14 research outputs found

    Lithostratigraphy, sedimentation and evolution of the Volta Basin in Ghana

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    We present a revised lithostratigraphy for the Voltaian Supergroup of Ghana, based on a review of existing literature, interpretations of remotely sensed data and reconnaissance field survey of the Volta Basin. These strata thicken eastwards, to a maximum of between 5 and 6 km adjacent to the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen. They began to accumulate some time after about 1000 Ma, along the margin of an epicontinental sea. Initial sedimentation, comprising the age-equivalent Kwahu and Bombouaka Groups, shows a cyclical mode of deposition controlled by eustatic changes in sea-level that produced a range of nearshore marine, littoral and terrestrial environments. A major erosional interval was followed by deposition of the 3–4 km thick Oti-Pendjari Group. Basal tillites and associated sandy diamictons are correlated with the Marinoan (end-Cryogenian) glaciation, indicating a maximum depositional age of about 635 Ma. The overlying cap carbonates and tuffs were deposited within a shallow epeiric sea bordered by a volcanically active rift system. The main part of the group records the transition from a rifted passive margin to a fully developed foreland basin receiving marine flysch in the form of argillaceous strata interbedded with highly immature wacke-type sandstones and conglomerates. Maximum accommodation space was developed within a foredeep adjacent to the Dahomeyide belt. Towards the end of the orogenic phase, the foredeep succession became partially inverted and then was buried under coarse terrestrial, red-bed molasse of the Obosum Group

    Kafirin structure and functionality

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    The structural and functional properties of kafirins are reviewed. Three classes of kafirin: the a, Ăź and ? forms have been identified at the protein level and one, the d, has been identified only at the gene and transcript levels. All forms show high homology with the equivalent zein proteins. By analogy with the zeins it is believed that the a-kafirins probably have an extended hairpin structure in solution, comprising elements of a-helix, Ăź-sheet and turns folded back on itself. Kafirins are the most hydrophobic of the prolamins as shown by their solubility, and calculated hydration free energies. The proteins exhibit extensive cross-linking by disulphide bonds and on cooking form indigestible aggregates which are not solubilised by reduction of disulphide bonds. In spite of continuing studies, the reasons for the low digestibility of the protein remain uncertain and there may be several factors involved. Other research has shown that kafirins may have non-food uses and may be used to form films

    COmmuNity-engaged SimULation Training for Blood Pressure Control (CONSULT-BP): A study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals have negative implicit biases toward minority and poor patients. Few communication skills interventions target implicit bias as a factor contributing to disparities in health outcomes. We report the protocol from the COmmuNity-engaged SimULation Training for Blood Pressure Control (CONSULT-BP), a trial evaluating a novel educational and training intervention targeting graduate medical and nursing trainees that is designed to mitigate the effects of implicit bias in clinical encounters. The CONSULT-BP intervention combines knowledge acquisition, bias awareness, and practice of bias mitigating skills in simulation-based communication encounters with racially/ethnically diverse standardized patients. The trial evaluates the effect of this 3-part program on patient BP outcomes, self-reported patient medication adherence, patient-reported quality of provider communication, and trainee bias awareness. METHODS: We are conducting a cluster randomized trial of the intervention among cohorts of internal medicine (IM), family medicine (FM), and nurse practitioner (NP) trainees at a single academic medical center. We are enrolling entire specialty cohorts of IM, FM, and NP trainees over a 3-year period, with each academic year constituting an intervention cycle. There are 3 cycles of implementation corresponding to 3 sequential academic years. Within each academic year, we randomize training times to 1 of 5 start dates using a stepped wedge design. The stepped wedge design compares outcomes within training clusters before and after the intervention, as well as across exposed and unexposed clusters. Primary outcome of blood pressure control is measured at the patient-level for patients clustered within trainees. Eligible patients for outcomes analysis are: English-speaking; non-White racial/ethnic minority; Medicaid recipient (regardless of race/ethnicity); hypertension; not have pregnancy, dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar illness, or other serious comorbidities that would interfere with hypertension self-control; not enrolled in hospice. Secondary outcomes include trainee bias awareness. A unique feature of this trial is the engagement of academic and community stakeholders to design, pilot test and implement a training program addressing healthcare. DISCUSSION: Equipping clinicians with skills to mitigate implicit bias in clinical encounters is crucial to addressing persistent disparities in healthcare outcomes. Our novel, integrated approach may improve patient outcomes. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03375918. PROTOCOL VERSION: 1.0 (November 10, 2020)

    Giovanni Mocenigo , Pietro Duodo , Vincenzo Gradenigo, Giovanni Dolfin. Dispacci, Filza 23.

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    Numérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitutionCopie de M. de Mas-Latrie

    Rotational Diffusion of Macromolecules and Nanoparticles Modeled as Non-Overlapping Bead Arrays in an Effective Medium

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    In this work, the retarding influence of a gel on the rotational motion of a macromolecule is investigated within the framework of the Effective Medium (EM) model. This is an extension of an earlier study that considered the effect of a gel on the translational motion of a macromolecule [Allison, S. et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 5858-5866]. The macromolecule is modeled as an array of non-overlapping spherical beads with no restriction placed on their size or configuration. Specific applications include the rotational motion of right circular cylinders and wormlike chains modeled as strings of identical touching beads. The procedure is then used to examine the electric birefringence decay of a 622 base pair DNA fragment in an agarose gel. At low gel concentration (M ÂŁ 0.010 gm/mL), good agreement between theory and experiment is achieved if the persistence length of DNA is taken to be 65 nm and the gel fiber radius of agarose is taken to be 2.5 nm. At higher gel concentrations, the EM model substantially underestimates the rotational relaxation time of DNA and this can be attributed to the onset of direct interactions that become significant when the effective particle size becomes comparable to the mean gel fiber spacing

    Determination of Formulation and Processing Factors Affecting Slowly Digestible Starch, Protein Digestibility and Antioxidant Capacity of Extruded Sorghum-Maize Composite Flour

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    High-temperature high-pressure extrusion of sorghum–maize composite flour, of potential for healthyfood manufacture, was investigated by factorial experimental design to determine the effect of level of sorghum in dry mix (15–60%); final barrel zone temperature (120–150 °C); total moisture in barrel(21.4–25.8%); total input rate (2.3–6.8 kg h -1); and screw speed (250–450 rpm) on extrudate slowlydigestible starch (SDS), phenolic content, antioxidant capacity, protein digestibility, density and expansion ratio. Extrudate SDS increased with increasing sorghum level and decreased as the barrel temperature increased. Total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity were positively associated with sorghum level. Protein digestibility was associated negatively with sorghum level and positively with barrel temperature. Extrudate density was associated positively with total moisture and negatively with barrel temperature and input rate. Sorghum in dry mix, final barrel zone temperature and total moisture in barrel were the three most significant independent variables influencing extrudate dependant variables