321 research outputs found

    Agronomic performance of some haricot bean varieties (haseolus vulgaris L.) with and without phosphorus fertilizer under irrigated and rain fed conditions in the Tigray and Afar regional states, northern Ethiopia

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    Haricot bean is an important source of protein, calories and cash for small holder farmers of Ethiopia. Five genotypes of haricot bean were grown with and without phosphorous fertilizer application, under irrigation and rain fed growing conditions in randomized complete block design with three replications in three locations of the Tigray and Afar regional states, northern Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to examine the performance and select the best and well adapted varieties, as well as to determine the role of phosphorus on yield response of varieties and on root nodulation. Varieties like Awash-1 and Mexican-142 were better in terms of earliness to maturity. Variety Chore exhibits high mean grain yield (24.5 qt/ha under irrigation and 19.6 qt/ha under rainfed) followed by Awash-Melka (20.7qt/ha under irrigation and 19 qt/ha under rainfed). Phosphorus application did not significantly affect various parameters examined and its effect was erratic and inconsistent. Significant variations were observed among haricot bean varieties for number of nodules per plant. It is recommended to grow early maturing varieties Awash-1 and Mexican 142 under rain-fed and the intermediate to late maturing and better yielding varieties such as Awash-Melka and Chore under irrigation.Keywords: Haricot bean varieties, Fertilizer-P, growing season, Northern Ethiopia

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Menggunakan Rasio Profitabilitas Pada PT Xl Axiata, Tbk Dan PT Indosat Ooredoo, Tbk Periode 2011—2016 Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to know the financial performance at PT XLAxiata Tbk and PT Indosat Ooredo Tbk period 2011—2016 by usingprofitability ratio Return on Asset Return (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE)and Net Profit Margin (NPM). The method in this research is qualitativemethod based on postpositivisme philosophy, which is used to test thecondition of nature, and ratio calculation is profitability ratio Return onEquity (ROA) Return on Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM). Inthis study researchers analyze and process financial statements data at PT XLAxiata Tbk and PT Indosat Ooredo Tbk period 2011—2016 by calculating thecalculation on each profitability ratio Return on Equity (ROA), Return onEquity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM). The results of this studyindicate that the financial performance of PT XL Axiata Tbk and PT IndosatOoredo Tbk period 2011—2016 with profitability ratio Return on AssetReturn (ROA) Return on Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM) stillhave fluctuated value even still at value below industry standard

    Modeling of relative permeabilities including dynamic wettability transition zones

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    Wettability is a pore-scale property that impacts the relative movement and distribution of fluids in a porous medium. There are reservoir fluids that provoke the surface within pores to undergo a wettability change. This wettability change, in turn, alters the dynamics of relative permeabilities at the Darcy scale. Thus, modeling the impact of wettability change in relative permeabilities is essential to understand fluids interaction in porous media. In this study, we include time-dependent wettability change into the relative permeability--saturation relation by modifying the existing relative permeability function. To do so, we assume the wettability change is represented by the sorption-based model that is exposure time and chemistry dependent. This pore-scale model is then coupled with a triangular bundle-of-tubes model to simulate exposure time-dependent relative permeabilities data. The simulated data is used to characterize and quantify the wettability dynamics in the relative permeability--saturation curves. This study further shows the importance of accurate prediction of the relative permeability in a dynamically altering porous medium

    Mismatch between soil nutrient requirements and fertilizer applications: Implications for yield responses in Ethiopia

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    Lack of accurate information about soil nutrient requirements coupled with limited access to appropriate fertilizers could lead to mismatch between soil nutrient requirements and fertilizer applications. Such anomalies and mismatches are likely to have important implications for agricultural productivity. In this paper we use experimental (spectral soil analysis) data from Ethiopia to examine farmers’ response to soil nutrient deficiencies and its implications for yield responses. We find that farmers’ response to macronutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) deficiencies is not always consistent with agronomic recommendations. For instance, we find that farmers in our sample are applying nitrogen fertilizers to soils lacking phosphorus, potentially due to lack of information on soil nutrient deficiencies or lack of access to appropriate fertilizers in rural markets. On the other hand, farmers respond to perceivably poor-quality soils and acidic soils by applying higher amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers per unit of land. We further show that such mismatches between fertilizer applications and soil macronutrient requirements are potentially yield-reducing. Those farmers matching their soil nutrient requirements and fertilizer application are likely to enjoy additional yield gains and the vice versa. Marginal yield responses associated with nitrogen (phosphorus) application increases with soil nitrogen (phosphorus) deficiency. Similarly, we find that farmers’ response to acidic soils is not yield-enhancing. These findings suggest that such mismatches may explain heterogeneities in marginal returns to chemical fertilizers and the observed low adoption rates of chemical fertilizers in sub-Saharan Africa. As such, these findings have important implications for improving input management practices and fertilizer diffusion strategies

    Concordancia entre la técnica de hemaglutinación indirecta e inmunoabsorción ligado a enzimas en el diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis porcina

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorDetermina la concordancia entre las pruebas de HAI y ELISA, para detectar IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii en el diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis porcina. El trabajo se desarrolla en 407 animales provenientes de crianzas porcinas ubicadas en la franja costera del departamento de Lima. Se colectan las muestras de sangre de cerdos en la fase de acabado, posteriormente las muestras de suero son conservadas en congelación (-70ºC) hasta su procesamiento en el Laboratorio de Parasitología de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la UNMSM. La concordancia de las técnicas diagnósticas y la seroprevalencia correspondiente se evalúan mediante dos diferentes modelos estadísticos: Indice de Kappa y la prueba de McNemar. En los resultados se halla que la concordancia entre las pruebas de HAI-ELISA a través del índice de Kapa es igual a 26% considerándose de tipo regular, con valores de 18.7 ± 3.8% por el método de HAI, y 14.7 ± 3.4%, por el método de ELISA; sin embargo, mediante la prueba de McNemar no se encuentra diferencias significativas y sugerirían que ambas técnicas son mutuamente reemplazables. Concluyendo que, como la correlación es regular, no se recomienda.Tesi

    The combined effect of prostaglandin administration and ram introduction in multiparous and nulliparous sheep in anestrous period on prolificacy

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    In the study it was aimed to investigate and compare the combined effectiveness of ram introduction (ram effect) and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2α) administration in multiparous and nulliparous Kangal White Karaman ewes during the out of breeding season. The ewes were first divided into two main groups: non-lactating multiparous (Group M, n=104) and nulliparous (Group N, n=101). The multiparous and nulliparous animals were further divided in to two subgroups. Group MRP (n=50 multiparous) and NRP (n=51 nulliparous) were injected with a single dose of PGF2α on the first day of ram introduction. And the Group MR (n= 54) and NR (n= 50) served as controls with ram introduction but no PGF2α injection. In all of the groups, adult, purebred and fertile rams stayed with the ewes for 45 days. The blood samples were collected at 3-day intervals for 18 days after ram introduction from subsets of ewes (n=17 per group) to monitor the serum progesterone concentration. The total lambing ratios in multiparous and nulliparous animals were 72.1% (75/104) and 44.6% (45/101), respectively (P<0.001). Among the PGF2α and non-PGF2α subgroups of multiparous and nulliparous ewes, the lowest lambing rate was observed in Group NR (36.0%). In multiparous ewes (Groups MR and MRP), the mean progesterone level varied significantly among the days (P<0.001). In contrast, in Group NRP, the progesterone levels varied significantly over the tested time course (P0.05). We concluded that being multiparous contributes to the success of PGF2α administration in combination with ram introduction in the anestrous period in ewes. Furthermore, PGF2α administration together with ram introduction positively affects the lambing rate in nulliparous ewes