161 research outputs found

    Roles of age, gender and psychological difficulties in adolescent mentalizing

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    INTRODUCTION: Adolescence is a critical period for the development of mentalizing – the imaginative capacity to understand one's own and others' behaviour in terms of underlying mental states. Yet, factors and mechanisms underlying individual differences in adolescent mentalizing remain poorly understood. This exploratory study examined whether and how a) age and gender and b) psychological difficulties correlate with mentalizing performance in adolescents from the general population. METHODS: 89 adolescents from Geneva, Switzerland (54 females, age 12–17 years) completed a computerized task of mentalizing and a self-report measure of psychopathology. RESULTS: Mentalizing performance improved with age. Males showed lower scores on the mentalizing task and made more hypermentalizing errors than females. The main findings revealed a negative association between mentalizing performance and self-reported attention problems. Post-hoc analyses further demonstrated that self-reported attentional difficulties were particularly associated with weaker scores on items requiring mentalizing about intentions, while self-reported withdrawal/depression symptoms were particularly associated with weaker scores on items requiring mentalizing about emotions and thoughts. CONCLUSION: The present study highlights a negative association between attentional difficulties and mentalizing performance in community adolescents. Moreover, it provides preliminary evidence suggesting that age, gender and psychological difficulties can be distinctively associated with patterns of correct and incorrect mentalizing in community adolescents. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed

    Defects and boundary layers in non-Euclidean plates

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    We investigate the behavior of non-Euclidean plates with constant negative Gaussian curvature using the F\"oppl-von K\'arm\'an reduced theory of elasticity. Motivated by recent experimental results, we focus on annuli with a periodic profile. We prove rigorous upper and lower bounds for the elastic energy that scales like the thickness squared. In particular we show that are only two types of global minimizers -- deformations that remain flat and saddle shaped deformations with isolated regions of stretching near the edge of the annulus. We also show that there exist local minimizers with a periodic profile that have additional boundary layers near their lines of inflection. These additional boundary layers are a new phenomenon in thin elastic sheets and are necessary to regularize jump discontinuities in the azimuthal curvature across lines of inflection. We rigorously derive scaling laws for the width of these boundary layers as a function of the thickness of the sheet

    Band-gap and sub-band-gap photoelectrochemical processes at nanocrystalline CdS grown on ZnO by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method

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    Cadmium sulfide nanoparticle (NP) deposition by the successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method on the surface of mesoporous ZnO micro-platelets with a large specific surface area (110 ± 10 m2g− 1) results in the formation of ZnO/CdS heterostructures exhibiting a high incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency (Y) not only within the region of CdS fundamental absorption (Ymax = 90%; 0.1 M Na2S + 0.1 M Na2SO3), but also in the sub-band-gap (SBG) range (Ymax = 25%). The onset potentials of SBG photoelectrochemical processes are more positive than the band-gap (BG) onset potential by up to 100 mV. A maximum incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency value for SBG processes is observed at larger amount of deposited CdS in comparison with the case of BG ones. The Urbach energy (EU) of CdS NPs determined from the photocurrent spectra reaches a maximal value on an early deposition stage (EU = 93 mV at SILAR cycle number N = 5), then lowers somewhat (EU = 73 mV at N = 10) and remains steady in the range of N from 20 to 300 (EU = 67 ± 1 mV). High efficiency of the photoelectrochemical SBG processes are interpreted in terms of light scattering in the ZnO/CdS heterostructures

    Origins of Photoluminescence Decay Kinetics in CdTe Colloidal Quantum Dots

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    Recent experimental studies have identified at least two nonradiative components in the fluorescence decay of solutions of CdTe colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). The lifetimes reported by different groups, however, differed by orders of magnitude, raising the question of whether different types of traps were at play in the different samples and experimental conditions and even whether different types of charge carriers were involved in the different trapping processes. Considering that the use of these nanomaterials in biology, optoelectronics, photonics, and photovoltaics is becoming widespread, such a gap in our understanding of carrier dynamics in these systems needs addressing. This is what we do here. Using the state-of-the-art atomistic semiempirical pseudopotential method, we calculate trapping times and nonradiative population decay curves for different CQD sizes considering up to 268 surface traps. We show that the seemingly discrepant experimental results are consistent with the trapping of the hole at unsaturated Te bonds on the dot surface in the presence of different dielectric environments. In particular, the observed increase in the trapping times following air exposure is attributed to the formation of an oxide shell on the dot surface, which increases the dielectric constant of the dot environment. Two types of traps are identified, depending on whether the unsaturated bond is single (type I) or part of a pair of dangling bonds on the same Te atom (type II). The energy landscape relative to transitions to these traps is found to be markedly different in the two cases. As a consequence, the trapping times associated with the different types of traps exhibit a strikingly contrasting sensitivity to variations in the dot environment. Based on these characteristics, we predict the presence of a sub-nanosecond component in all photoluminescence decay curves of CdTe CQDs in the size range considered here if both trap types are present. The absence of such a component is attributed to the suppression of type I traps


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    This review is about analysis of data possible role of the infectious factor in development open-angle glaucoma. The obstruction of ways of outflow  s an important role in increase of intraocular pressure. The reason can be various infectious agents, including Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum and B.fragilis. There were separate publications during last years, which are devoted to studying a role of proinflammatory cytotoxicants, they show the role of the inflammatory factor in pathogenesis of glaucomatical process. In the literary data we can see role of infections which are show communication between ontamination of bacteriumНelicobacter pylori and glaucoma development. There is data that patients with open-angle glaucoma in 63% have high level of shooting galleries of antibodies IgG in blood to C. pneumoniae. It is connected with infringement of optic disc food as a result of influence C. pneumoniae on its vascular system.В обзоре представлен анализ сведений по оценке возможной роли инфекционного фактора в развитии открытоугольной глаукомы. Важной ролью в повышении внутриглазного давления является обструкция путей оттока. Причиной ее могут служить различные инфекционные агенты, в том числе Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum и B. fragilis. В последние годы появились публикации, посвященные изучению роли провоспалительных цитокинов, указывающих на роль воспалительного фактора в патогенезе глаукоматозного процесса. О роли инфекций свидетельствуют литературные сведения, указывающие на связь между инфицированием Нelicobacter pylori и развитием глаукомы. Имеются данные, что у больных с открытоугольной глаукомой в 63% случаев обнаруживается высокий уровень титров антител к Chlamydophila pneumoniae. Это связывают с нарушением питания диска зрительного нерва в результате воздействия C. pneumoniae на его сосудистую систему

    Including gaming disorder in the ICD-11: the need to do so from a clinical and public health perspective

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    The proposed introduction of gaming disorder (GD) in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) has led to a lively debate over the past year. Besides the broad support for the decision in the academic press, a recent publication by van Rooij et al. (2018) repeated the criticism raised against the inclusion of GD in ICD-11 by Aarseth et al. (2017). We argue that this group of researchers fails to recognize the clinical and public health considerations, which support the WHO perspective. It is important to recognize a range of biases that may influence this debate; in particular, the gaming industry may wish to diminish its responsibility by claiming that GD is not a public health problem, a position which maybe supported by arguments from scholars based in media psychology, computer games research, communication science, and related disciplines. However, just as with any other disease or disorder in the ICD-11, the decision whether or not to include GD is based on clinical evidence and public health needs. Therefore, we reiterate our conclusion that including GD reflects the essence of the ICD and will facilitate treatment and prevention for those who need it

    The association between alcohol use, alcohol use disorders and tuberculosis (TB). A systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 2004, tuberculosis (TB) was responsible for 2.5% of global mortality (among men 3.1%; among women 1.8%) and 2.2% of global burden of disease (men 2.7%; women 1.7%). The present work portrays accumulated evidence on the association between alcohol consumption and TB with the aim to clarify the nature of the relationship.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic review of existing scientific data on the association between alcohol consumption and TB, and on studies relevant for clarification of causality was undertaken.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There is a strong association between heavy alcohol use/alcohol use disorders (AUD) and TB. A meta-analysis on the risk of TB for these factors yielded a pooled relative risk of 2.94 (95% CI: 1.89-4.59). Numerous studies show pathogenic impact of alcohol on the immune system causing susceptibility to TB among heavy drinkers. In addition, there are potential social pathways linking AUD and TB. Heavy alcohol use strongly influences both the incidence and the outcome of the disease and was found to be linked to altered pharmacokinetics of medicines used in treatment of TB, social marginalization and drift, higher rate of re-infection, higher rate of treatment defaults and development of drug-resistant forms of TB. Based on the available data, about 10% of the TB cases globally were estimated to be attributable to alcohol.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The epidemiological and other evidence presented indicates that heavy alcohol use/AUD constitute a risk factor for incidence and re-infection of TB. Consequences for prevention and clinical interventions are discussed.</p

    A narrative review of alcohol consumption as a risk factor for global burden of disease

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    The Dynamic Properties of the Oil Film in Lubricated Bearings

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