34 research outputs found

    Video monitoring of neovessel occlusion induced by photodynamic therapy with verteporfin (Visudyne®), in the CAM model

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    The aim of the present study was to monitor photodynamic angioocclusion with verteporfin in capillaries. Details of this process were recorded under a microscope in real-time using a high-sensitivity video camera. A procedure was developed based on intravenous (i.v.) injection of a light-activated drug, Visudyne®, into the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of a 12-day-old chicken embryo. The effect of light activation was probed after 24h by i.v. injection of a fluorescent dye (FITC dextran), and analysis of its fluorescence distribution. The angioocclusive effect was graded based on the size of the occluded vessels, and these results were compared with clinical observations. The time-resolved thrombus formation taking place in a fraction of the field of view was video recorded using a Peltier-cooled CCD camera. This vessel occlusion in the CAM model was reproducible and, in many ways, similar to that observed in the clinical use of verteporfin. The real-time video recording permitted the monitoring of platelet aggregation and revealed size-selective vascular closure as well as some degree of vasoconstriction. Platelets accumulated at intravascular junctions within seconds after verteporfin light activation, and capillaries were found to be closed 15min later at the applied conditions. Larger-diameter vessels remained patent. Repetition of these data with a much more sensitive camera revealed occlusion of the treated area after 5min with doses of verteporfin and light similar to those used clinically. Consequently, newly developed light-activated drugs can now be studied under clinically relevant condition

    Vascular regrowth following photodynamic therapy in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) induces damage to the endothelium, which can lead to increased vascular permeability and, under intensive PDT conditions, even to platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, and blood flow stasis. Eventually, ischemia, hypoxia, and inflammation can occur, resulting in angiogenesis. We studied the sequence of the vascular events after Visudyne®-PDT in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) at day 11 of development. Using epi-fluorescence microscopy, we monitored the regrowth of capillaries in the PDT treated area. Immediately after irradiation, the treatment resulted in blood flow arrest. And 24 h post PDT, sprouting of new blood vessels was observed at the edge of the PDT zone. Neovessels looping out from the edge of the PDT zone gave rise to specialized endothelial tip structures guiding the vessels towards the center of the treated area. At 48 h almost all of the treated area was repopulated with functional but morphologically altered vasculature. These observations also showed reperfusion of some of the vessels that had been closed by the PDT treatment. CAM samples were immunohistochemically stained for Ki-67 showing proliferation of endothelial cells in the PDT area. Also, several markers of immature and angiogenic blood vessels, such as αVβ3-integrin, vimentin and galectin-1, were found to be enhanced in the PDT area, while the endothelial maturation marker intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 was found to be suppressed. These results demonstrate that the new vascular bed is formed by both neo-angiogenesis and reperfusion of existing vessels. Both the quantitative real-time RT–PCR profile and the response to pharmacological treatment with Avastin®, an inhibitor of angiogenesis, suggest that angiogenesis occurs after PDT. The observed molecular profiling results and the kinetics of gene regulation may enable optimizing combination therapies involving PDT for treatment of cancer and other diseases

    Video monitoring of neovessel occlusion induced by photodynamic therapy with verteporfin (Visudyne®), in the CAM model

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    The aim of the present study was to monitor photodynamic angioocclusion with verteporfin in capillaries. Details of this process were recorded under a microscope in real-time using a high-sensitivity video camera. A procedure was developed based on intravenous (i.v.) injection of a light-activated drug, Visudyne®, into the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of a 12-day-old chicken embryo. The effect of light activation was probed after 24 h by i.v. injection of a fluorescent dye (FITC dextran), and analysis of its fluorescence distribution. The angioocclusive effect was graded based on the size of the occluded vessels, and these results were compared with clinical observations. The time-resolved thrombus formation taking place in a fraction of the field of view was video recorded using a Peltier-cooled CCD camera. This vessel occlusion in the CAM model was reproducible and, in many ways, similar to that observed in the clinical use of verteporfin. The real-time video recording permitted the monitoring of platelet aggregation and revealed size-selective vascular closure as well as some degree of vasoconstriction. Platelets accumulated at intravascular junctions within seconds after verteporfin light activation, and capillaries were found to be closed 15 min later at the applied conditions. Larger-diameter vessels remained patent. Repetition of these data with a much more sensitive camera revealed occlusion of the treated area after 5 min with doses of verteporfin and light similar to those used clinically. Consequently, newly developed light-activated drugs can now be studied under clinically relevant conditions

    Consensus guidelines for the use and interpretation of angiogenesis assays

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    The formation of new blood vessels, or angiogenesis, is a complex process that plays important roles in growth and development, tissue and organ regeneration, as well as numerous pathological conditions. Angiogenesis undergoes multiple discrete steps that can be individually evaluated and quantified by a large number of bioassays. These independent assessments hold advantages but also have limitations. This article describes in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro bioassays that are available for the evaluation of angiogenesis and highlights critical aspects that are relevant for their execution and proper interpretation. As such, this collaborative work is the first edition of consensus guidelines on angiogenesis bioassays to serve for current and future reference

    Photodynamic drug delivery enhancement in tumours does not depend on leukocyte-endothelial interaction in a human mesothelioma xenograft model.

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    OBJECTIVES: The pre-treatment of tumour neovessels by low-level photodynamic therapy (PDT) improves the distribution of concomitantly administered systemic chemotherapy. The mechanism by which PDT permeabilizes the tumour vessel wall is only partially known. We have recently shown that leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction is essential for photodynamic drug delivery to normal tissue. The present study investigates whether PDT enhances drug delivery in malignant mesothelioma and whether it involves comparable mechanisms of actions. METHODS: Human mesothelioma xenografts (H-meso-1) were grown in the dorsal skinfold chambers of 28 nude mice. By intravital microscopy, the rolling and recruitment of leukocytes were assessed in tumour vessels following PDT (Visudyne(®) 400 μg/kg, fluence rate 200 mW/cm(2) and fluence 60 J/cm(2)) using intravital microscopy. Likewise, the distribution of fluorescently labelled macromolecular dextran (FITC-dextran, MW 2000 kDa) was determined after PDT. Study groups included no PDT, PDT, PDT plus a functionally blocking anti-pan-selectin antibody cocktail and PDT plus isotype control antibody. RESULTS: PDT significantly enhanced the extravascular accumulation of FITC-dextran in mesothelioma xenografts, but not in normal tissue. PDT significantly increased leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction in tumour. While PDT-induced leukocyte recruitment was significantly blunted by the anti-pan-selectin antibodies in the tumour xenograft, this manipulation did not affect the PDT-induced extravasation of FITC-dextran. CONCLUSIONS: Low-level PDT pre-treatment selectively enhances the uptake of systemically circulating macromolecular drugs in malignant mesothelioma, but not in normal tissue. Leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction is not required for PDT-induced drug delivery to malignant mesothelioma

    Inhibition of the expression and activity of cyclooxygenase-2 by chicory extract

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    Chicory is a major source of fructans with reported prebiotic-bifidogenic properties. In the present study, the potential anti-inflammatory activities of chicory were investigated. Ethyl acetate chicory root extract produced a marked inhibition of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) production in human colon carcinoma HT29 cells treated with the pro-inflammatory agent TNF-alpha. Two independent mechanisms of action were identified: (1) a drastic inhibition of the induction by TNF-alpha of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) protein expression and (2) a direct inhibition of COX enzyme activities with a significantly higher selectivity for COX-2 activity. The inhibition of TNF-alpha-dependent induction of COX-2 expression was mediated by an inhibition of NF-kappaB activation. A major sesquiterpene lactone of chicory root, the guaianolide 8-deoxylactucin, was identified as the key inhibitor of COX-2 protein expression present in chicory extract. Altogether, the data presented strongly support chicory root as a promising source of functional food ingredient, combining prebiotic and anti-inflammatory properties

    Combination therapy using aspirin-enhanced photodynamic selective drug delivery

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    In photodynamic therapy (PDT), excitation of a drug by light leads to a cascade of biochemical processes that can cause closure of blood vessels. It has been observed clinically that significant short-term leakage from the irradiated vasculature can occur prior to vessel closure and blood flow stasis. In this paper we demonstrate in a chicken embryo model that this leakage can be significantly enhanced by the presence of the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, aspirin. We also observe that following this aspirin-enhanced leakage, blood vessels close as effectively as after PDT in the absence of aspirin. Consequently we propose that this PDT-induced aspirin-enhanced leakage can be used to locally deliver a drug for combination therapy. This is then demonstrated in the chicken embryo using Visudyne as a PDT agent in combination with aspirin and fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran 10 kDa as leakage indicator. The latter represents a hypothetical drug to be delivered in various kinds of combination therapy. Two examples of this procedure would be the photodynamic treatment of choroidal neovasculature associated with exudative age-related macular degeneracy (AMD) where local delivery of an anti-angiogenic or an anti-inflammatory drug has been shown to be effective, or PDT of cancer where local dosing of a chemotherapeutic drug may well increase the treatment efficacy

    Malignant pleural mesothelioma: leukocyte recruitment is not required for drug delivery induced by photodynamic therapy in a human xenograft model

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    Objective: The pre-treatment of tumor neo-vessels by photodynamic therapy (PDT) was shown to improve the distribution of chemotherapy administered subsequently. However, the precise mechanism by which PDT modifies the tumor vasculature is unknown. We have recently shown that leukocyteendothelial cell interaction was essential for PDT induced drug delivery to normal tissue. Our purpose was to determine if PDT could enhance drug distribution in malignant mesothelioma and if a comparable role for leucocytes existed.Methods: We grew human mesothelioma xenografts (H-meso-1) in the dorsal skinfold chambers of nude mice (n = 28). The rolling, sticking and recruitment of leucocytes was assessed in tumor and normal vessels following PDT (Visudyne 0?4 mg/kg, fluence rate 200 mW/cm2, fluence 60 J/cm2) using intravital microscopy. In parallel, the distribution of a macromolecule (FITC dextran, 2000 kDa) administered after PDT was determined. We compared these variables in control (no PDT), PDT + IgG (non specific antibody) and PDT + pan-selectin antibody (monoclonal P-E-L selectin antibody).Results: PDT significantly enhanced the distribution of FITC dextran in mesothelioma xenografts compared to controls. Interestingly, PDT enhanced the leukocyte-endothelial interaction significantly (rolling and recruitment)in tumor and surrounding normal vessels compared to controls. Leukocyte recruitment was significantly down-regulated by pan-selectin antibodies in tumor tissues. However, the suppression of leucocyte recruitement did not affect the extravasation of FITC-dextran in tumor tissue.Conclusion:PDTpre-treatment of the mesothelioma vasculature can enhance the distribution of macromolecular drugs administered subsequently. However, unlike normal vessels, leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction is not required for PDT induced leakage