92 research outputs found

    Optimization study of raman effect detection versus fluorescence: application to art

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    English: Nowadays, Raman spectroscopy has become a very important tool for identifying chemical compounds and their molecular structures since it is non-destructive, has null or near null requirements of sample preparation, and gives results very fast. Raman spectroscopy is based on the Raman effect, which is one of the quantum effects that produce the matter when it?s struck by a beam of monochromatic light. Another effect that produces the matter is the fluorescence that sometimes reaches magnitudes that make it impossible to detect the Raman effect. To perform a study of the spectra and determine the identification of compounds that have originated, in this project has developed a software tool called SpecView, which will allow us to visualize, measure, identify and treat different sections of the spectra. SpecView will be used to detect the main quantum effects in the analyzed spectrum as well as causes and the source analysis of the spectrum. Finally this project provides arguments and makes deductions for the development of methods for the detection of the Raman effect, in such a way that the present fluorescence in the obtained spectra is not an insurmountable obstacle for the analysis of the pictorial materials.Castellano: La espectroscopía Raman se ha convertido en los últimos tiempos en una herramienta de gran importancia en la identificación de compuestos químicos y de sus estructuras moleculares por su nula o casi nula preparación de las muestras, por su carácter no destructivo de la muestra analizada y por la rapidez de obtención de resultados. La espectroscopía Raman está basada en el denominado efecto Raman, que es uno de los efectos cuánticos que presenta la materia cuando es incidida por una fuente de luz monocromática. Otro efecto cuántico que presenta la materia es la fluorescencia que en ocasiones alcanza magnitudes que llegan a imposibilitar la detección del efecto Raman. Para poder realizar el estudio de los espectros Raman obtenidos y así determinar la identificación de los compuestos que los han originado, en este proyecto se ha desarrollado una herramienta software que la hemos denominado SpecView, que nos permite visualizar, medir, identificar y tratar los distintos tramos de los espectros. Usaremos SpecView en la determinación de los efectos cuánticos predominantes en los espectros analizados, así como en el análisis de los orígenes y causas de dichos espectros. Finalmente este proyecto aporta razonamientos y deducciones para el desarrollo de métodos en los que la fluorescencia presente en los espectros obtenidos no sea un obstáculo insalvable en la detección del efecto Raman y el análisis de los materiales pictóricos.Català: La espectroscòpia Raman s'ha convertit en els últims temps en una eina de gran importància en l'identificació de compostos químics i de les seves estructures moleculars por la seva nul·la o quasi nul·la preparació de les mostres, pel seu caràcter no destructiu de la mostra analitzada i por la rapidesa d'obtenció de resultats. La espectroscòpia Raman està basada en el denominat efecte Raman, que és un dels efectes quàntics que presenta la matèria quan és incidida por una font de llum monocromàtica. Un altre efecte que presenta la matèria és la fluorescència que en ocasions arriba fins a magnituds que fan impossible la detecció de l'efecte Raman. Per a poder realitzar l'estudi dels espectres Raman obtinguts i així determinar la identificació dels compostos que els han originat, en aquest projecte s'ha desenvolupat una eina software anomenada SpecView, que ens permet visualitzar, mesurar, identificar i tractar els diferents trams dels espectres. Utilitzarem SpecView en la determinació dels efectes quàntics predominants en el espectre analitzat així com en l'anàlisi dels orígens i causes de l'espectre. Aquest projecte aporta raonaments i deduccions per al desenvolupament de mètodes en els quals la fluorescència present en els espectres obtinguts no sigui un obstacle insalvable en la detecció del efecte Raman i l'anàlisi dels materials pictòrics

    Immune-inflammatory and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis biomarkers are altered in patients with non-specific low back pain: A systematic review.

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    This systematic review aimed to investigate immune-inflammatory and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis biomarkers in individuals with non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) compared to healthy control. The search was performed in five databases until 4 November 2021. Two reviewers independently conducted screenings, data extraction, risk of bias, and methodological quality assessment of 14 unique studies. All studies reported the source of the fluid analyzed: nine studies used serum, two used plasma, one used serum and plasma, and two studies used salivary cortisol. We found preliminary and limited evidence (only one study for each biomarker) of increased levels in growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15), interleukin-23 (IL-23), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (sTNF-R1) in NSLBP. Inconsistent and limited evidence was identified for interleukin-10 (IL-10). Although C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) levels appear to increase in NSLBP, only one study per each biomarker reported statistically significant differences. Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), interleukin-17 (IL-17), interferon gamma (IFN-γ), and high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) showed no significant differences. Regarding cortisol, one study showed a significant increase and another a significant decrease. More robust evidence between GDF-15, IL-23, TGF-β, and sTNF-R1 with NSLBP is needed. Moreover, contrary to the findings reported in previous studies, when comparing results exclusively with healthy control, insufficient robust evidence for IL-6, TNF-α, and CRP was found in NSLBP. In addition, cortisol response (HPA-related biomarker) showed a dysregulated functioning in NSLBP, with incongruent evidence regarding its directionality. Therefore, our effort is to find adjusted evidence to conclude which immune-inflammatory and HPA axis biomarkers are altered in NSLBP and how much their levels are affected

    Un projecte d’exposició–instal·lació efímera Escultura ceràmica, land art i interacció amb el paisatge

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    Una activitat en el context del Dia Internacional de l’Art, 15 d’abril, una celebració establerta l’any 2011 per la UNESCO en motiu de commemoració del naixement de Leonardo da Vinci el 1452; una festivitat que pretén acostar als ciutadans i ciutadanes les diferents vessants d’expressió artística i contemporània. Amb «Contenidors d’olors» ens sumem a la iniciativa amb una exposició-instal·lació d’escultura ceràmica, de land art i d’interacció amb el paisatge al Parc de les Olors de la Vall de Ros, a Riells del Fai. Autors i autores de diferents obres realitzades en fang refractari –cuit a temperatures d’entre 1260 i 1280ºC, sense més tractament que el sentit constructiu de la matèria– s’envoltaran dels elements propis del medi, endinsant-se en l’essència i la naturalitat de l’entorn. Cadascuna de les seves peces seran instal·lades i performades en indrets del parc, interaccionant amb les seves olors física i simbòlicament; en una oda a la integració, a la reflexió ecològica, a la cura de la nostres herències culturals i de l’ecosistema. Un muntatge que convida als visitants a la participació contemplativa, activa i olfactiva. El taller que ha fet possible respondre a l’encàrrec de construir nou escultures contenidores d’olors s’ha realitzat al Taller de modelat de la Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de Barcelona, on els autors han aportat els recursos tècnics específics que han permès construir amb èxit els dissenys concebuts per al l’espai natural de Riells. L’experiència del taller compartit entre artistes, perceptible en les peces, valuosa i enriquidora, demostra la capacitat que cada un d’ells ha tingut de respondre a una comanda –quan aquesta es mostra suggestiva i genuïna: conformar volums que continguin diferents plantes aromàtiques, crear-los per que puguin cremar i desprendre flaires per crear un recorregut on el públic dóna sentit a l’acció i el conjunt. Els/les estudiants i artistes expliquen la seva obra, realitzen l’acció amb la participació del públic i proposen un recorregut contemplatiu i reflexiu sobre l’ocupació d’un lloc d’art i natura

    Buenas prácticas en la continuidad TIC de las organizaciones

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    Los Sistemas de Gestión de la Continuidad del Negocio (SGCN) se han convertido en uno de los objetivos prioritarios para las organizaciones, principalmente por la globalización y exigencia de sus clientes o usuarios. Es frecuente la aparición en los medios de comunicación algunas noticias relacionadas con el impacto que ha causado en los negocios la interrupción de su actividad, originado a partir de incidentes de seguridad en sus sistemas de información. Se han visto afectadas en sus operaciones organizaciones tanto de índole pública como privada. Las empresas deben de disponer de un SGCN diseñado e implantado correctamente que garantice que en un tiempo estimado puedan reanudar sus operaciones y servicios, ante posibles riesgos que deriven en interrupciones de la actividad. Por tanto un SGCN, a grandes rasgos, consiste en una preparación proactiva de la organización frente a contingencias que puedan ocurrir de cualquier índole, que puedan generar perjuicios de diferente gravedad, según la importancia del ámbito donde se ha producido el paro y el tiempo de inactividad. El SGCN es la capacidad estratégica y táctica de una organización para planificar y responder ante incidentes o interrupciones del negocio, con el objetivo de recuperar la operación a un nivel aceptable. La implementación de un SGCN permite a las organizaciones tener la capacidad de reanudar la provisión de sus productos o servicios clave a un nivel mínimo aceptable en un tiempo determinado. De ahí la importancia de implementar un SGCN para: Comprender las necesidades de la organización y la necesidad de establecer la política y objetivos de la gestión de la continuidad del negocio. Determinar la operación y el mantenimiento de los procesos, las capacidades y las estructuras de respuesta para asegurar que la organización sobrevivirá a los incidentes disruptivos. Realizar el seguimiento y la revisión del desempeño y la eficacia del SGCN. La mejora continua basada en mediciones cualitativas y cuantitativas. Por todo lo presentado anteriormente, se hace imprescindible complementar los Sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad de la Información (SGSI) de las organizaciones con planes que permitan dar continuidad a la capacidad operativa de estas entidades y planificar el restablecimiento de la actividad

    Towards an operationalisation of nature-based solutions for natural hazards

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    Nature-based solutions (NBS) are being promoted as adaptive measures against predicted increasing hydrometeorological hazards (HMHs), such as heatwaves and floods which have already caused significant loss of life and economic damage across the globe. However, the underpinning factors such as policy framework, end-users' interests and participation for NBS design and operationalisation are yet to be established. We discuss the operationalisation and implementation processes of NBS by means of a novel concept of Open-Air Laboratories (OAL) for its wider acceptance. The design and implementation of environmentally, economically, technically and socio-culturally sustainable NBS require inter- and transdisciplinary approaches which could be achieved by fostering co-creation processes by engaging stakeholders across various sectors and levels, inspiring more effective use of skills, diverse knowledge, manpower and resources, and connecting and harmonising the adaptation aims. The OAL serves as a benchmark for NBS upscaling, replication and exploitation in policy-making process through monitoring by field measurement, evaluation by key performance indicators and building solid evidence on their short- and long-term multiple benefits in different climatic, environmental and socio-economic conditions, thereby alleviating the challenges of political resistance, financial barriers and lack of knowledge. We conclude that holistic management of HMHs by effective use of NBS can be achieved with standard compliant data for replicating and monitoring NBS in OALs, knowledge about policy silos and interaction between research communities and end-users. Further research is needed for multi-risk analysis of HMHs and inclusion of NBS into policy frameworks, adaptable at local, regional and national scales leading to modification in the prevalent guidelines related to HMHs. The findings of this work can be used for developing synergies between current policy frameworks, scientific research and practical implementation of NBS in Europe and beyond for its wider acceptance

    Daily Sampling of an HIV-1 Patient with Slowly Progressing Disease Displays Persistence of Multiple env Subpopulations Consistent with Neutrality

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    The molecular evolution of HIV-1 is characterized by frequent substitutions, indels and recombination events. In addition, a HIV-1 population may adapt through frequency changes of its variants. To reveal such population dynamics we analyzed HIV-1 subpopulation frequencies in an untreated patient with stable, low plasma HIV-1 RNA levels and close to normal CD4+ T-cell levels. The patient was intensively sampled during a 32-day period as well as approximately 1.5 years before and after this period (days −664, 1, 2, 3, 11, 18, 25, 32 and 522). 77 sequences of HIV-1 env (approximately 3100 nucleotides) were obtained from plasma by limiting dilution with 7–11 sequences per time point, except day −664. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood methods showed that the sequences clustered in six distinct subpopulations. We devised a method that took into account the relatively coarse sampling of the population. Data from days 1 through 32 were consistent with constant within-patient subpopulation frequencies. However, over longer time periods, i.e. between days 1…32 and 522, there were significant changes in subpopulation frequencies, which were consistent with evolutionarily neutral fluctuations. We found no clear signal of natural selection within the subpopulations over the study period, but positive selection was evident on the long branches that connected the subpopulations, which corresponds to >3 years as the subpopulations already were established when we started the study. Thus, selective forces may have been involved when the subpopulations were established. Genetic drift within subpopulations caused by de novo substitutions could be resolved after approximately one month. Overall, we conclude that subpopulation frequencies within this patient changed significantly over a time period of 1.5 years, but that this does not imply directional or balancing selection. We show that the short-term evolution we study here is likely representative for many patients of slow and normal disease progression

    "Delirium Day": A nationwide point prevalence study of delirium in older hospitalized patients using an easy standardized diagnostic tool

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    Background: To date, delirium prevalence in adult acute hospital populations has been estimated generally from pooled findings of single-center studies and/or among specific patient populations. Furthermore, the number of participants in these studies has not exceeded a few hundred. To overcome these limitations, we have determined, in a multicenter study, the prevalence of delirium over a single day among a large population of patients admitted to acute and rehabilitation hospital wards in Italy. Methods: This is a point prevalence study (called "Delirium Day") including 1867 older patients (aged 65 years or more) across 108 acute and 12 rehabilitation wards in Italian hospitals. Delirium was assessed on the same day in all patients using the 4AT, a validated and briefly administered tool which does not require training. We also collected data regarding motoric subtypes of delirium, functional and nutritional status, dementia, comorbidity, medications, feeding tubes, peripheral venous and urinary catheters, and physical restraints. Results: The mean sample age was 82.0 ± 7.5 years (58 % female). Overall, 429 patients (22.9 %) had delirium. Hypoactive was the commonest subtype (132/344 patients, 38.5 %), followed by mixed, hyperactive, and nonmotoric delirium. The prevalence was highest in Neurology (28.5 %) and Geriatrics (24.7 %), lowest in Rehabilitation (14.0 %), and intermediate in Orthopedic (20.6 %) and Internal Medicine wards (21.4 %). In a multivariable logistic regression, age (odds ratio [OR] 1.03, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.01-1.05), Activities of Daily Living dependence (OR 1.19, 95 % CI 1.12-1.27), dementia (OR 3.25, 95 % CI 2.41-4.38), malnutrition (OR 2.01, 95 % CI 1.29-3.14), and use of antipsychotics (OR 2.03, 95 % CI 1.45-2.82), feeding tubes (OR 2.51, 95 % CI 1.11-5.66), peripheral venous catheters (OR 1.41, 95 % CI 1.06-1.87), urinary catheters (OR 1.73, 95 % CI 1.30-2.29), and physical restraints (OR 1.84, 95 % CI 1.40-2.40) were associated with delirium. Admission to Neurology wards was also associated with delirium (OR 2.00, 95 % CI 1.29-3.14), while admission to other settings was not. Conclusions: Delirium occurred in more than one out of five patients in acute and rehabilitation hospital wards. Prevalence was highest in Neurology and lowest in Rehabilitation divisions. The "Delirium Day" project might become a useful method to assess delirium across hospital settings and a benchmarking platform for future surveys