1,523 research outputs found

    Two Body Relaxation in Simulated Cosmological Haloes

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    This paper aims at quantifying discreetness effects, born of finite particle number, on the dynamics of dark matter haloes forming in the context of cosmological simulations. By generalising the standard calculation of two body relaxation to the case when the size and mass distribution are variable, and parametrising the time evolution using established empirical relations, we find that the dynamics of a million particle halo is noise-dominated within the inner percent of the final virial radius. Far larger particle numbers (~ 10^8) are required for the RMS perturbations to the velocity to drop to the 10 % level there. The radial scaling of the relaxation time is simple and strong: t_relax ~ r^2, implying that numbers >> 10^8 are required to faithfully model the very inner regions; artificial relaxation may thus constitute an important factor, contributing to the contradictory claims concerning the persistence of a power law density cusp to the very centre. The cores of substructure haloes can be many relaxation times old. Since relaxation first causes their expansion before recontraction occurs, it may render them either more difficult or easier to disrupt, depending on their orbital parameters. It may thus modify the characteristics of the subhalo distribution and effects of interactions with the parent. We derive simple closed form formulas for the characteristic relaxation times, as well as for the weak N-scaling reported by Diemand et al. when the main contribution comes from relaxing subhaloes (abridged).Comment: 11 Pages, 7 figs, Monthly Notices styl

    The coupling between the core/cusp and missing satellite problems

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    We calculate the energy that baryons must inject in cold dark matter (CDM) haloes in order to remove centrally-divergent DM cusps on scales relevant to observations of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs). We estimate that the CDM haloes often associated with the Milky Way's dSphs (M_vir/M_\odot \sim 10^{9-10}) require \Delta E/erg \sim 10^{53-55} in order to form cores on scales comparable to the luminous size of these galaxies. While supernova type II (SNeII) explosions can in principle generate this energy, the actual contribution is limited by the low star formation efficiency implied by the abundance of luminous satellites. Considering that CDM's well-known `core/cusp' and `missing satellite' problems place opposing demands on star formation efficiencies, existing observational evidences for large cores in the most luminous dSphs require that CDM models invoke some combination of the following: (i) efficient (of order unity) coupling of SNeII energy into dark matter particles, (ii) star formation histories peaking at unexpectedly high redshifts (z>6), (iii) a top-heavy stellar IMF, and/or (iv) substantial satellite disruption or other stochastic effects to ease the substructure abundance constraints. Our models show that the tension between CDM problems on small scales would increase if cored DM profiles were to be found in fainter dwarves.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters. Minor changes to match published versio

    Parkinson's disease medication alters small intestinal motility and microbiota composition in healthy rats

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is known to be associated with altered gastrointestinal function and microbiota composition. To date, the effect of PD medication on the gastrointestinal function and microbiota, at the site of drug absorption, the small intestine, has not been studied, although it may represent an important confounder in reported microbiota alterations observed in PD patients. To this end, healthy (non-PD) wild-type Groningen rats were employed and treated with dopamine, pramipexole (in combination with levodopa-carbidopa), or ropinirole (in combination with levodopa-carbidopa) for 14 sequential days. Rats treated with dopamine agonists showed a significant reduction in small intestinal motility and an increase in bacterial overgrowth in the distal small intestine. Notably, significant alterations in microbial taxa were observed between the treated and vehicle groups; analogous to the changes previously reported in human PD versus healthy control microbiota studies. These microbial changes included an increase in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium and a decrease in Lachnospiraceae and Prevotellaceae. Markedly, certain Lactobacillus species correlated negatively with levodopa levels in the systemic circulation, potentially affecting the bioavailability of levodopa. Overall, the study highlights a significant effect of PD medication intrinsically on disease-associated comorbidities, including gastrointestinal dysfunction and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, as well as the gut microbiota composition. The results urge future studies to take into account the influence of PD medication per se when seeking to identify microbiota-related biomarkers for PD. IMPORTANCE Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder and is known to be associated with altered gastrointestinal function and microbiota composition. We previously showed that the gut bacteria harboring tyrosine decarboxylase enzymes interfere with levodopa, the main treatment for PD (S. P. van Kessel, A. K. Frye, A. O. El-Gendy, M. Castejon, A. Keshavarzian, G. van Dijk, and S. El Aidy, Nat Commun 10:310, 2019). Although PD medication could be an important confounder in the reported alterations, its effect, apart from the disease itself, on the microbiota composition or the gastrointestinal function at the site of drug absorption, the small intestine, has not been studied. The findings presented here show a significant impact of commonly prescribed PD medication on the small intestinal motility, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and microbiota composition, irrespective of the PD. Remarkably, we observed negative associations between bacterial species harboring tyrosine decarboxylase activity and levodopa levels in the systemic circulation, potentially affecting the bioavailability of levodopa. Overall, this study shows that PD medication is an important factor in determining gastrointestinal motility and, in turn, microbiota composition and may, partly, explain the differential abundant taxa previously reported in the cross-sectional PD microbiota human studies. The results urge future studies to take into account the influence of PD medication on gut motility and microbiota composition when seeking to identify microbiota-related biomarkers for PD

    Galactic halo cusp-core: tidal compression in mergers

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    We explain in simple terms how the buildup of dark haloes by merging compact satellites, as in the CDM cosmology, inevitably leads to an inner cusp of density profile ρrα\rho \propto r^{-\alpha} with \alpha \gsim 1, as seen in cosmological N-body simulations. A flatter halo core with α<1\alpha <1 exerts on the satellites tidal compression in all directions, which prevents deposit of stripped satellite material in the core region. This makes the satellite orbits decay from the radius where α1\alpha \sim 1 to the halo centre with no local tidal mass transfer and thus causes a rapid steepening of the inner profile to α>1\alpha >1. These tidal effects, the resultant steepening of the profile to a cusp, and the stability of this cusp to tandem mergers with compact satellites, are demonstrated using N-body simulations. The transition at α1\alpha \sim 1 is then addressed using toy models in the limiting cases of impulse and adiabatic approximations and using tidal radii for satellites on radial and circular orbits. In an associated paper we address the subsequent slow convergence from either side to an asymptotic stable cusp with \alpha \gsim 1. Our analysis thus implies that an inner cusp is enforced when small haloes are typically more compact than larger haloes, as in the CDM scenario, such that enough satellite material makes it intact into the inner halo and is deposited there. We conclude that a necessary condition for maintaining a flat core, as indicated by observations, is that the inner regions of the CDM satellite haloes be puffed up by about 50% such that when they merge into a bigger halo they would be disrupted outside the halo core. This puffing up could be due to baryonic feedback processes in small haloes, which may be stimulated by the tidal compression in the halo cores.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, mn2e.cls, some revisions, MNRAS in pres

    A profile in FIRE: resolving the radial distributions of satellite galaxies in the Local Group with simulations

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    While many tensions between Local Group (LG) satellite galaxies and LCDM cosmology have been alleviated through recent cosmological simulations, the spatial distribution of satellites remains an important test of physical models and physical versus numerical disruption in simulations. Using the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in baryonic simulations, we examine the radial distributions of satellites with Mstar > 10^5 Msun around 8 isolated Milky Way- (MW) mass host galaxies and 4 hosts in LG-like pairs. We demonstrate that these simulations resolve the survival and physical destruction of satellites with Mstar >~ 10^5 Msun. The simulations broadly agree with LG observations, spanning the radial profiles around the MW and M31. This agreement does not depend strongly on satellite mass, even at distances <~ 100 kpc. Host-to-host variation dominates the scatter in satellite counts within 300 kpc of the hosts, while time variation dominates scatter within 50 kpc. More massive host galaxies within our sample have fewer satellites at small distances, likely because of enhanced tidal destruction of satellites via the baryonic disks of host galaxies. Furthermore, we quantify and provide fits to the tidal depletion of subhalos in baryonic relative to dark matter-only simulations as a function of distance. Our simulated profiles imply observational incompleteness in the LG even at Mstar >~ 10^5 Msun: we predict 2-10 such satellites to be discovered around the MW and possibly 6-9 around M31. To provide cosmological context, we compare our results with the radial profiles of satellites around MW analogs in the SAGA survey, finding that our simulations are broadly consistent with most SAGA systems.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, plus appendices. Main results in figures 2, 3, and 4. Accepted versio

    Dynamical friction for accelerated motion in a gaseous medium

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    Dynamical friction arises from the interaction of a perturber and the gravitational wake it excites in the ambient medium. This interaction is usually derived assuming that the perturber has a constant velocity. In realistic situations, motion is accelerated as for instance by dynamical friction itself. Here, we study the effect of acceleration on the dynamical friction force. We characterize the density enhancement associated with a constantly accelerating perturber with rectilinear motion in an infinite homogeneous gaseous medium and show that dynamical friction is not a local force and that its amplitude may depend on the perturber's initial velocity. The force on an accelerating perturber is maximal between Mach 1 and Mach 2, where it is smaller than the corresponding uniform motion friction. In the limit where the perturber's size is much smaller than the distance needed to change the Mach number by unity through acceleration, a subsonic perturber feels a force similar to uniform motion friction only if its past history does not include supersonic episodes. Once an accelerating perturber reaches large supersonic speeds, accelerated motion friction is marginally stronger than uniform motion friction. The force on a decelerating supersonic perturber is weaker than uniform motion friction as the velocity decreases to a few times the sound speed. Dynamical friction on a decelerating subsonic perturber with an initial Mach number larger than 2 is much larger than uniform motion friction and tends to a finite value as the velocity vanishes in contrast to uniform motion friction.Comment: Published in MNRAS. Revised version (minor typos corrected

    Dark and luminous satellites of LMC-mass galaxies in the FIRE simulations

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    Within lambda cold dark matter (CDM), dwarf galaxies like the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are expected to host numerous dark matter subhaloes, several of which should host faint dwarf companions. Recent Gaia proper motions confirm new members of the LMC system in addition to the previously known SMC, including two classical dwarf galaxies (M∗ &gt; 105 M; Carina and Fornax) as well as several ultrafaint dwarfs (Car2, Car3, Hor1, and Hyd1). We use the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) simulations to study the dark and luminous (down to ultrafaint masses, M∗ ∼6×103 M) substructure population of isolated LMC-mass hosts (M200m = 1–3×1011 M) and place the Gaia + DES results in a cosmological context. By comparing number counts of subhaloes in simulations with and without baryons, we find that, within 0.2 r200m, LMC-mass hosts deplete ∼30 per cent of their substructure, significantly lower than the ∼70 per cent of substructure depleted by Milky Way (MW) mass hosts. For our highest resolution runs (mbary = 880 M), ∼ 5–10 subhaloes form galaxies with M∗ ≥ 104 M , in agreement with the seven observationally inferred pre-infall LMC companions. However, we find steeper simulated luminosity functions than observed, hinting at observation incompleteness at the faint end. The predicted DM content for classical satellites in FIRE agrees with observed estimates for Carina and Fornax, supporting the case for an LMC association. We predict that tidal stripping within the LMC potential lowers the inner dark matter density of ultrafaint companions of the LMC. Thus, in addition to their orbital consistency, the low densities of dwarfs Car2, Hyd1, and Hyd2 reinforce their likelihood of Magellanic association

    Star formation histories of dwarf galaxies in the FIRE simulations: dependence on mass and Local Group environment

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    We study star formation histories (SFHs) of 500\simeq500 dwarf galaxies (stellar mass M=105109MM_\ast = 10^5 - 10^9\,M_\odot) from FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations. We compare dwarfs around individual Milky Way (MW)-mass galaxies, dwarfs in Local Group (LG)-like environments, and true field (i.e. isolated) dwarf galaxies. We reproduce observed trends wherein higher-mass dwarfs quench later (if at all), regardless of environment. We also identify differences between the environments, both in terms of "satellite vs. central" and "LG vs. individual MWvs. isolated dwarf central." Around the individual MW-mass hosts, we recover the result expected from environmental quenching: central galaxies in the "near field" have more extended SFHs than their satellite counterparts, with the former more closely resemble isolated ("true field") dwarfs (though near-field centrals are still somewhat earlier forming). However, this difference is muted in the LG-like environments, where both near-field centrals and satellites have similar SFHs, which resemble satellites of single MW-mass hosts. This distinction is strongest for M=106107MM_\ast = 10^6 - 10^7\,M_\odot but exists at other masses. Our results suggest that the paired halo nature of the LG may regulate star formation in dwarf galaxies even beyond the virial radii of the MW and Andromeda. Caution is needed when comparing zoom-in simulations targeting isolated dwarf galaxies against observed dwarf galaxies in the LG.Comment: Main text: 11 pages, 8 figures; appendices: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to MNRAS; comments welcom

    A detailed statistical analysis of the mass profiles of galaxy clusters

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    The distribution of mass in the halos of galaxies and galaxy clusters has been probed observationally, theoretically, and in numerical simulations. Yet there is still confusion about which of several suggested parameterized models is the better representation, and whether these models are universal. We use the temperature and density profiles of the intracluster medium as measured by X-ray observations of 11 relaxed galaxy clusters to investigate mass models for the halo using a thorough Bayesian statistical analysis. We make careful comparisons between two- and three-parameter models, including the issue of a universal third parameter. We find that, of the two-parameter models, the NFW is the best representation, but we also find moderate statistical evidence that a generalized three-parameter NFW model with a freely varying inner slope is preferred, despite penalizing against the extra degree of freedom. There is a strong indication that this inner slope needs to be determined for each cluster individually, i.e. some clusters have central cores and others have steep cusps. The mass-concentration relation of our sample is in reasonable agreement with predictions based on numerical simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ. Matches accepted versio