795 research outputs found

    Esophageal Carcinoma Histology Affects Perioperative Morbidity Following Open Esophagogastrectomy

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    Background. Esophagectomy for esophageal cancer is being practiced routinely with favorable results at many centers. We sought to determine if tumor histology is a powerful surrogate marker for perioperative morbidity. Methods. Seventy three consecutive patients managed operatively were reviewed from our prospectively maintained database. Results. Adenocarcinoma (AC) was present in 52 (71%) and squamous cell (SCC) in 21 (29%). The use of neoadjuvant therapy was similar for the AC (34.62%) and SCC (42.86%) groups. The SCC group had a higher incidence of prior pulmonary disease than the AC group (23.8% versus 5.8%, resp.; P = .03). SCC patients were more likely to have a prolonged ICU stay than AC patients (P = .004) despite similar complication rates, EBL, and prognostic nutritional index. The SCC group did, however, experience higher grades of complications (P = .0053). Conclusions. Presence of SCC was the single best predictor of prolonged ICU stay and more severe complications as defined by this study. Only a past history of pulmonary disease was different between the two histologic subgroups

    Simulations of in situ X-ray diffraction from uniaxially compressed highly textured polycrystalline targets

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    A growing number of shock compression experiments, especially those involving laser compression, are taking advantage of in situ x-ray diffraction as a tool to interrogate structure and microstructure evolution. Although these experiments are becoming increasingly sophisticated, there has been little work on exploiting the textured nature of polycrystalline targets to gain information on sample response. Here, we describe how to generate simulated x-ray diffraction patterns from materials with an arbitrary texture function subject to a general deformation gradient. We will present simulations of Debye-Scherrer x-ray diffraction from highly textured polycrystalline targets that have been subjected to uniaxial compression, as may occur under planar shock conditions. In particular, we study samples with a fibre texture, and find that the azimuthal dependence of the diffraction patterns contains information that, in principle, affords discrimination between a number of similar shock-deformation mechanisms. For certain cases we compare our method with results obtained by taking the Fourier Transform of the atomic positions calculated by classical molecular dynamics simulations. Illustrative results are presented for the shock-induced α\alpha-Ï”\epsilon phase transition in iron, the α\alpha-ω\omega transition in titanium and deformation due to twinning in tantalum that is initially preferentially textured along [001] and [011]. The simulations are relevant to experiments that can now be performed using 4th generation light sources, where single-shot x-ray diffraction patterns from crystals compressed via laser-ablation can be obtained on timescales shorter than a phonon period

    Local helioseismology of sunspot regions: comparison of ring-diagram and time-distance results

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    Local helioseismology provides unique information about the subsurface structure and dynamics of sunspots and active regions. However, because of complexity of sunspot regions local helioseismology diagnostics require careful analysis of systematic uncertainties and physical interpretation of the inversion results. We present new results of comparison of the ring-diagram analysis and time-distance helioseismology for active region NOAA 9787, for which a previous comparison showed significant differences in the subsurface sound-speed structure, and discuss systematic uncertainties of the measurements and inversions. Our results show that both the ring-diagram and time-distance techniques give qualitatively similar results, revealing a characteristic two-layer seismic sound-speed structure consistent with the results for other active regions. However, a quantitative comparison of the inversion results is not straightforward. It must take into account differences in the sensitivity, spatial resolution and the averaging kernels. In particular, because of the acoustic power suppression, the contribution of the sunspot seismic structure to the ring-diagram signal can be substantially reduced. We show that taking into account this effect reduces the difference in the depth of transition between the negative and positive sound-speed variations inferred by these methods. Further detailed analysis of the sensitivity, resolution and averaging properties of the local helioseismology methods is necessary for consolidation of the inversion results. It seems to be important that both methods indicate that the seismic structure of sunspots is rather deep and extends to at least 20 Mm below the surface, putting constraints on theoretical models of sunspots.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) GONG 2010 - SoHO 24 "A new era of seismology of the Sun and solar-like stars", June 27 - July 2, 2010 Aix-en-Provence, Franc

    Defining the cognitive phenotype of autism

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    Although much progress has been made in determining the cognitive profile of strengths and weaknesses that characterise individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), there remain a number of outstanding questions. These include how universal strengths and deficits are; whether cognitive subgroups exist; and how cognition is associated with core autistic behaviours, as well as associated psychopathology. Several methodological factors have contributed to these limitations in our knowledge, including: small sample sizes, a focus on single domains of cognition, and an absence of comprehensive behavioural phenotypic information. To attempt to overcome some of these limitations, we assessed a wide range of cognitive domains in a large sample (N = 100) of 14- to 16-year-old adolescents with ASDs who had been rigorously behaviourally characterised. In this review, we will use examples of some initial findings in the domains of perceptual processing, emotion processing and memory, both to outline different approaches we have taken to data analysis and to highlight the considerable challenges to better defining the cognitive phenotype(s) of ASDs. Enhanced knowledge of the cognitive phenotype may contribute to our understanding of the complex links between genes, brain and behaviour, as well as inform approaches to remediation

    Deliberating performance targets workshop: Potential paths for emerging PM2.5 and O3 air sensor progress

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    The United States Environmental Protection Agency held an international two-day workshop in June 2018 to deliberate possible performance targets for non-regulatory fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) air sensors. The need for a workshop arose from the lack of any market-wide manufacturer requirement for documented sensor performance evaluations, the lack of any independent third party or government-based sensor performance certification program, and uncertainty among all users as to the general usability of air sensor data. A multi-sector subject matter expert panel was assembled to facilitate an open discussion on these issues with multiple stakeholders. This summary provides an overview of the workshop purpose, key findings from the deliberations, and considerations for future actions specific to sensors. Important findings concerning PM2.5 and O3 sensors included the lack of consistent performance indicators and statistical metrics as well as highly variable data quality requirements depending on the intended use. While the workshop did not attempt to yield consensus on any topic, a key message was that a number of possible future actions would be beneficial to all stakeholders regarding sensor technologies. These included documentation of best practices, sharing quality assurance results along with sensor data, and the development of a common performance target lexicon, performance targets, and test protocols. Keywords: Low-cost air quality sensors, Performance targets, PM2.5, Ozon

    Modeling the Subsurface Structure of Sunspots

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    While sunspots are easily observed at the solar surface, determining their subsurface structure is not trivial. There are two main hypotheses for the subsurface structure of sunspots: the monolithic model and the cluster model. Local helioseismology is the only means by which we can investigate subphotospheric structure. However, as current linear inversion techniques do not yet allow helioseismology to probe the internal structure with sufficient confidence to distinguish between the monolith and cluster models, the development of physically realistic sunspot models are a priority for helioseismologists. This is because they are not only important indicators of the variety of physical effects that may influence helioseismic inferences in active regions, but they also enable detailed assessments of the validity of helioseismic interpretations through numerical forward modeling. In this paper, we provide a critical review of the existing sunspot models and an overview of numerical methods employed to model wave propagation through model sunspots. We then carry out an helioseismic analysis of the sunspot in Active Region 9787 and address the serious inconsistencies uncovered by \citeauthor{gizonetal2009}~(\citeyear{gizonetal2009,gizonetal2009a}). We find that this sunspot is most probably associated with a shallow, positive wave-speed perturbation (unlike the traditional two-layer model) and that travel-time measurements are consistent with a horizontal outflow in the surrounding moat.Comment: 73 pages, 19 figures, accepted by Solar Physic

    Asteroseismology of Procyon with SOPHIE

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    This paper reports a 9-night asteroseismic observation program conducted in January 2007 with the new spectrometer Sophie at the OHP 193-cm telescope, on the F5 IV-V target Procyon A. This first asteroseismic program with Sophie was intended to test the performance of the instrument with a bright but demanding asteroseismic target and was part of a multisite network. The Sophie spectra have been reduced with the data reduction software provided by OHP. The Procyon asteroseismic data were then analyzed with statistical tools. The asymptotic analysis has been conducted considering possible curvature in the echelle diagram analysis. These observations have proven the efficient performance of Sophie used as an asteroseismometer, and succeed in a clear detection of the large spacing. An \'echelle diagram based on the 54-Ό\muHz spacing shows clear ridges. Identification of the peaks exhibits large spacings varying from about 52 Ό\muHz to 56 Ό\muHz.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Advances in Global and Local Helioseismology: an Introductory Review

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    Helioseismology studies the structure and dynamics of the Sun's interior by observing oscillations on the surface. These studies provide information about the physical processes that control the evolution and magnetic activity of the Sun. In recent years, helioseismology has made substantial progress towards the understanding of the physics of solar oscillations and the physical processes inside the Sun, thanks to observational, theoretical and modeling efforts. In addition to the global seismology of the Sun based on measurements of global oscillation modes, a new field of local helioseismology, which studies oscillation travel times and local frequency shifts, has been developed. It is capable of providing 3D images of the subsurface structures and flows. The basic principles, recent advances and perspectives of global and local helioseismology are reviewed in this article.Comment: 86 pages, 46 figures; "Pulsation of the Sun and Stars", Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 832, Rozelot, Jean-Pierre; Neiner, Coralie (Eds.), 201
