45 research outputs found

    D-string fluid in conifold: II. Matrix model for D-droplets on S^{3} and S^{2}

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    Motivated by similarities between Fractional Quantum Hall (FQH) systems and aspects of topological string theory on conifold, we continue in the present paper our previous study (hep-th/0604001, hep-th/0601020) concerning FQH droplets on conifold. Here we focus our attention on the conifold sub-varieties S3\mathbb{S}^{3}\textbf{\}and\textbf{\}S2\mathbb{S}^{2} and study the non commutative quantum dynamics of D1 branes wrapped on a circle. We give a matrix model proposal for FQH droplets of NN point like particles on S3\mathbb{S}^{3}\textbf{\}and\textbf{\}S2\mathbb{S}^{2} with filling fraction Îœ=1k\nu =\frac{1}{k}. We show that the ground state of droplets on S3% \mathbb{S}^{3} carries an isospin j=kN(N−1)2j=k\frac{N(N-1)}{2} and gives remarkably rise to 2j+12j+1 droplets on S2\mathbb{S}^{2} with Cartan-Weyl charge ∣jzâˆŁâ‰€j| j_{z}| \leq j.Comment: 25 pages, one figur

    NC Calabi-Yau Manifolds in Toric Varieties with NC Torus fibration

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    Using the algebraic geometry method of Berenstein and Leigh (BL), hep-th/0009209 and hep-th/0105229), and considering singular toric varieties Vd+1{\cal V}_{d+1} with NC irrational torus fibration, we construct NC extensions Md(nc){\cal M}_{d}^{(nc)} of complex d dimension Calabi-Yau (CY) manifolds embedded in Vd+1(nc){\cal V}_{d+1}^{(nc)}. We give realizations of the NC C∗r\mathbf{C}^{\ast r} toric group, derive the constraint eqs for NC Calabi-Yau (NCCY) manifolds Mdnc{\cal M}^{nc}_d embedded in Vd+1nc{\cal V}_{d+1}^{nc} and work out solutions for their generators. We study fractional DD branes at singularities and show that, due to the complete reducibility property of C∗r\mathbf{C}^{\ast r} group representations, there is an infinite number of non compact fractional branes at fixed points of the NC toric group.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figur

    On Non Commutative Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces

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    Using the algebraic geometry method of Berenstein et al (hep-th/0005087), we reconsider the derivation of the non commutative quintic algebra Anc(5){\mathcal{A}}_{nc}(5) and derive new representations by choosing different sets of Calabi-Yau charges Cia{C_{i}^{a}}. Next we extend these results to higher dd complex dimension non commutative Calabi-Yau hypersurface algebras Anc(d+2){\mathcal{A}}_{nc}(d+2). We derive and solve the set of constraint eqs carrying the non commutative structure in terms of Calabi-Yau charges and discrete torsion. Finally we construct the representations of Anc(d+2){\mathcal{A}}_{nc}(d+2) preserving manifestly the Calabi-Yau condition ∑iCia=0 \sum_{i}C_{i}^{a}=0 and give comments on the non commutative subalgebras.Comment: 16 pages, Latex. One more subsection on fractional branes, one reference and minor changes are added. To appear in Phy. Let.

    Black Holes in Type IIA String on Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Affine ADE Geometries and q-Deformed 2d Quiver Gauge Theories

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    Motivated by studies on 4d black holes and q-deformed 2d Yang Mills theory, and borrowing ideas from compact geometry of the blowing up of affine ADE singularities, we build a class of local Calabi-Yau threefolds (CY^{3}) extending the local 2-torus model \mathcal{O}(m)\oplus \mathcal{O}(-m)\to T^{2\text{}} considered in hep-th/0406058 to test OSV conjecture. We first study toric realizations of T^{2} and then build a toric representation of X_{3} using intersections of local Calabi-Yau threefolds \mathcal{O}(m)\oplus \mathcal{O}(-m-2)\to \mathbb{P}^{1}. We develop the 2d \mathcal{N}=2 linear \sigma-model for this class of toric CY^{3}s. Then we use these local backgrounds to study partition function of 4d black holes in type IIA string theory and the underlying q-deformed 2d quiver gauge theories. We also make comments on 4d black holes obtained from D-branes wrapping cycles in \mathcal{O}(\mathbf{m}) \oplus \mathcal{O}(\mathbf{-m-2}%) \to \mathcal{B}_{k} with \mathbf{m=}(m_{1},...,m_{k}) a k-dim integer vector and \mathcal{B}_{k} a compact complex one dimension base consisting of the intersection of k 2-spheres S_{i}^{2} with generic intersection matrix I_{ij}. We give as well the explicit expression of the q-deformed path integral measure of the partition function of the 2d quiver gauge theory in terms of I_{ij}.Comment: 36 pages, latex, 9 figures. References adde

    Geometric Engineering of N=2 CFT_{4}s based on Indefinite Singularities: Hyperbolic Case

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    Using Katz, Klemm and Vafa geometric engineering method of N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetric QFT4_{4}s and results on the classification of generalized Cartan matrices of Kac-Moody (KM) algebras, we study the un-explored class of N=2\mathcal{N}=2 CFT4_{4}s based on \textit{indefinite} singularities. We show that the vanishing condition for the general expression of holomorphic beta function of N=2\mathcal{N}=2 quiver gauge QFT4_{4}s coincides exactly with the fundamental classification theorem of KM algebras. Explicit solutions are derived for mirror geometries of CY threefolds with \textit{% hyperbolic} singularities.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, minor change

    Lieb-Robinson Bounds for Harmonic and Anharmonic Lattice Systems

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    We prove Lieb-Robinson bounds for the dynamics of systems with an infinite dimensional Hilbert space and generated by unbounded Hamiltonians. In particular, we consider quantum harmonic and certain anharmonic lattice systems

    Monte Carlo simulation of magnetic phase transitions in Mn doped ZnO

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    The magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnO semi-conductor have been investigated using the Monte Carlo method within the Ising model. The temperature dependences of the spontaneous magnetization, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility have been constructed for different concentrations of magnetic dopant Mn and different carrier concentrations. The exact values of Mn concentration and carrier concentration at which high temperature transition occurs are determined. An alternative for the explanation of some controversies concerning the existence and the nature of magnetism in Mn diluted in ZnO systems is given. Other features are also studied.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, To appear in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material

    NC Effective Gauge Model for Multilayer FQH States

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    We develop an effective field model for describing FQH states with rational filling factors that are not of Laughlin type. These kinds of systems, which concern single layer hierarchical states and multilayer ones, were observed experimentally; but have not yet a satisfactory non commutative effective field description like in the case of Susskind model. Using DD brane analysis and fiber bundle techniques, we first classify such states in terms of representations characterized, amongst others, by the filling factor of the layers; but also by proper subgroups of the underlying U(n)U(n) gauge symmetry. Multilayer states in the lowest Landau level are interpreted in terms of systems of D2D2 branes; but hierarchical ones are realized as Fiber bundles on D2D2 which we construct explicitly. In this picture, Jain and Haldane series are recovered as special cases and have a remarkable interpretation in terms of Fiber bundles with specific intersection matrices. We also derive the general NC commutative effective field and matrix models for FQH states, extending Susskind theory, and give the general expression of the rational filling factors as well as their non abelian gauge symmetries.Comment: 54 pages 11 figures, LaTe

    From orthosymplectic structure to super topological matter

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    Topological supermatter is given by ordinary topological matter constrained by supersymmetry or graded supergroups such as OSP(2N|2N). Using results on super oscillators and lattice QFTd, we construct a super tight binding model on hypercubic super lattice with supercharge Q=∑kFˆk.qk.Bˆk. We first show that the algebraic triplet (Ω,G,J) of super oscillators can be derived from the OSp(2N|2N) supergroup containing the symplectic Sp(2N) and the orthogonal SO(2N) as even subgroups. Then, we apply the obtained result on super oscillating matter to super bands and investigate its topological obstructions protected by TPC symmetries. We also give a classification of the Bose/Fermi coupling matrix qk in terms of subgroups of OSp(2N|2N) and show that there are 2PN (partition of N) classes qk given by unitary subgroups of U(2)×U(N). Other features are also given