1,235 research outputs found

    High Zn content of Randall's plaque: A μ-X-ray fluorescence investigation

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    Kidney stone disease, or nephrolithiasis, is a common ailment. Among the different risk factors usually associated with nephrolithiasis are dehydration, metabolic defects (especially with regard to calcium and oxalate). The presence of a mineral deposit at the surface of the renal papilla (termed Randall's plaque) has all been recently underlined. Of note, Randall's plaque is made of the calcium phosphate, carbapatite, and serves as a nucleus for kidney stone formation. The process by which apatite nanocrystals nucleate and form Randall's plaque remains unclear. This paper deals with the possible relationship between trace elements and the formation of this mineral. The investigation has been performed on a set of Randall's plaques, extracted from human kidney stones, through μ-X-ray diffraction and μ-X-ray fluorescence analyses in order to determine the chemical composition of the plaque as well as the nature and the amount of trace elements. Our data provide evidence that Zn levels are dramatically increased in carbapatite of RP by comparison to carbapatite in kidney stones, suggesting that calcified deposits within the medullar interstitium are a pathological process involving a tissue reaction. Further studies, perhaps including the investigation of biomarkers for inflammation, are necessary for clarifying the role of Zn in Randall's plaque formation

    Langues sub-étatiques et principes du droit : la dialectique de l’épreuve réciproque

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    La pluralité de l’expression idiomatique intra-nationale a été appréhendée diversement par les droits nationaux et international. Cette circonstance a partiellement expliqué le caractère tardif de la définition des langues infra-étatiques. Selon la Charte européenne sur les langues régionales ou minoritaires (ci-après la Charte) du 5 novembre 1992, “ pratiquées traditionnellement sur un territoire d’un Etat ” par ses ressortissants constituant “ un groupe numériquement inférieur au reste de l..

    Effectiveness and efficiency of a practice accreditation program on cardiovascular risk management in primary care: study protocol of a clustered randomized trial

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular risk management is largely provided in primary healthcare, but not all patients with established cardiovascular diseases receive preventive treatment as recommended. Accreditation of healthcare organizations has been introduced across the world with a range of aims, including the improvement of clinical processes and outcomes. The Dutch College of General Practitioners has launched a program for accreditation of primary care practices, which focuses on chronic illness care. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of a practice accreditation program, focusing on patients with established cardiovascular diseases. METHODS/DESIGN: We have planned a two-arm cluster randomized trial with a block design. Seventy primary care practices will be recruited from those who volunteer to participate in the practice accreditation program. Primary care practices will be the unit of randomization. A computer list of random numbers will be generated by an independent statistician. The intervention group (n = 35 practices) will be instructed to focus improvement on cardiovascular risk management. The control group will be instructed to focus improvement on other domains in the first year of the program. Baseline and follow-up measurements at 12 months after receiving the accreditation certificate are based on a standardized version of the audit in the practice accreditation program. Primary outcomes include controlled blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and prescription of recommended preventive medication. Secondary outcomes are 15 process indicators and two outcome indicators of cardiovascular risk management, self-reported achievement of improvement goals and perceived unintended consequences. The intention to treat analysis is statistically powered to detect a difference of 10% on primary outcomes. The economic evaluation aims to determine the efficiency of the program and investigates the relationship between costs, performance indicators, and accreditation. DISCUSSION: It is important to gain more information about the effectiveness and efficiency of the practice accreditation program to assess if participation is worthwhile regarding the quality of cardiovascular risk management. The results of this study will help to develop the practice accreditation program for primary care practices. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This cluster randomized trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov nr NCT0079136

    Environmental spatial data classification with Support Vector Machines

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    The report deals with a first application of Support Vector Machines to the environmental spatial data classification. The simplest problem of classification is considered: using original data develop a model for the classification of the regions to be below or above some predefined level of contamination. Thus, we pose a problem as a pattern recognition task. The report presents 1) short description of Support Vector Machines (SVM) and 2) application of the SVM for spatial (environmental and pollution ) data analysis and modelling. SVM are based on the developments of V. Vapnik's Statistical Learning Theory [1]. The ideas of SVM are very attractive both for research and applications. It was shown that they are efficient and work well in many applications. In the present study SVM were applied to the real case studies with spatial data and compared with geostatistical methods like indicator kriging. SVMs with different kernels were applied (radial basis functions - RBF, polynomial kernels, hyperbolic tangents). The basic results have been obtained with local RBF kernels. It was shown that optimal bandwidth of kernel can be chosen by minimising testing error. Real data on sediments pollution in the Geneva Lake were used

    Evaluation of the metallic contamination degree in green turtle's feeding area Lanzanillo-Pajonal-Fragoso, Cuba.

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    The present work evaluates the contamination level by metallic elements in the marine sediments of Lanzanillo-Pajonal-Fragoso Wildlife Refuge, Villa Clara province, Cuba. Eight sampling stations were selected and the levels of Cr were quantified by X-Ray Fluorescence and Zn, Cu, Cd, Fe, Pb, Ni, Mn and Co by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The chemical pre-treatment of the samples was carried out following the modified ISO 11466 standard method and some validation parameters of the analytical technique were evaluated, showed the accuracy and feasibility of the method. To evaluate the study area contamination the International Sediment Quality Guide of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and four environmental contamination indexes were used: two enrichment indexes (the enrichment factor and the geoaccumulation index), an ecological risk index (the average ratio of moderate risk effects), and a contamination index (the modified degree of contamination). The results showed that the elements representing the greatest risk are Ni and Cr, since they exceed the concentration that causes Moderate Biological Effects. According to the evaluated indexes, it can be concluded that there is a presence of anthropogenic contamination in the protected area that may be affecting the turtle’s health due to the stress that they cause in them. The site of highest risk was Jácate and the element that more contribute to the metallic contamination is Cr, although significant values were obtained for Ni, Co and Fe.This research was supported by The Ocean Foundation and Turtle Hospital of Marathon, Florida. We especially want to acknowledge the efforts of the field technicians and volunteers that helped collect field data during the study

    Direct solar FTIR measurements of CO2_2 and HCl in the plume of Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico

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    Volcanic CO2_2 emissions inventories have great importance in the understanding of the geological carbon cycle. Volcanoes provide the primary pathway for solid-earth volatiles to reach the Earth’s atmosphere and have the potential to significantly contribute to the carbon-climate feedback. Volcanic carbon emissions (both passive and eruptive degassing) included in inventories, largely stem from patchy surface measurements that suffer from difficulties in removing the atmospheric background. With a 27-year-long ongoing open-vent eruption, Popocatépetl ranks as one of the highest permanent volcanic CO2_2 emitters worldwide and provides an excellent natural laboratory to design and experiment with new remote sensing methods for volcanic gas emission measurements. Since October 2012, infrared spectra at different spectral regions have been recorded with a solar occultation FTIR spectrometer. The near-infrared spectra allow for high precision measurements of CO2_2 and HCl columns. Under favorable conditions, the continuous observations during sunrise allow the reconstruction of a plume cross-section of HCl and the estimation of the emission flux using wind data. Despite that the detection of CO2_2 is more challenging, on April 26th, 2015 we captured a volcanic plume under favourable wind conditions which allowed us to reconstruct from this particular event a CO2_2 emission rate of 116.10 ± 17.2 kg/s. The volcanic HCl emission on this event was the highest detected during the 2012-2016 period. An annual average CO2_2 emission estimate of (41.2 ± 16.7) kg/s ((1.30 ± 0.53) Tg/yr) could be determined from a statistical treatment of the detected CO2_2 and HCl columns in the IR spectra, and their corresponding molecular ratios, during this period. A total of 25 events were used to derive a mean CO2_2/HCl molecule ratio of 11.4 ± 4.4 and an average HCl emission rate of (3.0 ± 0.3) kg/s could be determined. The CO2_2 emissions of Popocatépetl were found to be around 0.32% of the total anthropogenic CO2_2 emissions reported in the country and 3.6% of those corresponding to the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). CO2_2 emissions from the Popocatépetl volcano can be considered to play a negligible role in the global CO2_2 budget, but should be taken into account

    Diseño de aplicación móvil como propuesta de manual terapéutico farmacológico, para automedicación responsable, dirigida a la población nicaragüense, Agosto 2021–Abril 2022

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    La automedicación se ha definido como el consumo de medicamentos, hierbas o remedios caseros por iniciativa propia o por consejo de otra persona, sin consultar con el médico. Esta práctica es un tema controvertido, debido a que existen personas que la rechazan, argumentando los daños que puede generar a la sociedad el uso indiscriminado y sin orientación médica de los medicamentos; y personas que la defienden, aduciendo que es la forma de optimizar y equiparar la atención en salud a toda la población. El presente estudio se realizó en el Barrio Altagracia Managua durante el periodo de agosto 2021- abril 2022, teniendo por finalidad conocer el diseño de una aplicación móvil como propuesta de manual terapéutico farmacológico, para automedicación responsable. De acuerdo con la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la automedicación responsable es la práctica mediante la cual los individuos tratan sus enfermedades y condiciones con medicamentos que están probados y disponibles sin prescripción, y que son seguros y efectivos cuando se usan según las indicaciones. Señala también la OMS que la automedicación responsable requiere de: Medicamentos que tengan seguridad, calidad y eficacia probadas. Se realiza un estudio de tipo descriptivo-cualitativo, utilizando la fórmula para población finita dando una muestra de 306 personas mayores de 18 años, por medio de este estudio se pudo alcanzar el objetivo propuesto para demostrar el grado de aceptación de la aplicación móvil Medi-R en la población en estudio, indicando que el 80% aceptó la propuesta y dijeron que si utilizarían la aplicación móvil, porque es más rápido el acceso a la información y tiene familiares que consumen diversos medicamentos, sin saber las reacciones de los mismos y un 20% de rechazo, porque consideraron que el cuidado de la salud debe evaluarse de manera presencial por profesionales de la salud y los adultos mayores argumentaron no poder utilizar los dispositivos inteligentes y padecer de problemas en la vista por lo que no la utilizaría

    Ação do ultrassom modo contínuo no aumento do transporte de azul de metileno em ovos de codorna "Nothura maculosa": modelo experimental

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    A radiação ultrassônica é um recurso fisioterapêutico utilizado para acelerar a reorganização de um tecido que tenha sofrido algum tipo de dano. O propósito deste estudo foi verificar o comportamento da permeabilidade em ovos de codorna (Nothura maculosa) sob a aplicação do ultrassom (US) subaquático em solução de azul de metileno (AM). O estudo foi composto por 3 grupos: (A) controle com 2 ovos; (B) irradiado com US e, posteriormente, aberto para controle fotográfico e histográfico com 3 ovos; e (C), também com 3 ovos, irradiado com US e somente aberto após 24 horas. A passagem do AM obteve seu transporte potencializado, atingindo, assim, o objetivo proposto por este estudo. Os ovos que passaram pela irradiação de US tiveram picos de pixels maiores nas faixas que compreendem o azul, já o grupo controle teve seu pico nas faixas de pixels relacionadas próximas à cor preta. A placa VIII (grupo C), que foi irradiada por US e mantida no AM por 24 horas, teve seu pico na faixa 128 com 1728 pixels, sendo o  mais próximo da faixa de pico do  histograma do copo de AM (faixa número 187 com 2265 pixels). Conclui-se que o ovo de codorna banhado por AM apresenta uma coloração azulada, devido ao aumento da permeabilidade pela aplicação do US

    The design of the Dutch EASYcare study: a randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness of a problem-based community intervention model for frail elderly people [NCT00105378]

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    BACKGROUND: Because of their complex clinical presentations and needs frail elderly people require another approach than people who age without many complications. Several inpatient geriatric health services have proven effectiveness in frail persons. However, the wish to live independently and policies that promote independent living as an answer to population aging call for community intervention models for frail elderly people. Maybe models such as preventive home visits, comprehensive geriatric assessment, and intermediate care qualify, but their efficacy is controversial, especially in frail elderly persons living in the community. With the Dutch EASYcare Study Geriatric Intervention Programme (DGIP) we developed a model to study effectiveness of problem based community intervention models in frail elderly people. METHODS/DESIGN: DGIP is a community intervention model for frail elderly persons where the GP refers elderly patients with a problem in cognition, mood, behaviour, mobility, and nutrition. A geriatric specialist nurse applies a guideline-based intervention with a limited number of follow up visits. The intervention starts with the application of the EASYcare instrument for geriatric screening. The EASYcare instrument assesses (instrumental) activities of daily life, cognition, mood, and includes a goal setting item. During the intervention the nurse regularly consults the referring GP and a geriatrician. Effects on functional performance (Groningen Activity Restriction Scale), health related quality of life (MOS-20), and carer burden (Zarit Burden Interview) are studied in an observer blinded randomised controlled trial. 151 participants were randomised over two treatment arms – DGIP and regular care – using pseudo cluster randomisation. We are currently performing the follow up visits. These visits are planned three and six months after inclusion. Process measures and cost measures will be recorded. Intention to treat analyses will focus on post intervention differences between treatment groups. DISCUSSION: The design of a trial evaluating the effects of a community intervention model for frail elderly people was presented. The problem-based participant selection procedure satisfied; few patients that the GP referred did not meet our eligibility criteria. The use of standard terminology makes detailed insight into the contents of our intervention possible using terminology others can understand well