116 research outputs found

    Percepción en personas mayores de qué podría ayudarnos a morir en paz.

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    Recent changes in our society have led to the denial of death, both at a social level and in the medical field particularly, using all the therapeutic procedures available in order to avoid it, and considering death as a failure of knowledge when it appears. Death cannot be delayed indefinitely and when it comes the most important is to ensure the necessary conditions to meet a peacefully death.The objective of this study was to analyze those aspects that could facilitate a death in peace according to the elderly, as well as analyze the influence of sociodemographic variables. 152 adults aged between 50 and 77 have completed the Dying in Peace Questionnaire. The results show as the most important aspects at the end of life for the elderly, those related to the closeness of loved ones, the control of physical suffering and the meaning of life. In contrast, the two least valued factors have been to believe in another life after death and to think that I may die at home. Differential analyses according to sociodemographic variables show statistically significant differences depending on whether or not the elderly suffered a disease close to death and on religious beliefs. Likewise, significant correlations have been found with age. To know those factors prioritized by elderly at the end of life, will allow us to offer a more tailored attention to their particular needs, bearing in mind possible individual differences.Los cambios acontecidos en los últimos tiempos en nuestra sociedad han favorecido la negación de la muerte tanto a nivel social como en el ámbito médico en particular, utilizando todos los procedimientos terapéuticos disponibles para intentar evitarla, y considerándola como un fracaso del conocimiento cuando aparece. La muerte no puede retrasarse indefinidamente y cuando llega, lo más importante es asegurar que se reúnan las condiciones necesarias para que la persona pueda morir en paz. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar aquellos aspectos que ayudarían a facilitar una muerte en paz según las personas mayores, analizando la posible influencia en esta valoración de variables sociodemográficas. 152 adultos con edades comprendidas entre los 50 y 77 años cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Ayuda a Morir en Paz. Los resultados muestran que para las personas mayores los aspectos prioritarios al final de la vida serían aquellos relativos a la cercanía de las personas queridas, el control del sufrimiento físico y el sentido de la vida. En cambio, los dos factores menos valorados han sido creer en otra vida después de la muerte y pensar que se pueda morir en casa. El análisis diferencial en función de variables sociodemográficas muestra diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función de haber sufrido o no alguna enfermedad cercana a la muerte y las creencias religiosas, así como correlaciones también significativas en función de la edad. Conocer los aspectos que priorizan las personas mayores al final de la vida nos permitirá ofrecer una atención más ajustada a sus necesidades particulares siendo conscientes de que es necesario tener en cuenta posibles diferencias individuales

    “INSIDE” Project on Sexual Health in Spain: Sexual Life During the Lockdown Caused by COVID-19

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    Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is becoming a major hazard to public health worldwide. This is causing a significant impact on life and physical health, as well as on the psychological well-being of the general population. Since the emotional distress and the social restrictions caused by this epidemic, it must be expected that its impact will also extend to sexual health. The purpose of this study, the first including a large sample of the Spanish general population, was to analyze sexual behavior during the 99 days of confinement in Spain (INSIDE Project). Method One thousand four hundred forty-eight Spanish people, between 18 and 60 years old, were evaluated through an online survey during April 2020. The variables analyzed were the physical and social environment during confinement, sexual desire, type of sexual activity, masturbation, sexual intercourse, online sexual activity, general sexual frequency, sexual fantasies, degree of self-control over sexual drive, sexual abuse, general impact of confinement on sexuality, and emotional mood. Results Confinement has affected the sexual life of half of the Spanish population (47.7%), especially women. Those who reported a worsening of their sexual life are almost three times more (37.9%) than those who reported an improvement (14.4%). Conclusions Different factors have been significant predictors of the positive or negative evaluation about the impact of this confinement on sexual life, such as gender, couple life, privacy, stress level, and the perception of confinement as unbearable. Policy Implications These results have important implications for the public health and more especially sexual health of the Spanish population

    Frecuencia sexual de los adolescentes españoles durante el confinamiento por COVID-19

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    La situación de confinamiento debido a la COVID-19 ha supuesto un gran cambio en los estilos de vida de los jóvenes. Sin embargo, poco se conoce del impacto que el aislamiento ha tenido en la sexualidad de los adolescentes. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es conocer la frecuencia sexual de los adolescentes durante el confinamiento y sus posibles consecuencias, todo ello con una perspectiva de género. 134 adolescentes españoles, entre 16-20 años, respondieron a una encuesta on-line ad hoc sobre sexualidad, siendo el 59.7% chicas. Un 67.2% de los participantes se consideraba heterosexual, un 91.2% estaba confinado/a con sus padres, un 59.7% estaba soltero/a y un 40.3% tenía pareja estable. Durante el confinamiento, se ha observado un incremento de la frecuencia de masturbación y de las actividades sexuales online, pero estos cambios solo han resultado estadísticamente significativos en los chicos. Entre las causas de este incremento, encontramos razones como “por aburrimiento”, “para relajarme”, o “debido a un aumento de apetito sexual”, siendo los chicos los que más lo justificaban con razones emocionales. Esta mayor frecuencia sexual les generaba mejor estado de ánimo y estar más relajados, aunque gran parte de los chicos refirieron que las actividades sexuales les resultaban menos satisfactorias. Cabría seguir estudiando las posibles consecuencias negativas que pueden surgir de estos cambios en la frecuencia sexual, y analizar el papel que podrían estar jugando las emociones. Todo ello con la intención de diseñar campañas de promoción de la salud sexual en tiempos de confinamiento.Sexual frequency of Spanish adolescents during confinement by COVID-19. The confinement situation due to COVID-19 has brought a great change in the lifestyles of young people. However, little is known about the impact that isolation has had on adolescent sexuality. The objective of this work is to know the sexual frequency of adolescents during confinement and its possible consequences, including gender perspective. 134 Spanish adolescents, between 16-20 years old, responded to an ad hoc online survey on sexuality, being 59.7% girls. 67.2% of the participants considered themselves heterosexual, 91.2% were confined to their parents, 59.7% were single and 40.3% had a stable partner. During confinement, an increase in the frequency of masturbation and online sexual activities has been observed, but these changes have only been statistically significant in boys. Among the causes of this increase, we find reasons such as “due to boredom”, “to relax”, or “due to an increase in sexual appetite”, with boys justifying it the most with emotional reasons. This higher sexual frequency generated a better mood and more relaxation, although many boys reported that sexual activities were less satisfactory. It would be necessary to continue studying the possible negative consequences that can arise from these changes in sexual frequency, and to analyze the role that emotions could be playing. All this to design campaigns to promote sexual health in times of confinement

    Evaluación de la consejería pretest para el vih en un hospital nacional en lima-perú

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    Objetivo Evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos por la consejería pretest para el VIH, en personas que acudieron a un hospital nacional de Lima, Perú.Método Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, que se realizó en 499 personas que acudieron a la Estrategia Sanitaria Nacional de Prevención y Control de ITS/VIH y SIDA, que fueron seleccionadas de manera probabilística de tipo intencional. Se aplicó una entrevista estructurada que utilizó un cuestionario validado por expertos con preguntas directas. Se definió como variable de conocimiento correcto a un puntaje ≥75 % de respuestas correctas y como variable de conocimiento incorrecto a un puntaj

    The Spanish Infrared Camera onboard the EUSO-BALLOON (CNES) flight on August 24, 2014

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    The EUSO-Balloon (CNES) campaign was held during Summer 2014 with a launch on August 24. In the gondola, next to the Photo Detector Module (PDM), a completely isolated Infrared camera was allocated. Also, a helicopter which shooted flashers flew below the balloon. We have retrieved the Cloud Top Height (CTH) with the IR camera, and also the optical depth of the nonclear atmosphere have been inferred with two approaches: The first one is with the comparison of the brightness temperature of the cloud and the real temperature obtained after the pertinent corrections. The second one is by measuring the detected signal from the helicopter flashers by the IR Camera, considering the energy of the flashers and the location of the helicopter

    Recent advances in understanding the roles of whole genome duplications in evolution

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    Ancient whole-genome duplications (WGDs)—paleopolyploidy events—are key to solving Darwin’s ‘abominable mystery’ of how flowering plants evolved and radiated into a rich variety of species. The vertebrates also emerged from their invertebrate ancestors via two WGDs, and genomes of diverse gymnosperm trees, unicellular eukaryotes, invertebrates, fishes, amphibians and even a rodent carry evidence of lineage-specific WGDs. Modern polyploidy is common in eukaryotes, and it can be induced, enabling mechanisms and short-term cost-benefit assessments of polyploidy to be studied experimentally. However, the ancient WGDs can be reconstructed only by comparative genomics: these studies are difficult because the DNA duplicates have been through tens or hundreds of millions of years of gene losses, mutations, and chromosomal rearrangements that culminate in resolution of the polyploid genomes back into diploid ones (rediploidisation). Intriguing asymmetries in patterns of post-WGD gene loss and retention between duplicated sets of chromosomes have been discovered recently, and elaborations of signal transduction systems are lasting legacies from several WGDs. The data imply that simpler signalling pathways in the pre-WGD ancestors were converted via WGDs into multi-stranded parallelised networks. Genetic and biochemical studies in plants, yeasts and vertebrates suggest a paradigm in which different combinations of sister paralogues in the post-WGD regulatory networks are co-regulated under different conditions. In principle, such networks can respond to a wide array of environmental, sensory and hormonal stimuli and integrate them to generate phenotypic variety in cell types and behaviours. Patterns are also being discerned in how the post-WGD signalling networks are reconfigured in human cancers and neurological conditions. It is fascinating to unpick how ancient genomic events impact on complexity, variety and disease in modern life

    Sexual Relationships in Hispanic Countries: a Literature Review

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Current Sexual Health Reports. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11930-020-00272-6Purpose of Review: Sexuality is a complex dimension for which culture seems to play an important role, particularly in countries that are more traditional. This review summarizes the knowledge about sexual relationships in Hispanic countries, considering sexual debut, attitudes, behaviors, and satisfaction. Recent Findings: In line with the literature reviewed, the sexual double standard seems to be continuing to influence sexual relationships. Some countries show more open expressions of sexuality based on the level of gender inequality or sexualized context, and within countries, variables such as religious commitment, family characteristics, and access to resources may play important roles in sexuality. Summary: Future research, policies, and interventions should consider these specific characteristics, including these forms of expression of sexuality, in the adjustment of cross-cultural and cross-national strategies

    Acute stroke care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ictus Madrid Program recommendations

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    La pandemia por COVID-19 ha obligado a una reorganización de los sistemas sanitarios y ha comportado una saturación excepcional de sus recursos. En este contexto es vital asegurar la atención al ictus agudo y optimizar los procesos asistenciales del código ictus para reducir el riesgo de contagios y racionalizar el uso de recursos hospitalarios. Para ello, desde el Grupo Multidisciplinar Ictus Madrid proponemos una serie de recomendaciones. Métodos Revisión bibliográfica no sistemática de las publicaciones disponibles con los términos «stroke» y «COVID-19» o «coronavirus» o «SARS-CoV-2», así como otras conocidas por los autores. En base a esta se redacta un documento de recomendaciones que es sometido a consenso por el Grupo Multidisciplinar Ictus Madrid y su Comité de Neurología. Resultados Las recomendaciones se estructuran en cinco líneas fundamentales: 1) coordinar la actuación para garantizar el acceso a la asistencia hospitalaria de los pacientes con ictus; 2) reconocer a los pacientes con ictus potencialmente infectados por COVID-19, 3) organización adecuada para garantizar la protección de los profesionales sanitarios frente al riesgo de contagio por COVID-19, 4) en la realización de neuroimagen y otros procedimientos que conlleven contactos de riesgo de infección COVID-19 hay que procurar reducirlos y asegurar la protección, y 5) alta y seguimiento seguros procurando optimizar la ocupación hospitalaria. Resumimos el procedimiento de forma esquemática con el acrónimo CORONA (COordinar, Reconocer, Organizar, Neuroimagen, Alta). Conclusiones Estas recomendaciones pueden servir de apoyo para la organización del sistema sanitario en la atención al ictus agudo y la optimización de sus recursos, garantizando la protección de sus profesionalesThe COVID-19 pandemic has forced a reorganization of healthcare systems and an exceptional saturation of their resources. In this context, it is vital to ensure acute stroke care and optimize the care processes of the stroke code to reduce the risk of contagion and rationalize the use of hospital resources. To do this, the Ictus Madrid Multidisciplinary Group proposes a series of recommendations. Methods Non-systematic bibliographic review of the available publications with the terms «stroke» and «COVID-19» or «coronavirus» or «SARS-CoV-2», as well as other already known for the authors. We provide a document of recommendations as a result of the consensus of the Ictus Madrid Multidisciplinary Group and its Neurology Committee. Results Our recommendations are structured on five lines: (1) coordinate to guarantee the access to hospital care for stroke patients, (2) recognize potentially COVID-19 infected stroke patients, (3) organize to ensure the protection of healthcare professionals from COVID-19 infections, (4) neuroimaging and other procedures potentially associated to risks for COVID-19 infection should be reduced and secured to avoid contagion, and (5) at home as soon as possible and supported follow-up to optimize hospital occupancy. The procedure is shown summarized under the acronym CORONA (COordinate, Recognize, Organize, Neuroimaging, At home). Conclusions These recommendations can support the organization of healthcare services for acute stroke care and the optimization of their resources, guaranteeing the protection of healthcare professional