256 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of parainfluenza virus type 3 in England and Wales over a ten-year period

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    We have analysed data on respiratory syneytial (RS) and parainfiuenza type 3 (PF3) viruses reported to the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre. London, over the period 1978–87. These confirm the annual winter epidemic of RS virus and show that, in England and Wales, PF3 is a summer infection with regular yearly epidemics

    A Stimuli-Responsive Nanocomposite for 3D Anisotropic Cell-Guidance and Magnetic Soft Robotics

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    Stimuli-responsive materials have the potential to enable the generation of new bioinspired devices with unique physicochemical properties and cell-instructive ability. Enhancing biocompatibility while simplifying the production methodologies, as well as enabling the creation of complex constructs, i.e., via 3D (bio)printing technologies, remains key challenge in the field. Here, a novel method is presented to biofabricate cellularized anisotropic hybrid hydrogel through a mild and biocompatible process driven by multiple external stimuli: magnetic field, temperature, and light. A low-intensity magnetic field is used to align mosaic iron oxide nanoparticles (IOPs) into filaments with tunable size within a gelatin methacryloyl matrix. Cells seeded on top or embedded within the hydrogel align to the same axes of the IOPs filaments. Furthermore, in 3D, C2C12 skeletal myoblasts differentiate toward myotubes even in the absence of differentiation media. 3D printing of the nanocomposite hydrogel is achieved and creation of complex heterogeneous structures that respond to magnetic field is demonstrated. By combining the advanced, stimuli-responsive hydrogel with the architectural control provided by bioprinting technologies, 3D constructs can also be created that, although inspired by nature, express functionalities beyond those of native tissue, which have important application in soft robotics, bioactuators, and bionic devices

    Infections associated with mesh repairs of abdominal wall hernias : Are antimicrobial biomaterials the longed-for solution?

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    The incidence of mesh-related infection after abdominal wall hernia repair is low, generally between 1 and 4%; however, worldwide, this corresponds to tens of thousands of difficult cases to treat annually. Adopting best practices in prevention is one of the keys to reduce the incidence of mesh-related infection. Once the infection is established, however, only a limited number of options are available that provides an efficient and successful treatment outcome. Over the past few years, there has been a tremendous amount of research dedicated to the functionalization of prosthetic meshes with antimicrobial properties, with some receiving regulatory approval and are currently available for clinical use. In this context, it is important to review the clinical importance of mesh infection, its risk factors, prophylaxis and pathogenicity. In addition, we give an overview of the main functionalization approaches that have been applied on meshes to confer anti-bacterial protection, the respective benefits and limitations, and finally some relevant future directions. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Analyse des orientations pour la caractérisation d'images de documents de la renaissance

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    Cet article présente une nouvelle méthode de caractérisation d'images de documents imprimés datant de la Renaissance. Notre approche se base sur une extraction des différentes orientations présentes sur la totalité de la surface de la page et qui sont caractéristiques de la présence de différentes entités textuelles, ou graphiques (incluant les enluminures, les ornements et bandeaux, les lettrines, ainsi que diverses illustrations). Cette caractérisation s'appuie sur le calcul et l'exploitation de la fonction d'autocorrélation qui a la particularité, lorsqu'elle est estimée sur une zone de texte ou de dessin, de générer une signature unique facilement identifiable. Ce choix nous permet de séparer le texte des dessins, tout en minimisant la quantité d'a priori relatif aux images traitées

    Living on borrowed time – Amazonian trees use decade‐old storage carbon to survive for months after complete stem girdling

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    Nonstructural carbon (NSC) reserves act as buffers to sustain tree activity during periods when carbon (C) assimilation does not meet C demand, but little is known about their age and accessibility; we designed a controlled girdling experiment in the Amazon to study tree survival on NSC reserves. We used bomb-radiocarbon (14C) to monitor the time elapsed between C fixation and release (‘age’ of substrates). We simultaneously monitored how the mobilization of reserve C affected ÎŽ13CO2. Six ungirdled control trees relied almost exclusively on recent assimilates throughout the 17 months of measurement. The Δ14C of CO2 emitted from the six girdled stems increased significantly over time after girdling, indicating substantial remobilization of storage NSC fixed up to 13–14 yr previously. This remobilization was not accompanied by a consistent change in observed ÎŽ13CO2. These trees have access to storage pools integrating C accumulated over more than a decade. Remobilization follows a very clear reverse chronological mobilization with younger reserve pools being mobilized first. The lack of a shift in the ÎŽ13CO2 might indicate a constant contribution of starch hydrolysis to the soluble sugar pool even outside pronounced stress periods (regular mixing). © 2018 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2018 New Phytologist Trus

    Investigation of the Effect of a Diamine-Based Friction Modifier on Micropitting and the Properties of Tribofilms in Rolling-Sliding Contacts

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    The effect of N-Tallow-1,3-DiaminoPropane (TDP) on friction, rolling wear and micropitting has been investigated with the ultimate objective of developing lubricants with no or minimal environmental impact. A Mini Traction Machine (MTM-SLIM) has been utilised in order to generate tribofilms and observe the effect of TDP on anti-wear tribofilm formation and friction. Micropitting was induced on the surface of specimens using a MicroPitting Rig (MPR). The X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) surface analytical technique has been employed to investigate the effect of TDP on the chemical composition of the tribofilm while Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to generate high resolution topographical images of the tribofilms formed on the MTM discs. Experimental and analytical results showed that TDP delays the Zinc DialkylDithioPhosphate (ZDDP) anti-wear tribofilm formation. TDP in combination with ZDDP induces a thinner and smoother anti-wear tribofilm with a modified chemical structure composed of mixed Fe/Zn (poly)phosphates. The sulphide contribution to the tribofilm and oxygen-to-phosphorous atomic concentration ratio are greater in the bulk of the tribofilm derived from a combination of TDP and ZDDP compared to a tribofilm derived from ZDDP alone. Surface analysis showed that utilising TDP effectively mitigates micropitting wear in the test conditions used in this study. Reduction of micropitting, relevant to rolling bearing applications, can be attributed to the improved running-in procedure, reduced friction, formation of a smoother tribofilm and modification of the tribofilm composition induced by TDP

    Skin blood flow responses to locally applied acetylcholine in Caucasian and African descent individuals with and without cyclooxygenase inhibition

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    Individuals of African descent (AFD) are more susceptible to non-freezing cold injury (NFCI) than Caucasians (CAU) [1]. This may be a consequence of lower skin blood flow during local cold exposure and subsequent rewarming in AFD [2], possibly due to a difference in endothelium function as acet ylcholine (ACh)-induced vasodilatation is smaller in AFD than CAU on the non-glabrous finger and toe skin sites [3]. It is known that prostaglandins produced by the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) mediate part of the ACh-induced vasodilator response [4] however in hypertensive individuals, COX inhibition results in augmented vasodilatation in response to ACh [5] demonstrating that COX can also promote vasoconstriction. Whether COX products are involved in the attenuated vasodilator response to ACh in healthy AFD [3] is not known. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the contribution of COX in both CAU and AFD to local application of ACh in foot and finger skin sites which are susceptible to NFCI

    Associations between lamb survival and prion protein genotype: analysis of data for ten sheep breeds in Great Britain

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    BACKGROUND: Selective breeding programmes, based on prion protein (PrP) genotype, have been introduced throughout the European Union to reduce the risk of sheep transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). These programmes could have negative consequences on other important traits, such as fitness and production traits, if the PrP gene has pleiotropic effects or is in linkage disequilibrium with genes affecting these traits. This paper presents the results of an investigation into associations between lamb survival and PrP genotype in ten mainstream sheep breeds in Great Britain (GB). In addition, the reasons for lamb deaths were examined in order to identify any associations between these and PrP genotype. RESULTS: Survival times from birth to weaning were analysed for over 38000 lambs (2427 dead and 36096 live lambs) from 128 flocks using Cox proportional hazard models for each breed, including additive animal genetic effects. No significant associations between PrP genotype and lamb survival were identified, except in the Charollais breed for which there was a higher risk of mortality in lambs of the ARR/VRQ genotype compared with those of the ARR/ARR genotype. Significant effects of birth weight, litter size, sex, age of dam and year of birth on survival were also identified. For all breeds the reasons for death changed significantly with age; however, no significant associations between reason for death and PrP genotype were found for any of the breeds. CONCLUSION: This study found no evidence to suggest that a selective breeding programme based on PrP genotype will have a detrimental effect on lamb survival. The only significant effect of PrP genotype identified was likely to be of little consequence because an increased risk of mortality was associated with a genotype that is selected against in current breeding strategies

    Role of cyclooxygenase in the vascular responses to extremity cooling in Caucasian and African males

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Wiley in Experimental Physiology on 01/06/2017, available online: https://doi.org/10.1113/EP086186 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.© 2017 The Authors. Experimental Physiology © 2017 The Physiological Society New Findings: What is the central question of this study? Compared with Caucasians, African individuals are more susceptible to non-freezing cold injury and experience greater cutaneous vasoconstriction and cooler finger skin temperatures upon hand cooling. We investigated whether the enzyme cyclooxygenase is, in part, responsible for the exaggerated response to local cooling. What is the main finding and its importance? During local hand cooling, individuals of African descent experienced significantly lower finger skin blood flow and skin temperature compared with Caucasians irrespective of cyclooxygenase inhibition. These data suggest that in young African males the cyclooxygenase pathway appears not to be the primary reason for the increased susceptibility to non-freezing cold injury. Individuals of African descent (AFD) are more susceptible to non-freezing cold injury (NFCI) and experience an exaggerated cutaneous vasoconstrictor response to hand cooling compared with Caucasians (CAU). Using a placebo-controlled, cross-over design, this study tested the hypothesis that cyclooxygenase (COX) may, in part, be responsible for the exaggerated vasoconstrictor response to local cooling in AFD. Twelve AFD and 12 CAU young healthy men completed foot cooling and hand cooling (separately, in 8°C water for 30 min) with spontaneous rewarming in 30°C air after placebo or aspirin (COX inhibition) treatment. Skin blood flow, expressed as cutaneous vascular conductance (as flux per millimetre of mercury), and skin temperature were measured throughout. Irrespective of COX inhibition, the responses to foot cooling, but not hand cooling, were similar between ethnicities. Specifically, during hand cooling after placebo, AFD experienced a lower minimal skin blood flow [mean (SD): 0.5 (0.1) versus 0.8 (0.2) flux mmHg−1, P < 0.001] and a lower minimal finger skin temperature [9.5 (1.4) versus 10.7 (1.3)°C, P = 0.039] compared with CAU. During spontaneous rewarming, average skin blood flow was also lower in AFD than in CAU [2.8 (1.6) versus 4.3 (1.0) flux mmHg−1, P < 0.001]. These data provide further support that AFD experience an exaggerated response to hand cooling on reflection this appears to overstate findings; however, the results demonstrate that the COX pathway is not the primary reason for the exaggerated responses in AFD and increased susceptibility to NFCI.This research was funded by the University of Portsmouth.Published versio

    Membership categorization, culture and norms in action

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    In this article, we examine the extent to which membership categorization analysis (MCA) can inform an understanding of reasoning within the public domain where morality, policy and cultural politics are visible (Smith and Tatalovich, 2003). Through the examination of three examples, we demonstrate how specific types of category device(s) are a ubiquitous feature of accountable practice in the public domain where morality matters and public policy intersect. Furthermore, we argue that MCA provides a method for analysing the mundane mechanics associated with everyday cultural politics and democratic accountability assembled and presented within news media and broadcast settings
