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    GIS in high school with a focus on Geosciences A

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    I denne artikel opridses først hvilke rammer og forventninger, der er til inddragelse af digitale kort på forskellige niveauer af naturgeografi og geovidenskab i gymnasiet. Derudover præsenteres nogle perspektiver på, hvordan GIS kan anvendes på et Geovidenskab A-hold.Initially, this paper outlines the framework and expectations for the inclusion of digital maps at different levels of natural geography and geosciences in high school. In addition, some perspectives are presented on how GIS can be used in a Geoscience A level high school class

    Free source code for new distribution system for oblique photos

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    Styrelsen for Dataforsyning og Infrastruktur (SDFI) har siden 2017 indsamlet og leveret skråfotos via en webløsning, men fordi der på det tidspunkt ikke fandtes en standard, blev en proprietær løsning anvendt, som det ikke var muligt at arbejde op imod. Det har siden da været målet at distribuere skråfotos på en standardiseret måde. Den daværende brugergrænseflade tjente sit formål, men er ikke længere så moderne i sit udtryk. Derfor har SDFI fornyet det samlede setup for skråfotos for at levere en helstøbt moderne løsning. Hele setuppet er lanceret, og anvenderne er kommet i gang med den nye skråfotoviser. Men er missionen lykkedes?Since 2017, the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure (SDFI) has collected and delivered oblique photos via a web viewer, but because there was no standard at the time, a proprietary solution was used, which wasn't sufficiently flexible. Since then, the goal has been to distribute oblique photos in a standardized way. The previous user interface served its purpose, but its appearence was outdated. Thus SDFI has renewed the entire setup for oblique photos to deliver an all-in-one modern solution. Recently, the new setup has been launched, and users have started using the new oblique photo viewer. But has the mission been successful

    Motion and Emotion: Understanding Urban Architecture through Diverse Multisensorial Engagements

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    Understanding how (dis)abled human bodies interact with the built environment is critical in Urban Design. We examine if somaesthetic theory combined with a neuro-architectural framework can help advance our understanding of human bodily interaction with the built environment. We do so first from a theoretical point of view, and second with an analysis of the situated context: Budolfi Square in Aalborg, Denmark. Our take-home-message is that architects and urban designers need to move beyond the established understanding of the multi-sensory soma, into an understanding of a situated mobile-emotional soma

    GIS in the Danish high school : - a historical overview and a look to the future

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    For 15 år siden var der store forventninger til, at GIS ville præge geografiundervisningen i gymnasiet, og mange var på kurser for at lære at bruge GIS i undervisningen. Der var en helt klar forventning om, at GIS ville blive en integreret del af den daglige undervisning i geografi og naturgeografi. Men hvordan er det egentlig gået med udviklingen og brugen af GIS i gymnasiet og hf? I denne artikel gives en status over hvad, der er sket med GIS i undervisningen, hvilke frem- og tilbageskridt, der har været undervejs, samt et lille kig i krystalkuglen. En ting er sikkert: GIS er kommet for at blive - også i undervisningen.Fifteen years ago, there were high expectations, that GIS would have a dominating role in the teaching of geography in the Danish high school. Many went on courses in order to learn using GIS for educational purposes. The expectation was that GIS would be an integrated part of the daily lessons. However, how has the integration of GIS actually been? We present a status of how much GIS is used in high schools with focus on progress and setbacks. In addition, we look at what is going to happen in the future. One thing is for sure: GIS has come to stay – also in the geography lessons in high schools

    Surveying underground infrastructure with a mobile phone: An innovation journey from cardboard box to international product

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    Data, digitalisering og innovation er i centrum for mange virksomheders vækstdrømme og videnssamfundets udvikling. Men hvordan fungerer det i virkelighedens verden, når en gruppe personer med spidskompetencer inden for forskellige (niche)fag skal udvikle et innovativt produkt, der benytter sig af cutting edge-teknologier? Hvilke teknologiske og datamæssige udfordringer er der undervejs? Og hvordan sikrer man sig, at det nye innovative produkt bliver brugbart for andre end en selv? Det er nogle af de spørgsmål, vi gerne vil være med til at besvare ved at fortælle om den innovationsrejse, vi og vores samarbejdspartnere har været på i de seneste år. Håbet er, at I vil lade jer inspirere til jeres egne innovationsrejser.Data, digitization and innovation are at the center of many companies' growth dreams and the development of the knowledge society. But how does it work in the real world, when a group of people with top skills in different (niche) professions are going to develop an innovative product that uses cutting edge technologies? What technological and data challenges show up along the way? And how do you ensure that the new innovative product will be useful for people besides yourself? These are some of the questions we would like to answer by disseminating the innovation journey that we and our partners have been on in recent years. The hope is that you will get inspired for your own innovation journeys

    Datainfrastructure for urban infiltration and local rainwater drainage for climate adaptation and sustainable development of urban areas

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    Hvordan kan en samlet udstilling af anlæg til Lokal Afledning af Regnvand (LAR) forbedre kommunikationen og vedligeholdelsen af arealer omkring etablerede LAR-anlæg og hjælpe med nye innovative løsninger til klimasikring og bæredygtig udvikling? SDFI, Aarhus Kommune og Aarhus Vand har undersøgt behov herfor og på baggrund heraf udviklet en prototype for udstilling af LAR-data, der ses på SDFI Labs. I artiklen fortælles om projektet, og prototypen for udstilling af LAR-data præsenteres og diskuteres i forhold til perspektiver for videreudvikling. I 2023 vil vi arbejde videre med at afdække muligheder for national skalering af løsningen. Hjælp os ved at fortælle, hvad du synes om løsningen på SDFI Labs, og om du har gode forslag til forbedringer, som kan gøre den bedre at bruge for dig.How can a combined exhibition of facilities for Local Rainwater Drainage (in Danish: LAR) improve communication and the maintenance of areas around established LAR facilities and help with new innovative solutions for climate protection and sustainable development? SDFI, City of Aarhus and Aarhus Vand (water utility) have investigated the need for this and, based on this, developed a prototype for displaying LAR data, which can be seen at SDFI Labs. The article tells about the project, and the prototype for exhibiting LAR data is presented and discussed in relation to perspectives for further development. In 2023, we will continue to work on uncovering opportunities for national scaling of the solution. Help us by telling us what you do think about the solution at SDFI Labs and whether you have good suggestions for improvements to the solution

    Somaesthetics of Discomfort and Wayfinding: Encouraging Inclusive Architectural Design

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    Somaesthetics of discomfort facilitates intentionally inclusive designed spaces for wayfinding by accounting for individuals’ distinct navigational experiences. Following the work of Richard Shusterman, somaesthetics of discomfort is a combination of somatic awareness and somaesthetic reflection centered around feeling ill-at-ease or out of place. The increased awareness of discomfort and reciprocal reflection upon feelings of discomfort enhances how activities and places are experienced, recognized, and categorized. How people experience difficult wayfinding is an element that is often missing from architectural planning and development. Considering uncomfortable somatic experiences of navigation would provide designers with tools to conceptualize and create wayfinding affordances within various spaces. Discomfort may be understood as a somatic affordance during wayfinding because it indicates that there is something problematic about the intersection of soma and environment. This paper describes wayfinding and somaesthetics as they pertain to architectural design. By using the examples of hospitals and parking garages, somaesthetics of discomfort is introduced as a tool that uses somatic appreciation and individual reflection about wayfinding experiences for improving how spaces are designed

    Editorial: Geographic Information and Education: The guest editor's considerations

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    Hvordan lærte vi at arbejde med geografiske data, og hvordan kom vi i gang med og igennem en uddannelse, der satte os i stand til at skabe, strukturere, analysere og formidle geografisk information? Var det skoleatlasset eller spejdernes brug af kort og kompas, der satte os i gang, eller var det en inspirerende geografilærer i gymnasiet, studieturen til Firenze eller et kursus i landmåling? Denne temaudgivelse gør status for undervisning med og om geografisk information og GIS ved indgangen til tyverne. Det er lykkedes at samle nogle spændende bidrag, der giver et indblik i GIS-undervisningen i dagens Folkeskole og på ungdomsuddannelserne.How did we learn to work with geographic data, and how did we get started with and through an education that enabled us to create, structure, analyze and communicate geographic information? Was it the school atlas, or the scouts' use of maps and compasses, that got us going, or was it an inspiring geography teacher in high school, the field trip to Florence, or a surveying course? This themed publication takes stock of teaching with and about geographic information and GIS at the entrance to the twenties. We have managed to collect some exciting contributions that give an insight into GIS teaching in today's primary and secondary education

    Architectural Gestures in International Relations

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    Somaesthetics is useful in thinking about how buildings gesture. Analysis and interpretation of three embassies – the Belgian and US embassies in New Delhi, India and the Finnish Embassy in Canberra, Australia, offer insight into the nature of architectural gestures. Philosophically, attention to soma serves to reconcile the normative sweep of Kant’s political thought with the attention to granularity demanded by Wittgenstein


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