64 research outputs found

    Hardness and approximation for the geodetic set problem in some graph classes

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    In this paper, we study the computational complexity of finding the \emph{geodetic number} of graphs. A set of vertices SS of a graph GG is a \emph{geodetic set} if any vertex of GG lies in some shortest path between some pair of vertices from SS. The \textsc{Minimum Geodetic Set (MGS)} problem is to find a geodetic set with minimum cardinality. In this paper, we prove that solving the \textsc{MGS} problem is NP-hard on planar graphs with a maximum degree six and line graphs. We also show that unless P=NPP=NP, there is no polynomial time algorithm to solve the \textsc{MGS} problem with sublogarithmic approximation factor (in terms of the number of vertices) even on graphs with diameter 22. On the positive side, we give an O(n3logn)O\left(\sqrt[3]{n}\log n\right)-approximation algorithm for the \textsc{MGS} problem on general graphs of order nn. We also give a 33-approximation algorithm for the \textsc{MGS} problem on the family of solid grid graphs which is a subclass of planar graphs

    Diel metabolomics analysis of a hot spring chlorophototrophic microbial mat leads to new hypotheses of community member metabolisms

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    © 2015 Kim, Nowack, Olsen, Becraft, Wood, Thiel, Klapper, Kühl, Fredrickson, Bryant, Ward and Metz. Dynamic environmental factors such as light, nutrients, salt, and temperature continuously affect chlorophototrophic microbial mats, requiring adaptive and acclimative responses to stabilize composition and function. Quantitative metabolomics analysis can provide insights into metabolite dynamics for understanding community response to such changing environmental conditions. In this study, we quantified volatile organic acids, polar metabolites (amino acids, glycolytic and citric acid cycle intermediates, nucleobases, nucleosides, and sugars), wax esters, and polyhydroxyalkanoates, resulting in the identification of 104 metabolites and related molecules in thermal chlorophototrophic microbial mat cores collected over a diel cycle in Mushroom Spring, Yellowstone National Park. A limited number of predominant taxa inhabit this community and their functional potentials have been previously identified through metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses and in situ metabolisms, and metabolic interactions among these taxa have been hypothesized. Our metabolomics results confirmed the diel cycling of photorespiration (e.g. glycolate) and fermentation (e.g. acetate, propionate, and lactate) products, the carbon storage polymers polyhydroxyalkanoates, and dissolved gases (e.g. H2 and CO2) in the waters overlying the mat, which were hypothesized to occur in major mat chlorophototrophic community members. In addition, we have formulated the following new hypotheses: 1) the morning hours are a time of biosynthesis of amino acids, DNA, and RNA; 2) photo-inhibited cells may also produce lactate via fermentation as an alternate metabolism; 3) glycolate and lactate are exchanged among Synechococcus and Roseiflexus spp.; and 4) fluctuations in many metabolite pools (e.g. wax esters) at different times of day result from species found at different depths within the mat responding to temporal differences in their niches

    Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map

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    We summarise the discussions at a virtual Community Workshop on Cold Atoms in Space concerning the status of cold atom technologies, the prospective scientific and societal opportunities offered by their deployment in space, and the developments needed before cold atoms could be operated in space. The cold atom technologies discussed include atomic clocks, quantum gravimeters and accelerometers, and atom interferometers. Prospective applications include metrology, geodesy and measurement of terrestrial mass change due to, e.g., climate change, and fundamental science experiments such as tests of the equivalence principle, searches for dark matter, measurements of gravitational waves and tests of quantum mechanics. We review the current status of cold atom technologies and outline the requirements for their space qualification, including the development paths and the corresponding technical milestones, and identifying possible pathfinder missions to pave the way for missions to exploit the full potential of cold atoms in space. Finally, we present a first draft of a possible road-map for achieving these goals, that we propose for discussion by the interested cold atom, Earth Observation, fundamental physics and other prospective scientific user communities, together with the European Space Agency (ESA) and national space and research funding agencies

    Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map

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    We summarise the discussions at a virtual Community Workshop on Cold Atoms in Space concerning the status of cold atom technologies, the prospective scientific and societal opportunities offered by their deployment in space, and the developments needed before cold atoms could be operated in space. The cold atom technologies discussed include atomic clocks, quantum gravimeters and accelerometers, and atom interferometers. Prospective applications include metrology, geodesy and measurement of terrestrial mass change due to, e.g., climate change, and fundamental science experiments such as tests of the equivalence principle, searches for dark matter, measurements of gravitational waves and tests of quantum mechanics. We review the current status of cold atom technologies and outline the requirements for their space qualification, including the development paths and the corresponding technical milestones, and identifying possible pathfinder missions to pave the way for missions to exploit the full potential of cold atoms in space. Finally, we present a first draft of a possible road-map for achieving these goals, that we propose for discussion by the interested cold atom, Earth Observation, fundamental physics and other prospective scientific user communities, together with the European Space Agency (ESA) and national space and research funding agencies.publishedVersio

    Assessing the impact of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on biological systems: a review

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    PURPOSE: Low level laser therapy (LLLT) in the visible to near infrared spectral band (390-1100 nm) is absorption of laser light at the electronic level, without generation of heat. It may be applied in a wide range of treatments including wound healing, inflammation and pain reduction. Despite its potential beneficial impacts, the use of lasers for therapeutic purposes still remains controversial in mainstream medicine. Whilst taking into account the physical characteristics of different qualities of lasers, this review aims to provide a comprehensive account of the current literature available in the field pertaining to their potential impact at cellular and molecular levels elucidating mechanistic interactions in different mammalian models. The review also aims to focus on the integral approach of the optimal characteristics of LLLT that suit a biological system target to produce the beneficial effect at the cellular and molecular levels. METHODS: Recent research articles were reviewed that explored the interaction of lasers (coherent sources) and LEDs (incoherent sources) at the molecular and cellular levels. RESULTS: It is envisaged that underlying mechanisms of beneficial impact of lasers to patients involves biological processes at the cellular and molecular levels. The biological impact or effects of LLLT at the cellular and molecular level could include cellular viability, proliferation rate, as well as DNA integrity and the repair of damaged DNA. This review summarizes the available information in the literature pertaining to cellular and molecular effects of lasers. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that a change in approach is required to understand how to exploit the potential therapeutic modality of lasers whilst minimizing its possible detrimental effects

    The significance of epigenetic alterations in lung carcinogenesis

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    Cyclic fatigue life of novel rotary compactors: A scanning electron microscopy evaluation.

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    The aim was to investigate the cyclic fatigue life of two novel rotary compactors produced for MTA compaction and produced for gutta-percha compaction. Two-type of nickel-titanium rotary compactors were used (n = 20). A static model was preferred for this study due to simulating the clinical application of compaction and to obtain a baseline repository data of this type of instruments. OrthoMTA Compacter (25/0.02) and Revo Condensor (30/0.04) instruments were operated speed of 250 and 4,800 rpm, respectively at 35°C until fracture occurred. The time to fracture was recorded, and the length of the fractured fragments was registered. The independent t-test was performed (p < .05). The fractured instruments were evaluated with a high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscope to allow visualization of the surfaces under several magnifications (×100 and ×10,000). OrthoMTA Compacter (3679.27 NCF), was extremely different in the mean number of cycles to failure when compared with Revo Condensor (1269.48 NCF) (p < .0001). The mean length of the fractured tip of OrthoMTA Compacter and Revo Condensor were 4.87 mm and 4.51, respectively (p < .0001). The surfaces of the instruments shown typical features of cyclic fatigue failure, involving crack origins, fatigue regions, and an overload region. This is the first study in the literature to date evaluating the cyclic fatigue life of Revo Condensor and OrthoMTA Compacter. OrthoMTA Compacter presented higher cyclic fatigue life compared with Revo Condensor