667 research outputs found


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    My propose is to research into the historical roots of the tolerance idea, indispensable for the democracy (Fetscher). This paper shows that at the time of Th. More, in the context of the Reform and religion wars, we can to observe two meaning of tolerance idea: i) the tolerance as a necessary bad es defended by who long for the Christendom, as Erasmus; the tolerance as respect of the other belief es defended by the «radical Reform». Locke adds a characteristic note: he replaces the orthodoxy criterion by the tolerance principle. In this way he sets up the possibility of a plural society as point of view religious (Letter) as political (Toleration Act), even though with the exceptions. Voltaire defends the universal toleration in the Traité sur la tolérance, and he reinforce in this way the argument that it is must to lead to the recognition of the political, social and religious pluralism.Me propongo investigar las raíces históricas de la idea de tolerancia, indispensable hoy para la vida democrática (Fetscher). El trabajo muestra que en la época de T. Moro, en el contexto de la Reforma y de las guerras de religión, se configuran al menos dos acepciones: una como mal necesario, es defendida por quienes, como Erasmo, añoran la unidad de la cristiandad; otra como respeto a la otra creencia, es argumentada por la «Reforma radical». Locke añade algo peculiar. al sustituir el criterio de ortodoxia por el principio de tolerancia, Locke fundamenta la posibilidad de una sociedad plural tanto en lo religioso (Letter) como en lo político (Toleration Act), si bien con excepciones. Al apostar por la tolerancia universal en Tratado sobre la tolerancia, Voltaire, refuerza el argumento que hoy debe conducir al reconocimiento del pluralismo político, social y religioso

    El existencialismo de dos seductores: Kierkegaard y Bergman

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    The A. compare the philosophy of Kierkegaard with the film work of Bergman. The comparison is made not only about the notion of seducer, but principaly from the point of view of the existence philosophy. If this is defined as the question of the aspects of the de human existence, the comparative method require to analyse as much the affinities as the differences between the philosopher and the film producer. In this way, the stages of the human existente (Kierkegaard) they only are understood as life forms or existence aspects in Bergman.El artículo compara la filosofía de Kierkegaard y la filmografía de Bergman. La comparación se hace analizando no sólo la noción de seductor, sino sobre todo la de filosofía de la existencia. Si ésta se define como interrogación de las distintas dimensiones de la existencia humana, el método comparativo exige analizar tanto las afinidades como las diferencias entre el filósofo y el cineasta. Así, los estadios de la existencia humana (Kierkegaard) no se entienden sino como formas de vida o dimensiones de la existencia en Bergman


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    (…)En noviembre de 2000 tuvo lugar en la UIMP de Valencia un Seminario que, bajo el título La actitud ilustrada, reunió a una serie de destacados investigadores universitarios para discutir en torno a tan crucial aspecto del siglo XVIII. Más recientemente, los coordinadores de aquel evento, Eduardo Bello y Antonio Rivera, han editado, a través de la Biblioteca Valenciana, los resultados de ese debate. En el volumen que ahora se presenta con el mismo nombre se recogen las aportaciones de los diez intervinientes, cuyas principa¬les líneas argumentativas resumiremos más adelante (…

    Axial-azimuthal, high-frequency modes from global linear-stability model of a Hall thruster

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    Axial-azimuthal instabilities of a Hall-thruster plasma discharge are investigated using fluid model and a linear global stability approach, appropriate to the large axial inhomogeneity of the equilibrium solution. Electron pressure and electron inertia are considered in both the equilibrium and perturbed solutions. Fourier transform in time and azimuth are taken and the dispersion relation, for the resultant Sturm&-Liouville problem governing the axial behavior of the modes, is numerically obtained. The analysis, focused in mid-to-high frequencies and large wavenumbers identifies two main instability types. The dominant mode develops in the near plume at 1-5 MHz and azimuthal mode numbers ∼10–50, has a weak ion response and seems to be triggered by negative gradients of the magnetic field. The subdominant mode develops near the anode at 10-300 kHz and azimuthal mode numbers ∼1–10, and seems of the rotating-spoke type. Both instabilities are well characterized by investigating their oblique propagation, the influence of design and operation parameters, and the effects of anode–cathode electric connection, electron inertia, and temperature perturbations. The possible impact of these instabilities on electron cross-field transport is estimated through a quasilinear approach, which yields a spatially-rippled turbulent force.This research was funded by the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain), under PROMETEO-CM project, with Grant No.Y2018/NMT-4750. Enrique Bello-Benítez is supported by Spain’s Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci´on y Universidades, under Grant FPU18/03686

    Rousseau político

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    Sustainable Development or Sustainability? The role of Higher Education

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    In different contexts, there is the idea that higher education, through an intricate system of institutions and organisations, pays for society in line with its own well-being. The environmental crisis of our time raises the need for higher education institutions (HEIs) to contribute to the sense of sustainability: sustainable development has gained wide ground in this regard, however, it is limited by different aspects. Sustainability implies a reformulation of the production and consumption models, and a transformation in the current structures, although many times this transformation represents a threat to the practices that have been perpetuated for several decades.In different contexts, there is the idea that higher education, through an intricate system of institutions and organisations, pays for society in line with its own well-being. The environmental crisis of our time raises the need for higher education institutions (HEIs) to contribute to the sense of sustainability: sustainable development has gained wide ground in this regard, however, it is limited by different aspects. Sustainability implies a reformulation of the production and consumption models, and a transformation in the current structures, although many times this transformation represents a threat to the practices that have been perpetuated for several decades

    Extra-tidal structures around the Gaia Sausage candidate globular cluster NGC 6779 (M56)

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    We present results on the stellar density radial profile of the outer regions of NGC6779, a Milky Way globular cluster recently proposed as a candidate member of the Gaia Sausage structure, a merger remnant of a massive dwarf galaxy with the Milky Way.Taking advantage of the Pan-STARRS PS1 public astrometric and photometric catalogue,we built the radial profile for the outermost cluster regions using horizontal branch and main sequence stars, separately,  in order to probe for different profile trends because of difference stellar masses. Owing to its relatively close location to the Galactic plane, we have carefully treatedthe chosen colour-magnitude regions properly correcting them by the amount ofinterstellar extinction measured along the line-of-side of each star, as well as cleaned themfrom the variable field star contamination observed across the cluster field.  In the region spanning from the tidal to the Jacobi radii the resulting radial profiles show a diffuseextended halo, with an average power law slope of -1. While analysingthe relationships between the Galactocentric distance, the half-mass density, the half-lightradius, the slope of the radial profile of the outermost regions, the internal dynamical evolutionarystage, among others, we found that NGC6779 shows structural properties similar to those of the remaining  Gaia  Sausage candidate globular clusters, namely, they are massive clusters  (>10^5Mo) in a moderately early dynamical evolutionary stage, with  observed extra-tidal structures.Fil: Piatti, Andres Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Carballo-Bello, Julio A.. Universidad Católica de Chile; Chil


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    In this study, I assess positively Rawls’ contribution to the reconstruction of practical reason from a Kantian point of view. Such a point of view is exposed by analyzing: the ideas of social contract and person; the principles of reciprocity and autonomy; and finally, the problem of the legitimacy of law and power. Rawls’ Kantian interpretation is neither that of the dissident nor that of the loyal disciple, but the interpretation of an original and creative reader on the sort of problems that concerns us.En este trabajo se valora positivamente la contribución de Rawls a la reconstrucción de la razón práctica desde el punto de vista kantiano. Se muestra este punto de vista mediante el análisis de ideas como las de contrato social y persona, de principios como el de reciprocidad y el de autonomía y, finalmente, de problemas como el de legitimidad de la ley y del poder. La interpetación kantiana de Rawls, en fin, no es la del disidente ni la del discípulo fiel, sino la del lector original y creativo sobre problemas que nos conciernen

    La construcción de la paz: el proyecto del abbé de Saint-Pierre

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    El autor mantiene que el proyecto de paz perpetua del abate de Saint-Pierre ha contribuido, en primer lugar, a modificar el sentido de los conceptos de guerra y paz en nuestra cultura. En segundo lugar resulta decisivo para la historia del derecho internacional porque subraya la vía jurídica supranacional en la resolución de los conflictos. Y, en tercer lugar, sirve para perfeccionar la solución federal a los problemas de Europa

    Figuras de la libertad en Merleau-Ponty

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