214 research outputs found

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    Før det kan besluttes at anlægge en større vej, skal der udarbejdes en redegørelse for, hvordan anlægget vil påvirke miljøet, en VVM-redegørelse. Følgende udpluk illustrerer en række erfaringer, der er gjort i forbindelse med miljøkonsekvensvurdering af vejprojekter: Et egnskarakteristisk naturområde er blevet friholdt som følge af de indledende miljøundersøgelser i en VVM-procedure for Rute 11 fra Ribe til Tønder. Miljøet og pengene blev sparet som følge af en VVM af Næstved Omfartsvej. Af miljøundersøgelserne kom det frem, at en tunnelløsning ville medføre store mængder oppumpet vand, som kunne være stærkt forurenet og forbundet med meget store udgifter til bortskaffelse. Man valgte at anlægge en svingbro i stedet. I sin yderste konsekvens kan en VVM-undersøgelse forårsage, at et lovforslag om anlæg af en vejstrækning ikke bliver vedtaget af miljømæssige årsager. Dette var tilfældet ved Silkeborg, hvor en strækning af rute 15 fra Herning til Århus blev pillet ud af anlægslovforslaget, inden det blev vedtaget. Konklusion: To VVM'er er sjældent ens. VVM er andet end en formalitet. VVM kan forårsage afvisning af projekt eller ændring af projektforslag. VVM kan være med til at frembringe viden, man ikke havde i forvejen. Det er såvel miljømæssigt som økonomisk mest fordelagtigt at forebygge frem for reparere på skaden, når den er opstået. Det er vigtigt, at miljøundersøgelser sættes i gang tidligt i planlægningen og kører iterativt med de øvrige tekniske, trafikale og økonomiske undersøgelser. VVM er en tværfaglig proce

    Plasma Leak From the Circulation Contributes to Poor Outcomes for Preterm Infants: A Working Hypothesis

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    Preterm infants are at high risk of death and disability resulting from brain injury. Impaired cardiovascular function leading to poor cerebral oxygenation is a significant contributor to these adverse outcomes, but current therapeutic approaches have failed to improve outcome. We have re-examined existing evidence regarding hypovolemia and have concluded that in the preterm infant loss of plasma from the circulation results in hypovolemia; and that this is a significant driver of cardiovascular instability and thus poor cerebral oxygenation. High capillary permeability, altered hydrostatic and oncotic pressure gradients, and reduced lymphatic return all combine to increase net loss of plasma from the circulation at the capillary. Evidence is presented that early hypovolemia occurs in preterm infants, and that capillary permeability and pressure gradients all change in a way that promotes rapid plasma loss at the capillary. Impaired lymph flow, inflammation and some current treatment strategies may further exacerbate this plasma loss. A framework for testing this hypothesis is presented. Understanding these mechanisms opens the way to novel treatment strategies to support cardiovascular function and cerebral oxygenation, to replace current therapies, which have been shown not to change outcomes

    Estrategias político tributarias y su relación con recaudación de impuesto predial en la Municipalidad distrital de Moche, 2021

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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo “determinar la relación que existe entre las estrategias político tributarias y la recaudación de impuesto predial en la municipalidad distrital de Moche, 2021”, considerando conceptos, ideas y teorías de las variables de estudio. El tipo de investigación es aplicada con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional y transversal, con muestra de 50 servidores civiles de la municipalidad distrital de Moche, para realizar recolección de datos, se utilizó dos cuestionarios, debidamente validados por 3 expertos en el tema de investigación, se realizó la presentación de los resultados obtenidos por medio de tablas y figuras estadísticas, por medio del programa Microsoft Excel, y el software SPSS. Hallando como resultados que las estrategias político tributarias están en nivel regular con 24% y la recaudación de impuesto predial en un nivel eficiente con un 50%, y de ella con el uso de la prueba de Kolmogorov-Smirnov se identificó que entre las variables existen una distribución normal, utilizando la prueba estadística de Pearson, obteniendo como resultado, que existe un índice de relación de 0.681** con una significancia de 0.000, comprobando nuestra hipótesis de investigación, concluyendo que existe relación alta y significativa entre nuestras variables de investigación

    Endogenous angiotensins and catecholamines do not reduce skin blood flow or prevent hypotension in preterm piglets

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    Endocrine control of cardiovascular function is probably immature in the preterm infant; thus, it may contribute to the relative ineffectiveness of current adrenergic treatments for preterm cardiovascular compromise. This study aimed to determine the cardiovascular and hormonal responses to stress in the preterm piglet. Piglets were delivered by cesarean section either preterm (97 of 115 days) or at term (113 days). An additional group of preterm piglets received maternal glucocorticoids as used clinically. Piglets were sedated and underwent hypoxia (4% FiO2 for 20 min) to stimulate a cardiovascular response. Arterial blood pressure, skin blood flow, heart rate and plasma levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine, angiotensin II (Ang II), angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)), and cortisol were measured. Term piglets responded to hypoxia with vasoconstriction; preterm piglets had a lesser response. Preterm piglets had lower blood pressures throughout, with a delayed blood pressure response to the hypoxic stress compared with term piglets. This immature response occurred despite similar high levels of circulating catecholamines, and higher levels of Ang II compared with term animals. Prenatal exposure to glucocorticoids increased the ratio of Ang-(1-7):Ang II. Preterm piglets, in contrast to term piglets, had no increase in cortisol levels in response to hypoxia. Preterm piglets have immature physiological responses to a hypoxic stress but no deficit of circulating catecholamines. Reduced vasoconstriction in preterm piglets could result from vasodilator actions of Ang II. In glucocorticoid exposed preterm piglets, further inhibition of vasoconstriction may occur because of an increased conversion of Ang II to Ang-(1-7)

    Identidad de Género de Jóvenes Trans: Perpetuación y Pérdida de Privilegios Patriarcales

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    This critical study aimed to show whether discursive constructions of gender identity of trans young people in the process of transition contribute or not to the repetition of normative patterns prevailing in Chilean society. The research is located in the city of Valparaiso, which from 2017 to the present ranks first place in Chile for homo-lesbo-bi-transphobic discrimination. The in-depth interview was used as a data collection technique, which were analyzed using the three-dimensional method of critical discourse analysis proposed by Norman Fairclough. The results reveal that the discourses of trans young people do contribute to the repetition of normative gender patterns, and there is a constant tension in their transition process, since they are aware of the oppression that gender binarism imposes on them, expressing resistance and emancipation against it. However, it is difficult for them to get rid of the gender mandates that make them transition to binary identities in most of the cases investigated. In addition, they recognize the maintenance of patriarchal privileges when transitioning from a female to a male corporeality, as well as the loss of them in the transition from a male to a female corporeality.Este estudio de carácter crítico se orienta a evidenciar si las construcciones discursivas de identidad de género de jóvenes trans en proceso de transición, uso o no a la repetición de pautas normativas imperantes en la sociedad chilena. La investigación se encuentra en la ciudad de Valparaíso que desde 2017 a la actualidad ocupa los primeros lugares en Chile de discriminación homo-lesbo-bi-transfóbica. Se utilizó la entrevista en profundidad como técnica de recogida de datos, los que fueron analizados el método tridimensional de análisis crítico del discurso propuesto por Norman Fairclough. Los resultados develan que los discursos de jóvenes trans sí necesitan a la repetición de pautas normativas de género, existiendo una tensión constante en su proceso de transición, puesto que son conscientes de la opresión que les imprime el binarismo de género, expresando resistencia y emancipación frente a él. Sin embargo, les es dificultoso desprenderse de los mandatos de género que los hacen transitar en la mayoría de los casos investigados a identidades binarias. Además, reconocen la mantención de los privilegios patriarcales al transitar de una corporalidad femenina a una masculina, como la pérdida de los mismos en el tránsito de una corporalidad masculina a una femenina

    Supporting preterm cardiovascular function

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    Preterm infants are at higher risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. Inadequate cerebral oxygen delivery resulting from poor cardiovascular function is likely to be a significant contributor to preterm brain injury. In this context, improved support of cardiovascular function is integral to improving preterm outcomes. Many of the treatments used to support preterm cardiovascular function are based on adult physiology and may not be appropriate for the unique physiology of the preterm infant. The preterm heart is structurally immature with reduced contractility and low cardiac output. However, there is limited evidence that inotropic support with dopamine and/or dobutamine is effective in preterm babies. Hypovolemia may also contribute to poor preterm cardiovascular function; there is evidence that capillary leakage results in considerable loss of plasma from the circulation of newborn preterm babies. In addition, the vasoconstrictor response to acute stimuli does not develop until quite late in gestation and is limited in the preterm infant. This may lead to inappropriate vasodilatation adding to functional hypovolemia. The first line treatment for hypotension in preterm infants is volume expansion with crystalloid solutions, but this has limited efficacy in the preterm infant. More effective methods of volume expansion are required. Effective support of preterm cardiovascular function requires better understanding of preterm cardiovascular physiology so that treatments can target mechanisms that are sufficiently mature to respond

    Coastal oceanography and sedimentology in New Zealand, 1967-91.

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    This paper reviews research that has taken place on physical oceanography and sedimentology on New Zealand's estuaries and the inner shelf since c. 1967. It includes estuarine sedimentation, tidal inlets, beach morphodynamics, nearshore and inner shelf sedimentation, tides and coastal currents, numerical modelling, short-period waves, tsunamis, and storm surges. An extensive reference list covering both published and unpublished material is included. Formal teaching and research programmes dealing with coastal landforms and the processes that shape them were only introduced to New Zealand universities in 1964; the history of the New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research parallels and chronicles the development of physical coastal science in New Zealand, most of which has been accomplished in last 25 years

    Do extended incubation recesses carry fitness costs in two cavity-nesting birds ?

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    Because extended incubation recesses, where incubating songbirds are away from nests for periods much longer than usual, occur infrequently, they have been treated as outliers in most previous studies and thus overlooked. However, egg temperatures can potentially fall below the physiological zero temperature during extended recesses, potentially affecting developing embryos. As such, evaluating extended recesses in an ecological context and identifying their possible fitness effects are important. With this aim, we used iButton data loggers to monitor the incubation behavior of female Blue Tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and Great Tits (Parus major) during two breeding seasons in central Spain. We classified incubation recesses as extended if they were more than four times the mean recess duration for each species. Extended incubation recesses occurred more frequently in 2012 when females exhibited poorer body condition. Female Blue Tits had more extended incubation recesses than female Great Tits and, for both species, more extended recesses occurred at the beginning of the breeding season. Both nest attentiveness and average minimum nest temperature decreased when at least one extended recess occurred. Incubation periods averaged 4 d longer for nests where females had at least one extended recess, potentially increasing predation risk and resulting in lower-quality nestlings. Overall, our results suggest that extended recesses may be more common among songbirds than previously thought and that, due to their effects on egg temperatures and attentiveness, they could impose fitness costs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio