276 research outputs found

    Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars

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    Book Review: Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars by Mitch Meyerson

    What Influences Farmers to Use Farm Safety and Health Information?

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    Farm safety and health outreach professionals can more effectively develop, design, package, and deliver pertinent educational messages if they understand farmers\u27 preferences regarding how such messages are presented. Farmers were surveyed about what influences their use of safety and health educational resources. Responses indicated farmers\u27 preferences and perceptions related to wording, images, elements that encourage or discourage use of materials, and lengths of resources. Among the significant results were findings that images reflective of farm operations similar to their own and nontechnical terminology would increase farmers\u27 use of resources. Results provide Extension educators with research-based data that can guide their preparation of impactful farm safety and health materials

    Temporal variations in phytoplankton composition in the northeastern Sea of Marmara: potentially toxic species and mucilage event

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    Temporal variations in phytoplankton composition in the northeastern Sea of Marmara was investigated associated with physico-chemical variables from January 2004 to December 2007. The occurrence of potentially toxic species and a mucilage event was also evaluated during this study period. The confined upper layer of the Sea of Marmara is mesotrophic to eutrophic and has higher productivity when compared to the neighbouring Black Sea and Aegean Sea. 132 taxa in the micro-phytoplankton community were identified, 11 of which are known to be potentially toxic. The most abundant species were Pseudo-nitzschia species from diatoms and Prorocentrum micans from dinoflagellates. Potentially toxic species were more common at the coastal stations. The onset of a mucilage formation was observed in October 2007, and well-known mucilage producers such as Gonyaulax hyalina (reported as G. fragilis) and Thalassiosira gravida (reported as T. rotula) dominated the phytoplankton community during this event. A marked decrease in the number of species and diversity index following June 2007 and reported shifts in the zooplankton community during the same period points to probable cascading effects in the pelagic ecosystem of the Sea of Marmara


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    The article discusses the significance of cultivating amaranthus, also known as amaranth, in the Nukus region of Uzbekistan. The authos highlight the crop's nutritional value, drought resistance, and environmental benefits. They also mention the potential economic benefits and the preservation of traditional knowledge and cultural diversity that can come from growing amaranthus in the region. Overall, the article argues for the promotion of amaranthus cultivation in Nukus to address food insecurity, water scarcity, and other challenges faced by the region

    Usability Testing and Evaluation of Texas Tech Sorghum Research Initiative Website

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    Usability encompasses how easy something is to use. Usability testing is an integral part of user-centered design. The tests may be performed in a variety of ways including using a usability laboratory, a mixed-method data collection approach, and testing representative and non-representative users. Conducting usability tests on websites allows the site’s developers to observe users’ interaction with the site. If a website is not usable, users will go somewhere else to find the information they are looking for and the purpose of the site is lost when this happens. The efficiency, error, learnability, and satisfaction of a representative and non-representative user groups were measured during a usability test of the Texas Tech SRI site that employed mixed-method data collection. The users were given a series of tasks to perform that related to the site’s navigational scheme, layout, and content. The representative and non-representative groups efficiently navigated the site and were able to repeatedly utilize the site’s functions. However, it was concluded that the representative user group committed less errors during their interaction with the site and that their overall satisfaction with the site was higher than the non-representative user group. Representative user groups may find a higher satisfaction level in this website than non-representative groups


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    Bu maqolada amarant dorivor o'simligi, Qoraqalpog'istonning quruq va issiq iqlimi uchun mos o'simlik sifatida ko'rsatiladi. Amarant o'simligi yillik o'simlik bo'lib, 1-2 metr balandlikda bo'ladi. Qoraqalpog'iston sharoitida amarant o'simligini yetishtirish uchun bir nechta texnologiyalar mavjud. Ular orasida suvli ekish, qayta ekish, kasalliklarga qarshi kurash va zararkunandalar bilan kurash kabilar shular orasiga kiradi. Bu texnologiyalar amarant o'simligini yuqori darajada quruqlik va zararkunandalar bilan kurashga qarshi kuchli qiladi va amarant o'simligining muvaffaqiyatli va sifatli yetishtirilishini ta'minlaydi

    Pigment Analysis of Chloroplast Pigment-Protein Complexes in Wheat

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    Gene-delivered butyrylcholinesterase is prophylactic against the toxicity of chemical warfare nerve agents and organophosphorous

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    ABSTRACT Gene delivery using an adenoviral system has been effective in introducing therapeutic proteins in vitro and in vivo. This study tested the feasibility of using adenovirus to deliver clinically relevant amounts of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), a proven bioscavenger of nerve agents. The adenovirus construct expressed full-length mouse BChE. Mice were injected with a single dose of adenovirus (1.5 Ï« 10 10 infectious units) in the tail vein; plasma was collected through day 11 and assayed for BChE activity. Maximum activity, representing a 300-to 3400-fold increase over baseline, was found on day 4. Expression levels returned to baseline by day 10. Nondenaturing gel electrophoresis showed the recombinant BChE was a dimer that could be converted to tetramers by addition of polyproline. The toxic compounds chosen for protection studies were positively charged organophosphorus agents, echothiophate, and O-ethyl-S-2-N,N-diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonothiolate (VX). Mice containing elevated blood levels of BChE (300-to 3,000-fold over the control mice) were challenged with incremental doses of echothiophate or VX. Mice showed no signs of toxicity and were protected from up to 30Ï« LD 50 dose of echothiophate and 5Ï« LD 50 dose of VX. A good correlation was observed between tolerated echothiophate dose and plasma BChE levels at time of challenge. The absolute increases in levels of circulating BChE and the sustained nature of the response resulted in a very high enzyme concentration, deemed critical in acute toxicity (5Ï« LD 50 or more) scenarios. These results suggest that gene-delivered BChE is a prophylactic and affords protection equivalent to that of a multimilligram injection of the same

    A self-compartmentalizing hexamer serine protease from Pyrococcus Horikoshii: Substrate selection achieved through multimerization

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    Oligopeptidases impose a size limitation on their substrates, the mechanism of which has long been in debate. Here we present the structure of a hexameric serine protease, an oligopeptidase from Pyrococcus horikoshii (PhAAP), revealing a complex, self-compartmentalized inner space, where substrates may access the monomer active sites passing through a double-gated "check-in" system: first passing through a pore on the hexamer surface, then turning to enter through an even smaller opening at the monomers' domain-interface. This substrate screening strategy is unique within the family. We found that among oligopeptidases a member of catalytic apparatus is positioned near an amylogenic beta-edge, which needs to be protected to prevent aggregation and found different strategies applied to such end. We propose that self-assembly within the family results in characteristically different substrate selection mechanisms coupled to different multimerization states

    Genome-Wide Gene Expression Analysis in Response to Organophosphorus Pesticide Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon in C. elegans

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    Organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) were originally designed to affect the nervous system by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, an important regulator of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Over the past years evidence is mounting that these compounds affect many other processes. Little is known, however, about gene expression responses against OPs in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This is surprising because C. elegans is extensively used as a model species in toxicity studies. To address this question we performed a microarray study in C. elegans which was exposed for 72 hrs to two widely used Ops, chlorpyrifos and diazinon, and a low dose mixture of these two compounds. Our analysis revealed transcriptional responses related to detoxification, stress, innate immunity, and transport and metabolism of lipids in all treatments. We found that for both compounds as well as in the mixture, these processes were regulated by different gene transcripts. Our results illustrate intense, and unexpected crosstalk between gene pathways in response to chlorpyrifos and diazinon in C. elegans
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