3,744 research outputs found

    Energy harvesting from vehicular traffic over speed bumps: A review

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    Energy used by vehicles to slow down in areas of limited speed is wasted. A traffic energy-harvesting device (TEHD) is capable of harvesting vehicle energy when passing over a speed bump. This paper presents a classification of the different technologies used in the existing TEHDs. Moreover, an estimation of the energy that could be harvested with the different technologies and their cost has been elaborated. The energy recovered with these devices could be used for marking and lighting of roads in urban areas, making transportation infrastructures more sustainable and environmentally friendly

    The influence of wildfires on aerosol size distributions in rural areas

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    The number of particles and their size distributions were measured in a rural area, during the summer, using a PCASP-X. The aim was to study the influence of wildfires on particle size distributions. The comparative studies carried out reveal an average increase of around ten times in the number of particles in the fine mode, especially in sizes between 0.10 and 0.14 μm, where the increase is of nearly 20 times. An analysis carried out at three different points in time--before, during, and after the passing of the smoke plume from the wildfires--shows that the mean geometric diameter of the fine mode in the measurements affected by the fire is smaller than the one obtained in the measurements carried out immediately before and after (0.14 μm) and presents average values of 0.11 μm.publishe

    Desalineación rotacional del implante tibial en artroplastia total de rodilla: estudio con navegación

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    Objetivo: Estudiar la rotación del implante tibial y el desajuste rotacional de los implantes femoral y tibial en los 19 casos intervenidos de artroplastia total de rodilla modelo Natural II, con sistema de navegación Navitrack® (Zimmer®). Material y Métodos: Estudio prospectivo en una serie consecutiva de 19 casos de artrosis de rodilla. Se analizaron las medidas realizadas con un sistema de navegación: 1- el ángulo entre la línea que va desde la inserción del Ligamento Cruzado Posterior al tercio medio de la tuberosidad tibial anterior y la línea anteroposterior del implante tibial para determinar la rotación del mismo; 2- el ángulo de la línea femoral epicondílea con el bloque de corte que nos dará la rotación del implante femoral. Resultados: La rotación media del implante tibial ha sido - 0,011º ± 0,533 (r: -0,800 / 1,000). La rotación del implante femoral con relación a la línea epicondílea ha sido -3,174º ± 4,733 (r: -12,300 / 7,700). El ajuste rotacional femorotibial ha sido -2,963º ± 4,649 (r: -11,500/ 6,700). Encontramos una alineación rotacional femorotibial en el 63% de los casos. Conclusiones: El sistema de navegación utilizado permite colocar el implante tibial con una rotación adecuada así como evitar un desajuste rotacional entre los implantes femoral y tibial. Actualmente se consideran de forma combinada las rotaciones de los implantes, lo que tiene gran importancia para evitar los problemas rotulianos así como el desgaste del polietileno.To study the rotational alignment of the tibial implant in 19 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty by surgical navigation system. Material and Methods: Prospective analysis of 19 consecutive patients with knee osteoarthritis. References obtained by the computerized navigation were: 1- the angle between the line from the insertion of the posterior cruciate ligament to the medial tibial tuberosity and the anteroposterior tibial implant line to study the tibial rotation; 2- the angle between the epicondyle line and the cut piece to study the femoral rotation. Results: The media tibial implant rotation was - 0,011º ± 0,533 (r: -0,800/ 1,000). The femoral implant rotation was -3,174º ± 4,733 (r: -12,300 / 7,700). The mean angle of the rotational mismatch of the components was -2,963º ± 4,649 (r: -11,500/ 6,700). There was a good femorotibial mismatch in 63%. Conclusions: The navigation system helps us to put the tibial implant in a good rotation and so a good femorotibial mismatch. Actually we study the combined rotation of the implants to decrease the patelofemoral problems and the polyethylene damage

    Efectos de distintos niveles de materia seca y tratamiento sobre la calidad de ensilado de alfalfa

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    Los autores analizan la calidad de 250 ensilados de alfalfa sometidos a cinco tratamientos (control, evacuación AIV, ácido fórmico y metabisulfito sódico), con forraje entero o picado. y cinco niveles de materia seca inicial (20. 23. 36, 38 y 42%).La elevación de la tasa de materia seca inicial, mejora la capacidad organoléptica hasta el 36-38% de materia seca. El efecto beneficioso del oreo se registra en todos los tratamientos ensayados, salvo en los silos con metabisulfito sódico, que presentan su máxima calidad en los más bajos niveles de materia seca

    A new case of autosomal recessive agammaglobulinaemia with impaired pre-B cell differentiation due to a large deletion of the IGH locus

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    Males with X-linked agammaglobulinaemia (XLA) due to mutations in the Bruton tyrosine kinase gene constitute the major group of congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia with absence of peripheral B cells. In these cases, blockages between the pro-B and pre-B cell stage in the bone marrow are found. The remaining male and female cases clinically similar to XLA represent a genotypically heterogeneous group of diseases. In these patients, various autosomal recessive disorders have been identified such as mutations affecting IGHM, CD79A, IGLL1 genes involved in the composition of the pre-B cell receptor (pre-BCR) or the BLNK gene implicated in pre-BCR signal transduction. In this paper, we report on a young female patient characterised by a severe non-XLA agammaglobulinaemia that represents a new case of Igmu defect. We show that the B cell blockage at the pro-B to pre-B cell transition is due to a large homologous deletion in the IGH locus encompassing the IGHM gene leading to the inability to form a functional pre-BCR. The deletion extends from the beginning of the diversity (D) region to the IGHG2 gene, with all JH segments and IGHM, IGHD, IGHG3 and IGHG1 genes missing. CONCLUSION: alteration in Igmu expression seems to be relatively frequent and could account for most of the reported cases of autosomal recessive agammaglobulinaemia

    Spectroscopic study of solvent effects on the electronic absorption spectra of flavone and 7-hydroxyflavone in neat and binary solvent mixtures

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    The solvatochromic characteristics of flavone and 7-hydroxyflavone were investigated in neat and binary solvent mixtures. The spectral shifts of these solutes were correlated with the Kamlet and Taft parameters (α, β and π*) using linear solvation energy relationships. The multiparametric analysis indicates that both specific hydrogen bond donor ability and non-specific dipolar interactions of the solvents play an important role in absorption maxima of flavone in pure solvents. The hydrogen bond acceptor ability of the solvent was the main parameter affecting the absorption maxima of 7-hydroxyflavone. The simulated absorption spectra using a TD-DFT method were in good agreement with the experimental ones for both flavones. Index of preferential solvation was calculated as a function of solvent composition. Preferential solvation by ethanol was detected in cyclohexane-ethanol and acetonitrile-ethanol mixtures for flavone and in acetonitrile-ethanol mixtures for 7-hydroxyflavone. These results indicate that intermolecular hydrogen bonds between solute and solvent are responsible for the non-linear variation of the solvatochromic shifts on the mole fraction of ethanol in the analyzed binary mixtures.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta