17 research outputs found

    Fiber optic civil structure monitoring system

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    A civil structure monitoring system based on fiber Bragg grating technology is presented. A complete set of new transducers, both for concrete and steel monitoring, is designed, fabricated, and successfully checked both in laboratory and in-field conditions

    Expression and Localization of Phospho enol

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    Structural and functional analysis of the Kid toxin protein from E-coli plasmid R1

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    We have determined the structure of Kid toxin protein from E. coli plasmid R1 involved in stable plasmid inheritance by postsegregational killing of plasmid-less daughter cells. Kid forms a two-component system with its antagonist, Kis antitoxin. Our 1.4 Å crystal structure of Kid reveals a 2-fold symmetric dimer that closely resembles the DNA gyrase-inhibitory toxin protein CcdB from E. coli F plasmid despite the lack of any notable sequence similarity. Analysis of nontoxic mutants of Kid suggests a target interaction interface associated with toxicity that is in marked contrast to that proposed for CcdB. A possible region for interaction of Kid with the antitoxin is proposed that overlaps with the target binding site and may explain the mode of antitoxin action