120 research outputs found

    Estudo preliminar sobre o comportamento de 21 cultivares de feijão-mungo em Itaguaí, RJ

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    Twenty-one cultivars of mung bean, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, originated from Taiwan, were studied at the experimental station - UAPNP Biologia do Solo/EMBRAPA, Seropédica, ltaguaí, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, in a Red-yellow Podzolic Soil, ltaguaí serie, in the dry season. Cultivars grain yields were influenced directly by nodulation, total plant N and, principally, by seed number per pod. Cultivars V 3476 (Philippines), CV 2764A, VC 2755A, and VC 1000C (Taiwan) yielded more than 1,700 kg/ha and presented better agronomical characteristics than the other cultivars. The majority of the cultivars showed erect growth habit, good plant height, good nodulation, and uniform plant maturity. They showed possibility of two pod harvesting for grain production.No campo experimental da UAPNP Biologia do Solo/EMBRAPA Seropédica, Itaguaí, RJ, estudaram-se 21 cultivares de feijão-mungo, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, oriundas de Taiwan, em solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo da série ltaguaí, no plantio da época da seca. As produções de grãos das cultivares foram influenciadas diretamente pela nodulação, N total das plantas e, principalmente, pelo número de sementes por vagem. As cultivares V 3476 (Filipinas), VC 2764A, VC 2755A e VC 1000C (Taiwan) produziram acima de 1.700kg de grãos/ha e apresentaram características agronômicas desejáveis superiores às das demais cultivares. A maioria das cultivares apresentou porte ereto, boa altura das plantas, boa nodulação e maturação das vagens bastante uniforme, possibilitando apenas duas colheitas de vagens para produção de grãos

    Formación de contadores públicos en Colombia: Una revisión de contenido y contexto

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    This paper presents the research results about the way that public accounting programs in Colombia elaborate the basic views that frame and indict their training proposals. The paper reviews the differences between the object of academic programs (object of study) and the object of disciplinary knowledge as starting points of the analysis, then describes the procedure and research methodological considerations and then presented as a result, the relationship between the academic discourse and training proposals through an analysis of peculiarities in the programs studied. The paper ends with the main conclusions of the study and its utility for the creation of training proposals.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación referida a la manera en que los programas de Contaduría Pública en Colombia construyen los referentes básicos que enmarcan y encausan sus propuestas formativas. Inicia presentando la diferenciación entre el objeto de estudio y el objeto de conocimiento como punto de partida del análisis; luego, describe el proceder y consideraciones metodológicas de la investigación, y seguidamente presenta como resultado las relaciones entre el discurso académico y las propuestas formativas a través de un análisis de particularidades en los programas considerados. El artículo finaliza con las principales conclusiones del estudio y su utilidad para la conformación de propuestas formativas

    Influência da calagem e micronutrientes na nodulação da soja por Rhizobium japonicum em solos ácidos

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    Three experiments were performed in field conditions and in the glasshouse. Four different levels of lime and micronutrients were applied and the effect of inoculation with various strains of R. japonicum on the yield and symbiotic performance of soybean was studied. In the first experiment the Rhizobium inoculant used was prepared from a suspension of macerated nodules. In the other two experiments various inoculants were used. The effect of the higher rates of lime addition (4 and 6 t/ha) was to reduce dry weight of nodules, but did not affect plant dry weight and total plant nitrogen. The results show that an addition of 4 t/ha of lime is sufficient for maximum yield in the experimental conditions. There was a significant positive effect of zinc additions. An application of 50 kg FTE Br 12 supplied sufficient of this element. The different inoculants prepared, showed the same efficiency in the field conditions.Em três experimentos conduzidos em campo e em casa de vegetação, foram avaliados os efeitos de quatro níveis de calcário e diferentes estirpes de Rhizobium japonicum no rendimento de grãos e simbiose da soja. No primeiro experimento foi utilizado inoculante preparado a partir de suspensão de nódulos macerados e nos demais, vários inoculantes. Nos níveis mais elevados de calcário (4 e 6 t/ha), houve uma redução no peso seco de nódulos sem influenciar o peso seco da parte aérea e nitrogênio total acumulado nas plantas até o enchimento de grão. Os resultados demonstram ter sido suficiente a utilização de 4 t/ha de calcário, em termos de produção de grãos, para as condições experimentais. Houve efeito do zinco na nodulação e produção de grãos, sendo que o uso de 50 kg/ha de FTE Br-12 supriu plenamente a necessidade deste elemento. Os diferentes inoculantes utilizados apresentaram a mesma eficiência em campo

    The Origin of The Acheulean: The 1.7 Million-Year-Old Site of FLK West, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)

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    The appearance of the acheulean is one of the hallmarks of human evolution. It represents the emergence of a complex behavior, expressed in the recurrent manufacture of large-sized tools, with standardized forms, implying more advance forethought and planning by hominins than those required by the precedent Oldowan technology. The earliest known evidence of this technology dates back to c. 1.7 Ma. and is limited to two sites (Kokiselei [Kenya] and Konso [Ethiopia]), both of which lack functionally-associated fauna. The functionality of these earliest Acheulean assemblages remains unknown. Here we present the discovery of another early Acheulean site also dating to c. 1.7 Ma from Olduvai Gorge. This site provides evidence of the earliest steps in developing the Acheulean technology and is the oldest acheulean site in which stone tools occur spatially and functionally associated with the exploitation of fauna. Simple and elaborate large-cutting tools (LCT) and bifacial handaxes co-exist at FLK West, showing that complex cognition was present from the earliest stages of the acheulean. Here we provide a detailed technological study and evidence of the use of these tools on the butchery and consumption of fauna, probably by early Homo erectus sensu lato

    Bivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of pediatric musculoskeletal traits reveals pleiotropic effects at the SREBF1/TOM1L2 locus

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    Bone mineral density is known to be a heritable, polygenic trait whereas genetic variants contributing to lean mass variation remain largely unknown. We estimated the shared SNP heritability and performed a bivariate GWAS meta-analysis of total-body lean mass (TB-LM) and total-body less head bone mineral density (TBLH-BMD) regions in 10,414 children. The estimated SNP heritability is 43% for TBLH-BMD, and 39% for TB-LM, with a shared genetic component of 43%. We identify variants with pleiotropic effects in eight loci, including seven established bone mineral density loci: _WNT4, GALNT3, MEPE, CPED1/WNT16, TNFSF11, RIN3, and PPP6R3/LRP5_. Variants in the _TOM1L2/SREBF1_ locus exert opposing effects TB-LM and TBLH-BMD, and have a stronger association with the former trait. We show that _SREBF1_ is expressed in murine and human osteoblasts, as well as in human muscle tissue. This is the first bivariate GWAS meta-analysis to demonstrate genetic factors with pleiotropic effects on bone mineral density and lean mass

    The diversity of population responses to environmental change

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    This is the final version. Available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: https:// doi.org/10.5061/dryad.d5f54s7The current extinction and climate change crises pressure us to predict population dynamics with ever-greater accuracy. Although predictions rest on the well-advanced theory of age-structured populations, two key issues remain poorly explored. Specifically, how the age-dependency in demographic rates and the year-to-year interactions between survival and fecundity affect stochastic population growth rates. We use inference, simulations and mathematical derivations to explore how environmental perturbations determine population growth rates for populations with different age-specific demographic rates and when ages are reduced to stages. We find that stage- vs. age-based models can produce markedly divergent stochastic population growth rates. The differences are most pronounced when there are survival-fecundity-trade-offs, which reduce the variance in the population growth rate. Finally, the expected value and variance of the stochastic growth rates of populations with different age-specific demographic rates can diverge to the extent that, while some populations may thrive, others will inevitably go extinct.Max Planck Society, Marie Curie FellowshipERCGerman Research FoundationSwiss National Science FoundationNational Science FoundationNational Institute of AgingRamon y Cajal Research GrantWenner-Gren FoundationLeakey FoundationNational Geographic SocietyZoological Society of San DiegoUniversity of PennsylvaniaArgentinean National Council of Researc

    Bivariate genome-wide association meta-analysis of pediatric musculoskeletal traits reveals pleiotropic effects at the SREBF1/TOM1L2 locus

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    Bone mineral density is known to be a heritable, polygenic trait whereas genetic variants contributing to lean mass variation remain largely unknown. We estimated the shared SNP heritability and performed a bivariate GWAS meta-analysis of total-body lean mass (TB-LM) and total-body less head bone mineral density (TBLH-BMD) regions in 10,414 children. The estimated SNP heritability is 43% for TBLH-BMD, and 39% for TB-LM, with a shared genetic component of 43%. We identify variants with pleiotropic effects in eight loci, including seven established bone mineral density loci: _WNT4, GALNT3, MEPE, CPED1/WNT16, TNFSF11, RIN3, and PPP6R3/LRP5_. Variants in the _TOM1L2/SREBF1_ locus exert opposing effects TB-LM and TBLH-BMD, and have a stronger association with the former trait. We show that _SREBF1_ is expressed in murine and human osteoblasts, as well as in human muscle tissue. This is the first bivariate GWAS meta-analysis to demonstrate genetic factors with pleiotropic effects on bone mineral density and lean mass