245 research outputs found

    La estrategia de diferenciación empleada por las empresas exportadoras de arándanos frescos de la Región La Libertad y su relación con el desempeño exportador hacia el mercado de Estados Unidos en el periodo 2018-2020

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar si la estrategia de diferenciación empleada por las empresas exportadoras de arándanos frescos de la Región La Libertad están relacionadas directamente con el desempeño exportador hacia el mercado de Estados Unidos en el periodo 2018 – 2020, tomando en cuenta como fuente de medición la estrategia de diferenciación desarrollada por Porter (1982). Para el estudio, se aplicó una investigación mixta, con un diseño no probabilístico y análisis descriptivo correlacional. Asimismo, para la recolección de información cualitativa se realizó entrevistas semiestructuradas a 11 expertos del sector agroexportador y en negocios internacionales, dichos entrevistados son representantes de entidades públicas como PROMPERÚ, DIRCETUR, MINAGRI, MINCETUR, representantes de gremios como la Asociación de Gremios Productores Agrarios del Perú (AGAP) y la Cámara de Comercio de Lima (CCL). Dichas entrevistas fueron transcritas, codificadas y analizadas en el programa Atlas Ti. Por otro lado, para el desarrollo cuantitativo se realizaron 33 encuestas, además, se utilizó el software SPSS para realizar el coeficiente estadístico de Rho Spearman, con el cual se obtuvo como resultado que las variables estrategia de diferenciación y desempeño exportador no están relacionadas para el caso de las empresas exportadoras de arándanos frescos de la Región La Libertad en el periodo 2018-2020. Por último, se procedió a discutir los resultados obtenidos y se concluyó que las actividades o acciones diferenciadoras consideradas por las empresas exportadoras de arándanos frescos de la Región La Libertad en el periodo 2018-2020 son requisitos que exige el sector y los clientes extranjeros.The main objective of this research is to determine whether the differentiation strategy used by the exporting companies of fresh blueberries from the La Libertad Region are directly related to the export performance to the United States market in the period 2018 - 2020, taking into account as measurement source the differentiation strategy developed by Porter (1982). For the study, a mixed investigation was applied, with a non-probabilistic design and correlational descriptive analysis. Likewise, for the collection of qualitative information, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 experts from the agro-export sector and in international business, said interviewees are representatives of public entities such as PROMPERÚ, DIRCETUR, MINAGRI, MINCETUR, representatives of unions such as the Asociación de Guildios Productores Agrarios del Peru (AGAP) and the Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL). These interviews were transcribed, coded and analyzed in the Atlas Ti program. On the other hand, for the quantitative development, 33 surveys were carried out, in addition, the SPSS software was used to perform the Rho Spearman statistical coefficient, with which it was obtained as a result that the variables differentiation strategy and export performance are not related to the case of fresh blueberry exporting companies in the La Libertad Region in the 2018-2020 period. Finally, the results obtained were discussed and it was concluded that the differentiating activities or actions considered by the companies exporting fresh blueberries from the La Libertad Region in the 2018-2020 period are requirements demanded by the sector and foreign clients.Tesi

    Manual de auditoria de la red física y lógica en la dirección nic.ni

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    Presenta una auditoría de redes de computadoras en el nic.ni aplicando el marco de gobierno de las tecnologías de la información Cobit con el propósito de examinar la operatividad del sistema, verificar el cumplimiento de las medidas de seguridad y de control

    Demand Response Implementation in an Optimization Based SCADA Model Under Real-Time Pricing Schemes

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    Advancement of renewable energy resources, development of smart grids, and the effectiveness of demand response programs, can be considered as solutions to deal with the rising of energy consumption. However, there is no benefit if the consumers do not have enough automation infrastructure to use the facilities. Since the entire kinds of buildings have a massive portion in electricity usage, equipping them with optimization-based systems can be very effective. For this purpose, this paper proposes an optimization-based model implemented in a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, and Multi Agent System. This optimization model is based on power reduction of air conditioners and lighting systems of an office building with respect to the price-based demand response programs, such as real-time pricing. The proposed system utilizes several agents associated with the different distributed based controller devices in order to perform decision making locally and communicate with other agents to fulfill the overall system’s goal. In the case study of the paper, the proposed system is used in order to show the cost reduction in the energy bill of the building, while it respects the user preferences and comfort level.The present work was done and funded in the scope of the following projects: H2020 DREAM-GO Project (Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 641794); Project GREEDI (ANI|P2020 17822); and UID/EEA/00760/2013 funded by FEDER Funds through COMPETE program and by National Funds through FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Criterios para la implementación de la norma ISO 14001:2015 Estudio de caso sector cafetero-cultivo de café.

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    Criterios para la implementación de la norma ISO 14001:2015 Estudio de caso sector cafetero-cultivo de café.El sector cafetero es uno de los más importantes, representativos y conocidos de la economía nacional, el café colombiano goza de gran prestigio por sus calidades y cualidades únicas, los ingresos económicos son de billones de pesos al año y los beneficios sociales en cuanto a dependencia del cultivo se refiere, se calcula en más de medio millón de familias en todo el país de forma directa. Sin embargo, este sector, en lo que tiene que ver con la etapa del cultivo del grano, genera grandes afectaciones de orden ambiental, representadas en impactos a los componentes suelo, agua y aire, algunas de grandes magnitudes y de relevancia significativa ambientalmente hablando. En este trabajo, mediante el estudio de caso de un cultivo de café, se identificaron algunos de los impactos más representativos que esta actividad genera en cada una de las etapas de producción, evidenciando que, en el beneficio húmedo del grano, es donde se presentan las mayores afectaciones al medio. Una vez realizado el diagnostico de esta actividad, se establecen algunos criterios para la implementación de la norma ISO 14001-2015, en cuanto al alcance, requerimientos mínimos de tipo normativo y acciones de mejora requeridas, que permitan proveer a la organización el marco de referencia necesario, para lograr la mitigación y control de los impactos, el cumplimiento de las normas y la protección del medio ambiente, sin el perjuicio de sus objetivos financieros propuestos.The coffee sector is one of the most important, representative and known of the national economy, Colombian coffee has great prestige for its qualities and unique qualities, economic income is billions of pesos a year and social benefits in terms of dependence of cultivation, it is calculated in more than half a million families throughout the country directly. However, this sector, in what has to do with the stage of the cultivation of the grain, generates large impacts of environmental order, represented in impacts to the soil, water and air components, some of great magnitudes and of significant environmental relevance. In this work, through the case study of a coffee crop, some of the most representative impacts that this activity generates in each of the production stages were identified, evidencing that, in the wet benefit of the grain, it is where they are presented the greatest effects on the environment. Once the diagnosis of this activity has been made, some criteria are established for the implementation of the ISO 14001-2015 standard, in terms of scope, minimum regulatory requirements and required improvement actions, which allow the organization to provide the reference framework necessary, to achieve the mitigation and control of the impacts, the compliance with the rules and the protection of the environment, without prejudice to its proposed financial objectives

    Factores domiciliarios asociados con la presencia de hidatidosis humana en tres comunidades rurales de Junín, Perú

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    Introduction. Hydatid disease, a zoonosis caused by the larval stage of the parasite Echinococcus granulosus, is a public health problem at national level, especially in those regions dedicated to raising livestock. By now, there are many factors, at individual level, that have been associated to the infection by E. granulosus; nevertheless there is not any previous report that explore the association between household characteristics and the presence of the disease among household members. Objective. To explore the association between household characteristics and the presence of hydatid disease among household members. Material and methods. We performed a cross-sectional study in the households of 3 rural communities located in Junín, we evaluated the association between household characteristics and the presence of hydatid disease by multiple logistic regression (MLR). Results. from 417 evaluated households, 56 (13%) of them had at least one positive case among its members. Multivariate analysis showed that households with three or more members, located in the community with the lowest quintile of poverty, that reported raising livestock, and with evaluation coverage greater than 25% were more likely to have at least one positive case among its members. Conclusion. The observed characteristics be taken into account in the preliminary definition of high-risk subgroups, optimizing the use of resources and improving the effectiveness of screening programs. Introducción. La hidatidosis, zoonosis producida por el estadio larvario de la taenia Echinococcus granulosus, es un problema de salud pública a nivel nacional, en especial en aquellas regiones dedicadas a la crianza de ganado. A la fecha, se han descrito factores, a nivel individual, asociados con la infección por E. granulosus; sin embargo, no se encontró reporte previo que explore la asociación entre características de la vivienda y la presencia de esta enfermedad en alguno de sus miembros. Objetivos. Explorar la asociación entre las características de la vivienda y la presencia de hidatidosis entre las personas que la habitan. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal en viviendas de tres comunidades rurales de Junín. Se evaluó el grado de asociación entre las características de la vivienda y la presencia de hidatidosis en el hogar mediante un análisis de regresión logística múltiple (RLM). Resultados. De un total de 417 viviendas evaluadas, 56 (13%) de ellas tenían al menos un caso positivo entre sus miembros; luego del análisis de RLM se observó que aquellas viviendas con más de tres miembros, localizadas en la comunidad con quintil de pobreza más bajo, que refirieron crianza de animales, y con una cobertura de evaluación mayor al 25% presentaron una mayor probabilidad de tener al menos un caso de positivo entre sus miembros. Conclusión. Las características observadas deben ser tomadas en cuenta para la determinación preliminar de subgrupos de alto riesgo, optimizando así el uso de los recursos y mejorando la eficacia de los programas de despistaje

    The effectiveness of anaerobic digestion in removing estrogens and nonylphenol ethoxylates

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Journal of Hazardous Materials. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2011 Elsevier B.V.The fate and behaviour of two groups of endocrine disrupting chemicals, steroid estrogens and nonylphenol ethoxylates, have been evaluated during the anaerobic digestion of primary and mixed sewage sludge under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. Digestion occurred over six retention times, in laboratory scale reactors, treating sludges collected from a sewage treatment works in the United Kingdom. It has been established that sludge concentrations of both groups of compounds demonstrated temporal variations and that concentrations in mixed sludge were influenced by the presence of waste activated sludge as a result of transformations during aerobic treatment. The biodegradation of total steroid estrogens was >50% during primary sludge digestion with lower removals observed for mixed sludge, which reflected bulk organic solids removal efficiencies. The removal of nonylphenol ethoxylates was greater in mixed sludge digestion (>58%) compared with primary sludge digestion and did not reflect bulk organic removal efficiencies. It is apparent that anaerobic digestion reduces the concentrations of these compounds, and would therefore be expected to confer a degree of protection against exposure and transfer of both groups of compounds to the receiving/re-use environment.Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, and EPSRC

    Dominican Children with HIV not Receiving Antiretrovirals: Massage Therapy Influences their Behavior and Development

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    Forty-eight children (M age = 4.8 years) infected with HIV/AIDS and living in the Dominican Republic were randomly assigned to a massage therapy or a play session control group. The children in the massage therapy group received two weekly 20-min massages for 12 weeks; the children in the control group participated in a play session (coloring, playing with blocks) for the same duration and length as the massage therapy group. Overall, the children in the massage therapy group improved in self-help abilities and communication, suggesting that massage therapy may enhance daily functioning for children with HIV/AIDS. Moreover, the HIV infected children who were six or older also showed a decrease in internalizing behaviors; specifically depressive/anxious behaviors and negative thoughts were reduced. Additionally, baseline assessments revealed IQ equivalence below normal functioning for 70% of the HIV infected children and very high incidences of mood problems (depression, withdrawn) for 40% of the children and anxiety problems for 20% of the children, suggesting the need for better monitoring and alternative interventions in countries with limited resources to improve cognition and the mental health status of children infected with HIV/AIDS

    Ventilación mecánica domiciliaria en pediatría. Presentación de un caso / Mechanical ventilation at home in pediatrics. A case report

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    Introducción: el sistema de apoyo ventilatorio domiciliario es una alternativa para el tratamiento de los pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria crónica grave. Objetivo: presentar un escolar de 6 años de edad, con una enfermedad de Werding Hoffman, con asistencia respiratoria artificial desde los 5 meses de edad y hace 2 años con ventilación mecánica domiciliaria. Método: se revisa y actualiza la bibliografía sobre ventilación mecánica domiciliaria en edades pediátricas y enfermedad de Werding Hofman. Se presenta un niño varón: de 6 años de edad que ingresa a los 5 meses de edad, en el servicio de Cuidados intensivos del Hospital pediátrico provincial docente «Pepe Portilla» de Pinar del Río con una insuficiencia respiratoria crónica, el cual requiere ventilación mecánica, durante 4 años en el hospital, sin complicaciones y desde hace 2 años en su hogar con ventilación domiciliaria. Discusión: La ventilación domiciliaria es un método seguro y necesario para niños con insuficiencia respiratoria crónica de carácter grave, esto ha beneficiado la evolución favorable de este niño al que se le asigna una enfermera de cuidados intensivos durante 8 horas diarias, además se entrena a la madre como cuidadora en los procederes necesarios para mantener en su hogar la ventilación.Palabras clave: RESPIRACIÓN ARTIFICIAL/clasificación, INSUFICIENCIA RESPIRATORIA/diagnóstico, NIÑOS CON DISCAPACIDAD.ABSTRACTIntroduction: ventilatory Support System at home is an alternative to treat patients with severe chronic respiratory failure. Objective: to present a 6 year-old school boy suffering from Werdnig Hoffman Disease, with artificial ventilation since he was 5 months old and for the last 2 years with mechanical ventilation at home. Patient and method: medical literature on home mechanical ventilation in pediatric patients and Werdnig Hoffman Disease is updated and reviewed. A 6 year old male child was admitted at 5 months of age in the intensive care unit at "Pepe Portilla" Children Provincial Hospital in Pinar del Rio with chronic respiratory failure, requiring mechanical ventilation for 4 years in the hospital, without complications, and during 2 years at home with ventilation. He was assigned an intensive care nurse for 8 hours; his mother was also trained as a caregiver in the necessary procedures to maintain ventilation at home.Key words: ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION/classification, RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY/diagnosis, DISABLED CHILDREN

    Ventilación mecánica domiciliaria en pediatría. Presentación de un caso / Mechanical ventilation at home in pediatrics. A case report

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    Introducción: el sistema de apoyo ventilatorio domiciliario es una alternativa para el tratamiento de los pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria crónica grave. Objetivo: presentar un escolar de 6 años de edad, con una enfermedad de Werding Hoffman, con asistencia respiratoria artificial desde los 5 meses de edad y hace 2 años con ventilación mecánica domiciliaria. Método: se revisa y actualiza la bibliografía sobre ventilación mecánica domiciliaria en edades pediátricas y enfermedad de Werding Hofman. Se presenta un niño varón: de 6 años de edad que ingresa a los 5 meses de edad, en el servicio de Cuidados intensivos del Hospital pediátrico provincial docente «Pepe Portilla» de Pinar del Río con una insuficiencia respiratoria crónica, el cual requiere ventilación mecánica, durante 4 años en el hospital, sin complicaciones y desde hace 2 años en su hogar con ventilación domiciliaria. Discusión: La ventilación domiciliaria es un método seguro y necesario para niños con insuficiencia respiratoria crónica de carácter grave, esto ha beneficiado la evolución favorable de este niño al que se le asigna una enfermera de cuidados intensivos durante 8 horas diarias, además se entrena a la madre como cuidadora en los procederes necesarios para mantener en su hogar la ventilación.Palabras clave: RESPIRACIÓN ARTIFICIAL/clasificación, INSUFICIENCIA RESPIRATORIA/diagnóstico, NIÑOS CON DISCAPACIDAD.ABSTRACTIntroduction: ventilatory Support System at home is an alternative to treat patients with severe chronic respiratory failure. Objective: to present a 6 year-old school boy suffering from Werdnig Hoffman Disease, with artificial ventilation since he was 5 months old and for the last 2 years with mechanical ventilation at home. Patient and method: medical literature on home mechanical ventilation in pediatric patients and Werdnig Hoffman Disease is updated and reviewed. A 6 year old male child was admitted at 5 months of age in the intensive care unit at "Pepe Portilla" Children Provincial Hospital in Pinar del Rio with chronic respiratory failure, requiring mechanical ventilation for 4 years in the hospital, without complications, and during 2 years at home with ventilation. He was assigned an intensive care nurse for 8 hours; his mother was also trained as a caregiver in the necessary procedures to maintain ventilation at home.Key words: ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION/classification, RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY/diagnosis, DISABLED CHILDREN