60 research outputs found
Genetic factors in the etiology of sleep disorders
Sleep disorders are a group of disorders affecting a considerable part of proportion of the human population. Their aetiology is usually very complex and includes environmental and genetic factors. The nature of these disorders is often multifactorial. Sleep medicine and the field of synthesis of its findings with those of modern or classical genetics still offer quite a huge possibilities of research. However, despite many unresponsed questions, it is now possible to summarise the identified confirmed or suspected genes whose mutations are involved in the causes of these disorders. It is possible to estimate the heritability of certain disorders based on their multiple occurrence in families, presence in twins or prevalence in the population across different ethnics. This bachelor thesis focuses on genetic aspects in the etiology of sleep disorders, their heritability, the strength of the genetic component, and genetic links between some of the disorders.Spánkové poruchy jsou skupinou obtíží postihující nezanedbatelnou část lidské populace. Jejich etiologie je zpravidla velmi komplexní a zahrnuje enviromentální ale i genetické faktory. Většina spánkových poruch je multifaktoriální povahy. Spánková medicína a pole syntézy jejích poznatků s poznatky moderní či klasické genetiky nabízí stále ještě mnoho prostoru k bádání. Navzdory mnoha otazníkům je ale dnes možné shrnout poznatky o identifikovaných potvrzených anebo suspektních genech, jejichž mutace se na projevu těchto poruch podílí. Lze odhadovat heritabilitu konkrétních poruch na jejich vícečetném výskytu v rodinách, přítomnosti u dvojčat nebo rozšířenosti v populaci v závislosti na etnickém původu. Předložená bakalářská práce se věnuje genetickým aspektům v etiologii spánkových poruch, jejich dědičnosti, síle genetické komponenty a genetickým souvislostem mezi některými poruchami.Katedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaDepartment of Anthropology and Human GeneticsFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Marketing research before launching new product
Diplomová práce se zabývá průzkumem preference zákazníků v oblasti Kabelových nosných podpůrných systémů na českém trhu . Šetření vyústí v závěrečná doporučení pro firmu, která hodlá zavést nový výrobek který rozšíří výrobkovou řadu. Teoretická část se zabývá marketingovými nástroji a marketingovým výzkumem.The Thesis deals with customer survey preferences in area of cable management and framing systems in the Czech market. Inquiry will end in recommendations for the company, which intends to launch a new product and widen its line of products. Theoretical part deals with marketing instruments and marketing research
Determination of endocrine disruption potential by early identification of selected substances with health risk, used in consumer products
Substances of natural or synthetic origin, capable of activating or inhibiting the functions of cellular receptors and thus contributing to the modulation of the neuroendocrine system through the pathways of hormonal signaling ("disrupting" the endocrine system) are referred to in the literature as "endocrine disruptors" (ED). Endocrine disruption as a form of mild systemic toxicity of chemicals and their mixtures is intensively addressed at both scientific and legislative levels. In 2018, progress has been made towards the introduction of a comprehensive European Union legislative framework for ED when a consensus was reached on the scientific criteria for their assessment and identification. ED research is supported by the European Union as a significant task of preventive medicine. Under the various Framework Programs for Research and Innovation, the EU has provided funding to dozens of projects and has supported projects under Horizon 2020 to develop appropriate methods for testing ED. The legislation on e.g. pesticides and biocides, chemicals (REACH), medical devices, cosmetics, food contact materials, water, toys, and workplace protection has been updated. Due to legislative developments, new intervention or preventive measures aimed at consumer protection can be expected, especially for...Látky přírodního nebo syntetického původu, schopné aktivovat nebo inhibovat funkce buněčných receptorů a tak přispívat k modulaci neuroendokrinního systému skrze dráhy hormonální signalizace (narušovat, "disruptovat" endokrinní systém), jsou v odborné literatuře nazývány "endokrinní disruptory" (ED). Endokrinní disrupce jako forma mírné systémové toxicity chemických látek a jejich směsí je intenzivně řešena na vědecké i legislativní úrovni. V roce 2018 bylo dosaženo pokroku ve vytváření uceleného legislativního rámce Evropské unie pro ED, když se podařilo dosáhnout konsensu ohledně vědeckých kritérií pro jejich posuzování a identifikaci. Evropská unie výzkum ED podporuje jako významný úkol preventivní medicíny. V rámci různých rámcových programů pro výzkum a inovace poskytla EU financování desítkám projektů a v rámci programu Horizont 2020 podpořila projekty týkající se vývoje metod vhodných pro testování ED. Do právních předpisů např. o pesticidech a biocidech, chemických látkách (nařízení REACH), zdravotnických prostředcích, kosmetických přípravcích, materiálech určených pro styk s potravinami, vodě, hračkách, a ochraně zaměstnanců na pracovišti byla ustanovení týkající se ED nově zařazena. Vzhledem k vývoji legislativy je možno očekávat i nová intervenční či preventivní opatření zaměřená na...Mimofakultní pracovištěThird Faculty of Medicine3. lékařská fakult
Project teaching as a way of integration of education contents
The general objective of the thesis is to investigate the possibilities of integration of education contents in project teaching from the theoretic viewpoint as well from the point of the current school practice. The thesis is drawn up as both theoretical and empirical. It processes historical resources and current literature and analyses the present teaching practice on the secondary level of primary schools. The thesis is divided into three basic parts: History of project teaching, present project teaching, and recommendation for didactic transformation of the curriculum. A significant look at project teaching was taken by the Czech theoretical and practical reform pedagogy in the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century. Various approaches to project teaching are described in project typology. In the current theory, project teaching is understood as one of the ways of approaching the goals of contemporary schooling. Project teaching is a suitable didactic means of meaningful integration of education contents. The primary bearer of integration of education contents is a complex problem which is the result of a life situation and which requires natural utilisation of knowledge from various fields. The key to the practical integration of education contents is the creation of a product and the need for its..
Analysis of marketing communication in a chosen company
Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou marketingové komunikace ve vybrané společnosti, se zaměřením na lékárny. Cílem práce je zanalyzovat marketingovou komunikaci vybrané společnosti a na základě výsledků navrhnout inovaci pro využití nástrojů marketingové komunikace pro vybranou společnost. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních částí. První část se zabývá teorií spojené s marketingem a marketingovou komunikací. Druhá část je praktická a ta obsahuje krátké přestavení vybrané společnosti, analýza nástrojů marketingové komunikace společnosti, analýza marketingového prostředí a analýza sociálních médií. Praktická část závisí na dotazníku, podle kterých se uvádějí návrhy na doporučení nástrojů marketingové komunikace pro vybranou společnost.ObhájenoThe thesis deals with the analysis of marketing communication in a chosen company focusing on pharmacy. The aim of this work is to analyse the marketing communication in a chosen company and based on the results to propose and innovation for the use of marketing communication tools for a chosen company. The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part deals with the theory associated with marketing and marketing communication. The second part is practical and contains a brief introduction of the chosen company, analysis of the company's marketing communication tools, analysis of the marketing environment and analysis of social media. The practical part depends on the questionnaire, according to which suggestions for recommendations of marketing tools for the chosen company are given
The effects of a hydrogen sulfide donor and garlic derivatives on the meiotic maturation and aging of porcine oocytes
Oocyte meiotic maturation is a process of a transformation of the oocyte at the germinal vesicle stage to the oocyte at the stage of second meiotic metaphase. The process called oocyte aging occurs when oocytes are exposed after the completion of meiotic maturation to the prolonged cultivation. This process is characterized by a decrease in oocyte quality. The addition of suitable compounds into the cultivation medium could improve the quality of maturing and aging oocytes. Hydrogen sulfide is a gaseous molecule that is endogenously produced and fulfills signal function in organisms. Alliin and S-allyl cysteine are garlic derivatives that exhibit many positive effects on organisms. Many of them are mediated by their ability of releasing hydrogen sulfide.
We hypothesize that the quality of oocytes in the in vitro cultivation system can be improved by the addition of the hydrogen sulfide donor and garlic derivatives into the cultivation medium. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of hydrogen sulfide and garlic derivatives on the meiotic maturation of oocytes, the effects of hydrogen sulfide on oocyte aging and the effects of cultivation with hydrogen sulfide and garlic derivatives on early embryonic development.
It was found out that hydrogen sulfide donor accelerates oocyte nuclear maturation and causes an earlier increase of MPF and MAPK activities. Hydrogen sulfide donor improves activating potential of oocytes. It was found out that endogenous hydrogen sulfide production occurs during aging of procine oocytes and that the hydrogen sulfide production decreases after first 24 hours of prolonged cultivation. The inhibitors of hydrogen sulfide releasing enzymes impaired the quality of aged oocytes. Hydrogen sulfide donor completely suppressed fragmentation of oocytes exposed to prolonged cultivation and improved the quality of aged oocytes treated simultaneously with the inhibitors of hydrogen sulfide releasing enzymes. The presence of hydrogen sulfide donor during the prolonged cultivation of oocytes improved early embryonic development after parthenogenetic activation. It was found out that whereas alliin disrupts meiotic maturation of oocytes, S-allyl cystein has not influenced this process. S-allyl cysteine accelerated the onset of embryo cleavage and reduced ROS levels in maturing and parthenogenetically activated oocytes
Analysis of anthropogenic analogues in terms of a geological repository development in the Czech Republic based geotechnical modelling
Import 27/11/2009Prezenční224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvíNeuveden
Family house
This bachelor's thesis deals with the design of a new family house. The content is the project documentation for construction work. The building is located in the cadastral area of Drnovice u Vyškova on a flat plot. The family house is designed for fiving of four to five persons. It is a two-storey building, the second floor of which forms the quiet zone of the house. The building is designed as a detached house with a residential attic in 2 NP. It is a brick building of the Porotherm system. It will be roofed with a saddle roof with a 30° inclination with a ceramic folded cover
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