37 research outputs found

    First lipid residue analysis of Early Neolithic pottery from Swifterbant (the Netherlands, ca. 4300–4000 BC)

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    This paper focuses on the functional analysis of Swifterbant pottery from North-western Europe (ca. 4300–4000 BC) through lipid residue analysis. The main aim is to understand the role of pottery in terms of its relation to hunter-fisher-gatherer lifestyle, and the change in available food resources brought about by the arrival of domesticated animal and plant products. We conducted lipid residue analysis of 62 samples from three Swifterbant sites S2, S3 and S4. A combined approach using both GC-MS and GC-C-IRMS of residues absorbed into the ceramic was employed to identify their context. Our results demonstrate that Swifterbant ceramics were used exclusively for processing aquatic resources. We also found no evidence of inter-site variation in the use of pottery or variation based on both typological and technological features of the pottery. We found no evidence for any domesticated resources despite their presence in the faunal and botanical assemblages

    Decontamination of Chicken Thigh Meat by Pulsed Ultraviolet Light

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    Foodborne illness outbreaks associated with chicken can be reduced with effective decontamination interventions. The effectiveness of pulsed ultraviolet (PUV) light for destruction of Salmonella, E. coli, and Campylobacter on the surface of chicken thigh meat was investigated. Chicken thighs were inoculated to 6 to 7 log10 CFU/cm2 before exposure to PUV light for each of the above-mentioned pathogens. Treatment variables included the distance from the quartz window of the PUV light (8 and 13 cm) and treatment time (0, 5, 15, 30, and 45 s). Comparison of treated samples to control (0 s) samples allowed for quantification of microbial reduction due to PUV light treatment. Microbial reduction on lean surface chicken thighs (P < 0.05) with increasing duration of PUV light exposure for E. coli, Campylobacter, and Salmonella. Exposure to PUV light for 5 and 45 s on lean surface thighs resulted in log10 CFU/cm2 reductions of 1.22 and 2.02 for E. coli, 1.45 and 2.09 for Campylobacter, and 1.55 and 2.42 for Salmonella, respectively. Pulsed UV light exposure for 5 and 45 s on skin surface thighs resulted in log10 reductions of 1.19 and 1.96 for E. coli; 1.08 and 1.85 for Campylobacter, and 0.90 and 1.82 for Salmonella, respectively. Results indicate that PUV light is effective for reductions of bacterial populations on the surface of raw chicken meat

    Pulsed Ultraviolet Light Treatment of Chicken Parts

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    With increasing production and consumption of chicken, it is appropriate to investigate the functionality and effectiveness of microbial reduction interventions and the qualitative effects they have on food. The effectiveness of pulsed ultraviolet (PUV) light applied to chicken on a moving conveyor was evaluated for inactivation of Escherichia coli on the surface of raw boneless/skinless (B/S) chicken breasts, B/S chicken thighs, and bone-in/skin-on chicken thighs. The conveyor height (distance from the flashlamp) and speed were set to deliver total energy fluences of 5, 10, 20, and 30 J/cm2 to the surface of the products. The product type by energy fluence interaction was significant (P = 0.015) for microbial reduction of E. coli. Exposure to PUV light for 5 and 30 J/cm2 resulted in Log10 reductions of 0.29 and 1.04 for B/S breasts, 0.34 and 0.94 for B/S thighs, and 0.10 and 0.62 for bone-in/skin-on thighs, respectively. Lipid oxidation and changes in color of chicken samples were evaluated after 30 J/cm2 of PUV light treatment. Lipid oxidation was measured at 0, 24, 48, and 120 h after the treatment. PUV light treatment did not produce significant (P &gt; 0.05) changes in lipid oxidation values for each product type. International Commission on Illumination L*, a*, and b* parameters were used to report lightness and color of samples before and after treatment for B/S breasts and thighs and bone-in/skin-on thighs. Color parameters were not significantly (P &gt; 0.05) affected by PUV light treatments. In conclusion, this study indicates that PUV light applied to the surface of raw chicken parts on a moving conveyor is an effective surface antimicrobial treatment while inducing minimal change in quality of the product over a 5-d storage period under aerobic conditions

    Simple Precision Creation of Digitally Specified, Spatially Heterogeneous, Engineered Tissue Architectures

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    Complex architectures of integrated circuits are achieved through multiple layer photolithography, which has empowered the semiconductor industry. We adapt this philosophy for tissue engineering with a versatile, scalable, and generalizable microfabrication approach to create engineered tissue architectures composed of digitally specifiable building blocks, each with tuned structural, cellular, and compositional features.Paul G. Allen Family FoundationNew York Stem Cell FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Science Foundation (U.S.)Lincoln LaboratoryInstitution of Engineering and Technology (AF Harvey Prize

    Engineered 3D tissue models for cell-laden microfluidic channels

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    Abstract Delivery of nutrients and oxygen within threedimensional (3D) tissue constructs is important to maintain cell viability. We built 3D cell-laden hydrogels to validate a new tissue perfusion model that takes into account nutrition consumption. The model system was analyzed by simulating theoretical nutrient diffusion into cell-laden hydrogels. We carried out a parametric study considering different microchannel sizes and inter-channel separation in the hydrogel. We hypothesized that nutrient consumption needs to be taken into account when optimizing the perfusion channel size and separation. We validated the hypothesis by experiments. We fabricated circular microchannels (r= 400 ÎŒm) in 3D cell-laden hydrogel constructs (R = 7.5 mm, volume=5 ml). These channels were positioned either individually or in parallel within hydrogels to increase nutrient and oxygen transport as a way to improve cell viability. We quantified the spatial distribution of viable cells within 3D hydrogel scaffolds without channels and with single-and dual-perfusion microfluidic channels. We investigated quantitatively the cell viability as a function of radial distance from the channels using experimental data and mathematical modeling of diffusion profiles. Our simulations show that a large-channel radius as well as a large channel to channel distance diffuse nutrients farther through a 3D hydrogel. This is important since our results reveal that there is a close correlation between nutrient profiles and cell viability across the hydrogel

    Loss of the Metalloprotease ADAM9 Leads to Cone-Rod Dystrophy in Humans and Retinal Degeneration in Mice

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    Cone-rod dystrophy (CRD) is an inherited progressive retinal dystrophy affecting the function of cone and rod photoreceptors. By autozygosity mapping, we identified null mutations in the ADAM metallopeptidase domain 9 (ADAM9) gene in four consanguineous families with recessively inherited early-onset CRD. We also found reduced photoreceptor responses in Adam9 knockout mice, previously reported to be asymptomatic. In 12-month-old knockout mice, photoreceptors appear normal, but the apical processes of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells are disorganized and contact between photoreceptor outer segments (POSs) and the RPE apical surface is compromised. In 20-month-old mice, there is clear evidence of progressive retinal degeneration with disorganized POS and thinning of the outer nuclear layer (ONL) in addition to the anomaly at the POS-RPE junction. RPE basal deposits and macrophages were also apparent in older mice. These findings therefore not only identify ADAM9 as a CRD gene but also identify a form of pathology wherein retinal disease first manifests at the POS-RPE junction

    The impact of farming on prehistoric culinary practices throughout Northern Europe

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    To investigate changes in culinary practices associated with the arrival of farming, we analysed the organic residues of over 1,000 pottery vessels from hunter-gatherer-fisher and early agricultural sites across Northern Europe from the Lower Rhine Basin to the Northeastern Baltic. Here, pottery was widely used by hunter-gatherer-fishers prior to the introduction of domesticated animals and plants. Overall, there was surprising continuity in the way that hunter-gatherer-fishers and farmers used pottery. Both aquatic products and wild plants remained prevalent, a pattern repeated consistently across the study area. We argue that the rapid adaptation of farming communities to exploit coastal and lagoonal resources facilitated their northerly expansion, and in some cases, hunting, gathering, and fishing became the most dominant subsistence strategy. Nevertheless, dairy products frequently appear in pottery associated with the earliest farming groups often mixed with wild plants and fish. Interestingly, we also find compelling evidence of dairy products in hunter-gatherer-fisher ErtebĂžlle pottery, which predates the arrival of domesticated animals. We propose that ErtebĂžlle hunter-gatherer-fishers frequently acquired dairy products through exchange with adjacent farming communities prior to the transition. The continuity observed in pottery use across the transition to farming contrasts with the analysis of human remains which shows substantial demographic change through ancient DNA and, in some cases, a reduction in marine consumption through stable isotope analysis. We postulate that farmers acquired the knowledge and skills they needed to succeed from local hunter-gatherer-fishers but without substantial admixture

    A novel Alzheimer disease locus located near the gene encoding tau protein

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordAPOE Δ4, the most significant genetic risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD), may mask effects of other loci. We re-analyzed genome-wide association study (GWAS) data from the International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project (IGAP) Consortium in APOE Δ4+ (10 352 cases and 9207 controls) and APOE Δ4- (7184 cases and 26 968 controls) subgroups as well as in the total sample testing for interaction between a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and APOE Δ4 status. Suggestive associations (P<1 × 10-4) in stage 1 were evaluated in an independent sample (stage 2) containing 4203 subjects (APOE Δ4+: 1250 cases and 536 controls; APOE Δ4-: 718 cases and 1699 controls). Among APOE Δ4- subjects, novel genome-wide significant (GWS) association was observed with 17 SNPs (all between KANSL1 and LRRC37A on chromosome 17 near MAPT) in a meta-analysis of the stage 1 and stage 2 data sets (best SNP, rs2732703, P=5·8 × 10-9). Conditional analysis revealed that rs2732703 accounted for association signals in the entire 100-kilobase region that includes MAPT. Except for previously identified AD loci showing stronger association in APOE Δ4+ subjects (CR1 and CLU) or APOE Δ4- subjects (MS4A6A/MS4A4A/MS4A6E), no other SNPs were significantly associated with AD in a specific APOE genotype subgroup. In addition, the finding in the stage 1 sample that AD risk is significantly influenced by the interaction of APOE with rs1595014 in TMEM106B (P=1·6 × 10-7) is noteworthy, because TMEM106B variants have previously been associated with risk of frontotemporal dementia. Expression quantitative trait locus analysis revealed that rs113986870, one of the GWS SNPs near rs2732703, is significantly associated with four KANSL1 probes that target transcription of the first translated exon and an untranslated exon in hippocampus (P≀1.3 × 10-8), frontal cortex (P≀1.3 × 10-9) and temporal cortex (P≀1.2 × 10-11). Rs113986870 is also strongly associated with a MAPT probe that targets transcription of alternatively spliced exon 3 in frontal cortex (P=9.2 × 10-6) and temporal cortex (P=2.6 × 10-6). Our APOE-stratified GWAS is the first to show GWS association for AD with SNPs in the chromosome 17q21.31 region. Replication of this finding in independent samples is needed to verify that SNPs in this region have significantly stronger effects on AD risk in persons lacking APOE Δ4 compared with persons carrying this allele, and if this is found to hold, further examination of this region and studies aimed at deciphering the mechanism(s) are warranted