104 research outputs found


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    Jornada práctica sobre renders, vídeos, 360º y VR de modelos BIM con LUMION.

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    La coordinadora cuenta con la autorización de cada asistente para la difusión de las imágenes de la jornada, facilitada al inscribirse a la jornada.La Jornada práctica sobre renders, vídeos, imágenes 360º y realidad virtual de modelos BIM con LUMION se encuadró en el marco de las conferencias científicas organizadas por la Escuela de Arquitectura de Málaga, en noviembre de 2017, sobre la temática de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la arquitectura. Éstas fueron promovidas por el Proyecto de Innovación Educativa PIE 17-140 “Estrategias para la integración del BIM en el Grado de Arquitectura” y por la dirección del Título Propio de la UMA de “I Experto Universitario en BIM con Autodesk Revit Architecture. Sus ponentes fueron Eugenio Donado Megía, CEO de Lumion, y María Jesús García Granja, PDI de la UMA, investigadora del PIE 17-140 y codirectora del TP, que también actuó como coordinadora de la jornada. Enlace al vídeo de la jornada: https://youtu.be/JGZFqO5-Rho Enlace a la difusión de la jornada: https://www.arquitectura.uma.es/jornada-practica-de-generacion-de-renders-videos-panoramicas-360o-y-vr-de-modelos-bim-con-lumion

    The HABP2 G534E polymorphism does not increase nonmedullary thyroid cancer risk in Hispanics.

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    Familial nonmedullary thyroid cancer (NMTC) has not been clearly linked to causal germline variants, despite the large role that genetic factors play in risk. Recently, HABP2 G534E (rs7080536A) has been implicated as a causal variant in NMTC. We have previously shown that the HABP2 G534E variant is not associated with TC risk in patients from the British Isles. Hispanics are the largest and the youngest minority in the United States and NMTC is now the second most common malignancy in women from this population. In order to determine if the HABP2 G534E variant played a role in NMTC risk among Hispanic populations, we analyzed 281 cases and 1105 population-matched controls from a multicenter study in Colombia, evaluating the association through logistic regression. We found that the HABP2 G534E variant was not significantly associated with NMTC risk (P=0.843) in this Hispanic group. We also stratified available clinical data by multiple available clinicopathological variables and further analyzed the effect of HABP2 on NMTC presentation. However, we failed to detect associations between HABP2 G534E and NMTC risk, regardless of disease presentation (P≥0.273 for all cases). Therefore, without any significant associations between the HABP2 G534E variant and NMTC risk, we conclude that the variant is not causal of NMTC in this Hispanic population

    Large-scale temperature response to external forcing in simulations and reconstructions of the last millennium

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    Understanding natural climate variability and its driving factors is crucial to assessing future climate change. Therefore, comparing proxy-based climate reconstructions with forcing factors as well as comparing these with paleo-climate model simulations is key to gaining insights into the relative roles of internal versus forced variability. A review of the state of modelling of the climate of the last millennium prior to the CMIP5-PMIP3 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5-Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 3) coordinated effort is presented and compared to the available temperature reconstructions. Simulations and reconstructions broadly agree on reproducing the major temperature changes and suggest an overall linear response to external forcing on multidecadal or longer timescales. Internal variability is found to have an important influence at hemispheric and global scales. The spatial distribution of simulated temperature changes during the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age disagrees with that found in the reconstructions. Thus, either internal variability is a possible major player in shaping temperature changes through the millennium or the model simulations have problems realistically representing the response pattern to external forcing. A last millennium transient climate response (LMTCR) is defined to provide a quantitative framework for analysing the consistency between simulated and reconstructed climate. Beyond an overall agreement between simulated and reconstructed LMTCR ranges, this analysis is able to single out specific discrepancies between some reconstructions and the ensemble of simulations. The disagreement is found in the cases where the reconstructions show reduced covariability with external forcings or when they present high rates of temperature change

    Cytotoxic effect of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in apical cells of onion roots (Allium cepa L.)

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    Páginas 97-104.El hipoclorito de sodio (NaClO), es un compuesto químico altamente tóxico y ampliamente utilizado por sus propiedades desinfectantes. Una de las especies vegetales más usadas para la detección de diferentes tipos de cambios genéticos causados por sustancias químicas es Allium cepa L. mediante la cual se hacen pruebas para la vigilancia del medio ambiente. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto citotóxico del hipoclorito de sodio (NaClO) en células apicales de raíces de cebolla (Allium cepa L.). Se prepararon cinco soluciones de hipoclorito de sodio a diferentes concentraciones más una solución control con tres réplicas para cada tratamiento; se midió el crecimiento de las raíces durante 3 días, se cortaron los ápices sumergiéndose en ácido clorhídrico, posteriormente fueron teñidos con Aceto-Orceina y se observaron al microscopio; se calculó el índice mitótico (IM) y se observaron las anomalías celulares (cromosómicas). Se realizó un análisis de varianza (ANOVA) y prueba de rangos múltiples mediante el método de diferencia mínima significativa (LSD). Los resultados mostraron que no existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los tratamientos (P>0,05). La concentración donde se presentó un mayor IM fue de 1 ppm. Se evidenciaron las anomalías celulares: en anafase, evidenciando puentes entre cromosomas, hipercromasia, lesiones nucleares y rompimiento de cromosomas en anafase y metafase. Los resultados evidenciaron que Allium cepa es una especie que ofrece un modelo experimental para evaluar el efecto citotóxico, en este caso del hipoclorito de sodio, el cual generó anomalías celulares (cromosómicas) en todas las concentraciones.ABSTRACT: (NaClO) sodium hypochlorite is a highly toxic chemical compound widely used because of its disinfectant properties. One of the most commonly used plants to detect different types of genetic changes caused by chemical substances is Allium cepa L., in tests for environmental monitoring. The objective of this research was to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) in apical cells of onion roots (Allium strain L.). Five sodium hypochlorite solutions were prepared at different concentrations, in addition to a control solution, with three replications for each treatment; for 3 days, the growth of the roots was measured; the apices were cut submerging them into hydrochloric acid, subsequently dyed with Aceto-Orcein and were observed under a microscope; the mitotic index (MI) was calculated and the cell anomalies were observed (chromosomal). An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple range tests using the Least Significant Difference method (LSD) were performed. The results showed that there was not a statistically significant difference between the treatments (P0.05). The concentration with the highest MI was 1 ppm. The following cellular abnormalities were evidenced: bridge between chromosomes in anaphase, chromatin, nuclear injuries, chromosome breakage in anaphase and metaphase. The results showed that Allium cepa L. is a species that offers an experimental model to evaluate the cytotoxic effect, in this case sodium hypochlorite, which generated cellular abnormalities (chromosomal) in all concentrations.Bibliografía: página 104.Artículo revisado por pares