468 research outputs found

    Concise gene signature for point‐of‐care classification of tuberculosis

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    There is an urgent need for new tools to combat the ongoing tuberculosis (TB) pandemic. Gene expression profiles based on blood signatures have proved useful in identifying genes that enable classification of TB patients, but have thus far been complex. Using real‐time PCR analysis, we evaluated the expression profiles from a large panel of genes in TB patients and healthy individuals in an Indian cohort. Classification models were built and validated for their capacity to discriminate samples from TB patients and controls within this cohort and on external independent gene expression datasets. A combination of only four genes distinguished TB patients from healthy individuals in both cross‐validations and on separate validation datasets with very high accuracy. An external validation on two distinct cohorts using a real‐time PCR setting confirmed the predictive power of this 4‐gene tool reaching sensitivity scores of 88% with a specificity of around 75%. Moreover, this gene signature demonstrated good classification power in HIV (+) populations and also between TB and several other pulmonary diseases. Here we present proof of concept that our 4‐gene signature and the top classifier genes from our models provide excellent candidates for the development of molecular point‐of‐care TB diagnosis in endemic areas

    Določanje benzodiazepinov v urinu preko benzofenonskih derivatov z uporabo tekočinske kromatografije sklopljene s tandemsko masno spektrometrijo

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    The aim of this study was to validate a new method for determining benzodiazepines in urine via their benzophenone derivatives, based on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Selected benzodiazepines were analysed after acid hydrolysis of urine and extraction by ethyl acetate in the presence of an internal standard. Samples were analysed using electrospray ionization LC-MS/MS in a multiple reaction monitoring mode. The chromatographic run time on a reversed phase C18 analytical column was set for 9 min. This method was validated in 21 patients receiving methadone. Benzodiazepines intake was established in two out of three patients. LC-MS/MS results were also compared with the rapid immunoassay and the methods showed good agreement. However, in three cases benzodiazepines were detected by LC-MS/MS, but not by the immunoassay. The sensitivity of the developed LC-MS/MS method is comparable to or even higher than of previously reported methods, which makes it suitable as a confi rmatory method.Razvili smo selektivno in občutljivo metodo za določanje nekaterih benzodiazepinov v urinu preko določanja njihovih benzofenonov. Metoda temelji na tekočinski kromatografi ji, sklopljeni s tandemsko masno spektrometrijo (LC-MS/MS). Izbrane benzodiazepine smo analizirali po kisli hidrolizi urinskih vzorcev in ekstrakciji z etilacetatom v prisotnosti internega standarda. Vzorce smo analizirali z elektrorazprơevalno ionizacijo z MRM načinom detekcije. Čas kromatografske ločbe na reverznofazni (C18) analitski koloni je bil 9 min. Metoda je bila validirana in preizkuơena na 21 pacientih, ki so prejemali metadonsko terapijo. Pri dveh tretjinah primerov je bil vnos benzodiazepinov tudi potrjen. Vzorce smo testirali tudi s hitro imunokemijsko metodo in rezultate primerjali z rezultati pridobljenimi z LC-MS/MS metodo. Ugotovili smo dobro ujemanje med rezultati pridobljenimi z obe a metodama. Kljub temu smo v treh primerih določili prisotnost benzodiazepinov z LC-MS/MS metodo, ki je z imunokemijsko metodo nismo. Občutljivost razvite metode je primerljiva ali celo boljơa od predhodno opisanih metod, zato jo lahko uporabimo kot potrditveno metodo

    A Q-methodological study of 'smoking identities'

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    publication-status: Publishedtypes: ArticleIn contrast to the psychological literature on adolescent smoking, little research has investigated the social identities of adult smokers. This study aimed to identify shared ‘smoking identities’ amongst a sample of 64 British smokers from different socio-economic groups using Q-methodology. Participants were asked to sort 70 items concerning smoking and smokers according to their agreement/disagreement with them. The 64 Q-sorts were then subjected to a by-person factor analysis yielding six factors, with the first four interpretable factors being presented here. Each factor is understood to represent a distinct ‘identity position’. The first two, the ‘addicted’ smoker, and the ‘in control’ smoker, oriented around a biomedical model of smoking as an addictive health risk. The final two, the ‘no big deal’ smoker and the ‘proud’ smoker reflected alternative understandings and values. The identity positions also differed in the extent to which smoking was considered a core part of self-identity. Unpacking the ‘smoking identities’ of current smokers offers the opportunity to devise targeted health promotion.Economic and Social Research Counci

    Mechanistic and "natural" body metaphors and their effects on attitudes to hormonal contraception

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    A small, self-selected convenience sample of male and female contraceptive users in the United Kingdom (n = 34) were interviewed between 2006 and 2008 concerning their feelings about the body and their contraceptive attitudes and experiences. The interviewees were a sub-sample of respondents (n = 188) who completed a paper-based questionnaire on similar topics, who were recruited through a poster placed in a family planning clinic, web-based advertisements on workplace and university websites, and through direct approaches to social groups. The bodily metaphors used when discussing contraception were analyzed using an interpretative phenomenological analytical approach facilitated by Atlas.ti software. The dominant bodily metaphor was mechanistic (i.e.,"body as machine"). A subordinate but influential bodily metaphor was the "natural" body, which had connotations of connection to nature and a quasi-sacred bodily order. Interviewees drew upon this "natural" metaphorical image in the context of discussing their anxieties about hormonal contraception. Drawing upon a "natural," non-mechanistic body image in the context of contraceptive decision-making contributed to reluctance to use a hormonal form of contraception. This research suggests that clinicians could improve communication and advice about contraception by recognizing that some users may draw upon non-mechanistic body imagery

    Multiplexing siRNAs to compress RNAi-based screen size in human cells

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    Here we describe a novel strategy using multiplexes of synthetic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) corresponding to multiple gene targets in order to compress RNA interference (RNAi) screen size. Before investigating the practical use of this strategy, we first characterized the gene-specific RNAi induced by a large subset (258 siRNAs, 129 genes) of the entire siRNA library used in this study (∌800 siRNAs, ∌400 genes). We next demonstrated that multiplexed siRNAs could silence at least six genes to the same degree as when the genes were targeted individually. The entire library was then used in a screen in which randomly multiplexed siRNAs were assayed for their affect on cell viability. Using this strategy, several gene targets that influenced the viability of a breast cancer cell line were identified. This study suggests that the screening of randomly multiplexed siRNAs may provide an important avenue towards the identification of candidate gene targets for downstream functional analyses and may also be useful for the rapid identification of positive controls for use in novel assay systems. This approach is likely to be especially applicable where assay costs or platform limitations are prohibitive

    Influence of family and friend smoking on intentions to smoke and smoking-related attitudes and refusal self-efficacy among 9-10 year old children from deprived neighbourhoods: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking often starts in early adolescence and addiction can occur rapidly. For effective smoking prevention there is a need to identify at risk groups of preadolescent children and whether gender-specific intervention components are necessary. This study aimed to examine associations between mother, father, sibling and friend smoking and cognitive vulnerability to smoking among preadolescent children living in deprived neighbourhoods. METHODS: Cross-sectional data was collected from 9-10 year old children (n =1143; 50.7% girls; 85.6% White British) from 43 primary schools in Merseyside, England. Children completed a questionnaire that assessed their smoking-related behaviour, intentions, attitudes, and refusal self-efficacy, as well as parent, sibling and friend smoking. Data for boys and girls were analysed separately using multilevel linear and logistic regression models, adjusting for individual cognitions and school and deprivation level. RESULTS: Compared to girls, boys had lower non-smoking intentions (P = 0.02), refusal self-efficacy (P = 0.04) and were less likely to agree that smoking is 'definitely' bad for health (P < 0.01). Friend smoking was negatively associated with non-smoking intentions in girls (P < 0.01) and boys (P < 0.01), and with refusal self-efficacy in girls (P < 0.01). Sibling smoking was negatively associated with non-smoking intentions in girls (P < 0.01) but a positive association was found in boys (P = 0.02). Boys who had a smoking friend were less likely to 'definitely' believe that the smoke from other people's cigarettes is harmful (OR 0.57, 95% CI: 0.35 to 0.91, P = 0.02). Further, boys with a smoking friend (OR 0.38, 95% CI: 0.21 to 0.69, P < 0.01) or a smoking sibling (OR 0.45, 95% CI: 0.21 to 0.98) were less likely to 'definitely' believe that smoking is bad for health. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that sibling and friend smoking may represent important influences on 9-10 year old children's cognitive vulnerability toward smoking. Whilst some differential findings by gender were observed, these may not be sufficient to warrant separate prevention interventions. However, further research is needed

    Seasonal patterns of suicides over the period of socio-economic transition in Lithuania

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    BACKGROUND: In Lithuania, suicides are a grave public health problem, requiring more extensive investigation. The aim of the study was to assess the seasonal variations of suicides in Lithuania throughout the years 1993–2002, describing patterns by gender, age and method of suicide. METHODS: The study material consisted of all registered suicides (n = 16,147) committed throughout 1993–2002 in Lithuania. Smoothed trends were inspected. The seasonal effect was explored using monthly ratio statistics and spectral analysis. RESULTS: Suicides in Lithuania have a distinct annual rhythm with peaks in summer and troughs in December. The December frequencies fell by more than 23% in men and 30% in women, while June peak reached nearly 23% in men and July peak exceeded 29% in women, compare with the average levels, (p < 0.05). Hanging was the most common method of suicide both in men and women comprising up to 90% among all suicides in 1998–2002. Among different methods, only hanging suicides showed significant seasonal variations, especially in men. The seasonal amplitude has decreased over time. CONCLUSION: Substantial seasonal variations in suicides were associated with a high proportion of hanging. Extremely high suicide rates in Lithuania require further extensive studies and urgent preventive programs, taking into account the suggestions of this survey

    Environmental Factors in the Relapse and Recurrence of Inflammatory Bowel Disease:A Review of the Literature

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    The causes of relapse in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are largely unknown. This paper reviews the epidemiological and clinical data on how medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogens and antibiotics), lifestyle factors (smoking, psychological stress, diet and air pollution) may precipitate clinical relapses and recurrence. Potential biological mechanisms include: increasing thrombotic tendency, imbalances in prostaglandin synthesis, alterations in the composition of gut microbiota, and mucosal damage causing increased permeability

    Use of RNAlater in fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) reduces the fluorescence from GFP but not from DsRed

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Flow cytometry utilizes signals from fluorescent markers to separate targeted cell populations for gene expression studies. However, the stress of the FACS process could change normal gene expression profiles. RNAlater could be used to stop such changes in original gene expression profiles through its ability to denature RNase and other proteins. The normal conformational structure of fluorescent proteins must be maintained in order to fluoresce. Whether or not RNAlater would affect signals from different types of intrinsic fluorescent proteins is crucial to its use in flow cytometry; this question has not been investigated in detail.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>To address this question, we analyzed the effect of RNAlater on fluorescence intensity of GFP, YFP, DsRed and small fluorescent molecules attached to secondary antibodies (Cy2 and Texas-Red) when used in flow cytometry. FACS results were confirmed with fluorescence microscopy. Our results showed that exposure of YFP and GFP containing cells to RNAlater reduces the intensity of their fluorescence to such an extent that separation of such labeled cells is difficult if not impossible. In contrast, signals from DsRed2, Cy2 and Texas-Red were not affected by RNAlater treatment. In addition, the background fluorescence and clumping of dissociated cells are altered by RNAlater treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>When considering gene expression studies using cell sorting with RNAlater, DsRed is the fluorescent protein of choice while GFP/YFP have severe limitations because of their reduced fluorescence. It is necessary to examine the effects of RNAlater on signals from fluorescent markers and the physical properties (e.g., clumping) of the cells before considering its use in cell sorting.</p

    Deprescribing benzodiazepines and Z-drugs in community-dwelling adults: a scoping review

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