33 research outputs found

    Angiotensin II, via angiotensin receptor type 1/nuclear factor-κB activation, causes a synergistic effect on interleukin-1-β-induced inflammatory responses in cultured mesangial cells

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    Introduction: The nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) is an important regulator of the inflammatory response. Angiotensin II (Ang II) activates the NF-κB pathway linked to renal inflammation. Although both AT1 and AT2 receptors are involved in Ang II-mediated NF-κB activation, the biological processes mediated by each receptor are not fully characterized. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is an important macrophage-derived cytokine that regulates immune and inflammatory processes, activating intracellular pathways shared with Ang II, including the NF-κB. Materials and methods: In vitro studies were done in primary cultured rat mesangial cells. NF-κB pathway was evaluated by phosphorylated levels of p65/IκB and DNA binding activity. The Ang II receptor subtype was determined by pretreatment with AT1 and AT2 antagonists. Results: In mesangial cells the simultaneous presence of Ang II and IL-1β caused a synergistic activation of the NF-κB pathway and a marked upregulation of proinflammatory factors under NF-κB control, including monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. The AT1, but not AT2, antagonist abolished the synergistic effect on NF-κB activation and proinflammatory genes caused by coincubation of Ang II and IL-1β. Conclusions: These data indicates that Ang II, via AT1/NF-κB pathway activation, cooperates with IL-β to increase the inflammatory response in mesangial cellsThis work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIIIRETIC REDinREN RD06/0016, RD12/0021, PI11/01854), Comunidad de Madrid (Fibroteam S2010/BMD- 2321, S2010/BMD-2378), and Research Institute Queen Sophia (IRSIN). Programa Intensificación Actividad Investigadora (ISCIII/Agencia Laín-Entralgo/CM) to AO. MA and ESL are supported by a ‘Sara Borrell’ postdoctoral contract from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CD10/00347 and CD09/00066, respectively

    Risk profiles and one-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in India: Insights from the GARFIELD-AF Registry.

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    BACKGROUND: The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) is an ongoing prospective noninterventional registry, which is providing important information on the baseline characteristics, treatment patterns, and 1-year outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). This report describes data from Indian patients recruited in this registry. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 52,014 patients with newly diagnosed AF were enrolled globally; of these, 1388 patients were recruited from 26 sites within India (2012-2016). In India, the mean age was 65.8 years at diagnosis of NVAF. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor for AF, present in 68.5% of patients from India and in 76.3% of patients globally (P < 0.001). Diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD) were prevalent in 36.2% and 28.1% of patients as compared with global prevalence of 22.2% and 21.6%, respectively (P < 0.001 for both). Antiplatelet therapy was the most common antithrombotic treatment in India. With increasing stroke risk, however, patients were more likely to receive oral anticoagulant therapy [mainly vitamin K antagonist (VKA)], but average international normalized ratio (INR) was lower among Indian patients [median INR value 1.6 (interquartile range {IQR}: 1.3-2.3) versus 2.3 (IQR 1.8-2.8) (P < 0.001)]. Compared with other countries, patients from India had markedly higher rates of all-cause mortality [7.68 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval 6.32-9.35) vs 4.34 (4.16-4.53), P < 0.0001], while rates of stroke/systemic embolism and major bleeding were lower after 1 year of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Compared to previously published registries from India, the GARFIELD-AF registry describes clinical profiles and outcomes in Indian patients with AF of a different etiology. The registry data show that compared to the rest of the world, Indian AF patients are younger in age and have more diabetes and CAD. Patients with a higher stroke risk are more likely to receive anticoagulation therapy with VKA but are underdosed compared with the global average in the GARFIELD-AF. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION-URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01090362

    Magnetism of Ir5+ -based double perovskites: Unraveling its nature and the influence of structure

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    A combination of x-ray-diffraction, x-ray absorption, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, macroscopic magnetization, and muon-spin relaxation measurements is used to investigate the interplay between structure (both crystallography and microstructure) and magnetism in Sr2YIrO6 as a function of both chemical (Ca-doping) and physical (hydrostatic) pressure. X-ray absorption spectroscopy clearly shows that the physical pressure is more effective in modifying the structure. On the other hand, the dichroic measurements evidence a constant magnetic signal with physical pressure and strong differences with Ca-doping. Muon-spin relaxation reveals the presence of magnetic order, even when this is hidden in the magnetization data. From the combined analysis, the magnetic results are explained in terms of the presence of Ir6+ or Ir4+ ions in magnetic clusters, most likely located at and triggered by antisite disorder. The measurements under high physical pressure indicate that the magnetic state is independent of the crystallographic details such as Ir-O distances and Ir-O-Y angles.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MINECO projects MAT2014-54425-R and MAT2017-83468-R. E.A.-E. acknowledges the Spanish MINECO and the European Social Fund for a FPI (Formación de Personal Investigador, 2015) grant. C.A.E.Jr. is supported by FAPESP (Brazil) under Contract No. 2016/24137-3. This research used resources of the APS, a US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility operated for the DOE Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.Peer reviewe

    Early prevention of diabetes microvascular complications in people with hyperglycaemia in Europe. ePREDICE randomized trial. Study protocol, recruitment and selected baseline data

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    Objectives To assess the effects of early management of hyperglycaemia with antidiabetic drugs plus lifestyle intervention compared with lifestyle alone, on microvascular function in adults with pre-diabetes. Methods Trial design: International, multicenter, randomised, partially double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial. Participants Males and females aged 45-74 years with IFG, IGT or IFG+IGT, recruited from primary care centres in Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Kuwait, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Turkey. Intervention Participants were randomized to placebo; metformin 1.700 mg/day; linagliptin 5 mg/day or fixed-dose combination of linagliptin/metformin. All patients were enrolled in a lifestyle intervention program (diet and physical activity). Drug intervention will last 2 years. Primary Outcome: Composite end-point of diabetic retinopathy estimated by the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Score, urinary albumin to creatinine ratio, and skin conductance in feet estimated by the sudomotor index. Secondary outcomes in a subsample include insulin sensitivity, beta-cell function, biomarkers of inflammation and fatty liver disease, quality of life, cognitive function, depressive symptoms and endothelial function. Results One thousand three hundred ninety one individuals with hyperglycaemia were assessed for eligibility, 424 excluded after screening, 967 allocated to placebo, metformin, linagliptin or to fixed-dose combination of metformin + linagliptin. A total of 809 people (91.1%) accepted and initiated the assigned treatment. Study sample after randomization was well balanced among the four groups. No statistical differences for the main risk factors analysed were observed between those accepting or rejecting treatment initiation. At baseline prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was 4.2%, severe neuropathy 5.3% and nephropathy 5.7%. Conclusions ePREDICE is the first -randomized clinical trial with the aim to assess effects of different interventions (lifestyle and pharmacological) on microvascular function in people with prediabetes. The trial will provide novel data on lifestyle modification combined with glucose lowering drugs for the prevention of early microvascular complications and diabetes. © 2020 Gabriel et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 43 Número 9-10

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    Suelos. Estudio de suelos forestales de la serranía de Grazalema (Cádiz, España). l. Morfología, características químicas generales y clasificación, por Corral, L., González. J. L., Mérida, J. y Paneque G.-- Estudio de suelos forestales de la serranía de Grazalema (Cádiz, España). II. Análisis factorial de datos analíticos generales y del complejo de cambio, por Mérida, J., González, J. L., Corral, L. y Paneque, G.-- Estudio de suelos forestales de la serranía de Grazalema (Cádiz, España). III. Influencia de factores formadores en las características de horizontes edáficos, por González, J. L., Mérida, J., Corral, L. y Paneque, G.-- Influencia de la vegetación en los horizontes superficiales de los suelos. III. Capacidad total y bases de cambio, por M. T. de la Cruz Caravaca, M. L. Palomar García-Villamil, J. Hernando Costa y J.A. Egido Rodríguez.-- Niveles de influencia de la vegetación en los horizontes superficiales de los suelos. IV. Análisis factorial de variables edáficas, por Cruz Carauaca, M. T., Hernando Costa, J. y Egido Rodríguez, J. A.-- Reacción con el FNa de los suelos de Galicia. IV. Suelos desarrollados sobre esquistos del complejo de Ordenes, rocas básicas y rocas metabásicas, por E. García-Rodeja Gayoso; F. Macías Vázquez y F. Guitián Ojea.-- Estudio de una toposecuencia de suelos en Terriente, l. Estudio químico y fisicoqufmico de suelos, por Palomar García-Villamil, Mª Luisa, Moreno García, Ana María y Fernández Bermejo, Carmen.-- La precipitación media anual como función de la situación del lugar, por A. Egido Carbayo, F. de Pablo Dávila, M. Egido Manzano y J. Garmendia lraundegui.-- Formaciones edáficas sobre calizas cretácicas del borde sur oriental de la Sierra de Guadarrama, por Mañas, E., Casas, J., Hoyos, M. A. y Martín Vidales, J. L.-- Procesos de podsolización en Cantabria, por Aleixandre, T ., Guerra, A. y Benayas, J.-- Nutrición y Fisiología Vegetal. Acciones fisio lógicas del fluor sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo de los vegetales, por López-Belmonte, F.,de la Esperanza, P. y Diez, M. a A.-- Acción de la época de adición de nitrógeno en la formación y desarrollo de los tallos del trigo, por P. Pérez y L. Sanchez de la Puente.-- Estudio sobre el estado del trigo, cultivado en el campo, por I. M. a Martín del Molino y L. Sánchez de la Puente.-- Utilización de aguas fuertemente contaminadas en el riego del olivo, por M. Saavedra, A. Troncoso, y P. de Arámbarri-- Influencia del boro sobre el manganeso y otros nutrientes en jugos de tejidos conductores, por A. Gárate, R. O. Carpe na Ruiz y A. M. Ramón.-- Regulación de la acumulación de nitrógeno en el grano de trigo por el suministro y la demanda de fotosintatos, por P. Pérez y R. Martínez –Carrasco.-- Causas fisiológicas de las diferencias de producción entre variedades altas y semienanas de trigo de invierno, por P. Pérez y R. Martínez-Carrasco.-- Reducción de nitrito in vivo por hojas de olivo. (Olea europea L.), por L. Catalina,R. Sarmiento, C. Mazuelos y R. Romero.-- BibliografíaPeer reviewe

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 42 Número 3-4

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    Suelos. Las tierras pardo ácidas sobre granodioritas de la zona nor-oriental del macizo de Montseny, por J. Bech, A. Heretery R. Vallejo.-- Morfología y propiedades químicas de suelos forestales del Norte de Marruecos. l. Suelos bajo A bies maroccana, por María S. Marín, R. Ca banas, L. Corral y G. Paneque.-- Morfología y propiedades químicas de suelos forestales del Norte de Marruecos. II . Suelos bajo Cedrus.atlantica, por María S. Marín, L. Corral y G. Paneque.-- Suelos de la zona húmeda española. XI. Contribución al estudio de los suelos hidromorfos de Galicia. 2. Suelos continentales, por Leiros de la Peña, M. a C. y Guitian Ojea, F.-- The compu tation of the cation exchange capacity of soils from clay and organic matter content, por L. L. Somani.-- An investigation on the carbón content of soil organic matter, for L. L. Somani and S. N. Saxena.-- Retención de parathion en bentonitas homoionicas. l. Cinética del proceso, por E. González Pradas, J. de D. López González, F. del Rey Bueno y C. Valenzuela Calahorro.-- Niveles de influencia de la vegetación en los horizontes superficiales de los suelos, por Hoyos de Castro, A., Remando Costa, J., Egido Rodríguez, J. A. y De .la Cruz Caravaca, M. T.-- Estudio de la superficie y de la textura de bentonitas homoiónicas. l. Superficie específica y porosidad, por E. González-Pradas, J. D. López-González, F. del Rey Bueno y C. Valenzuela Calahorra.—Fertilidad del suelo. Mineralization of phosphorus under the influence of decomposing organic materials in sorne soils of Rajasthan, for L. L. Somani.-- lnfluence of the soil fertility factors on the P absorption of Rye-Grass grown in saline soils, for Benigna Eleizalde, M. Fernández and P. Díaz.-- Adición de residuos vegetales a suelos calizos. V. Influencia sobre el desarrollo vegetal, por J. Cegarra, T. Hemández y F. Costa.-- Adición de residuos vegetales a suelos calizos. VI. Influencia sobre la dinámica del manganeso en el suelo y respuesta de cultivos, por T. Hernández, J. Cegarra, A. Lax y F. Costa.—Fisiología Vegetal y Nutrición.-- Influencia de las características de las protecciones de plástico en el cultivo semiforzado del tomate. l. Producción y precocidad, por A. A. Contreras, A. Cerdá y F. Santa Cruz.-- Influencia de las características de las protecciones de plástico en el cultivo semiforzado del tomate. II. Composición mineral (N .P .K.), por A. A. Contreras, A. Cerdá y M. Moreno. Influencia de las características de las protecciones de plástico en el cultivo semiforzado del tomate. 111. Composición mineral (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn), por A. Contreras, A. Cerdá y M. C. Bolarin.-- Influencia de los elementos alcalinos sobre el crecimiento y niveles de pigmentos cloroplásticos en plantas de Nicotiana Rústica, L., por Carlos Codina Mahrer, Carmen Morales Pujol y Manuel Serrano García.-- Influencia de la aplicación de Edta-Fe y Arcilla-Fe en judía (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) l. Efecto sobre el crecimiento, por l. Agüi, M. Gómez, T. Palma y M. A. Skrabonja.-- Necesidad de agua de cultivos determinada con lisimetros y estimada con ecuaciones empíricas, por Donnari M. A., Mormeneo, A. l. y Rosell, R. A.-- Notas.-- BibliografíaPeer reviewe

    Guidelines for the preventive treatment of ischaemic stroke and TIA (II). Recommendations according to aetiological sub-type

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    Background and objective: To update the ad hoc Committee of the Cerebrovascular Diseases Study Group of The Spanish Neurological Society guidelines on prevention of ischemic stroke (IS) and Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). Methods: We reviewed the available evidence on ischaemic stroke and TIA prevention according to aetiological subtype. Levels of evidence and recommendation levels are based on the classification of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Results: In atherothrombotic IS, antiplatelet therapy and revascularization procedures in selected cases of ipsilateral carotid stenosis (70–99%) reduce the risk of recurrences. In cardioembolic IS (atrial fibrillation, valvular diseases, prosthetic valves and myocardial infarction with mural thrombus) prevention is based on the use of oral anticoagulants. Preventive therapies for uncommon causes of IS will depend on the aetiology. In the case of cerebral venous thrombosis oral anticoagulation is effective. Conclusions: We conclude with recommendations for clinical practice in prevention of IS according to the aetiological subtype presented by the patient. Resumen: Fundamento y objetivo: Actualizar las guías terapéuticas del Comité ad hoc del Grupo de Estudio de Enfermedades Cerebrovasculares de la SEN en el tratamiento preventivo de ictus isquémico (II) y ataque isquémico transitorio (AIT). Métodos: Revisión de evidencias disponibles sobre la prevención del ictus isquémico y AIT en función del subtipo etiológico. Los niveles de evidencia y grados de recomendación se han basado en la clasificación del Centro de Medicina Basada en la Evidencia. Resultados: En el II de origen aterotrombótico reducen el riesgo de recurrencias el tratamiento antiagregante y los procedimientos revascularizadores en casos seleccionados de estenosis carotidea ipsilateral (70-99%). La prevención de II de origen cardioembólico (fibrilación auricular, valulopatías, prótesis valvulares y en infarto de miocardio con trombo mural) se basa en el uso de anticoagulantes orales. En el II de origen inhabitual, las terapias preventivas dependerán dela etiología; en la trombosis venosa cerebral la anticoagulación oral es eficaz. Conclusiones: Se concluye con recomendaciones de práctica clínica en prevención de ictus isquémico y AIT adaptadas al subtipo etiológico de II que ha presentado el paciente. Keywords: Guidelines, Ischaemic stroke, Transient ischemic attack, Prevention, Palabras clave: Guía de práctica clínica, Ictus isquémico, Ataque isquémico transitorio, Prevenció