198 research outputs found

    Field experimental evidence of sandy beach community changes in response to artificial light at night (ALAN)

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    Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a pervasive but still under-recognized driver of global change. In coastal settings, a large majority of the studies assessing ALAN impacts has focused on individual species, even though it is unclear whether results gathered from single species can be used to predict community-wide responses. Similarly, these studies often treat species as single life-stage entities, ignoring the variation associated with distinct life stages. This study addresses both limitations by focusing on the effects of ALAN on a sandy beach community consisting of species with distinct early- and late-life stages. Our hypothesis was that ALAN alters community structure and these changes are mediated by individual species and also by their ontogenetic stages. A field experiment was conducted in a sandy beach of north-central Chile using an artificial LED system. Samples were collected at different night hours (8-levels in total) across the intertidal (9-levels) over several days in November and January (austral spring and summer seasons). The abundance of adults of all species was significantly lower in ALAN treatments. Early stages of isopods showed the same pattern, but the opposite was observed for the early stages of the other two species. Clear differences were detected in the zonation of these species during natural darkness versus those exposed to ALAN, with some adult-juvenile differences in this response. These results support our hypothesis and document a series of changes affecting differentially both early and late life stages of these species, and ultimately, the structure of the entire community. Although the effects described correspond to short-term responses, more persistent effects are likely to occur if ALAN sources become established as permanent features in sandy beaches. The worldwide growth of ALAN suggests that the scope of its effect will continue to grow and represents a concern for sandy beach systems

    Dynamical Boson Stars

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    The idea of stable, localized bundles of energy has strong appeal as a model for particles. In the 1950s John Wheeler envisioned such bundles as smooth configurations of electromagnetic energy that he called {\em geons}, but none were found. Instead, particle-like solutions were found in the late 1960s with the addition of a scalar field, and these were given the name {\em boson stars}. Since then, boson stars find use in a wide variety of models as sources of dark matter, as black hole mimickers, in simple models of binary systems, and as a tool in finding black holes in higher dimensions with only a single killing vector. We discuss important varieties of boson stars, their dynamic properties, and some of their uses, concentrating on recent efforts.Comment: 79 pages, 25 figures, invited review for Living Reviews in Relativity; major revision in 201

    Frequency of sequence mutations and variants for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in a sample of Colombian women with suspected hereditary breast cancer syndrome: case series

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    Objetivo: describir variantes de secuencia en los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 en una muestra de pacien­tes colombianas con historia personal o familiar de cáncer de mama sugestiva de riesgo genético. Materiales y métodos: serie de casos compuesta por 67 pacientes que fueron remitidas para estu­dio genético por sospecha de síndrome de cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario (HBOC). De los 67 casos, 42 (62,7%) cumplieron con los criterios de indicación médica de la National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) del 2013, y en ellos se realizó secuenciación completa de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2. Se determinó la frecuencia de mutación, variantes de secuencia y significancia clínica de las variantes halladas con base en Breast Cancer Informa-tion Core (BIC). Resultados: se identificaron mutaciones para el gen BRCA1 en seis pacientes (14,3%), no se docu­mentó mutación para el gen BRCA2, además se detectaron 43 variantes genéticas en 27 pacientes (64,2% de 42 casos). De estas, 21 (48,8%) fueron identificadas en el gen BRCA1 y 22 (51,2%) en el gen BRCA2.Dentro de estas variantes, se identi­ficaron 5 mutaciones patogénicas solo en el gen BRCA1, de las cuales solo una había sido reportada previamente en Colombia. Conclusiones: este estudio identifica variantes genéticas patogénicas en el gen BRCA1no descritas en estudios previos en la población colombiana y otras conocidas en diferentes poblaciones; permi­tiendo de esta forma ampliar el conocimiento sobre las variantes en población colombiana de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2. Sin embargo, se requieren más es­tudios con suficiente poder y calidad metodológica para poder estimar la frecuencia de mutaciones y de variantes de secuencia para estos genes en mujeres colombianas con sospecha de síndrome de cáncer de mama u ovario hereditario.Objective: To describe sequence variants in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in a sample of Colombian patients with a personal or family histor y of breast cancer suggestive of genetic risk. Materials and methods: Case series consisting of 67 patients referred for genetic testing because of suspected hereditar y breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC). Of the 67 cases, 42 (62.7%) met the medical indication criteria of the 2013 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and they were subjected to the entire sequencing of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. A determination was made of the frequency of sequence mutation, variants, and of the clinical significance of the variants found based on the Breast Cancer Information Core (BIC). Results: Mutations were identified for the BRCA 1 gene in six patients (14.3%), no mutation was documented for the BRCA 2 gene, and 43 genetic variants were found in 27 patients (64.2% of 42 cases). Of these, 21 (48.8%) were identified in the BRCA1 gene and 22 (51.2%) in the BRCA 2 gene. Among these variants, 5 pathogenic mutations were found only in the BRCA1 gene and, of those, only 1 had been reported previously in Colombia.Conclusions: This study identifies pathogenic genetic variants in the BRCA1 gene not described previously in the Colombian population, as well as others known in different populations. Therefore, it helps expand knowledge regarding the variants of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in the Colom­bian population. However, additional studies are required with sufficient power and methodologi­cal quality to estimate the frequency of sequence mutations and variants for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Colombian women suspected of having the hereditar y breast or ovarian cancer syndrome

    Brucella abortus Uses a Stealthy Strategy to Avoid Activation of the Innate Immune System during the Onset of Infection

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    To unravel the strategy by which Brucella abortus establishes chronic infections, we explored its early interaction with innate immunity. Methodology/Principal Findings Brucella did not induce proinflammatory responses as demonstrated by the absence of leukocyte recruitment, humoral or cellular blood changes in mice. Brucella hampered neutrophil (PMN) function and PMN depletion did not influence the course of infection. Brucella barely induced proinflammatory cytokines and consumed complement, and was strongly resistant to bactericidal peptides, PMN extracts and serum. Brucella LPS (BrLPS), NH-polysaccharides, cyclic glucans, outer membrane fragments or disrupted bacterial cells displayed low biological activity in mice and cells. The lack of proinflammatory responses was not due to conspicuous inhibitory mechanisms mediated by the invading Brucella or its products. When activated 24 h post-infection macrophages did not kill Brucella, indicating that the replication niche was not fusiogenic with lysosomes. Brucella intracellular replication did not interrupt the cell cycle or caused cytotoxicity in WT, TLR4 and TLR2 knockout cells. TNF-α-induction was TLR4- and TLR2-dependent for live but not for killed B. abortus. However, intracellular replication in TLR4, TLR2 and TLR4/2 knockout cells was not altered and the infection course and anti-Brucella immunity development upon BrLPS injection was unaffected in TLR4 mutant mice. Conclusion/Significance We propose that Brucella has developed a stealth strategy through PAMPs reduction, modification and hiding, ensuring by this manner low stimulatory activity and toxicity for cells. This strategy allows Brucella to reach its replication niche before activation of antimicrobial mechanisms by adaptive immunity. This model is consistent with clinical profiles observed in humans and natural hosts at the onset of infection and could be valid for those intracellular pathogens phylogenetically related to Brucella that also cause long lasting infections

    DNA Vaccines against Dengue Virus Type 2 Based on Truncate Envelope Protein or Its Domain III

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    Two DNA vaccines were constructed encoding the ectodomain (domains I, II and III) of the DENV2 envelope protein (pE1D2) or only its domain III (pE2D2), fused to the human tissue plasminogen activator signal peptide (t-PA). The expression and secretion of recombinant proteins was confirmed in vitro in BHK cells transfected with the two plasmids, detected by immunofluorescence or immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled gene products, using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against DENV2. Besides, results reveal that the ectodomain of the E protein can be efficiently expressed in vivo, in a mammalian system, without the prM protein that is hypothesized to act as a chaperonin during dengue infection. Balb/c mice were immunized with the DNA vaccines and challenged with a lethal dose of DENV2. All pE1D2-vaccinated mice survived challenge, while 45% of animals immunized with the pE2D2 died after infection. Furthermore, only 10% of pE1D2-immunized mice presented some clinical signs of infection after challenge, whereas most of animals inoculated with the pE2D2 showed effects of the disease with high morbidity degrees. Levels of neutralizing antibodies were significantly higher in pE1D2-vaccinated mice than in pE2D2-immunized animals, also suggesting that the pE1D2 vaccine was more protective than the pE2D2

    A Severe Lack of Evidence Limits Effective Conservation of the World's Primates

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    Threats to biodiversity are well documented. However, to effectively conserve species and their habitats, we need to know which conservation interventions do (or do not) work. Evidence-based conservation evaluates interventions within a scientific framework. The Conservation Evidence project has summarized thousands of studies testing conservation interventions and compiled these as synopses for various habitats and taxa. In the present article, we analyzed the interventions assessed in the primate synopsis and compared these with other taxa. We found that despite intensive efforts to study primates and the extensive threats they face, less than 1% of primate studies evaluated conservation effectiveness. The studies often lacked quantitative data, failed to undertake postimplementation monitoring of populations or individuals, or implemented several interventions at once. Furthermore, the studies were biased toward specific taxa, geographic regions, and interventions. We describe barriers for testing primate conservation interventions and propose actions to improve the conservation evidence base to protect this endangered and globally important taxon

    Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). VI. Distribution of the Small Organics HCN, C2H, and H2CO

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    Small organic molecules, such as C2H, HCN, and H2CO, are tracers of the C, N, and O budget in protoplanetary disks. We present high-angular-resolution (10–50 au) observations of C2H, HCN, and H2CO lines in five protoplanetary disks from the Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) ALMA Large Program. We derive column density and excitation temperature profiles for HCN and C2H, and find that the HCN emission arises in a temperate (20–30 K) layer in the disk, while C2H is present in relatively warmer (20–60 K) layers. In the case of HD 163296, we find a decrease in column density for HCN and C2H inside one of the dust gaps near ∼83 au, where a planet has been proposed to be located. We derive H2CO column density profiles assuming temperatures between 20 and 50 K, and find slightly higher column densities in the colder disks around T Tauri stars than around Herbig Ae stars. The H2CO column densities rise near the location of the CO snowline and/or millimeter dust edge, suggesting an efficient release of H2CO ices in the outer disk. Finally, we find that the inner 50 au of these disks are rich in organic species, with abundances relative to water that are similar to cometary values. Comets could therefore deliver water and key organics to future planets in these disks, similar to what might have happened here on Earth. This paper is part of the MAPS special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement

    Singular Location and Signaling Profile of Adenosine A2A-Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Heteromers in the Dorsal Striatum

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    The dorsal striatum is a key node for many neurobiological processes such as motor activity, cognitive functions, and affective processes. The proper functioning of striatal neurons relies critically on metabotropic receptors. Specifically, the main adenosine and endocannabinoid receptors present in the striatum, ie, adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) and cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R), are of pivotal importance in the control of neuronal excitability. Facilitatory and inhibitory functional interactions between striatal A2AR and CB1R have been reported, and evidence supports that this cross-talk may rely, at least in part, on the formation of A2AR-CB1R heteromeric complexes. However, the specific location and properties of these heteromers have remained largely unknown. Here, by using techniques that allowed a precise visualization of the heteromers in situ in combination with sophisticated genetically-modified animal models, together with biochemical and pharmacological approaches, we provide a high resolution expression map and a detailed functional characterization of A2AR-CB1R heteromers in the dorsal striatum. Specifically, our data unveil that the A2AR-CB1R heteromer (i) is essentially absent from corticostriatal projections and striatonigral neurons, and, instead, is largely present in striatopallidal neurons, (ii) displays a striking G protein-coupled signaling profile, where co-stimulation of both receptors leads to strongly reduced downstream signaling, and (iii) undergoes an unprecedented dysfunction in Huntington’s disease, an archetypal disease that affects striatal neurons. Altogether, our findings may open a new conceptual framework to understand the role of coordinated adenosine-endocannabinoid signaling in the indirect striatal pathway, which may be relevant in motor function and neurodegenerative diseases