. Hadislerin sağlam bir şekilde nakledilmesi kadar hangi yöntemlerle aktarıldığı, ilgili ıstılahların ne ifade ettiği ve nasıl oluştuğu, hadis ilmine yönelik incelik ve tekniklerin neler olduğu gibi hususlar da hadislerin doğru anlaşılmasına hizmet etmişti

    PET/CT Scanner and Bone Marrow Biopsy in Detection of Bone Marrow Involvement in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.

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    Evaluation of bone marrow involvement (BMI) is paramount in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) for prognostic and therapeutic reasons. PET/CT scanner (PET) is now a routine examination for the staging of DLBCL with prognostic and therapeutic implications. This study evaluates the role of PET for detecting marrow involvement compared to bone marrow biopsy (BMB). This monocentric study included 54 patients diagnosed with DLBCL between 2009 and 2013 and who had FDG PET/CT in a pre-treatment setting. A correlation analysis of the detection of BMI by PET and BMB was performed. A prognostic evaluation of BMI by BMB and/or PET/CT and correlation with an overall 2-year survival were analyzed. PET was more sensitive for the detection of BMI than BMB (92.3% vs. 38.5%). It can be considered a discriminatory Pre-BMB test with a negative predictive value of 97.6%. In addition, BMI by PET had a prognostic value with strong correlation with progression-free survival (PFS) (HR = 3.81; p = 0.013) and overall survival (OS) (HR = 4.12; p = 0.03) while the BMB had not. PET shows superior performance to the BMB for the detection of marrow involvement in DLBCL. It may be considered as the first line examination of bone marrow instead of the biopsy

    Solitary Laryngeal Metastasis from Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Kidney: Clinical Case and Review of the Literature

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    The urogenital tract is a rare origin of laryngeal metastasis; transitional cell carcinoma with laryngeal metastases had never been reported previously. In this paper, we describe the clinical and pathological characteristics, evolution, and treatment of the first reported case of a laryngeal metastasis of a TCC followed by a brief review of the literature

    Comparison of different bronchial closure techniques following pneumonectomy in dogs

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    The comparison of the histologic healing and bronchopleural fistula (BPF) complications encountered with three different BS closure techniques (manual suture, stapler and manual suture plus tissue flab) after pneumonectomy in dogs was investigated for a one-month period. The dogs were separated into two groups: group I (GI) (n = 9) and group II (GII) (n = 9). Right and left pneumonectomies were performed on the animals in GI and GII, respectively. Each group was further divided into three subgroups according to BS closure technique: subgroup I (SGI) (n = 3), manual suture; subgroup II (SGII) (n = 3), stapler; and subgroup III (SGIII) (n = 3), manual suture plus tissue flab. The dogs were sacrificed after one month of observation, and the bronchial stumps were removed for histological examination. The complications observed during a one-month period following pneumonectomy in nine dogs (n = 9) were: BPF (n = 5), peri-operative cardiac arrest (n = 1), post-operative respiratory arrest (n = 1), post-operative cardiac failure (n = 1) and cardio-pulmonary failure (n = 1). Histological healing was classified as complete or incomplete healing. Histological healing and BPF complications in the subgroups were analyzed statistically. There was no significant difference in histological healing between SGI and SGIII (p = 1.00; p > 0.05), nor between SGII and SGIII (p = 1.00; p > 0.05). Similarly, no significant difference was observed between the subgroups in terms of BPF (p = 0.945; p > 0.05). The results of the statistical analysis indicated that manual suture, stapler or manual suture plus tissue flab could be alternative methods for BS closure following pneumonectomy in dogs