8 research outputs found

    The Leokoreion in Athens

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    A Study of Market Structure in Liner Shipping Under the Influence of Government Policies

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    The peculiar operational mode and involvement of international carriers granted liner operators special exemption from Anti-trust regulations globally. The changes of policy from USA and EU in recent years forbidden liner operators to form Liner Conference (LC) which seems to possess oligopoly power in the trade. This paper use the freight rate to verified the change of Government policies cannot stop the liner operators to form in their natural formation - Liner Conference

    A Study of Market Structure in Liner Shipping Under the Influence of Government Policies

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    The peculiar operational mode and involvement of international carriers granted liner operators special exemption from Anti-trust regulations globally. The changes of policy from USA and EU in recent years forbidden liner operators to form Liner Conference (LC) which seems to possess oligopoly power in the trade. This paper use the freight rate to verified the change of Government policies cannot stop the liner operators to form in their natural formation - Liner Conference

    Crop Updates 1999 - Pulse Research and Industry Development in Western Australia

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    This session covers seventy three papers from different authors. CONTRIBUTORS BACKGROUND SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS RESULTS 1997 REGIONAL ROUNDUP Northern Wheatbelt, Bill O’Neill, Agriculture Western Australia Central Wheatbelt, Jeff Russell, Agriculture Western Australia Great Southern and Lakes, Neil Brandon, Agriculture Western Australia Esperance Mallee, Mark Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia PULSE BREEDING AND AGRONOMY Faba Bean Variety evaluation Germplasm evaluation Genotypic variation in waterlogging tolerance, Stephen Loss, Tim Colmer and Tim Pope University of WA Sowing rate Sowing rate demonstrations, Bill O’Neill, Agriculture Western Australia Swathing Effect of seed source on early vigour, Stephen Loss, and Tim Pope University of WA Phosphorus nutrition Phosphorus x zinc interactions Desi chichpea Breeding highlights, Tanveer Khan, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture Germplasm evaluation Variety testing Drought tolerance, Neil Turner, Laurent Leport, Bob French, Mike Barr, Christine Ludwig, Rebecca Kenny, Tanveer Khan, and K.H.M. Siddique, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, Ashley Corbet and Ivan Mock, Agriculture Victoria, and Colin Edmonson, South Australian Research and Development Institute Remobilised carbon and nitrogen: Significance for seed size and yield, Stephen Davies, Neil Turner K.H.M. Siddique and Julie Plumber, Centre for legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture Molecular markers for cold tolerance and insect resistance Heather Clarke, Centre for legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture Time of sowing 22. Sowing rate 23. Sowing rate demonstrations, Bill O’Neill, Jason Brady Agriculture Western Australia Kabuli chickpea 24. Germplasm evaluation 25. Kabuli research in the Ord Irrigation Area, K.H.M. Siddique, Bob Dhackles and Joe Sherrard, Agriculture Western Australia 26. International screening for Ascochyta blight resistance, K.H.M. Siddique and Clive Francis, Centre for legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, N. Acikgoz, AARI, Turkey, R.S. Malholtra, ICARDA, Syria, and E.J. Knights, NSW Ag 27. Sowing rate 28. Response to phosphorus Field pea 29. Breeding highlights, Tanveer Khan, Agriculture Western Australia 30. Crop variety testing 31. Variety comparison, Quentin Knight SBS IAMA 32. of sowing 33. Standing stubble demonstration, Neil Brandon and Bill O’Neill, Agriculture Western Australia 34. Intercropping canola improves the productivity of field pea, P. Soetedjo and Lionel Martin, Muresk Institute of Agriculture, K.H.M. Siddique, Stephen Loss, Neil Brandon and Bob French, Agriculture Western Australia 35. Peaola demonstration, Jeff Russell, Agriculture Western Australia Lentil 36. International germplasm evaluation, Jon Clements, K.H.M. Siddique and Clive Francis, Centre for legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 37. Variety evaluation 38. rate Vetch 39. Germplasm evaluation 40. Sowing rate Narbon bean 41. Germplasm evaluation 42. Agronomy, Mark Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia 43. Herbicides, Mark Seymour, Agriculture Western Australia 44. Lathyrus development, Colin Hanbury, and K.H.M. Siddique, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 45. Species comparison 46. Seed priming 47. Crop desiccation Glen Riethmuller, Stephen Loss and K.H.M. Siddique, Agriculture Western Australia 48. Gypsum Neil Brandon and Stephen Loss, Agriculture Western Australia 49. Antitranspirants 50. Rhizobial inoculant improvement John Howieson, Jane Malden and Ron Yates, Murdoch University 51. Water use in cropping systems David Hall and David Tennant, Agriculture Western Australia DISEASE AND PEST MANAGEMENT 52. Chocolate spot in faba beans, Bill MacLeod and Mark Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia 53. Chocolate spot management 54. Botrytis grey mould of chickpea, Bill MacLeod and Mark Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia 55. BGM management 56. Ascochyta in chickpea, Bill MacLeod and Mark Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia 57. Chickpea disease survey, Simon McKirdy, Sean Kelly, Sharon Collins and Domminie Wright, Agriculture Western Australia 58. Lentil diseases, Bill MacLeod and Mark Sweetingham, Agriculture Western Australia 59. Ascochyta blight 60. Ascochyta management 61. Botrytis grey mould management 62. Virus disease, Lindrea Latham, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture, Roger Jones, Agriculture Western Australia 63. Alfalfa mosaic virus 64. Alfalfa mosaic and cucumber mosaic virus in lentil 65. Virus survey of faba bean. Field pea and dwarf chickling crops 66. Screening chickpea and lentil for CMV and BTMV Insect pests 67. Red-legged earth mite, Anyou Liu, James Ridsdill-Smith, Tanveer Khan, K.H.M.Siddique,, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 68. Aphids and their parasites, Owain Edwards, James Ridsdill-Smith, and Rick Horbury, CSIRO Entomology 69. Budworm resistance in chickpeas, Krishna Mann, James Ridsdill-Smith, Emilio Ghisalberti, and K. Silvasithamparam, Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture 70. Native budworm management in pulses and canola, Kevin Walden, Agriculture Western Australia 71. PULSE ADOPTION Amir Abadi and Sally Marsh, University of Western Australia 72. Does risk keep farmers from growing pulses? 73. Best Rotations Daniel Fels, Agriculture Western Australia ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PUBLICATION

    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation following high dose chemotherapy for non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas

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    © 2013 The Cochrane Collaboration. Background: Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are a highly heterogeneous group of rare malignant solid tumors. Non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas (NRSTS) comprise all STS except rhabdomyosarcoma. In patients with advanced local or metastatic disease, autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) applied after high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) is a planned rescue therapy for HDCT-related severe hematologic toxicity. The rationale for this update is to determine whether any randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been conducted and to clarify whether HDCT followed by autologous HSCT has a survival advantage. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness and safety of HDCT followed by autologous HSCT for all stages of non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas (NRSTS) in children and adults. Search methods: For this update we modified the search strategy to improve the precision and reduce the number of irrelevant hits. All studies included in the original review were considered for re-evaluation in the update. We searched the electronic databases CENTRAL (2012, Issue 11) in The Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and EMBASE (05 December 2012) from their inception using the newly developed search strategy. Online trials registers and reference lists of systematic reviews were searched. Selection criteria: Terms representing STS and autologous HSCT were required in the title or abstract. In studies with aggregated data, participants with NRSTS and autologous HSCT had to constitute at least 80% of the data. Single-arm studies were included in addition to studies with a control arm because the number of comparative studies was expected to be very low. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently extracted study data. Some studies identified in the original review were re-examined and found not to meet the inclusion criteria and were excluded in this update. For studies with no comparator group, we synthesized the results for studies reporting aggregate data and conducted a pooled analysis of individual participant data using the Kaplan-Meyer method. The primary outcomes were overall survival (OS) and treatment-related mortality (TRM). Main results: The selection process was carried out from the start of the search dates for the update. We included 57 studies, from 260 full text articles screened, reporting on 275 participants that were allocated to HDCT followed by autologous HSCT. All studies were not comparable due to various subtypes. We identified a single comparative study, an RCT comparing HDCT followed by autologous HSCT versus standard chemotherapy (SDCT). The overall survival (OS) at three years was 32.7% versus 49.4% with a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.26 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.70 to 2.29, P value 0.44) and thus not significantly different between the treatment groups. In a subgroup of patients that had a complete response before treatment, OS was higher in both treatment groups and OS at three years was 42.8% versus 83.9% with a HR of 2.92 (95% CI 1.1 to 7.6, P value 0.028) and thus was statistically significantly better in the SDCT group. We did not identify any other comparative studies. We included six single-arm studies reporting aggregate data of cases; three reported the OS at two years as 20%, 48%, and 51.4%. One other study reported the OS at three years as 40% and one further study reported a median OS of 13 months (range 3 to 19 months). In two of the single-arm studies with aggregate data, subgroup analysis showed a better OS in patients with versus without a complete response before treatment. In a survival analysis of pooled individual data of 80 participants, OS at two years was estimated as 50.6% (95% CI 38.7 to 62.5) and at three years as 36.7% (95% CI 24.4 to 49.0). Data on TRM, secondary neoplasia and severe toxicity grade 3 to 4 after transplantation were sparse. The one included RCT had a low risk of bias and the remaining 56 studies had a high risk of bias. Authors' conclusions: A single RCT with a low risk of bias shows that OS after HDCT followed by autologous HSCT is not statistically significantly different from standard-dose chemotherapy. Therefore, HDCT followed by autologous HSCT for patients with NRSTS may not improve the survival of patients and should only be used within controlled trials if ever considered